Author's Note: Oh, hey. So, this is just going to be a very short story. It takes place after Dead To You/Life After Death, if you happened to have read those stories. So it's the same Cat & Tori from those stories. Sort of like a companion piece! I thought it'd be fun. Originally it was supposed to just be a really cute road trip story, but it didn't turn out that way at all... whoops! So it's a little different, a little over-the-top in some instances. But hey, I hope you enjoy it anyway! Different is good sometimes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious which I'm slowly coming to terms with. (Shh, I'm leading them into a false sense of security so that they won't expect it when I steal the rights and create a Victorious movie)

I sputter out a cough as the hot, inky smoke fills my lungs and mouth. My eyes water and I nearly double over from the unmistakable pungent scent of something burning. I stumble back and lift up my shirt collar over my face, and thankfully the fact that the material is already damp from my sweat helps. I let out a couple more coughs, cringing at the stack of black smoke in front of me.

"That's… that's more smoke than I was expecting." Cat appears at my side, rubbing my back gently. I let my shirt fall down and wipe my mouth with my arm. Great. Just great. Our car breaking down in the middle of the Arizona desert while we were lost in the first place is exactly what we needed.

"Yeah. But I think I swallowed half of it when I opened the hood, so it could be way worse." I choke. Ugh, my lungs feel gross now.

"You okay?" Cat asks, concerned. I nod slightly, but I don't think my pissed off scowl really convinces her. "Did you see any fire when you looked in? Because if the car is on fire we probably shouldn't be anywhere near it…"

"I didn't see fire, but I think the smoke is clearing anyway." I observe, finally being able to see the engine through the gross fog.

"It's probably okay as long as we don't start it, then." Cat concludes. I throw my hands up in the air.

"Oh perfect! So we're stuck here." I grumble.

"Tori, relax. I'll call a tow truck." Cat assures me. How can she be so calm?

"Hope you can even get a signal out here." I glower, crossing my arms and kicking a nearby rock. "And if not, we can always ask all these cars driving by!" I exclaim sarcastically, gesturing at the clearly very empty road. We hadn't seen another car for miles.

"Tor, just…" Cat sighs, putting her hand on my shoulder. She knows she can usually comfort me just with a touch. I close my eyes and try to let her presence wash over me, but I think the heat from the sun and my frustration from our current situation is a little too overpowering at the moment. "Shit."

"What?" I ask.

"You were right. No signal." Cat frowns, looking at her phone. I groan dramatically, as if throwing a hissy fit in the middle of nowhere will make a difference.

"That's nice. I guess I'll just sit down over on that rock and wait to die. Maybe I'll make a nice meal for a turkey vulture. I'll join the circle of life." I muse. Cat shoots me a glare and I know my pessimism is starting to grate on her nerves.

"I'll go walk around and try to see if I can get a bar or two." She offers, tapping around on her phone.

"And what am I supposed to do?" I mutter. Cat gives me a shrug.

"Maybe find some marshmallows and make some s'mores over our burning car." She suggests, walking away while holding her phone up.

"Hilarious." I throw back at her. I shake my head and walk around the car, leaning against the taillights. I start to feel guilty about my behaviour. I've been feeling irritable all day, but I blame it on the fact that I drove all night. Cat took over in the morning and I got about an hour of shut-eye before a bump in the road woke me up and I saw we were horribly lost. Our car breaking down is just the icing on the cake and as bad as I feel about snapping at Cat, it kind of is her fault for getting us lost.

And damnit, I'm more overheated than our car. I open up the backseat door and grab a water bottle. It's warm, but at least it's water. It doesn't help too much, though. Just more liquid to sweat out.

I look over to make sure Cat isn't being chased by a mountain lion or something. She's standing on the rock I said I was going to go die on, trying to get a signal. I have to hand it to her, she won't let much get her down. I want to die on a rock, she's trying to save us on the rock. I guess this is why I keep her around.

I slump down on the ground and try to huddle in the minimal shade the car provides. About ten minutes later, I hear the crunch of Cat's footsteps against the gravel approaching me.

"Oh ye of little faith." She grins, waving her phone.

"You called a tow truck?" I ask, and she nods.

"They're sending one to, uh, wherever we are." She looks around with a furrowed brow. I stand up, looking at her exasperatedly.

"You didn't give them our location?" I huff, and she shifts slightly.

"Well I don't really know where we are. I told them the highway we were supposed to be on, and the exit we accidentally took… they'll figure it out." She assures me.

"Jesus Christ, Cat." I ruffle my hands through my dry yet frizzy hair. "This wouldn't even be an issue if your navigational skills were a little better."

"Road trips are supposed to be an adventure! What's wrong with getting a little lost from time to time?" Cat reasons, and I gesture incredulously around me.

"Uh, this. This is what's wrong with getting lost."

"I didn't know the car was going to break down, Tori. You can't blame that on me." Cat glares, and I feel what's left of my patience ebbing.

"Well you were the one driving it." I grumble, and her mouth pops open, taking offense.

"Fine. You want to play the blaming game? The only reason we're on this road trip is because you hate flying!" Cat shouts, her patience with me also clearly dissolved along with any water in this heat.

"Excuse me, I was almost in a plane accident. Or did you forget?" I scoff, and Cat looks away, crossing her arms.

"I'd never forget that." She mumbles. For a moment, I feel guilty bringing it up as the image of her devastated face when she once thought I was dead crosses my mind. She really loves me. But I'm just on a rampage. I probably have heat stroke.

"Good. Because I thought this would be a nice alternative. Usually we have to rush to LA but this time, we had some warning and I thought, hey. Let's have a road trip. Spend some time together. Obviously that was a bad decision." I growl.

"It'd be more enjoyable if you weren't such a sourpuss." Cat retorts, and I feel my blood boil.

"We are stranded in the desert! And help may or may not be coming! The road trip was pretty fun until you screwed everything up!" I exclaim.

"Oh my god. Fine. I'm sorry I took a wrong turn. Holy fuck, Tori." Cat huffs, walking around to the other side of the car. She leans against the side and I watch her bow her head as she hugs herself, and my anger dissipates. I know I'm being irrational, and I'm not being fair to Cat at all. Damnit.

"Cat, I-" I start walking around to the side she's leaning against. I notice she's twisting her promise ring around her finger. She's probably trying to figure out if I'm worth it. "You're right. I'm being a sourpuss."

"At least you admit it." Cat mumbles. I approach her slowly, but she doesn't look up at me.

"I'm sorry I've been short with you. I just… I'm tired, and sweaty, and worried, and – and that's still no excuse to treat you like shit. I'm sorry." I sigh, chancing putting my hand on her shoulder. Thankfully, she doesn't pull away. "Look, when the tow truck comes, I'll totally understand if you want to leave me here for the turkey vultures."

She looks up at me now, a slight smile tugging at her lips. "But then the vultures might take a while and you'd harp on their lack of navigational skills. How could I do that to those innocent birds?"

I let out a sigh, smiling in spite of myself. "Are you done?"

"Nah, I think I'm owed at least two or three more jabs at you." Cat grins, turning to me. I roll my eyes, but thankfully my irritability is kept at bay.

"Okay, okay. Whatever you want, sunshine." I chuckle. Cat puts her hands on my hips and pushes up closer to me.

"I am sorry, though. For getting us lost and stranded." Cat mutters, looking guilty. I push back her sweaty bangs and marvel at the fact that she can be so dusty and grimy yet still so beautiful.

"Hey, like you said, it's an adventure." I murmur. "Although next time, maybe we should choose some more romantic stops along the way. The World's Largest Beagle was cute and all, but an observatory or something would've been nice too."

"Aww, but Benji would've loved the giant beagle." Cat jokes.

"Well unfortunately he's still a little skittish for road trips so he has to stay with his uncle and auntie, my music producers." I smirk. Cat wraps her arms around my neck.

"So this trip hasn't been romantic enough for you?" She purrs.

"I-I mean I love spending time with you in any form but, you know…" I mumble, noticing how pressed up against each other we are. The thing about driving all day and night is that it doesn't leave much time for sex.

"Well we're out here in the middle of nowhere, anyway…" Cat coos, and I shudder when she starts nipping at my earlobe. "We can make the best out of a bad situation… get that romance you've been craving…"

"Cat… I, uh… don't get me wrong, but it's already really hot out here." I croak as she squeezes my sides.

"I can make it hotter, if you'd like." She husks. I close my eyes and swallow hard, almost giving in.

"But the tow truck could show up any time." I try to rationalize.

"Then lucky them for getting a little show." Cat chuckles, capturing my lips in hers. Okay. Okay, she's worth the dehydration I'll probably get from doing this.

I pop open the back seat door and lay her down, kissing her neck. I should probably be surprised that we seamlessly went from fighting to dry humping in the back seat of the car, but I'm really not. That's just us. It's part of what I love about us.

Unfortunately, we both hear the sound of a car horn before I even get her shirt off. We both pop up, fixing ourselves and scrambling out of the back seat. We see the truck pull up and the guy gets out, a sheepish look on his face.

"Did someone call a tow truck?" He barks out.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, that was us." I confirm. "Wow you got out here fast."

"We get calls out here all the time. It actually has the nickname 'breakdown valley'. That's how common it is, and it's always the first place we check when someone is lost." He looks us up and down. "But I can come back a little later, if you'd like…"

"Uh, no, that's okay. Thank you." Cat rushes out, looking flushed. I take a moment to catch my breath. I guess having sex in the middle of a desert wasn't a great idea, anyway.

The tow truck guy chuckles, taking out a clipboard. "So where am I taking your vehicle?" He asks.

"Closest mechanic, please." I request. He looks up slowly from the clipboard, raising his eyebrow.

"You sure about that, ma'am?" He questions.

"Uh, yeah." I reply incredulously. I'm not going to pay the massive fees to have him take us all the way to a mechanic in LA. Still, he shakes his head like we just made a really foolish decision.

"Alright, then. Whatever you say."

"Here ya go. Nearest mechanic." The tow truck guys announces, pulling into a lot by a large, grey building. Other broken cars seem to be scattered around, waiting to be serviced. Cat and I get out of the truck.

"Okay, thank you." I say to him as he starts to unhook the car from his rig. I notice Cat standing at the edge of the road, looking around.

"Where are we?" She asks, and I try to get my bearings as well. Wherever we are, the town seems pretty decrepit. Not the kind of decrepit that you'd see somewhere like on skid row, but it just seems almost lifeless. I swear nothing here has been maintained since the 50s. Just cracked brick buildings with some aluminum thrown in, and faded advertisements on the walls.

"This place? The town of Lysium." The driver relays. "Okay, you're all unhooked."

"Great." I sigh, taking out my credit card to pay him. As I'm punching in the code, he leans close.

"Word to the wise. I wouldn't stick around too long." He whispers. I look up at him, cocking my eyebrow.

"Why?" I question. I mean, it's not like I want to stay and buy a summer house here, but he sounds a bit ominous.

"It might be nothing, but there's just something a little… off about this town. Folks from surrounding towns don't take too kindly to this place." He mutters. The machine dings and he stands up straight, a big smile suddenly on his face. "Thank you, ladies. I hope you have a nice day."

He tips his trucker hat and gets back into his truck, starting it up. I feel Cat's hand rest at the small of my back.

"What'd he say to you? Was he hitting on you?" She accuses, letting her territorial side show.

"No, nothing like that." I sigh. "Just, you know, typical mysterious warning about our location. We may or may not have stumbled into a horror movie." I joke, although I feel some chills up my spin from the truck-guy's words. Cat looks concerned.

"Oh, no… I just got you into a good mood again. I don't want a town of axe murderers to ruin it." She whines. I shake my head, kissing her temple.

"C'mon, let's get everything fixed so we can leave creepytown far behind." I suggest, and she nods.

A bell chimes our arrival into the shop. A typically greasy-looking man stands behind a desk. He looks up from a paper, dark circles under his eyes.

"You lookin' for a fixer-upper?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah. Our car broke down. Lots of black smoke." I explain. He grunts, getting out from behind the counter. Cat steps closer to me. Maybe I shouldn't have told her that the tow-truck guy warned us. She's seemed uneasy since we got here.

"What do you two do?" He inquires suddenly. I tense a little, looking at his scrutinizing gaze.

"Do?" I question. Does he mean do we do each other? Can he tell just by looking at us? Is he homophobic? Oh god.

"Um, we sing. We both sing." Cat answers for me, and I blow out a breath. Oh, that do. You'd think I'd be more comfortable with people finding out we're a couple by now anyway, but nope. Not there yet.

Again he grunts. "What you drive?"

"Ford Fusion. The navy blue one." I answer. Once again, he grunts.

"I'll take a look. Keys." He requests dully.

"Right. Um, careful turning it on." I say, handing him my keys. This time instead of grunting, he gives me a blank stare before heading out the door.

"Wait here." He mutters gruffly, and the bell tingles signifying his exit. Both Cat and I release a breath.

"He seems friendly." I note.

"Yeah. Why'd he ask us what we do?" Cat questions.

"Small talk?"

"I guess…" She mutters, sitting down on a very worn-out couch by the wall. Dust puffs up around her.

"Is everything alright? You seem nervous." I murmur, sitting beside her and rubbing her arm.

"I just – This place gives me the heebie-jeebies." Cat shudders. "When I was travelling Canada with Moose and trying to find a place to settle down, we ended up in a lot of small rural towns like this. We thought it'd be a good place to hide." She fiddles with the hem of her shorts. "There was always usually some sort of skeleton in their closet, though. Drug rings, gangs, corruption, human trafficking…" She looks up at me. "Why do you think I ended up choosing Toronto? I'm just not a small town girl."

"You know, all those things are probably in the city, too." I comment.

"Yeah but the city is large enough that those things are shuffled into the darkest corners. In small towns it's more compact. It's more consuming." She shakes her head. "I'm being silly."

"No, it's okay. I'm definitely more of a city girl myself, too." I smile, combing my fingers through her hair. "Don't worry. The car will get fixed and we'll be out of here in no time."

"I hope so." She sighs. I'm suddenly hit with a big yawn and she gives me an affectionate smile. "Oh, Tor, you're still running off zero sleep. Rest your eyes for a bit."

She pulls me to her chest and I give a contented sigh. "Thanks, love." I mumble. I feel her kiss the top of my head and I still can't believe I was so mad at her earlier. I need to buy her flowers at the earliest opportunity.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep, I jump up suddenly at the sound of the tinkling bell. I still don't feel comfortable having people find out our relationship status in a small town where we can't escape in case we find out everyone is radically conservative.

"You need a brand new part." He grunts, wiping his blackened hands on a rag.

"Seriously?" I sigh. "Okay, I'll pay whatever. How long will it take to fix?"

"A day or two." He answers, and I feel Cat tense up.

"What?!" She gapes.

"I need to order the part and it'll take that long to get here." He mutters, going behind the desk again. He starts writing something down on a piece of paper.

"Well, what are we supposed to do in the meantime?" I question. He lifts up the paper, holding it out to me.

"Take this to the motel. Fred there'll give you a discount on a room." He states. "It'll also give you a discount at Lisa's, if you were feeling hungry. That's the local diner."

"Oh, perfect. That's actually really helpful." I say gratefully, taking the paper. I turn to Cat. "See? No problems here."

She lets out a long breath. "Yeah. Okay." She nods.

"You should know, this town ain't that fond of outsiders. Just try to keep to yourselves." He grumbles before disappearing into the back room. I watch Cat's face go pale.

"Caaat…" I gauge her carefully.

"No, it's fine. I'm fine. Let's check into that motel and grab something to eat. I'm starving." She gives me a bright smile. I nod, cupping her cheek.

"Okay, my love."

We checked into the motel – a really dingy motel that reminded me of my old apartment. But, it was a place to sleep until the car was fixed and that's what matters. What matters now is making the rumbling in my stomach subside, so we decided to check out Lisa's as was suggested by creepy-mechanic guy. Cat seemed pretty hesitant to go out, though.

She seems in better spirits now, however. Maybe she just needed some food in her.

"I do love places that serve all-day breakfast." She mumbles, practically shovelling scrambled eggs into her mouth. "I've suggested it at my diner, apparently it's not cost effective."

"That's a shame. I guess that's something this diner has over yours." I comment, looking around. It's a typical small-town diner – tiny with maybe about eight booths while the rest of the seats are bar stools along the counter. Still, the food is really good. Honestly, I think it tops a lot of food I've had at even the fanciest of places.

"I think this place could still use more character." Cat muses, her eyes scoping over the length of the place.

"Character as in singing wait-staff and performers?" I question with a smile. She gives me a grin in response.

"I might be a bit biased." She chuckles.

"Well go ahead, just belt something out. Maybe they'll hire you." I urge, and she grimaces.

"Ugh, no thanks. I don't plan to be here long enough to start needing an income."

"Of course not." I sigh, patting her hand. I don't want her to get all freaked out again. "But if you want to sing out a tune anyway, I won't complain."

She rolls her eyes, but her brilliant smile negates any annoyance she might've felt at me. "I'll sing if you do."

"Hmm…" I narrow my eyes at her, my mouth curling into a mischievous smirk. I take a breath and start to softly sing along with the song on the jukebox. "Take my hand, take my whole life too…"

Cat gets a glint in her eye and immediately catches on, jumping in with the harmonies. "For I can't help falling in love with you."

A loud slam from the other side of the diner interrupts our quiet duet. We quickly look over, me craning my neck a bit to see behind me, and spy four burly men glaring at us. The closest one has a vice-grip on his coffee mug in which coffee is still overflowing from, pointing to it being the source of the slam. Some of the steaming hot coffee got on his hand and he hasn't even flinched. Yeesh.

"I guess they don't like karaoke very much." I turn back to Cat. She looks pale again and she's sunken down into her side of the booth. Her eyes are locked into the direction of the four men. Her eyes dart toward me and then back to them.

"Do you have a signal on your phone yet?" She whispers. I sigh, realizing her paranoia is back. I check my phone and see I once again have zero bars of service, as has been the case every time I've checked since getting to this town.

"Not yet."

"Damnit." Cat curses through gritted teeth.

"Maybe you can run around the desert again and try to find a signal." I try to joke to lighten her mood again. I mean, she was more positive in that instance. Why not now?

"Honestly, I'm tempted." She mutters.

"Not getting a signal?"

Both Cat and I jump at the waitress appearing by our table, but I quickly collect myself.

"Uh, yeah. Haven't got one since we got here." I explain to her. "Is this town in some sort of dead zone?"

The waitress smiles, which is a welcome sight. She's been the first friendly face we've met in this town. Not to mention, she's absolutely gorgeous. I mean, Cat is still the most beautiful person to me to ever exist, but it bears mentioning. I'm confused as to why she's a waitress in this small town when any modelling agency in LA would probably take her. But I don't know her story. Maybe she loves small-town waitressing.

"Nah, nothing like that. We've had a really dry summer so far so dust storms nearby have been kind of common. Sometimes the cell towers will get knocked out for a bit but they'll be up again in no time." She explains, and then looks over at Cat who still seems to be recovering from being startled. "You okay, sweetie?"

Cat seems to swallow hard before answering. "What about wifi? Neither of our phones have picked up a wifi signal, either."

"There should be one here. The password is lisawifi, all lowercase and one word." The waitress explains. Cat quickly pulls out her phone and starts frantically tapping away as the waitress turns back to me. "You two planning on staying long or are you just passing through?"

"Just passing through, sort of. Our car broke down and we were told it'll take a day or two to get the new part and fix it."

I think I catch her smile tighten for a moment, but it passed quickly. "That's a shame. I hope you weren't in a hurry anywhere."

"We're not in a huge rush, but I have a show in LA next weekend." I state.

"That sounds like a fun time. I'm sure you'll get your car all fixed up in time." She assures me.

"The wifi isn't working." Cat announces suddenly while still looking at her phone. She looks up at me pleadingly. "Tori, can you please try?"

I let out another sigh but I oblige because I see how worried Cat is. Plus, it would be nice to have access to the outside world so we can let people we know what happened to us.

I punch in the password in and pull up the internet, only to get an error page. I furrow my brow which was enough for the waitress to look over my shoulder.

"Oh, shoot. Maybe our wifi is out. Sorry girls. Don't worry, though. Lysium has the best tech service so it'll be up and running tomorrow." She declares. Cat lets out a little groan in response. "By the way," The waitress continues, taking out a notepad and jotting something down. What is with these people and notes? "If you need any help while you're here, this is my address. You'll either find me there or here working."

She puts the paper down in front of me and I give her a genuine smile. "Thanks, that's really nice of you."

"I know people in this town can be… intimidating, but I want you to feel welcome while you're stuck here. The name is Kayla, by the way." She grins.

"I'm Tori." I reply before looking across at Cat. "My nervous friend is Cat."

Cat shoots me a puzzled look, but Kayla doesn't take notice. "Ah, I understand it must be uncomfortable being stranded in a strange town. I'll get you two a refill of water. Might calm your nerves a bit."

"We'd appreciate that, thanks." I agree. Kayla flashes a smile before her and her raven hair bobs off to the kitchen. Cat leans in close to me.

"Friend? We're practically engaged, you know." She pouts.

"I know that, but I don't want everyone in this town to know that. Just in case." I whisper. Cat nods in understanding, and I get a thought. "Oh, maybe that's what those guys' problems were. It was a song about being in love, after all."

At my words, Cat glances past me and her eyes widen immediately. She looks back at me with an almost petrified expression.

"Tori, they're still staring over here." She hisses. I feel a bit of a chill creep down my spine. I'm afraid to check and confirm if she's right, but I believe her anyway.

"Okay… as soon as Kayla comes back, we're asking for the cheque and getting the hell out of here."

Thankfully Kayla came back quickly. Now we're just getting in at our motel, and Cat is locking the door behind us.

"Those guys were charming. Did you see how they looked at us as we left?" Cat huffs, exasperated.

"I was trying not to look at them, actually." I sigh. Cat sits down on the bed, still looking stressed.

"They looked at us like… I don't know. Prey. It made me uneasy." She mumbles. I regard her with concern. She's really shaken.

"Well, we were told this place is a little xenophobic. I guess that's what the mechanic and tow truck guy meant. I'm sure they're harmless." I shrug, and then I saunter over to crawl up over her and straddle her lap. I lean down close to her face, giving the best sultry eyes I can muster. "Even if there was something sketchy going on, you know I'd never let anything happen to you, right?"

I give her the sweetest and gentlest kiss, which she melts into with the softest moan. "I know." She murmurs against my lips. I deepen it slightly and tangle my fingers in her hair, clutching at the back of her head and pulling her close. Her arms wrap around me and she bites at my lip just before I pull away. I smile noting the new contented look on her face.

"Feel better?" I whisper, brushing her bangs to the side.

"Mhm. Loads." She sighs, resting her head against my shoulder.

"Good." I pat her side and jump off her. "Now, I need to shower. I have in dust in like, every crevice of my person. My ears. My socks. My bra. Other places…" I mutter, heading into the bathroom. I check myself out in the mirror for a moment, and geez I look awful. The combination of dusty air and no sleep really does a number on my complexion.

I start to strip down and get my shirt and bra off when Cat appears behind me, putting her arms around my torso and kissing my shoulder.

"Can I join you?" She purrs.

"I was hoping you'd ask." I chuckle, turning around and letting her jump up on me. I hold her up by the legs and capture her lips in a heated kiss. Luckily there's a wall behind me or I would've just fell backwards. Damn she still literally knocks me off my feet.

Cat slides down from my grasp, making sure her hands glide over my chest, and then she lets me watch as she strips down. I bite my lip as if to hold it back from kissing every inch of the newly exposed skin. Yeah, she definitely still knocks me off my feet.

She steps out of the last of her fabric and gives me a smirk, brushing by me to head to the shower. She turns to beckon me with her finger before stepping inside. I've counted numerous times where I've practically ripped off my pants in anticipation for Cat, and I swear every time it's like a new record. I practically sprint after her and turn the water on, letting it wash over us as she presses against me.

If she needs a little bit of sex to help distract her from her apparent fear of small towns, I can do that. I can totally do that.

"Tori, wake up."

Erg, seriously? I haven't got a full-night's rest in like, two days. Let a girl sleep…

"Tori? Tori, c'mon. Wake up. Please. Tori!"

Mother… freakin'…

I roll over with a groan, only to shield my eyes when I see Cat shining her phone light on me. My eyes adjust and I'm able to see the terrified expression of my girlfriend's face. I sit up immediately, suddenly feeling wide awake.

"Cat? What's wrong? What is it?" I question. She reaches out, clutching at my shoulder with such intensity I almost wince from her nails digging into my skin.

Her eyes burrow into mine with overwhelming potency, and I'm barely able to look away to catch the tremble in her lip.

"Tori, we have to leave. Right now."

Author's Note: As if you guys didn't expect a cliffhanger *evil laugh*. Don't worry, I'm releasing all three chapters this week. Next will be on Wednesday, then Friday. Hopefully that makes up for it.

Are you intrigued? Like I said, it'll be a little different. Gotta flex that creative muscle, you know? Yeah, you know.

Fun Fact: The start of the chapter is based on a very real life event that happened to me when I was driving. The car just kind of erupted in smoke and everything was burning... My Twitter followers know. I live an exciting life. (Both the car and I are now fine)