Summary: It made her feel safer and warmer, knowing that someone was there for her when she needed someone and that she would never be alone again.

Author's note: I saw the movie late Friday night and haven't found time to sit down to write this until today. I kinda hoped that in a few days my mind would calm down after the movie, and I thought that all these ideas in my head was only talk and would go away, but it didn't. So, this was born. I can't seem to get Owen and Claire out of my head. I cheered when they kissed in the movie and I had wanted them to be a couple just by seeing the trailers.

Anyways, I've never written for Jurassic Park or Jurassic World. This is a first, so please tell me what you think. I currently have two other things in the works. If this gets good feedback, then I will post my other two ideas and maybe continue to write more. Plus, I'm seeing the movie this weekend.

If you'd like more, please tell me what you'd like and I will try to write more.

We need more teeth.

Claire ran out of Owen's sight, heading for the T-Rex's cage. Though she didn't want to go after her, she knew it was a bad idea but also wise. She only hoped that Lowery would open the door no matter what, and that she would be able to make it back to Zach, Gray, and Owen in time.

She lit a flare while the door opened electronically. She automatically had its attention by waving the flare around and started to run as fast as she could. The beating of her heart was ringing in her ears as she tried not to stumble on the trembling ground.

As the commotion got louder when she and the T-Rex got closer, she saw Owen scrambling to keep Zach and Gray from being bitten and scratched by Indominus. The T-Rex roared, grabbing the attention from Indominus, and she yelled for Owen and the boys to run.

More teeth wasn't enough.

The Indominus Rex had killed the remaining raptors and the T-Rex. Many times she thought it was the end for herself and her nephews, and Owen, but nothing compared to this. It was the end. One by one, Indominus started to rip them all apart, saving her for last to watch it all. The rest of the few people she had come to care about in her life died. It was only her and Indominus left. She screamed.

Claire sat up in bed, clenching the thin sheet with sweaty hands, her breathing heavy. She ran a hand through her red hair and wiped the sweet off her forehead, then looked at the alarm clock sitting on the small nightstand, noticing she only slept for a little over two hours when it felt like none at all.

She debated on whether or not to go to Owen's room, which was only three doors down from hers. He had told her that she was welcomed to see him anytime she needed him, but it was only one in the morning and felt that she could wait until sunrise. She sighed heavily and rubbed her face, trying to calm herself down. It had only been a week since theevents. Everyone was perfectly safe now. They were all back in the states with no dinosaurs roaming around and causing terrors.

When she collected herself, she laid back down in bed, discarding the blankets as she felt too warm, and closed her eyes, trying to go back to sleep. Her thoughts went back to the park, and to what started it all.

They thought Indominus had escaped her cell. They were wrong, they soon realized. The tracker on the security screen meant that she was still in her cage, and Owen was trapped in that cell with her. She wanted him out of there and thought it was too late.

Claire opened her eyes again and sat up in bed once more. Looking at the clock, she saw only five minutes had passed. She turned on the bedside lamp and got out of bed. She slipped on a pair of slippers then grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around herself as a robe, and headed out the door.

507. 509. 511.

She came to a stop when she reached his room, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door twice. Claire waited a few minutes, trying to listen closely for any movement, which had become a new instinct since the incident. When she heard nothing, she tried again and knocked.

"Just a second," she thought she heard him say. She took a small step back and hugged the blanket around herself more tightly when she shivered.

Owen opened the door, dressed in only his boxers. His eyes were squinting from the bright light in the hallway. He looked like he hadn't been able to fall asleep. His hair was a little sweaty and he looked a little pale. "Hey. Everything okay?" His voice was full of concern.

"I couldn't really sleep. Did I wake you?" she asked, looking up at him.

"No," he half lied. Truth was that he couldn't really sleep either. "Come on in." He didn't need to ask her what was wrong; he already knew. It was the same for him, too.

She walked into the dark room, seeing that the blankets on the bed were bunched up and hanging off the bed. When she went to sit down on the bed, her body tensed up when Owen was nowhere in sight. A light then came on from the bathroom, and she heard the faint sound of the sink faucet. She looked around the room, seeing a few of his clothes scattered on the floor. A small stack of books sat on a dresser near the television, and there were papers and folders scattered on a small wooden table. She figured that they had to do with something about the amusement park, resembling the ones she had in her room.

A moment later, he came back, carrying two small, disposable paper cups of water. He handed her one before sitting down beside her. "Thanks," she said, taking a few slow sips of the cool water after. They sat there in silence, both grateful for the company.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked cautiously after the silence began to be too much; it was too quiet in the room and outside. He was still too used to the background noises of the forest and echoes of the multiple animals around the place.

Claire let out a shaky breath and took a sip of her water again. "As soon as I close my eyes, I see the events played out over and over again." She sighed heavily and clenched the blanket around herself more tightly. "Some of them play out differently . . . than how they actually happened." Her voice was no more than a whisper then, and he looked at her intently.

"I know what you mean." Claire took her eyes off the cup in her hand and met his gaze. She knew that he had gone through something like this before, but it was a different situation back then. This was different. "Sometimes I dream that we were too late; that there was nothing we could do to stop her. Sometimes you, Zach, and Gray don't make it."

"I dreamed that tonight except it was you." Tears started form in her eyes and she started to sniffle.

Owen took their cups and set them down on the floor. He wrapped his arm around her. She shifted closer, laying her head on his chest, fighting off her tears, and felt him start to rub up and down her arm. "We're both okay. We made it," he reassured her and himself. He kissed her head then rested his head atop hers. "We will get through this. It's just going to take us some time."

Tears started falling as she wiped at them. She believed him, but it all hurt so much. She nearly lost the remaining members of her family, lost most of her close friends and her job. She almost lost the man she loved, though she didn't want to admit to that part of herself yet. She never imagined anything like that happening in her life, nearly killing twenty thousand people, but then saving them at the same time. And she knew that Owen was having a hard time too, whether he spoke of it or not. He lost a job he had loved, lost a few of his own friends, and lost his four raptors he treated like his own children.

Several minutes passed when Owen gently released his hold on Claire, feeling that she was starting to fall asleep when more of her weight slumped against his body. He gently shook her. "Claire," he said gently, causing her to stir.

"Sorry," she nearly mumbled. She knew she'd be hearing some crap from him about it tomorrow.

He smiled at her as they both got up. "It's okay."

"I'll see you in the morning." She adjusted her blanket and started heading to the door, but Owen stopped her, tugging her by the blanket.

"You can sleep here tonight," he offered. He wasn't messing with her like he could have. She thought he looked like he almost wanted her to stay.

For survival, came to mind then, causing her to smile slightly at the memory of his words. "I would like that." He gave her a soft smile.

While he headed into the bathroom with their cups, she moved to the side of the bed and slipped under the covers, laying on her side. The light in the bathroom shut off, and she tried not to hold her breath. She then felt Owen climb into bed next to her.

He laid down on his back and lifted his arm up. She then scooted closer to him, laying her head on his chest that was warm and comforting, which she tried to ignore when she felt herself blush. Owen's arm then held her impossibly closer to him, and she draped her arm over his waist. Neither of them wanted to let the other go. They needed each other.

As she finally relaxed, she tried to ignore the scents of his shampoo and soap that invaded her nose from the sheets and blankets and him, but couldn't. She felt his heart beat softly and thought that he was dozing off into a sleep. The sounds soothed her. It made her feel safer and warmer, knowing that someone was there for her when she needed someone and that she would never be alone again. Sleep overtook her, and she closed her eyes. That last thing she remembered of the night was feeling his head resting near hers. It was the first night they were both able to have a full night's worth of sleep since they came back.