Chapter Seven

It had been three weeks since Katherine had been on a case with the Winchester boys, which meant she had missed three cases by the time the two men came walking in all bloodied and bruised. It was a nice break. Katherine had been adamant since she met the boys that she didn't want to work with them, and she got lucky to avoid these last three cases with them, but her luck seemed to be running out. Shawn had left the day before the boys returned after a fight with Katherine, which meant Katherine no long had an excuse to stay behind. In fact, Katherine wanted out of the house. She needed a distraction. She needed to kill something. It was this drive that caused her to approach the boys with a case leaving one more stunned than the other.

"Uh- listen, Kit Kat," Dean started, ignoring the sneer from Katherine at the use of the nickname reserved for her father. "We appreciate the enthusiasm and the awkward desperation to help us out, but we already have plans to go help out and old friend. It's life or death, you understand."

"Let me come along, what happened to 'all hands on deck,'" Katherine asked. "I need this, I need this distraction."

"Well you blatantly ignored us for the past few weeks after that last case, we figured we finally got rid of you," Dean said smirking. He took a sip of his beer and Katherine narrowed her eyes at him.

"Listen, I know we haven't gotten along very well, but you need help and I'm finally offering it to you, this won't happen again so leave your ego at the door and take my assistance." Dean rolled his eyes and began to leave the kitchen. Katherine huffed and watched his walk out.

"We need her. Dean," Sam said. Dean paused and looked back at his brother. "The last three cases kicked our asses. We need her."

Dean hated the idea. He thought he was finally free. He had his few good moments with the woman standing before him but he found himself relieved when she had made herself scarce over the last three weeks. There was so much he didn't know about her. Just the fact that she seemed so connected to his father made him angry, but besides that there were so many reasons not to trust her. He didn't know her, not really. Dean wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but the girl was reckless; a loose cannon in his opinion. She also had a deep resentment to him and his brother. Dean had his little truce with her, but how long could it last, especially with her running off for three weeks to get away from them.

"Fine," Dean huffed. Dean wanted to be annoyed at the restart of this trio, but he saw the way Katherine's eyes lit up and the way the corners of her mouth turned upward, and he couldn't help but feel a relieved she was back to help. "We leave in 10."

Katherine is jolted awake by the incessant ringing of her cell phone. She cracks an eye open to see that once again Shawn is calling her and once again she is hitting the reject button. She had woken up far too early this morning, which was why she was catching up on some much needed sleep in the back of the impala. She had been dodging Shawn's calls for four days now. They had argued all night before he finally stormed out. That was five days ago, and she hadn't answered one of his many phone calls since. They had an argument. It was the usual argument. The one about the truth and the one about the future. The one about the truth of her hunting life and when she was finally going to tell her mother and the one about the future of the two of them. Shawn wanted a family. He wanted to settle down away from the hunting life and raise children. He wanted a normal all-American life with a picket fence, a dog and two children. Katherine wasn't there. In fact, Katherine often wondered if she would ever be there. The argument began because of a ring. A ring Shawn had tried to place on her left hand. A ring Katherine promptly rejected. It was the argument to end all arguments and Katherine seriously wondered if this was the end of her relationship with Shawn. She hoped not.

She and Shawn had their ups and downs since they began dating, but never a down this low. Katherine and Shawn were fundamentally different when it came to their future. It has always been in the back of her mind that their views may eventually drive them apart, but she wasn't ready for it. Despite the fact she was currently furious at Shawn for failing to listen to her side, she still loved him. She loved him as much as she possibly could. Saying goodbye to Shawn would ruin her and she honestly didn't think she could recover from that. There would always be doubts in her head. Would she be happy if she had the white picket fence life? Would Shawn make her happy for the rest of her life? Could she bring children into this twisted world? Could she be normal? If she said goodbye to Shawn, these questions and more would haunt her for the rest of her life, but one question pressed on her deeply. Could she give up hunting?

"You okay?" Katherine is broken out from re inner turmoil to see the younger Winchester watching her with curious eyes. She shrugged and looked back down at her cell phone. "Okay, well, we'll be there in like five minutes."

Katherine gave a small smile but continued to stare at her phone. It began ringing again and she quickly turned it to silent. Now was not the time. This was not the place. She was a hunter. She should have known better than to form emotional attachments. They make you vulnerable in this line of work.

True to Sam's word the three arrive at the Pineview hotel not five minutes later. Sam and Dean take a moment to inspect their weapons before securing them away. Katherine glances down at her phone. She takes a moment to silent it and place it in the pocket of the leather jacket next to her. The boys exit the car and Katherine follows. Dean reaches into the backseat and pulls on his jacket after glancing at Katherine for a moment.

"Just a little heads up," Dean begins. "This guy Chuck, who contacted us, is a prophet of the lord, so if he starts telling you things about yourself don't be too freaked out, he's harmless."

Katherine stares at Dean for a moment before shrugging and walking around the back of the Impala. She stops short causing Dean to walk straight into her. She ignores the irritated grunt coming from the man behind her. She's too distracted by the row of cars that look exactly like the one she just got out of. She glances back at Dean who has a confused expression plastered over his face.

"Hey. Come on." Sam says bringing both Dean and Katherine's attention back to the matter at hand and not the cars. Katherine shakes her head lightly and follows Sam to the steps of the hotel. She notices a man. He's pacing and looking slightly anxious. He has curly hair, slightly disarray. He has a beard and is wearing jeans with a t-shirt and a jacket that Katherine can't decide is actually a jacket or a blazer. "Chuck! There you are."

The pacing man, Chuck, looks to the two men and narrows his eyebrows, surprised. Katherine takes a moment to realize how blue his eyes are before he turns to look at her, his eyebrows furrowing even more.

"What's going on?" Dean asks causing Chuck to pull his eyes away from Katherine.

"Ah, nothing. You know, I'm just kinda hanging. What are you guys doing here?" He said looking even more confused than a few moments ago.

"You told us to come."

"No I didn't," Chuck insited.

"Yeah you did, you texted me. This address, life or death situation. Any of this ringing a bell?" Sam said.

"I didn't send you a text."

"We drove all night!" Dean half yelled. Katherine became more confused as the moments when on. She didn't want to interject, especially since the boy clearly knew the man who could hardly pull his eyes off of her for four seconds.

"SAM! You made it!" Katherine turns at the new voice. A girl in a hideous plaid shirt, sweater vest combination stood at the top of the stairs they stood in front of. Her voice was slightly pitchy and her face somewhat mousey. Katherine turned to Sam and Dean only to see faint recollection on their faces.

"Oh, ah, Becky, right?" Sam asked moving slightly backwards when the girl came rushing down the stairs. She was short, a good bit shorter than Katherine's average frame.

"Oh, you remembered. You been thinking about me. It's ok, I can't get you out of my head either," Becky said. Katherine stared at her in confusion and a bit of disgust. It was in this moment that Becky finally noticed the other female. "Who the hell are you?"

"Katherine Singer." Chuck is the one who answers, which causes Katherine to look over at him. He gives her a warm smile and then looks over to Becky. "She's the daughter of Bobby Singer and just recently joined the boys. I haven't had the chance to write her down yet, but I've seen so much. Big plans in store for you Katherine."

"Okay, well, thank you for that," Katherine said trying to ignore the overwhelming sense of discomfort she was feeling. "So, if you're not dying and in danger. Why did this Becky girl text us?"

"I didn't text you," she snapped and Katherine narrowed her eyes. She heard Dean stifle a bit of laughter and turned to glare at him. He sent her a wink and Katherine rolled her eyes. "I knew you would want to see it. Come inside!"

The girl bounded up the stairs with Chuck following behind her at a much slower pace. Katherine looked at Sam and Dean and gave a sigh. "I wanted a case."

"I thought you said something about a distraction," Dean said. "I'm sure this will be sufficient."

Katherine huffed and watched as the two boys walked in. She had half a mind to walk back to the Impala, hot wire it, and drive it straight back to her father's and leave the boys stranded here, but she was selfish. So selfish that she would submit herself to whatever was going on inside just so she could avoid Shawn. Katherine sighed and drug herself up the stairs. Once inside she followed signs that lead her to a small convention hall. Same gave her a small smile, but Dean was focused on the stage. Katherine followed her eyes and took in the giant sign that advertised the "Supernatural Convention".

"What's Supernatual?" Katherine whispered.

"Why are you even here if you don't know what it is?" Becky asked her.

"I wasn't asking you, Becky. Speak when spoken to." Katherine snapped. Both Sam and Dean turned to stare at Katherine for a moment. Katherine took in their slightly disapproving gazes and rolled her eyes. "Just explain it to me later. Please."

Katherine stood there in silence as the convention began. By the time Chuck stepped off the stage she had learned four things. 1. Becky was incredibly annoying. More so than Katherine first anticipated her to be. 2. Supernatural was a series of books. 3. Sam and Dean were not happy that this Chuck guy would be writing more of these books. 4. Dean had been to hell. Chuck and Becky walked towards the bar and Sam went to follow. Dean turned to Katherine and gave a tight smile. He moved past her and Katherine didn't need to be told to follow him. He reached the impala before her and had two beers pulled out of the cooler in the backseat by the time she stood in front of him.

"Supernatural is a series of books, which I'm sure you've figured out by now," Dean said popping the cap off his beer and taking a deep sip. "If you're as smart as you present yourself as, you've figured out the books are based off of Sammy's and my life. Chuck is a prophet of the Lord, which means he has visions or dreams, I'm not exactly sure which, of our lives. He decided to write it down and gain a profit from it. There are fans, like Becky, who get really into it."

"You've been to hell?" Katherine asked. Dean nodded and Katherine chugged her beer. "We're going to need something stronger."

"What happened to no repeating 'gushy deep conversations'?" Dean asked. Katherine chuckled as she moved to get into the passenger seat of the Impala.

"When did I say we were going to be talking? Plus I like you a lot better when I'm wasted." Katherine smirked. Dean climbed into the driver's seat and started the Impala. "The festivities don't start until tomorrow, we both having some things to drink to, and I doubt they'll miss us for one night."

"Hello beautiful." Katherine looked up from her drink and into the blue eyes of a handsome stranger. Katherine smiled and gestured for him to sit. The man began talking about beautiful girls and dirty bars, but she drowned it out her gaze transfixed back onto her drink. She had lost Dean over an hour ago. He was trying to chat up some pretty blond, which left her alone at the bar with her thoughts. She didn't mind, but it gave her too much time to think. She hadn't been kidding when she said she needed a distraction. She needed a real distraction not some fan convention. She wished there was a real ghost, a real demon, a real anything.

"Kat?" Katherine looked up and met the eyes of the blue eyed stranger who was no longer looking at her. When had he stopped speaking? She followed his gaze to a pair of green eyes and she felt slight relief wash over her. "You ready to go?"

Katherine slid off her stool and gave her stranger a sweet smile before leaning into Dean and letting him lead her out towards the Impala. She hadn't realized how much she had drank until this moment. Dean helped her into the passenger seat. The pocket of her leather jacket began vibrating. She pulled her phone out and saw Shawn's name strewn across the bright screen. She chocked down tears ignoring the questioning gaze from Dean. Why didn't Dean understand she needed a distraction? Why didn't Dean give her a distraction?

"Are you good to drive?" Katherine murmured trying desperately to remove Shawn from her brain.

"I'm good." Dean said as he pulled out of the bar's parking lot and made a beeline for the hotel the convention was being placed at. "Sam texted, he was able to get you your own room."

"Are we staying for the convention?"

"I think so." Dean said. The rest of the car ride was silent. Dean had to help Katherine out of the car. He didn't know how much she had drank. He had seen her drunk before, but this was different. She seemed defeated and tired. The heart in him was concerned for her well-being. The selfish part in him was concerned for his well-being. If she wasn't stable how on earth was she expected to hunt?

"Room 302." Dean announced. Katherine faced him, away from the door to her room. He had to push against her to slide the key card into the door handle. The close proximity allowed for him to hear the way her breath hitched when his hand gazed her hip. He pulled back waiting for her to open the door, but when she never did and let the door lock again he met her gaze. She was staring at him intently. "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry you went to hell." Katherine said as she wrapped her arms around Dean. He stiffened when her arms wrapped around him, but he realized when he realized she was simply hugging him. He wrapped his arms around him and patted her back lightly. Dean removed his arms and waited for her to pull away. She peeled her body from his and Dean suddenly realized how perfectly she had fit against him. She kept her face close; so close he could feel her warm breath on his jaw. Before he could process what was happening soft lips were molded against his and every warming alarm in his head went off. He placed his hands on her hips to push her way but found himself pulling her closer when she released a small gasp. She began kissing him deeper \, her tongue tracing his lower lip. Dean's mind raced. He knew this was wrong on many different levels, but he couldn't stop when she let her fingers bury themselves in his hair. He pulled her closer to him, separating any distance. He pulled away with a gasp. Her eyes were still closed and her lips parted, red and full. This was Bobby's daughter. She was drunk. She had someone back home waiting for her. He was the one who had just taken advantage.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY. It had been upwards of a year since I last posted a chapter and for that I apologize. I just lost all will to write this story. I got a bit of inspiration yesterday and decided to run with it. I'm not completely in love with the Chapter but I would love to know what you think of it.

1. I had to separate the Supernatural Convention for reasons, meaning I needed to get Dean and Katherine alone

2. I feel like I'm giving mixed feelings about Dean and Kat, things will be explained next chapter.

3. PLEASE let me know what you think. Feedback is much appreacited.