HEY GUYS! I'm back with a new maid-sama fanfic! It's been a while since I posted anything and this has been sitting in my computer for a while and I finally decided to give it a shot :D I'm trying a new style by naming the chapters by the titles of songs. You don't have to listen to the songs but it'll definitely help the atmosphere :3. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story and stick with me through the journey!
When the First Love Ends
繋がりたい、どれほど願っただろう。この手は空っぽ。ねえ、「サヨウナラ」ってこういう事? I want to hold hands with you, but no matter how much I wish it; these hands are still empty. Hey, is this really our farewell?
A sleek black limousine stopped outside of a small apartment complex. From inside, a handsome young man with dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes stepped out, a huge smile plastered all over his face.
In one hand, he held a bouquet of beautiful red roses, and in the other he was clutching a small, black velvet box.
A nauseating mixture of excitement and nervousness pumped throughout his system as he approached the door. Today was the day. He was going to propose to the love of his life and hopefully she would accept him.
Shifting nervously, he knocked on the door.
"Coming!" a muffled voice called back.
Just like that, all of his nervousness melted away as his lips quirked up into a smile at the sound of her voice. God, how he had missed her.
He heard shuffling as someone came rushing towards the door before it swung open to reveal none other than the smiling raven-haired girl herself. Her golden eyes settled onto his face and they morphed into pure shock.
"Ta…Takumi," she breathed, her smile slowly dripping off her face with every syllable.
Still frozen at the door, she stuttered, "What…what are you doing here?"
The smile slowly started to melt from Usui's face at Misaki's reaction to his arrival. I mean, it was Misaki, he wasn't expecting to be showered with kisses or anything like that, but they hadn't really talked to or seen each other in over a month, and her tone wasn't embarrassed like it normally was, it sounded…dreading.
"What's wrong Misa? Not happy to see me?" he teased lightly, trying to lighten up the mood.
She frowned and leaned against doorframe with her arms crossed in front of her, "It's not that…" she sighed before opening the door wider and signaling for him to come in.
"I'll go make us some tea," she said and turned to go into the kitchen but Usui grabbed her by the arm, shaking his head.
"It's fine, I'm not that thirsty," he said politely as he winced to himself, when had they been reduced to this pathetic state?
This was Ayuzawa Misaki he was talking to, the girl he had been crazy over for the past four years, they were never this distant with each other, not even when they had first met.
She pursed her lips but complied anyways as she sighed and crossed her arms again, "Fine. Then why are you here?" she demanded harshly.
Usui flinched at her cold remark, "Ouch, Misa, can't I even come to visit my girlfriend?"
She scowled upon hearing his words as anger flashed across her features, "Yeah sure, if you can consider a person who you haven't contacted for the past month your girlfriend then sure," she snapped sarcastically.
He looked up at her guiltily, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't contact you. Grandfather kept me really busy and-" he began but she didn't let him continue.
She snorted, "Oh he kept you 'busy' did he?" she scoffed, "Since when did you let him rule your life Usui?" she demanded, not stopping even as he winced at the last name.
"Did you know that if I wanted to call you I had to get wait listed?" she demanded, "I have to be wait listed to talk to my own freaking boyfriend. That's absolute bullshit!" she yelled, "I am not some girl that you can just walk all over and then expect me to still be there at the end of the day!"
Placing the flowers down on her kitchen counter, he sighed, "I'm sorry Misaki, I never meant to make you feel that way. I won't even make excuses; I should have been there. I'm so, so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you," he apologized.
"But you hurt me anyways!" she snapped and Usui flinched back, "All the times you weren't there, how do you think I felt?" then, without waiting for his reply, she powered on, "I was sad and I was lonely. And above all I was hurt my own boyfriend, the guy I loved, couldn't even pick up the phone and try to contact me!" she yelled.
Misaki sighed and hugged herself, looking away from him, "I'm tired of this, Takumi," she whispered as tears welled up in her eyes.
Usui rushed over to her, taking her small hands in his.
"I'm sorry, Misaki. I really am. I'll won't do it again, just please, don't cry," he begged.
He moved to wipe a stray tear away from her cheek but she flinched back from is touch and withdrew her hands from his. Hurt flashed across his features but she just sighed and moved further away from him.
"Never mind," she said resignedly, "I don't want to be screaming at you. It's good that you came," she said, her voice grim as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "I've been meaning to talk to you."
At the tone of her voice, he nervously clutched the box like it was his lifeline.
Sitting down on the armrest of her couch, Misaki looked up at him with big, pleading amber eyes as she said the sentence that would shatter the world as he knew it.
"I want to break up."