When Calls the Heart: Season Three
[Author Note: I loved the finale of WCTH Season 2, but HATED the final scene when Charles comes back in the picture. So now I'm on a mission to find the perfect way to get rid of Charles, literally and figuratively – all suggestions are welcome (maybe Hallmark should run a contest on the matter?)! Ideas running through my head include a rattlesnake bite (as the series did with Judge Jedidiah Black); sending Charles abroad for some reason; having Charles fall in love with someone else; or . . . my idea below. Let me know what you think!]
Chapter 1: To Be Engaged Or Not To Be Engaged, That Is The Question
[Synopsis of Season 2: Jack and Elizabeth have had many trials and tribulations this past season as Elizabeth twice travels back to Hamilton to attend to family matters. Jack initially travels back with Elizabeth and, upon meeting Elizabeth's wealthy family, feels the sting of their disapproval of him, especially when they promote Elizabeth's childhood friend, Charles Kensington, as a romantic rival. When Jack returns to Coal Valley (which has been renamed Hope Valley), Jack starts to question whether he and Elizabeth can overcome the differences in their backgrounds. After Elizabeth returns to Hope Valley, she and Jack find shelter in a mine during a terrible storm, and they finally discuss what has been keeping them apart. Elizabeth explains to Jack that she is fearful of the dangers of his Mountie lifestyle. The two reconcile after Jack saves Elizabeth from falling rafters, and reassert their love for each other.]
Jack strode up to the schoolhouse in his new blue suit, nervous but ready to "pop the question" to Elizabeth, confident (finally) after their ordeal in the mine that Elizabeth knew her own mind now and was ready to accept his proposal, and commit to being the wife of a Mountie, with all that entails. As Jack approached the open schoolhouse door, though, he was startled to see Charles Kensington on bended knee before Elizabeth, a ring in his hand, obviously making a proposal of his own. Jack's eyes widened in shock, and he quickly moved out of the doorway so as not to be seen. At first, Jack's mind was a blur, trying to process the absurd situation of Charles interrupting his own proposal. Then Jack started to get mad at the scene he had just witnessed – after the many kisses and declarations of love he and Elizabeth had recently shared, how was it possible someone else was propositioning her? Jack decided then and there that enough was enough!
Jack took out his gun, shot it in the air, and presented himself at the schoolhouse door. Elizabeth let out a startled scream when she heard the gun, and Charles quickly stood up with wide eyes, looking towards the door where the shot had come from. Jack put his smoking gun in his waistband, and walked slowly down the aisle towards the couple, a searing look on his face.
"What did she say? Did she tell you how many kisses we've shared over the last few days? Or how many times she told me that she loved me? Or hasn't she gotten to that part yet?" Jack demanded.
Charles, shocked, looked at Elizabeth, crestfallen. Elizabeth gasped and stuttered, "Jack - I haven't had a chance to respond to Charles yet! This is a private matter between Charles and me, so I would appreciate it if you would let me deal with this," Elizabeth implored.
Jack continued to walk menacingly down the aisle towards the two of them. "No, this isn't private anymore. And you've taken much too long to get to the point – I've never seen a woman as indecisive as you are!" Elizabeth's eyes went wide at Jack's implication. Angrily, Elizabeth replied, "I am not indecisive, I just don't want to . . . ." Elizabeth's voice dropped to a whisper as she continued, "I don't want to hurt anybody."
Jack responded, "Nope - it's better to rip the bandage off than to continue like this." Jack turned to Charles and said, "You and I need to decide this, today, right now."
Elizabeth's eyes widened again, and she shook her head. "That's ridiculous – there's nothing to be decided. Jack, I will tell Charles what is going on, I just wanted to do it my way."
Jack replied, "I've had enough of your way – your way will take the next six months! No, now we're going to do this my way." Jack turned to face Charles. "Charles, how do you want to do this – draw straws? Rock, paper, scissors?"
Charles, who had been watching the interplay between Elizabeth and Jack up to now, slowly realized what Jack was proposing. "Nah . . . I think this calls for something more skillful. What about poker?" Charles put the engagement ring he had offered to Elizabeth back in his pocket, a perceptible smile at the corner of his lips.
Jack shook his head. "I don't think so . . . you can bring more to the table than I can. How about darts at the saloon?"
Charles considered for a moment and then agreed. "Fine. But I have to warn you, I've been playing darts for years at the club." Jack answered good naturedly, "Challenge accepted. Let's go."
Charles and Jack started walking out of the schoolhouse together, leaving Elizabeth behind. Elizabeth had been watching the two men, her mouth agape. She cried out, "What? You can't do this – I'm not a pawn to be passed back and forth! This is ridiculous – I'm not playing this game!"
The men glanced at each other, grinned, and continued walking out of the schoolhouse door, not even bothering to look back at Elizabeth. Elizabeth stamped her foot and shouted at them, "I will never forgive either of you if you go through with this!"
Hearing that, the two men started laughing and picked up their pace. After all, they had a darts game to get to!
[To be continued . . . Which man will win the darts game and get to "keep" Elizabeth? Will either man want her at that point? Will Elizabeth ever speak to either man again? Stay tuned for the next chapter . . . ]