A/N: This is a Riley and The Rebel (AKA Brandon) one-shot as requested by a Guest who commented on Love and War. I've been wanting to write something like this for a long time, but I needed a little push and you definitely gave me that push! So thank you!

Completely crack pairings ftw! Written because Riley is so cute. (And because I ship her with The Rebel SO HARD it's not even funny).

Rated K+ for Kick Ass Gifts


Disclaimer: I do not own GMW (and it's a good thing too haha because I am crack shipper trash...)

Riley swallowed thickly and paced outside the detention room door, walking back and forth and trying to convince herself that what she was doing wasn't absolutely crazy. Nice girls like her didn't just waltz into the detention room, demand a favour, and walk out unscathed. They would grind her bones to make their bread!

"Just go in there Riley…" she muttered to herself emphatically, the clicking of her heels echoing down the empty hall. "All you have to do is go in there…"

A teacher came out of the bathroom across the hall, and Riley quickly pretended like she was staring passionately at the ad on the bulletin board. (An ad for a free clinic that provided treatment for STDs). She chuckled nervously, curling a lock of hair behind her ear as the teacher gave her a funny look.

"Okay, so that was embarrassing…"

She sighed and peeked into the window of the classroom door. The detention proctor wasn't in there and neither were any other students. It was only The Rebel, sitting in a desk in the class, looking bored out of his mind. And it was almost five. If she didn't hurry it up, he'd leave detention, and she would miss her chance. It wasn't like she had any classes with The Rebel either, and he hung out with the scary group of kids, so she wouldn't be able to just approach him in the middle of lunch. But a girl smoking in the bathroom had told her that if she wanted to get something done, he was the one to see.

And Riley needed to get this done.

"Alright Riley Matthews. You are strong and you are brave. You are courageous and by golly, you are a go-getter." She let out a deep breath and steeled her nerves. "Let's get this thing over with."

She barged in through the door with determination and walked right into the room with purpose, her gaze zoning in on the boy in detention. He watched nonchalantly as she approached, boredly twirling a pencil in between his fingers.

"You lost, Matthews?"

She took a deep breath.

"Okay so I know you're probably really busy, but someone told me I needed to see you since I absolutely have a huge favour to ask because Maya's birthday is on Friday and I want to get her something really kick ass like a street sign and I was going to buy one from the flea market but it wouldn't be authentic—and Maya deserves authentic—but I don't want to steal one because it's against the law, but I heard that you had some kind of exchange service like an 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' type of thing, and I was hoping you could help me and please steal one of the 'Hart Street' signs in Brooklyn by Friday, and I will be so grateful!"

Riley cut off abruptly, breathing heavily and just waiting for him to respond. He was watching her with a slightly raised eyebrow, his lip quirked up in a small amused smirk.

She clamped her mouth shut, suddenly feeling her confidence evaporate. The tips of her ears turned red. She felt embarrassed and a little timid and stupid. Why wasn't he saying anything?

"What?" she asked nervously.

"You're cute." he said simply, still watching her with the same look.

"Wh-what?" Riley stuttered, letting out a little anxious breath at the completely unexpected words.

And then he set his pencil down and stood up, languidly walking over to her with his hands in his pockets.

"D-did you hear a word I said?" she stammered, bravely refusing to back away despite the fact that her pulse was racing so fast she could hear her heart drumming in her ears.

"Yeah. I heard you."

She frowned, a little put off by his cool detachment. "S-so... what's your response?"

He stopped right in front of her, that look of amusement still on his features as he watched her. Her breath caught in her chest at his proximity. He was so close she could easily inhale the scent of his spicy cologne. She held his gaze, trying to appear fearless though she knew her heart was beating a mile a minute.

"Sure. I'll do it."

Riley released a sigh of relief so all-encompassing she almost collapsed in on herself.

"Phew…Well that's a relief…" she laughed and fake wiped sweat from her brow. "What's the price?"

"Go out with me."

She blinked rapidly up at him, a little slack jawed and completely confused.

"P-Pardon me?" she squeaked in confusion. "Why would you want to go out with me? I'm like the least interesting person in the world not to mention I get so nervous and then I start rambling. Kind of… like I'm… doing… now…"

She tapered off when his eyes trailed down to her lips. Riley let out a little gasp, and she nervously licked her lips when his gaze darkened.

"So is that a yes?" he asked lowly, meeting her eyes once again.

She nodded slowly, doe eyes wide and completely enraptured by his gaze.

"See you around Matthews."

He winked and then walked past her and out of the detention room.

Riley stood there stalk still, hands on her chest, cheeks completely flushed and her heart pounding.

What the heck had just happened?