Chapter Fifteen: Capri

"She's got a baby inside

And holds her belly tight

All through the night

Just so she knows

She's sleeping so

Safely to keep

Her growing

And oh when she'll open her eyes

There'll be no surprise

That she'll grow to be

So beautifully

Just like her mother"

- Capri by Colbie Caillat

Location: Burlington, VT

Date: Monday, August 24, 2015

It had been over two months since they returned home from vacation and Olivia was almost thirty-two weeks pregnant. She finally had begun to really show. However, she was four pounds over what the doctor would consider perfect weight. Dr. Vogel reminded Olivia that every person was different and every pregnancy was different. Still, Olivia didn't believe her; she stood in front of the mirror after she got out of the shower. She felt disgusting, she felt ashamed of her body.

Every precaution she had taken to prevent extra weight and stretch marks failed. Her breast were huge which she expected since her body was producing milk. Her ass was getting bigger every day, which she hated but Fitz loved. Her stomach and thighs were just growing by the minute. Although she honestly didn't look big, the scale showed her that she had gained weight. With every pound, Olivia's vision in her mind of herself got bigger and bigger. Tears streamed down her face as she was beginning to hate this pregnancy. She knew that her daughter was growing and she was completely healthy, which in her heart she was forever grateful for especially after the car accident. However, her brain hated how her body looked.

On most days she would avoid the mirror altogether, however when she walked out of the shower she couldn't help herself but look. As she stood looking at the mirror her body had water streaming down and her curly hair had tiny water drops falling on the bathroom rug.

Fitz had awoken from the sound of the shower running. He rolled his head towards his nightstand and read the clock; it was a quarter past five o'clock in the morning. This was Olivia's morning routine for the past couple of weeks. She would wake up super earlier and shower and dress while he slept so he wouldn't have to see her naked. He hadn't touched her in weeks because she hated her body.

Fitz stayed in the bed instead of going to the bathroom because he knew she would just cry and hide from him. He was beginning to become concerned about her. Fitz's sister had experience depression during and after her pregnancy and he now believed Olivia was going through it as well. Fitz made a mental note in his head to call Kathleen later and talk to her about it. He heard the shower turn off and a few minutes he could hear her soft cries. It honestly broke his heart to hear her crying over how she looked because he thought she looked sexy as hell. He pulled the sheets off of his body and got out of bed walking to the bathroom.

As he opened the door Olivia quickly tried to get her robe to hide her body, however, Fitz was faster and grabbed her arm to still her from moving. Olivia put her hands over her face and buried herself into his chest refusing to look at him. Fitz just stood there holding her as she sobbed.

"Turn around Livvie," Fitz said and Olivia shook her head 'no'.

"Turn around," Fitz said softly but with a hint authority so she would do it.

Olivia turned around and she faced the mirror, she couldn't look at herself so she looked at Fitz's face. For the first time in a long time, she saw her old self, and she felt beautiful. The way Fitz looked at her made her feel as if she wasn't pregnant. The smile on his face, as he stared at her, Fitz made her feel beautiful, he made her feel sexy. Something she hadn't felt in a while.

"You are the most beautiful woman, and I know you don't feel that way but you are."

"Fitz…" Olivia tried to begin to protest.

"What are you going to tell Isabelle and Ava when they are in middle school going through puberty? They are going to feel ugly and unworthy at times because of their hormones, but are they truly ugly? No, they are beautiful it just their emotions that make them feel otherwise. So even though your mind wants to tell you that you aren't beautiful, I want you to listen to me. Listen when I say that you are perfect, you are beautiful and if anything I love you so much more now than I did before. So the next time you see yourself in the mirror, I want you to remember me saying 'I love you, and you are beautiful!'"

"Okay," Olivia said as she still looked into her husband's eyes through the mirror.

"And if what I just said didn't show you how beautiful you, this is proof," Fitz said as his morning erection poked her ass. Olivia just burst into laughter, and it warmed his heart to see her giggling and smiling. It was a sight he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Give me my robe now mister, I need to get ready," Olivia said.

"No, I think you can get ready like that," Fitz said smirking at her as he continued to admire his wife.

"Now we know nothing will get accomplished if I'm getting ready naked."

"I think that's the plan I'm hoping for," said a very horny Fitz.

"No, I have to get ready and prepare breakfast for Gerry, it's his first day of Kindergarten Fitz. Maybe if you're lucky you might get some loving tonight," Olivia said biting her lower lip as she flirted with him.

"Might?" Fitz said now raising his eyebrows as he grabbed her hips and pushed his erection closer to her ass. "There is no might, my sexy wife will fix this 'big' problem tonight!" Fitz said smirking at her as he walked away.

Once Olivia was ready and dressed for the day, she went downstairs. She was now in her kitchen preparing breakfast; pancakes with strawberries. She had a craving for the sugary treat, and it was Gerry's favorite meal so it was a win-win situation.

Olivia walked towards the pantry and the refrigerator to gather all of the ingredients she needed. She turned the griddle so it would be hot enough by the time she finished the batter. As she was whisking the batter she felt a strong hand go around her waist.

"I only have two meetings today so I will be home early. Are you going to working late tonight?" Fitz asked as his hands roamed over her belly.

"Yes, but I should be home shortly after dinner," Olivia said as she turned around. "I'll be fine, so don't worry."

"Okay, well I'm going to drop Gerry off with you, but then I'm going to work," Fitz said. He was still very nervous about her and her pregnancy but he didn't want to argue.

"Okay!" Olivia pulled him down by his neck and kissed him. "Can you flip the pancakes while I get Gerry ready?"

"Yes," Fitz said slapping her ass as she walked out of the kitchen.

Olivia laughed as she walked towards the staircase and up the stairs. Gerry's door was cracked open from earlier when she checked in on him. She turned on the light and went to his closet to get his clothes for the first day of school. She picked out an outfit that Fitz bought him from H&M. As she walked back into the bedroom Gerry was stirring in his sleep.

"Good morning baby," Olivia said in a cheerful voice, you couldn't even tell she was crying this morning.

"Morning momma," Gerry said in his sleepy voice as he rubbed his eyes.

He walked into the bathroom to take a quick bath so he would smell good. Olivia ran the bath water until it was perfect and quickly washed his hair and body. Then dried him off with the towel. Gerry quickly got dressed and then walked to the bathroom sink to brush his teeth. Olivia stood behind him and tamed his curly hair.

Fitz had just finished making a huge stack of the fluffy pancakes. He placed the plate on the table and then washed his hands. Fitz walked up the stairs to wake up Isabelle and get her ready for the day so she could eat breakfast with the rest of the family. He quickly got her ready for the day and made it to the kitchen table at the same time Olivia and Gerry did.

They ate breakfast together as a family, and Olivia was now tying his shoes while Fitz was placing his lunch box in his backpack. Isabelle was dressed in a black polka dot dress with a red apple on it, for her first day back to daycare. She was playing with her baby doll as she patiently waiting for Gerry to be fully ready.

Both of their backpacks were on and everyone was walking out of the house. Fitz locked the back door as he opened both garage doors. Olivia put both kids in her car and buckled them up securely before closing the car door. Fitz pulled out first, and Olivia followed behind him. Fitz had an early meeting so they were going to drop Gerry off at school first and then she would drive Isabelle to daycare by herself before going to work.

They pulled up to Gerry's school and Olivia's nerves began to sink in. Although he went to pre-school last year, this was officially big boy school. She was sad as she unbuckled him, while he seemed unfazed. Gerry was so happy, Fitz had given him a big talk last night and he was ready for today. As Fitz got out of his car he could tell his wife was nervous. He knew that Gerry would be fine, but Olivia was his mother and she always worried about him. He walked behind her and wrapped his arm around her waste.

"He's going to be okay, I promise you. Relax baby," Olivia's body relaxed slightly as she knew he was right, but she was still worried. Fitz picked up Belle because Olivia was on strict rules not to hold her often because she was too heavy.

Gerry walked down the hallway towards his classroom with his parents behind him. His eyes roamed everywhere. There were blue walls that were filled with all kinds of decorations. From the alphabet to numbers, to even an apple tree with apples labeled with every child's name. Gerry searched for his name, however, was able to find it quickly because of how long it was. His teacher Mrs. Madison was a young woman who graduated from college with a master's degree; she had brown hair and was full of life.

Gerry walked in the classroom and found his desk; at the top, he had a pencil shape nametag. He noticed Zachary was in his class as he saw him walk through the door, and then he saw that he was sitting next to him as well. The two best friends were so excited to see each other and were thrilled to be sharing a classroom. Their day hadn't even begun and both little boys loved Kindergarten.

Olivia had just got off of work and was walking into the house; it was later than she normally came home. She worried all day about Gerry but Fitz had given her constant updates since he picked the children up to let her know everyone was doing just fine. She had missed dinner and just craved to spend time with her children and husband. She honestly wanted to spend as much time with Isabelle and Gerry right now because she knew when Ava was born, Olivia was going to need to give the majority of her time to Ava. The house was extremely quiet so she walked upstairs to find the kids. She checked both of their room and they weren't in there. Then she noticed the master bedroom light; she smiled thinking they were all snuggling together in the bed laughing.

Olivia walked into her room only for it to be empty. She found her husband still in his work suit and on his hands in knees. He was lifting the skirt of the bed obviously like he was looking for something. She stared at him like he was crazy. When Fitz heard her walk into the room he sat up on his knees and held up one finger to his lips.

"Fitz…" Olivia said, but Fitz again put the finger to his lips.

As soon as he did that she could hear the giggles from her children echoing off the walls. She turned around and could see two sets of footsie pajamas underneath the curtain. She smiled as she watched the curtain move side to side, she could hear Isabelle's laughter become louder and louder. Not shortly after she could hear Gerry "shh-ing" her.

"I wonder where Gerry and Belle are?" Fitz said walking towards Olivia.

"You can't find him?" Olivia said playing along.

"I've looked everywhere," Fitz said as he kissed Olivia welcoming her home.

"Have you looked over here?" Olivia said pointing towards the curtain that they were hiding behind.

"Not yet."

Olivia walked towards the curtain, crouched down and slightly opened it. Isabelle and Gerry smiled at her as their laughter continued. Isabelle had her tiny little hands over her face as she was trying to quiet the giggles but it wasn't working. Gerry was trying to stop laughing but every time Isabelle laughed he couldn't stop. They looked so adorable in their little pajamas and their wet hair letting Olivia know Fitz gave them a bath.

"Mommy don't tell Daddy," Isabelle quietly whispered to Olivia. Olivia mouthed baby to her "okay" as she stood up and turned towards Fitz.

"Well, I don't see them there!" Olivia said now walking towards the bed, her feet were killing her and she wanted to take her shoes off now.

"Wow! Where could they be? How do we lose a whole boy and a whole little girl?" Fitz asked as he walked towards Olivia to help her take off her shoes, which she was struggling with.

"I'm tired, so I'm going to get in the shower. Finished playing before I get out and have Gerry pick out a book. We'll read it together here in bed. Okay?" Olivia asked breathing out a deep breath.

"Okay," Fitz said kissing her again. Olivia stood up and walked towards the bathroom. As soon as the door shut Fitz began walking around the room.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" Fitz said in his singing voice.

Fifteen minutes later Olivia was done with her shower and getting dressed and was doing part her nightly routine. Daddy had eventually found both of his babies and they were now currently all laying down in the king size bed waiting on Mommy. Gerry had picked out the book "Love You Forever" for them to read together.

Olivia crawled into bed and snuggled up to her family. Gerry hands her the book he picked and she already knows she's going to end up crying. This is one of her all-time favorite books and she cries every time she reads it. The book illustrates parenthood and a poignant parable about life and death.

She can remember the first time she can actually recall her mother reading it to her and she can remember the first time she read it to Gerry and to Belle. Sometimes she gets sad to know that one day her children are going to be adults and that one day they might read this book to their children. However, that is the thing she loves most about the story. It shows you that no matter how much you have grown up, you will always be your mother's baby, and you'll never stop needing your parents love.

Olivia opened the first page of the book and began reading. As she got towards the ending where the mother was dying and the son held her, she started to tear up. Gerry's eyes began to flutter shut and the last words he heard before he fell asleep were his mothers.

"I'll love you forever,

I'll like you for always,

As long as I'm living,

My baby you'll be."

Fitz carefully picked up Gerry and Isabelle one at a time and placed them into their beds. As he walked back into his room Olivia was finishing her nightly routine. She just had to put some lotion on her baby bump. She had gotten some stretch marks but she wanted to prevent as many as she could so she still rubbed cocoa butter on it.

Fitz swiftly made his way towards their bed and grabbed the lotion bottle out of her hand. She giggled as he gave her a death glare. He hated when she tried to put on the lotion without him. He felt it was his job. As she giggled he just stared at her mesmerized. She was absolutely breathing taking; he reached towards her and just captured her lips. Their lips locked and the kiss was fireworks to Olivia. It was full of passion but at the same time so soft and tender.

"What was that for?" Olivia said trying to catch her breath.

"Just because."

Fitz opened the lotion and squirted some into his hands. It was semi-cold so he rubbed it in his hands for a couple of seconds to warm it up before he put it on her stomach. The second his hands made contact, Ava went crazy. It's like she knows her daddy's touch because she just became so energetic.

Once the lotion was all rubbed in, Fitz's mouth was on her stomach giving baby Ava kisses and talking to her. He accidently placed his mouth too close to her stomach when he was talking and blew a raspberry. Ava jumped inside Olivia's stomach like she was scared and Olivia started laughing hysterically. Fitz leaned down again and gave Liv's stomach another raspberry. Once again Ava jumped and both parents blew up in a fit of giggles. Olivia was laughing so hard that she was sucking in air while she was holding on to her stomach. While Fitz's rich baritone laugh was so contagious it was causing Olivia to not stop laughing.

This little moment between father and daughter was adorable, and one day would be a funny story. Olivia couldn't wait to see him hold her. Although Ava has never physically met her daddy, she was a daddy's girl for sure. They were definitely going to have their hand full because he would probably never be able to tell her 'no'.

Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Olivia had just arrived home from a long day at work. Fitz and the kids wanted to make homemade pizza so she had stopped by a local pizza place to pick up some dough because it was always better than the one the store sold. Fitz was throwing the kids around the pool, Olivia could hear the water splashing and the kids giggling as she walked outside letting them know she was home. She stood there watching them for a couple of minutes just in awe of her children's relationship with their daddy before she said anything. Before she could make her presence know Gerry spotted her and screamed her name.


Fitz and Isabelle turned around to see that mommy was home and Gerry began running towards her. Olivia held out a towel wrapping it around him before she bent down giving him a big hug and kissing him.

"Guess what mommy!" Gerry said excitedly.

"What baby?" Olivia said giving him her full attention as Fitz got out of the pool with Isabelle and was drying her off so they didn't bring too much water in the house.

"I'm a big boy, I didn't pee in the pool today!" Gerry said so proudly of himself and Olivia couldn't help but giggle at his honesty.

"Awe, mommy is so proud of you baby! And guess what mommy brought home, do you remember what we are going to make for dinner."

"Umm," Gerry put finger by his mouth in deep thought trying to remember. He looked so much like his father when he did that. "Pizza!" Gerry said when he remembered.

"That's right, you're going to go upstairs and take a shower with daddy, while I give Isabelle a bath and then were going to make some yummy pizza." Olivia's words alone made Gerry jump for joy.

Olivia stood up and finally spoke to her husband giving him a big kiss on his lips. She missed him all day and was excited to be home because she wanted a massage as soon as possible.

"You feeling okay?" Fitz asked as he saw her hands trying to reach her back.

"Ava has been kicking me in my back all day."

"Okay, let me shower quickly and then I'll come help you," he said giving her another peck.

Thirty minutes later they were all in the kitchen with their cute little aprons on and the kids had on little chef hats making Olivia laugh. It was the best money spent seeing them look like that. Fitz quickly snapped a picture of them three together. Olivia cleaned off the island in the kitchen and sprinkled flour everywhere and put the pizza dough on the table. Fitz was doing one, Gerry was doing one, and Olivia was helping Isabelle do her pizza. Fitz was being a show-off and was tossing his dough in the air, but his arm muscles looked incredible sexy so Olivia just watched licking her lips. However, she quickly remembered she was helping Isabelle make a pizza as well and turned back around giving all of her attention to Belle.

Fitz had finished rounding his pizza dough first and saw Olivia bent over helping Belle roll it out. He quickly forgot they weren't alone and slapped her ass. She turned around smirking and saw him grinning as he had placed a perfect flour handprint on her ass, and she soon felt another slap. Gerry had hit her leaving a much smaller flour handprint and had his hands over his mouth giggling.

"You see what you've taught our son?" Olivia said trying to be serious but couldn't stop the giggle from coming out.

"I'm sorry," Fitz said pouting as he tried to kiss her. Olivia gave in and kissed him back, but only for revenge. It was the perfect time to distract him, and she was able to slap him on his ass right back.

"I sure you are," Olivia said winking.

Once the pizza dough was rolled out Olivia grabbed some tomato sauce, garlic, oregano, and some other seasonings and quickly made a pizza sauce. Isabelle helped her mommy stir it together like a big girl, and then picked up the ladle to spread the sauce all over her pizza. Gerry was helping daddy shred all of the cheese with the grater.

Once the pizzas were sauced up and all the topping were spread out, Olivia and Fitz let the kids decorate them. Some of the pizzas had way more cheese than others, but Olivia didn't care, this was a family dinner. It wasn't supposed to be perfect, all that matter was that her children were having fun and were happy. And as for her, well she was beyond happy, Fitz was rubbing his strong hands in her back relieving all the pressure in her lower back and she was currently in heaven. No matter how stressful or painful her day was, moments like this with her family always made it all worth it.

Date: Thursday, August 27, 2015

As Olivia and Fitz entered the very lively carnival for date night, the aroma of popcorn and cotton candy filled their nostrils. The smell was so heavy in the air they could practically taste it. They roamed around the park looking for some games to play because Olivia was pregnant and couldn't ride most of the thrilling roller coasters. It was very loud as they could hear food vendors shouting and music from some of the game booths playing. However, it was the excited screams of children that made Olivia smile and hold on to her stomach a little tighter. She said a silent prayer in her head hoping that her pregnancy and most importantly her labor would go smoothly so that one day she could see Ava in this type of atmosphere. The closer she got to her due date, the more nervous she got about all the things that could go wrong, but tonight was about her and Fitz, so she tried to shake that off her mind.

Olivia held onto Fitz's arm more tightly than normal, there were power cables all across the pathways, and she could barely maintain her balance. She suddenly had an urge to use the restroom, Ava had started moving her body stretching her tiny arms and legs out and she was pushing on her bladder. They made a quick stop before they continued walking towards the Ferris wheel.

The line was long and twisted, and as they waited Olivia leaned her head back against Fitz. His fingertips rubbed smooth circles into her hips while he peppered her with kisses. As they stood in line patiently waiting their turn to ride Olivia's favorite ride, her mind drifted to what today could have been. It was exactly six months since they had gone to court. Today could have been one of the worst days of her life and she could have been divorcing her husband. Instead, it was a joyful one, she was happily standing next to her husband and she was more in love with him today than she had ever been in her entire life.

Olivia's body shivered and her arms filled with goosebumps, bringing her out of her thoughts. Although it was summer at night it got pretty chilly. Fitz felt her shake and instantly took off his jacket and wrapped it around her body rubbing her arms trying to warm her up. They were next in line to get in the gondolas and Fitz held her hand as she walked on, making sure she didn't trip. Olivia got comfortable in Fitz's arms as the Ferris wheel started to go higher and higher giving them a beautiful view of the sunset of the city.

"Do you remember our first trip to the carnival, or I should say on the Ferris wheel?" Fitz asked laughing.

"Oh my god," Olivia said as she began to hysterically laugh. "Poor us, Vanessa was bad, why did my mom make me take her on our date again? I should ask her next time I see her."

"Poor us?" Fitz said laughing. "No, poor me! She kicked me in the balls while we were sitting on the Ferris wheel, and let me tell you, the private soccer lessons your parents paid for definitely didn't help."

"Well, if I recall correctly, that night you got some extra loving to make up what Vanessa did to you!" Olivia said winking at him and licking her lips.

"That I did, maybe she should have come again, so I can get extra loving tonight," Fitz said jokingly but Olivia knew he was being half serious. They hadn't made love in a while, and it was her fault with her own insecurities.

"Fitz…" Olivia said turning around to face him.

"It's okay," he said as he kissed her cheek. "Let just enjoy tonight and look at this beautiful view."

The Ferris wheel was finally at the top and the view was breathtaking. They had been on this ride a hundred times, but the view never got old. As they snuggled against one another they gazed at the view, they could see the sun setting in the distance. The fiery red orb of light slowly began sinking below the horizon, and small threads of light faded in and out of the rolling clouds. The sky was filled with orange, red, and then dark blue but slowly faded until all that was left was the darkness. The stars were like glowing crystals in the sky and when the clouds parted, the moon appeared illuminating the sky casting moonlight on the ground.

When the ride ended, Olivia was happy to be off, although she enjoyed it, she was getting a little bit of motion sickness and just wanted to be on the ground. When she had finally regained her strength and didn't feel the need to vomit, they started walking. Fitz instantly spotted a koala stuffed animal in the distance on a game and he started walking that way. That was Olivia favorite animal, and it was their little tradition to always win at least one stuffed animal.

The closer they got to the game Fitz was slowly regretting it, he realized it was the game where you had to get a ring on a bottle and unfortunately he sucked at this game. However, tonight he was going to try, because there had to be a first for everything, right?

Fitz purchased a basket of rings and both of them started tossing them, however, none of them made it. Olivia was beginning to think that this game was rigged because it was an impossible task. However, they bought one more basket to try to win and Fitz decided to try a different tactic. Instead of tossing them up and trying to get them to land on the bottle, he was going to toss them like as if he was skipping rocks and just prayed it would bounce and land on a bottle. The first couple of tried didn't work, but with the seventh ring, he heard the bottle rattle and watched as the ring spun around the neck of the bottle, ensuring them that they had won.

Olivia squealed in joy as the man handed her the koala bear and although Fitz had spent over thirty dollars on the game for a bear that would have only cost him fifteen at the store, the childlike innocent smile upon his wife's face was worth every penny. As they started walking the aroma of the carnival food filled the air and Olivia's eyes instantly expanded trying to figure out which delicious food she wanted to eat.

"What does my baby mama want to eat?" Fitz joked as he walked behind Olivia with his arms around her stomach.

"Hmm," Olivia thought. "Fried Oreos!"

Her mouth watered just thinking about it, and the closer she got to the food vendor, the more excited she got. Fitz was thankful that the food vendor also sold turkey legs because dying to eat one. Olivia's mouth watered as she ordered them, she saw the workers taking them out of the fryer and covering with powder sugar. She didn't even wait to find a seat, the second she had the plate in her hands she took a bite. Fitz's pants tightened as he heard her moan from the sugary sweet.

"That's not the only thing that's going to make you moan like that tonight," Fitz whispered in her ear.

Olivia bit her lip as she felt his breath on her neck and his words filled her mind. A puddle began to form in between her legs, and she instantly regretted coming to the carnival tonight. Her libido was in full effect and she just wanted to take him to bed. She couldn't even focus on finishing her treat as they sat down on a bench; she instantly crossed her legs trying to calm her body down. Fitz could see her fidgeting on the seat, from his blunt words. They hadn't been intimate for a while now, and he had purposely said it knowing exactly how his words had an effect on her.

"Take me home."

Before their front door was closed Fitz wrapped his arms around Olivia from behind. One inhale of his scent was intoxicating her and she instantly wanted to turn around and kiss him. His left hand instantly was at the button of her jeans pulling them down almost instantly. Olivia couldn't move even if she wanted to, it was like his fingers had short-circuited her mind in the most amazing way. He turned her around as he yanked off her shirt and her plump breast bounced, giving him a perfect view. His already painful erection tightened as he saw his wife's body standing there in only a matching bra and thong.

They tumbled onto the couch as his eye search hers. Olivia nodded her head slightly and that was all Fitz needed. His lips were instantly all over her body, starting from her neck, making a wet trail down to her sensitive breast, over her stretched stomach that held their growing child, and down to her second set of lips that were glistening with her essence.

His fingers touched her, and that was it. One touch and it was over, it was always that way with Olivia and the pregnancy only heightened her sensitivity. When he put his mouth on her center she felt the electricity in her skin, her hormones were shutting down all parts of her brain. She couldn't think, all she could do was feel, and from there on it was just intense pleasure. He was her release, her escape, her drug.

As Fitz's tongue continued to bring immense pleasure to Olivia the room was filled with her whimpers, letting him know he was doing his job perfectly. He slowly entered one of his fingers and then added a second one in her slick heat. Her body was now in a transitory paralysis and her mind was now unable to process this pleasure so fast. Her orgasm quickly rose and instantly she was unable to hold it. Her body stiffened as she let go, her mouth was wide open and no sound escaped as she let her mind blowing orgasm take over.

Fitz within an instant picked her up while she was still in her euphoric state of mind and took her upstairs to their bedroom. He placed her on their bed and his lips moved around to her ear and whispers to her what is coming next. He had a lot of pent up frustration and was ready to let him domineering side out.

Olivia's body pulls back for a kiss that is both gentle and hard before she got into one of her favorite positions; on her hand and knees, silently preparing her body for what was to come. He slapped her ass and the mix of pain and pleasure caused her to yelp.

"Please," Olivia begged. She was in overdrive and needed him to fuck her already. Fitz was teasing her as he slid his penis in between her folds but not entering her causing her to become wetter than she already was.

"Please what? Tell me what you want Olivia," Fitz said. He knew her mind was a mess and she could barely speak let alone make a sentence, but something about that turned him on.

"I… I…" Olivia was completely incoherent. She kept stumbling over her words. She couldn't focus with Fitz teasing her body. Fitz slapped her other ass cheek quickly.

"What. Do. You. Want. Olivia." Fitz said punctuating every word.

"I want you to fuck me, daddy," Olivia said panting under her breath and purposing using the name daddy to turn him on more.

Fitz's dick twitched and he almost came instantly when she spoke. He didn't waste another second waiting to enter her. Her walls were extremely wet and slippery allowing him to enter her extremely deep and the position they were in angled him to hit her g-spot every time. He had zero mercy on her as he was slamming in and out of her causing her to moan extremely louder than normal. He just kept slapping her ass the more she screamed. She could feel the tightening in her stomach letting her know her body was once again about to explode. Fitz could feel her muscles contracting around his dick letting him know she was close and with every thrust he made he watched Olivia ass bounce against him, it was mesmerizing.

He could feel his orgasm approaching and his hand traveled in between her thighs finding her bundle of nerves. He began rubbing circles around her clit as he relentlessly keep pounding. A few thrust later she let go screaming his name like a prayer. Her muscles gripped his dick making him explode and causing him to scream some profanity, while she milked him for every last drop of cum.

He slid out of her and she instantly laid down on the bed, now in euphoric pleasure as he grabbed a warm towel to clean her up. She yawned, tired from their day and exhausted from their sexcapade. The second she felt his chest against her back and his arm firmly around her stomach protecting their daughter; she closed her eyes and allowed her body to rest.

Date: Friday, August 28, 2015

Olivia sat nervously in the uncomfortable chair at the hospital waiting room. Fitz's heart was running a mile a minute as they both were waiting patiently for the doctor to see Olivia. He was trying to keep both himself and Olivia calm so he was softly rubbing circles onto the palm of her hand. However, it wasn't helping either one of them.

Earlier this morning Olivia noticed some spotting when she went to the restroom, and she couldn't help but think the worst. Did she lose their baby? Maybe Fitz was right, her body couldn't handle another baby after Isabelle's birth. Her mind was spinning like a tornado of negative thoughts. This was supposed to be a normal doctors appointment for them to check on Ava. They were going to see how much she had grown since the last time and to hear her heartbeat. However, it now could be the day they find out that their daughter died and they will mourn over how she never took a breath.

It was 8:13 A.M. and each minute that passed Olivia's nerves got higher and higher. She knew it was common for the doctors to be running behind sometimes but today she didn't have the patience to wait. She needed to know about her baby girl. Just as she was about to get up the nurse called her name.

"Olivia Grant."

The knot in her stomach only tightened. She thought knowing the doctor was about to see her would help but it only made it worse. Olivia slowly began walking towards the nurse. She felt like she was going to vomit. Her anxiety crashed over her with every step she took.

The nurse was being a lot slower than Olivia would prefer as she checked Olivia's weight and her blood pressure. The nurse's expression after the monitor beeped and read 142/91 was no surprise to Liv. Her nerves were through the roof and she knew her blood pressure was extremely high.

The nurse showed Olivia to the room and closed the door behind her, placing Liv's chart in the box next to the door for the doctor. Fitz placed her purse on the ground while Olivia sat on the exam table. She sucked in a shaky breath; she could feel her throat constricting as she waited for Dr. Vogel to come in the room.

The doorknob twisted and Dr. Vogel walked in. Normally a technician would do a check up ultrasound on the baby first before she would come in and do one herself. However, she was informed of Olivia's spotting and wanted to handle it.

"Good morning Olivia, so I read that there was some spotting this morning. Why don't we lie down and check on your baby girl and then we will go over the nurses notes from earlier."

Fitz removed his hand from her stomach and she felt naked. Olivia knew that his palm wasn't truly protecting Ava but when it was there she felt like nothing could go wrong. She lifted her shirt and Dr. Vogel placed a towel under her belly. Olivia heard the machine turn on and her palms were instantly clammy. She looked at the white ceiling staring up blankly at the terror of what she might possibly see.

"So do we have a name picked out for the princess?" Dr. Vogel asked as she moved the transducer probe around trying to find the baby's heartbeat. She knew Olivia was nervous and she wanted to calm her.

"Ava Abigail Grant," Olivia said as she calmed down slightly.

Just as she said it their daughter's name, her heartbeat rang in Olivia's ear. Ava was fine. She looked down at the screen she was so nervous to look at two minutes ago and saw her daughter's heart beating in a perfect rhythm.

"The little princess looks fine, she has a strong heartbeat, and she's measuring perfectly on track. I think the spotting was just from your intercourse last night, which is very common. It's nothing you need to worry about. However, I do want to run a few test on you especially because of your pregnancy with Isabelle!" Dr. Vogel said, and Olivia shook her head yes understanding.

An hour and a half later after she took another sugar test, urine test, and did some blood work. Olivia sat nervously waiting to hear from Dr. Vogel. The doorknob twisted and she walked in holding her chart.

"So you results are back, and you don't have gestational diabetes, however, you were really close again like you were when we check you at your twenty-eight week mark. I am, though, still very concerned about you high blood pressure. I know your little freak out this morning didn't help, but it really shouldn't be as high as it is right now. Especially with your history in your last pregnancy, I'm starting to become very concerned that you may be showing signs of preeclampsia again. Also on your urine exam, we found a lot of protein in it, which is another big sign." Olivia was now becoming extremely nervous; she couldn't go through what they went through with Isabelle. She knew for sure Fitz couldn't either, it nearly killed him last time.

"Olivia, for now, I want you to be on bed rest and pelvic rest, so no more sex. For the next six weeks you're going to come in once a week, so we can check on you and Ava. However Olivia, I really need you to listen to me. You need to be stress-free these next six weeks. The slightly rise in your blood pressure could be deadly to both of you." Dr. Vogel said calmly and looking directly at her. She didn't want to freak Olivia out, but she needed her to understand this was serious. Olivia's eye began to water as tears streamed down her face. Her biggest fear was coming true, if she couldn't get her stress under control, she just might lose their baby.

The next ten minutes were a blur to both Olivia and Fitz; the doctor had finally picked a date and scheduled her caesarean section. However, their minds were going a mile a minute. To say Fitz was scared was an understatement; he was petrified, not only could he lose his wife, he could lose his daughter. They rode in the elevator in silence, all they could hear was their breathing mixed with the soft music playing, and the chime that sounded after every floor they passed. Fitz tried to remain calm, as his emotions were everywhere. Not only was he feeling sad he was feeling angry with God. Why him, why did the bad things always have to happen to his family? As he closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. Only one thought could come to mind; this is exactly why he didn't want her to get pregnant again.

AN: Its been so long, but I'M BACK! Its the summer and I'm hoping I can get some of my motivation to write again back so I can upload a lot more chapters for you guys. Also I want to thank all of you for sending me sweet messages on here or on Twitter asking about when I was going to update and patiently waiting, I truly appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And please leave me your opinions, I try to respond to all of you. All reviews are welcome. Thank you again for following, reading, and reviewing. It means to world to me. Until next time. XOXO.

P.S. Olivia will be giving birth very soon and I honestly can't wait to read your reactions.