I'm sure that after reading my Mother's Day special for HTTYD made you guys want a Father's Day special to happen. Well, tada, here it is! Let me know what u think ;)


Fathers and Sons

Chapter One

"This is a bad idea."

"We haven't even tried it yet."

"You're going to get yourself killed."

"We don't know that."

"Chief, if you die then how will I explain it to everyone? Heck, Astrid will probably kill me before I even get the chance to say something."

"Eret, just calculate the best angle on where I should open my flight suit already," Twenty-year-old Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III sighed, doing one last check on his gear. "Fine…but I still think this is dangerously stupid," Eret, Son of Eret, sighed and had his Rumblehorn, Skullcrusher, fly him down the whole height of Stoick the Vast's statue. Toothless, Hiccup's Night Fury, rumbled worriedly as he perched on the statue's left shoulder.

It was Father's Day today in Berk and, while everyone was hard at work preparing special surprises for every man of the house, Hiccup and Eret were at Stoick's statue testing out Hiccup's flight suit.

It was rather odd at first for them to be hanging out together, especially since they used to be enemies. But that was just for less than 24 hours. After Drago was defeated, Eret officially became a Berkian and, after two months of depression, adjusted to his new life as a freeman.

Maybe it was because they both lost their fathers thanks to Drago or the fact that they couldn't really celebrate Father's Day with their dads anymore but, little by little, Hiccup and Eret found themselves usually doing stuff together. Saddle making, forging, sword fighting, Dragon Training…they did that kind of stuff every day. Both of them didn't really find it awkward or anything, though. On the contrary, they enjoyed each other's company. It was as if a brotherly bond was beginning to form between the former dragon trapper and the young Chief, and they were both quite comfortable with that.

Eret and Skullcrusher flew back up to the top of Stoick's statue's head, where Hiccup was standing on. "I'd say the wings should snap open when you reach about a half-meter down. Make sure you take off at exactly 90 degrees," Eret advised as he and Skullcrusher hovered in the air. "Got it, half-meter down, 90 degrees," Hiccup nodded, putting on his helmet.

"I still think this is going to kill you," Eret reminded him as he had Skullcrusher land on the statue's right shoulder. "Okay then, ex-trapper of little faith, prepare to eat your words," Hiccup told him, his voice muffled by his helmet's visor, before hurling himself off his Dad's statue with an excited whoop!

Eret had a deadpan expression on his face and glanced over at Toothless. "Has he always been this crazy?" he asked the Night Fury. "Yup!" Toothless replied, popping the 'p'. Surprisingly, Eret wasn't too shocked to hear Toothless talk. He'd heard Stryka talk already once so it didn't surprise him that the mate of Zenna's dragon could also talk human.

Hiccup, on the other hand, had reached the half-meter down mark and quickly opened his wings. The wind caught in the leather flaps and, launching himself at exactly 90 degrees like Eret had instructed him, Hiccup was soon gliding through the air, whooping with sheer glee.

"Odin, when will that kid's win streak ever end?" Eret wondered to himself out loud as he watched the young Chief fly like a dragon.

And that was when Hiccup's flight suit malfunctioned, again.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" the young Chief screamed, spinning out of control and crash landing somewhere nearby! "Well, better go tell the village to start building a funeral pyre," Eret said jokingly only for Skullcrusher to bounce him in the saddle with an indignant snort. "I'm joking! Okay, let's just go get him…" Eret sighed before having Skullcrusher fly over to Toothless. The Night Fury warbled as Eret jumped onto his back. Clicking the stirrup, Eret had Toothless glide down Stoick's statue and fly over to where Hiccup had crash landed. Miraculously there had been a huge pile of hay on the ground and Hiccup was lucky enough to fall on top of it. "Okay…that was a lucky break," Hiccup said, taking off his helmet. "Hiccup, if the gods had meant for us to fly then they would have given us wings of our own," Eret told him as he, Toothless and Skullcrusher came in for a landing.

"I wish they had…" Hiccup sighed as Eret helped him out of the hay pile. "Yeah, well, keep wishing," the former dragon trapper smiled.

Not really sure on what to do next, the two young men decided to just hang out at Stoick's statue again. Hiccup looked at a sheet of paper he had taken out of his notebook and was mouthing the words written on it.

"Working on your speech for the Father's Day Feast there?" Eret asked him, lazily reclining on Skullcrusher's saddle. Hiccup nodded before getting curious. "Hey, Eret, just out of curiosity, how close were you with your dad?" he asked carefully. Eret was silent for a few minutes before he decided to speak. "Da and I had always been close…even more so when Mum died…" he sighed wistfully. "Lucky…" Hiccup mumbled, making the older man raise an eyebrow at him. "My Dad and I weren't always close. I spent the first 15 years of my life trying to prove to him that I could be a great Viking like he was…he barely even noticed me…" Hiccup explained, looking sad.

Eret wasn't really sure how to respond to the Chief's revelation about his previously strained relationship with his father and just looked out over the horizon. Then he remembered something.

"You know…I never really thanked you."

Hiccup looked at Eret in confusion. "For getting rid of Drago and freeing me from him. I never really thanked you personally for that," the former dragon trapper clarified, smiling gratefully at him. Hiccup smiled back at him. "You're welcome…and I guess in some way defeating Drago Bludvist finally allowed both of our fathers to rest in peace…" he said before glancing at the face of his father's statue. Hiccup felt tears well up in his eyes but blinked them away.

"I miss my Dad…" he whispered, Toothless crooning softly at him. "I know how that feels…" Eret mumbled his face solemn. Skullcrusher warbled comfortingly at his Rider. Over the past few months, he and Eret had really bonded. And, now, Skullcrusher considered Eret to truly be his Rider. And the Rumblehorn had sworn to himself, on the day that Eret had recovered from pneumonia many moons ago, that he wasn't going to let himself lose another Rider ever again. He had failed to protect Stoick during the Battle of the Bewilderbeast. He was going to make sure that Eret will always be safe no matter what.

Suddenly, both Skullcrusher and Toothless felt something. And that something was enough to get them to become alert and take to the sky with their Riders. "What the…? Toothless, what is it?" Hiccup asked. The Night Fury merely roared and looked out into the horizon. "They sense something…I think they want us to fly out there," Eret guessed, Skullcrusher impatiently snorting as he and Toothless looked out to sea.

Whatever Toothless and Skullcrusher were sensing, it was powerful enough to make them fly off without waiting for their Riders' commands. Seeing that their dragons were dead set on heading out, Hiccup and Eret decided to let their dragons have control this time and headed out.

"Whatever they're going after, I hope we don't miss the feast at the Great Hall tonight…" Hiccup said, worrying about his speech. "We'll see, Chief. We'll see," Eret shrugged as they left Berk.

What do u guys think? Your reviews are greatly appreciated.
