Epic rap battle of history
Shrek vs Matt
Oh look who here, it a mathmatic nerd
your shows suck haven't you heard
your a copycat of Dragon Tales from one place to another
being in your world is bullshit and crappier
you have two girlfriend Jackie and Nazz
I'll tell Donkey to kick your shitty ass
you don't stand a chance by an orge like me
i'll take you to a swamp and get you fucking dirty
You think you can't beat me you mad green ogre
your house is like a bull crap boulder
your a copy of Homer are you insane
big dumb baldy ape that your nickname
my shows are good compare to your
your wife Fiona is a fucking little horde
math is good that how I got to say
I'll tell Hacker to send you to Far Far Away
Of course you get the point with your pet Digit
yo mama Motherboard is a computer shit
you got that from SpongeBob Plankton's wife Karen
I'll put you in a lamp just like Aladdin
I know your the bravest but your a jerk
can't you see your hiding a lot of work
I have an idea go commit suicide
before I tell Rumple to blast you out the sky
I don't give a shit between your children today
all you care about is your house that is too gay
even though a badass like you can rescue Fiona
stuck in a Tower by a dragon that suck
you wish that you were never born your a freaking coot
your not a real fighter like Puss in the Boot
I'm outta here Hacker will strike back again
goodbye ogre, hope to battle you again
Who won
You Decide