Ara Pov

I tried to walk to the bathroom, and I was so heavy that it was difficult to move so I groaned and Severus woke up.

" Ara, what are you trying to do?" He asked confused.

"I need to go to the loo, and I'm too heavy to get out of this bed," I said sighing and he stood fast.

"Sorry love." He said and I nodded. "Come, I will help you."

"I don't like that I cannot do anything anymore without help," I said and he opened the door.

"Just remember that is not only you. Draco was telling yesterday that he will move his room next to the dining room as is getting difficult to move and he is having only one baby." Severus said.

"I feel like a wale," I said groaning, and he kissed my neck.

"A very sexy one," Severus said and I smacked his arm. "Not hurting your husband."

"Only if the husband is an arse," I said cleaning my hands. "I don't understand how you stand to look at me."

"You are sexy as hell carrying my babies," Severus said. "But I have to confess that I'm anxious for them to be born so I can fuck you properly again."

"A very gentleman thought," I said smirking and trying to close my robe. "This is small again."

"I take care of that," Severus said charming my robe once more after last week. "How long do we have?"

"Normally two weeks but Rita said that they could be here anytime from now," I said, and he arranged my robes.

"Good, I will help you to go to the dining room. I guess they are waiting for us," Severus said, and we walked together.

My family was there, Draco whining and Harry stroking his head. Father was kissing mother head and she looked very tired while Lucius was talking with a very happy Cissa. I sat on the chair and we started to eat. I felt some cramps on my lower back and I sipped some tea hoping for the pain to go away. It did for some minutes before coming back a little stronger so I started to worry. I looked at Severus as he was talking with Lucius and I closed my eyes. This time the pains were harder, and I groaned.

"Love?" Severus asked, and I nodded. "Now?"

"I think so but we have time." I said, "They are only little cramps."

"I will help you to the nursery, and Lucius will call Rita," Severus said, and I look at my brother who was helping a very distress Narcisa.

"I think Father will have to call Rita," Lucius said and Father shook his head moving Mother to his arms.

"No, more like Harry will have to do it," Father said, and Harry snorted.

"So who will take care of the crying one over here?" Harry said holding a crying Draco who was holding his big belly.

"Just tell me that you did not take a potion for this," Severus said, and I smacked his head.

"No way, I learned my lesson about potions," I said, and he nodded.

"We need to take them to the nursery, and put the privacy spell. I will call Rita," Severus said, and Rita entered the room.

"No need, your elf called me," Rita said and looked at us confused. "All of them?"

"Yes. They wanted to be pregnant together, and now they are giving birth together," Lucius said, and Rita laughed.

"This will hit the news hard. Come, we have a long work to do." Rita said moving to the nursery.

Everything was ready, and I thanked our elves who prepared the room. My corner had three cribs and my favorite robes for after birth. Severus helped me to sit on the chair and I felt a very strong contraction while he put the privacy wards. Rita entered our place and told me to lean on the chair while she checked on my dilatation.

"Good, you are on the way, you will probably be giving birth in the next hour so try to be comfortable. Draco is almost ready, Narcisa is far along and Druella is ready so I will go with her." Rita said leaving our side.

"Do you realize that we will have our little ones soon?" I asked, and Severus nodded.

"We did not talk about names," Severus said. "No Harry or James or Sirius or Remus."

"No, I was thinking about Xavier, Lucas, and Caleb." I said "What about second names.

"What do you think about this? Xavier Draco, Lucas Abraxas, and Caleb Lucius." Severus said and I nodded.

"What about Severus or Tobias?" I asked and he shook his head.

"We can use Severus for our next one but no way I will want Tobias," Severus said and I yelped.

"Next one?" I asked wincing as I had a contraction.

"Well, I don't like uneven numbers," Severus said and I sobbed as the contraction was long and painful. "What can I do to help you?"

"Come to my side and massage my back," I said and he complied.

"I feel guilty about this," Severus said and I shook my head.

"Is my fault," I said, and he kissed me.

"Let me see how far you are," Rita said. "At the moment you have a brother and a great-nephew. Narcisa is still far."

"How about us?" Severus asked, and Rita cocked her head, checking inside me.

"Oh, I think somebody is very anxious to meet you. I can feel his head." Rita said. "Severus, go to her side and hold her while I will coach her to push. Ara, this will be hard but you are strong enough for this."

"I hope so," I said and I felt a very strong contraction and the need to push so I yelled and I pushed.

"Yes, like this, push," Rita said. "Take a good breath in and let it go. Get ready."

"Oh Merlin, this is painful," I said before pushing again very hard and I felt something moving inside me, tearing me on its way. " It's so painful."

"You are very strong, love," Severus said and I glare at him.

"Don't you dare to speak to me like this," I yelled, and he flinched.

"Love?" He asked, and I growled as I was pushing again.

"Don't take her words to your heart, I heard wives cursing their husband to the next week and telling them how much they loved them after birth," Rita said. "Good I can see the first head here, blond hair."

"This will be Lucas," I said and I yelled again.

"I have the head, breath and don't push now. Good, a big push and this boy will be out." Rita said and I yelled. "Good girl, your baby boy is a very healthy one."

"Can I take him?" I asked and she cleaned him, put a diaper and gave me my first son.

"Lucas, little one," I said kissing his head.

"We have some minutes so I will go to see Narcisa," Rita said and Severus nodded.

"He is so beautiful, thank you, love," Severus said. "I never thought I would be a father."

"And now you will have three boys to take care of." I said wincing, "Starting now, I think the second one is on the way."

"Sorry, Narcisa just had her baby girl," Rita said sitting on her stool. "Good, this one is already on his place, so push."

"Oh my, why this hurt more?" I asked pushing and Rita nodded.

"You are sore and he is a big one like his brother and father," Rita said. "One more time, Ara."

"Fucking hell," I yelled and I heard a little boy crying. " Xavier."

"Good, I will stay here and we will wait until you last baby decides to meet us. Take Xavier." Rita said and I nursed Xavier. Severus was holding Lucas and talking softly with him. Ten minutes later, I felt another contraction, and I knew that Caleb was coming. "Good, I hope this will go faster. Push."

Five minutes later, I was holding Caleb while Rita and Severus held Xavier and Lucas. When the wards were down, we found our family smiling and we could see them holding their babies.

"This is Septimus Cygnus Malfoy," Father said proudly showing us a white hair baby.

"This is Carina Ara Malfoy," Lucius said smiling at me holding a blond baby.

"This is James Sirius Malfoy," Draco said and we could see a dark hairy baby.

"We are proud to introduce our sons, Xavier Draco, Lucas Abraxas, and Caleb Lucius," Severus said showing our babies. They had white hair, pale skin, and very dark blue eyes.

"They are so beautiful," Rita said, and we smiled. "I gave a potion to the mother so the recovery will be faster. You can take the night off as the elves will help me to take care of the babies. Tomorrow my sister will come, and she will start taking care of them."

"She will be helping you to take care of them," Father said. "I know that you want to be there all the time but we have obligations so it will be good to have some help."

"I know, but I will want to be able to decide for them." Mother said, and father nodded.

"Good, now go to sleep as you must be tired," Rita said and Severus helped me up.

We arrived in our room and he helped me to bed, leaning next to me and kissing me softly. I could see that he was happy and confused. I caressed his cheek and I felt his tears falling down.

"Love? Are you alright?" I asked kissing him.

"I never thought that I would be able to be a father and now I have these three boys and you in my life. I'm so happy." Severus said and I held him while he sobbed on my chest.

"Hush, we will be ok," I said kissing his head and we fell asleep thinking about our little ones.