Being a gifted child is often praised in many cultures, societies, and mostly heralded as a tiding of good things to come. It meant that the child would have great things come from them. They would invent, innovate, and create.

The parents of the gifted child would be praised as well for siring such a wondrous offspring, shifting the child to be great. And, if the child were truly great, they would teach other gifted children once they were old enough.

Orochimaru of the Sannin didn't have parents so no one could praise them, but they praised him often enough, the clan-less prodigy of his generation. He was calm, cool, collected, even as he grew older. And sooner or later, he took on studying the forgotten area of science to his culture: biology, alchemy, and genetics.

While the rest of the world's scientists were concerned with technology and new ways to kill one another, Orochimaru would find ways to accelerate the growth of human's evolution.

"It's for the good of the race," Orochimaru would say time and time again to the public. It was true; he had discovered many antidotes to several 'incurable' poisons with his study in alchemy and of nature.

He did, however, discover many more poisons only he could cure.

Orochimaru discovered many medicines that hospitals across the Elemental Nations used and it was because he believed in the advancement of the human race. No longer would disease kill people unnecessarily when they had the proper means to defend themselves. But, these medicines involved trial and error, thus where his experiments were born.

At first, his experiments didn't involve sentient beings, only animals, sometimes monsters, but, as his ideas expanded outward, growing more and more concentric to the human race as a whole…he needed the real thing.

In the midst of night, a street urchin would disappear here or there, sometimes a homeless man or woman; Orochimaru did not discriminate in his pursuit for the evolution of the human race.

"It's for the good of the species." Orochimaru used to say. It eventually evolved into, "It's for the good of the species, and sacrifices must be made for the whole."

Orochimaru tried time and time again to discover a way for advanced regeneration, though that resulted in the subject being nothing more than a walking mass of cancerous, tumor filled flesh.

He then tried to make it to discover a way for extremely enhanced flexibility, though the first subjects experienced having their joints removed, essentially making them a vegetable, though Orochimaru did eventually succeed by imbuing himself with enough snake DNA to force his body to adapt.

It was trial and error for most experiments. For years, he would attempt experiments, losing hope after each deemed a failure, but a single success would make him thrive.

It was a short time after a successful experiment that Orochimaru had accidentally gotten an arm cut off by an enraged cockatrice he and his subordinates had managed to subdue.

It was then, on an operating table reattaching his arm and getting out the venom of the beast that Orochimaru realized his mortality.

It was then that he felt that the need to take on a lineage. He didn't want children of his own blood, monsters they would be with his diluted DNA.

The Sannin from then on looked at the academy for a suitable heir, and found one, the generation prodigy, a 12 year old Anko Mitarashi.

She embodied the shinobi aspects of Orochimaru when he was younger. She was cunning, had remarkable flexibility, and was quite bright on many levels.

One thing she did not have, however, was his knack for science.

Whenever he tried to introduce her to experimenting on animals or monsters, she tried to complete the assignments but she did not share his zeal and would not likely complete experiments on her own. Orochimaru frowned at this time and time again. She was perfect in all but one key aspect, such a cruel mistress life was.

Orochimaru exited the Hokage tower, a frown on his face as he walked past civilians who regarded him with smiles. He had just reported to the Hokage, or his sensei, Hiruzen on several missing-nin movements along the country's borders. Orochimaru had been gone for over a month much to his personal displeasure.

Thoughts coursed through his head as he walked back to his own compound, a warehouse in the red-light district. If he didn't need to save face, he would call this his home. Many nights he would be found asleep on a couch in his office or at a desk. He even went so far as to have a shower and kitchen installed in the office as well.

The warehouse had the five levels; the first two levels were above ground. The uppermost level was where he did his pharmaceutical and alchemical testing while the first level was comprised of offices and storage for many, many herbs, roots, animal parts, molds, and various other organically comprised substances.

The third level was where Orochimaru experimented on various monsters and animals, purely for the sake of science, discovery, and progression of knowledge. The Hokage agreed to this.

The fourth was where his monsters kept for experiments were stored and other animals and lowest level to the Hokage and Anko.

The fifth level was where his various human experiments were stored as well as where he experimented. Obviously, the Hokage did not agree to this or was even told.

Orochimaru extended his sensory skills to detect anyone in the area of his warehouse before entering the automatic, pressure sensitive, and sliding doors.

His secretary greeted him with a respective bow which Orochimaru barely acknowledged. Without a word, the Snake Sannin walked over the elevators and entered them before pressing a series of buttons that would take him to the fifth floor.

Orochimaru traveled down and when the door opened it reveal blackness. Orochimaru stepped into the void before the motion-sensor lights snapped to life illuminating the room to a degree that everything was visible. The temperature in the room was around forty degrees as this was the experimentation room. The low temperature was so that the experiments that were left to set to study long term affects would not decay.

Orochimaru, however, was not interested in these for a first. They were each a failure so he had no reason to be interested.

He was not sad, but merely disinterested.

The Sannin sat in a chair at a desk in the left corner of the room, multiple stacks of paper scattered along it with pens, pencils and the like.

The chalk-skinned man sat back in his chair, a frown marring his complexion as he rested his chin in his right palm.

"Kabuto," Orochimaru called out to the seemingly empty room only for a silver-haired boy around eight to appear in front of him, kneeling. Orochimaru had considered Kabuto as his heir but had also told himself that his heir needed to be independent, while Kabuto was by no means independent.

"Hai, Orochimaru-sama?" the boy replied submissively.

"Have you found any suitable students?" the Sannin asked, hoping for a response of the good nature.

Kabuto was silent for a moment, almost as if he were contemplating telling his superior. Seconds passed before the younger of the two relented.

"Naruto Uzumaki, age five, spends most of his time in the library. He reads various books of up to college level. Books include, Monster Biology, Human Physiology, Human Psychology, Reproduction on a Cellular Level, Machinations of Evolution, among other science-based books. He arrives there promptly after nine a.m. most mornings. He stays there until three p.m. usually procuring multiple books to take home, after four p.m. he trains himself in chakra manipulation and chakra control," Kabuto read off as if he were reading from a script.

Orochimaru became more and more interested in the spawn of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze the more he heard. It seemed that not only did this boy enjoy the study of science, biology to be more specific, but he also seemed to have interest in a ninja career whereas Anko only seemed to be interested in the ninja side of his teachings.

Orochimaru looked to a nearby clock. It was twelve p.m. so the boy was still possibly at the library. With a zeal like no other, the snake Sannin walked swiftly from his chair and desk back to the elevator, bent on finding Naruto Uzumaki.

"Hmm, Naruto-chan, what books do you need now?" the Librarian of the Public Konoha Library asked Naruto Uzumaki, a small boy with a white tee shirt on, blue shorts and blue sandals. He had sparkling blue eyes and some of the blondest hair one could see, if touched by the sun itself. The librarian herself was garbed in a dress reaching to her ankles. She was in her early thirties with long brown hair reaching her middle back and black eyes.

"I require the books: Monster Physiology Volume 3 as well as Monster Psychology Volume 2: Invertebrate Edition," the boy read with a monotone as he flipped a page in the book he currently possessed, Human Evolution, Then and Now. Occasionally he would put the book down before pulling a hardback notebook over to himself and writing in it.

If one were allowed to look, which no one was save for the librarian occasionally, they would see several diagrams of monsters, specific traits about them, known weaknesses and attributes. The only reason he allowed the librarian to look was only because Naruto tolerated her presence. While the general population of Konoha was nice to him, as anyone would be to an orphan, Naruto generally disliked people. Having read human Psychology among other books detailing other atrocities committed by humans themselves, Naruto played it safe. While extremely intelligent, his young brain took that for fact, and having since held almost everyone at arm's length.

"Here are you books, Naruto-chan," the Librarian said as she laid down two books in front of Naruto, the books were somewhat thin compared to others but quite hefty.

Naruto 'hmm'ed' in thanks, his lazy eyes reading while he wrote before looking at the other books to see if they were correct. They books were indeed the ones he asked for so he began to write and read again.

The Librarian, at first, was quite cold and cynical when the boy first came in here, reading books meant for fifth-graders, and he had some trouble understanding words but, with her help, he quickly, very quickly, shot up in intelligence and reading capabilities. She quickly warmed up to him, helping him whenever he needed it claiming that no one else in the village read as much as he did. While it wasn't true, it was far from false.

"Tomika-san, did you know that drowners or rather Mergunt in Latin, are very susceptible to fire, and after killing one, nearby Mergunt are effectively stunned for a few moments?" Naruto asked, his interest clearly piqued in this tidbit of information.

"No, I did not, Naruto-chan, but now I do," Tomika giggled at his fascination. He was always quite adorable when he found something new.

"But, did you know that drowners are actually undead, and are born from the drowning of evil men or of evil dead men thrown in lakes?" a voice said. It was a few feet from the table both he and Tomika were sitting at.

Naruto looked up to see a pale man, arms crossed with a jonin flak jacket on, yellow eyes, and headband on his head. "Orochimaru of the Sannin?" Naruto questioned. This man had actually written a few of the books he had read.

"Correct, boy. Tomika-san, don't you have other readers to attend to?" Orochimaru questioned, a friendly smile on his face, but Tomika could see the subtle gesture for her to leave them.

Tomika bowed respectfully at this and moved to another part of the library. Orochimaru, meanwhile, pulled out a chair and sat beside a still reading Naruto.

Naruto remained silent as he read, getting an off feeling from the person beside him but otherwise stayed focused.

"How is your studying, Naruto-kun?" Orochimaru asked the boy of which grunted in annoyance. Just like the rest of the villagers, taking a false interest in him. Such as humans were, taking faux interest in another's life to get something out of it.

"What do you want?" Naruto asked, getting to the point. He knew how humans were, or at least liked to think he did anyways.

Orochimaru merely smiled at the boy. "You seem to have a large interest in the monsters of this world, humans included. What if I told you could study these monsters, investigate what makes these things tick, for science. Instead of studying these books, you could have the real thing at your finger-tips. All you have to do is be my student, let me teach you. You have a gift and I will help you soar. So, Naruto-kun, what do you say?" Orochimaru asked the boy, smile still present.

Naruto paused reading. He did desire to study monsters, possibly even test his skills against them once he was at a certain level. He did want to study humans, see what made them angry, what made them, well, human. He was a scientist, and reading just didn't seem to be enough here.

Naruto closed his book and grabbed his notebook before setting it in his lap.

"When do we begin…Orochimaru-sensei?" Naruto asked making Orochimaru's smile grow even wider.

Two years had passed since Orochimaru had taken Naruto on, two years of non-stop scientific growth for the youth. The Sannin had troves of personal notes he had collected over the years of study, detailing to even the smallest, most minute pieces of information that the books Naruto had previously read had nothing on.

One project Naruto had completed was a concoction of DNA from various beasts that would accelerate regeneration. Having taken mutagens from werewolves, combining them with various cancer-negating herbs, then diluting them with a single strand of DNA from a fiend which was very tough to come by, he had made it to where as soon as a gap in skin had closed, all regeneration throughout the body stopped, but, it was kick started by various adrenal hormones that would constantly flow throughout the body thanks to werewolf DNA. This taxed the host, but successfully allowed mostly non-harmful regeneration.

Orochimaru had tested this on various subjects, with a 50/50 success rating while the others succumbed to the adrenal hormones and went comatose. That was before he did some tweaking himself, upping the success to 70/30, but it only worked on subjects with naturally lowered body temperatures, and with snake DNA, Orochimaru had successfully preformed the operation on himself.

This was a very successful moment for Naruto as well as Orochimaru. As a reward, the man had treated the boy to going to the merchant's festival, promising him whatever he wanted. The merchant's festival was held once every ten years or so and sported many unique items from all over the elemental nations, the world even.

Naruto was dressed in a black long-sleeve shirt with white shorts and black sandals while Orochimaru was dressed in his usual jonin attire. Naruto's hair had become less spiky and fell to his shoulders with his features a little more defined than they used to be. His stature had increased from three feet tall to a little over four feet tall.

It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was beginning to set. The merchant's quarter where the festival was held was quite large but the two had gone through it one and was about to clear through the second time around. Orochimaru had acquired a few books for himself while Naruto hadn't gotten a single thing. Orochimaru didn't mind however, he knew that Naruto was picky and was prepared for this.

"Have you not found anything to jump-start your interest, Naruto-kun?" Orochimaru asked with a sly smile while Naruto merely grunted.

"Nothing, Orochimaru-sensei. I didn't expect to, either," Naruto told the Sannin as they walked.

Orochimaru 'hmm'ed' in response as he scanned the stalls and sifted through the crowd. The populous of Konoha had recognized Naruto as a student of Orochimaru as they would often see the two together, gathering supplies or information about subjects.

It was mere moment later that Orochimaru spotted a stall he hadn't seen on their first go around. The vendor was an older man, grey hair and tanned skin while garbed in a loose white shirt, black pants, and leather boots. He had no outstanding features to speak of, simply an old man.

But it seemed that Naruto was ahead of the game and was already headed in that direction.

Orochimaru walked over, pushing gently through the crowd to see the old man with arms crossed studying the boy who was eyeballing a set of books among others.

The books were bound in old leather, and it seemed that if he were to even touch them they would fall apart. There were three books which seemed to be part of a set while there was a fourth. The fourth was smaller than the rest and was bound by a lavender-colored hardback.

He saw Naruto trace his hands over the books, whispering things to himself.

"Wi…tch…er…Beast…iary," he heard first. "Witcher…Al…chemy," the Sannin heard second. It was almost as if the boy were deciphering the words, tasting them. Orochimaru looked down to see that the titles of the books were in a different language, Latin it seemed. "Witcher…com…bat…styles…and…teach…ings," he heard next only for Naruto to squint his eyes at the last book.

"…of…Gra…ses…and…other…augme…ntations," Naruto said. He was happy he decided to pick up the dead language.

"100,000 yen for all four," the vendor said as soon as Naruto had completed saying the title of the last book. The blonde looked up to the man and blinked.

"Isn't that a bit expensive?" Naruto asked the man only for the vendor to grunt. Orochimaru remained silent but agreed with the boy.

"These books are one of a kind, haven't seen any elsewhere, here or in the west. Originally they were priced at 100,000 a piece but since you can read them and no one else can, I'll cut you deal," the old man told the Sannin and boy.

As backwards as that logic is, the boy deserves a treat. "Deal," Orochimaru said, reaching for his pouch containing his wallet to get the desired amount.

Naruto's eyes gleamed in happiness as he picked up all four books, putting the Trial of the Grasses on top. He didn't stop smiling for the rest of the day, well; he did when he discovered the rest of the books were in Latin as well.

"Sigh, I should have guessed," Naruto said. "I should have gotten a book on Latin as well."

Another two years had passed since those moments in the market, and during those years, the books had been taking Naruto on a wild ride.

He first started on the Witcher Combat Styles and Teachings and understanding what it meant to be a Witcher. Witchers were beings on superhuman skill and precision, though that was below being known as the best Monster-Hunters-For-Hire. They were like some Shinobi who took the jobs. However, every seasoned Shinobi-hunter knew that chakra was virtually useless when directly used against the beasts.

Naruto had no real reason for becoming a Witcher, but he also knew of what shinobi truly were. They were the lowest of the low, killers for hire, wiping out entire settlements just for the sake of the mission, for the sake of the job, for the sake of getting paid. Naruto had no desire to become of those beasts himself. He was a person of code, of creed, and shinobi lacked that. The Witchers were generally neutral, or that was what their teachings entailed.

Witchers had four schools of teachings, the Wolf School, Griffin School, Cat, Viper, and Bear.

The Wolf School specialized in Medium armor, heavy long-sword training, and moderate sign training. The Bear School specialized in heavy armor, crossbows, and long-swords. The Cat and Viper schools, while prided with ambushing, short swords, and moderate sign training, were watered down to assassin's for hire. The Griffin school specialized in medium armor, heavy sign training, and some long-sword training.

Naruto discovered, very slowly because of his self-teaching of Latin that Signs were seal-less techniques that did not need chakra, and thus were extremely useful against beasts. The only issue was, that magic had evolved out of humans long ago, replaced by chakra. Signs could calm or incite enemies, create fires, let loose telekinetic blasts, make a personal shield of energy, and slow enemies among others.

Though, back to the training, Naruto had decided to take up the Wolf School. He had always enjoyed sword-play and had studied before under Orochimaru. The medium armor allowed for free movement while offering adequate protection. And with the moderate sign training it allowed versatility.

Honestly, Naruto would have taken all of the teachings, but the Wolf teachings were the most prevalent in the book, and their styles would interfere with others.

Naruto had told Orochimaru of the books, but not the Trial of the Grasses, as Naruto was especially selfish when it came to the book, but Orochimaru merely shrugged it off, he was gaining plenty from Naruto translating the alchemy book.

Naruto had good reason to be selfish of the book, as it had many gene-based augmentations that would increase Orochimaru's lust for discovery when it came to the human genome.

During the two years, aside from beginning to train in becoming a Witcher, Naruto had continued his scientific study, unlocking his chakra and simply fine-tuning his senses. He had also begun his physical training, working on making his body strong. The amount of things he could learn from Orochimaru at his level decreased as time passed, though Naruto could tell that Orochimaru wasn't taking an interest in him or Anko anymore.

In fact, Naruto could tell that the snake Sannin was becoming more and more recluse, not really leaving the lowest level of his warehouse. Naruto knew about the human experiments, but never participated. Orochimaru had asked repeatedly if he wanted to experiment with him but Naruto declined respectively each time. He held no desire to become a beast like Orochimaru.

Walking past or next Orochimaru on various occasions, Naruto could hear the snake Sannin talk to himself about three main subjects: Immortality, Kinjutsu (Forbidden Jutsu), and the Human Genome.

Naruto knew from the beginning Orochimaru desired to unlock hidden potential in humans, unlocking more than ten percent of the brain, allowed constant adrenal-like functions, using more muscle that allowed thousands of pound to be lifted at a time without the use of chakra, heightened perceptions, those were just a few of the things the snake Sannin wished to achieve. Naruto believed it admirable, but did not enjoy the ways Orochimaru had detailed his way of attaining those goals.

Naruto shook himself free of these thoughts as he wiped sweat from his brow with a cloth. Naruto's hairstyle stayed the same, at his shoulders while still slightly spiky though his eyes had turned a dull blue. His stature had changed to an even four foot four thought not only did his height change, so did his attire. Now he wore light-leather armor he learned how to make from the books. He sported leather padding on his chest, covering his pectorals and shoulders, upper arms and forearms along with black gloves. Under that he wore light, silver-colored chainmail that prevented slicing. The chainmail covered his entire torso and stopped mid-bicep.

On his legs he wore leather padding on the tops of his things and calves while he wore light, silver-colored chain mail. He also wore a leather piece that covered his groin and pelvic area but did not connect the thighs. The armor was not heavy by any means, nor was it clunky which would cause noise. All of this was form-fitting and very light.

For weaponry he had a tanto on his back. If he knew where to get large amounts of silver, or had enough time, he would create a silver and steel sword. The silver sword would be for combating monsters, the steel for lesser enemies.

Orochimaru knew of Naruto's desire to become a Witcher, and did not hold the boy back so he did not send the boy to the academy. At most, Orochimaru thought of Witchers as worthy goal, but thought of Shinobi as a greater form of weapon.

"Naruto-kun," the blonde heard. He turned his head to see Anko. She wore a chuunin flak-jacket zipped up all the way with a fishnet shirt under it. For leg-ware, she had blue shinobi pants that had been rolled up to right under the kneecap. And on her feet she wore blue shinobi sandals.

"Hmm?" Naruto responded as he twirled the tanto in his hand before returning it to its sheath.

"Orochimaru-sensei wanted us to run to the merchant district to get some supplies," Anko told the youth of which sighed but nodded as she handed him a supply list. It seemed that Orochimaru trusted him more than Anko when it came to getting supplies.

Asshole, Naruto thought as he made cross-shaped hand sign. "Kage-Bunshin no Jutsu," he muttered as ten shadow clones were formed in plumes of smoke around him. "Five of you attach weight seals to the tanto to simulate the weight of a broadsword and run through slicing and slashing techniques while the other five practice chakra control." Naruto commanded to the gathered shadow clones all of which nodded.

The youth had learned the jutsu from Orochimaru so that he could study multiple experiments at the same time as well as learn at accelerated rates.

Anko shook her head as they exited the training area attached to the warehouse before they made their way to the merchant district.


Naruto walked, a leather bag slung over his shoulder carrying the required supplies, though the supplies made no sense. None of them held any significance to the other. They did not react with one another, create a formula, nothing. Why on earth did he call for them? A distraction, possibly? And why did Orochimaru send for Anko to come back before him?

At that, and explosion could be heard from where he was, and it was in the direction he was going.

Anko, he thought with worry as he dropped the satchel and sprinted towards the warehouse.

Naruto arrived minutes later, his eyes soaking in the burning area around him. This was before his mind flooding with memories from three shadow clones. Chakra control would be easier now, yes, and the books were safely hidden away along with various notes and notebooks. But he had no memories of Anko. Growling to himself, he entered the burning husk of a building, dead set on finding her.

Anko gasped for breath as she turned around a corner just as another explosion shook the place. She was on the fourth level, the lowest level.

Orochimaru had called her back from gathering supplies via messenger sparrow and when she entered the warehouse, she was called to his office. She did notice that area was more bare than usual but ignored it as she knew her sensei was a peculiar man.

When she entered all he did was smile at her and tell her she was valuable to him. She smiled under his praise only for him to finish saying that she was valuable to him, only as a test subject. That was when the area exploded and for her to fall two floors down.

There were monsters all around her, knocking against the cages, growling, hissing, and thrashing. They didn't want to be here any more than she did.

She gasped for breath as she rested against a wall before sinking to the ground allowing her arms to circle and hug herself. Her sensei had betrayed her, called her a test subject, the only person aside from Naruto to take an interest in her and her skills had betrayed her.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she shook, the growls and hisses of the beings around her dying, becoming a mere whisper of once was. That was until…

"Anko, look out!" she heard a voice yell to her only for her to look up and see two Nekkers in front of her, their large maws practically grinning at her. Nekkers had naturally grey skin, large, sharp teeth with an even larger mouth that always seemed to grin. They had large heads but a frail, weak looking body structure. While their stature was not imposing, being between four and five feet, their pack-mentality made them dangerous in numbers.

One raised a clawed hand and swiped at her only for someone to knock her out of the way, slamming her against the ground. She huffed as she used her arms to prop herself up only for her to see the back of Naruto, four large gashes running along his back, the Nekker's claws tearing the leather and chainmail.

Naruto had his tanto raised and did not seem to care about having large tears in his armor or skin but he was more geared towards the safety of Anko herself.

The Nekkers growled at the newcomer and one charged, claws rose to either side of him. Naruto raised his tanto up to guard as the monster ran at him. The Nekker swiped forcing Naruto to duck before the Witcher-in-training delivered a strong kick to the monster, forcing it back. Naruto took the advantage and swiped his tanto at the creature, slicing into the grey skin of its abdomen.

Entrails from the Nekker poured from the wound before it soon fell dead. The other Nekker shrieked in anger, releasing several, bone-chilling clatters of its teeth, but that was before a kunai found its way to the beast's head, courtesy of Anko.

Naruto's eyes widened before he released a breath, sheathed his tanto, and turned to Anko of which was now standing, the tears in her eyes being replaced with anger.

"There are no exits down here. We have to make our way to the stairs," Naruto informed the older of the two making the latter nod.

The students of the snake Sannin made their way to the stairs as Naruto received memories from his seven remaining shadow clones. They had successfully completed their mission. Naruto had planned for this possibility well over a year ago. Several signs of insanity had come to surface while Naruto observed the snake Sannin, or that was what he had read in the psychology books. He had contemplated going to the Hokage but who would the fire shadow trust, a simple child with no name or one of his only students which had served him faithfully?

Naruto's plans involved gathering as many materials and notes as he could before hiding them away in a nearby storage unit unattached to the warehouse. Just because of Orochimaru's insanity and lust for furthering humanity, Naruto would not allow years of painstakingly handwritten information to become ash. It was unfitting of him as a scientist.

Thinking of the now, Naruto reached the second level with Anko in tow. More explosions were set off as they tried to make their way out of the burning husk of ash and debris. It was exceedingly difficult as ciders and ash clouded their vision. The cuts on his back burned as he walked but he endured.

Naruto raised his left forearm to right above his eyes to stave away flames from his face while making sure Anko was close. He used his right hand to clasp hers. She offered no resistance as he led her through the inferno. Part of the ceiling had collapsed making several wooden pillars look like bones of a burnt skeleton.

He scanned the area briefly while trying to find a decent way to get out, though he felt his ear twitch before looking up to see a wooden beam falling from above from the second level.

With his right hand he propelled Anko forward so that she would not be crushed. Naruto swore briefly as he saw his previous area of escape being closed by more falling pieces of burning wood. "Get out of here, Anko!" he yelled to her only for her to raise a hand to him from her position on the ground. Soon enough with the falling debris he couldn't see her any more.

"Having fun, Naruto-kun?" the youth heard a voice from behind him. Naruto turned around to see Orochimaru, looking at him, a sly grin in place on his pale visage.

Naruto drew his tanto and readied himself. He knew he couldn't beat the Sannin, but he hoped he could hold him off long enough for the Hokage to arrive.

"Now what are you going to do with that, Naruto-kun? You have no reason to fight me; I'm not going to kill you. I'm merely a clone and I haven't hurt Anko in the slightest. So why raise your sword?" Orochimaru asked with his grin still in place.

Naruto growled, not responding to this, this animal, this beast that he, a Witcher in training, should put down, not even for a price, simply for the sake of humanity. But Naruto knew that Orochimaru was far away by now.

"Why, why betray Konoha, betray me, betray Anko? We were your students, you were our sensei, so why?" Naruto asked the clone of which slowly lost its grin.

"This place, the Hokage, this village, was holding back my research. The Hokage was slowly becoming aware of my experiments and would soon find out by force. The old man would destroy everything I have achieved for humanity, so I had to escape. I was going to ask you, but you hold human life in such a regard, you would have declined," Orochimaru explained. This information was irrelevant so he would share.

Naruto silently agreed to that. Human life was important, but he also knew to what degree it was important. He did not share the information of Orochimaru's experiments of innocents because he could still learn from the man.

"Here," the clone threw a scroll to Naruto, the latter loosening a hand on the tanto to catch it, the flames around him beginning

"That, my dear student is a parting gift, the Kusanagi. I knew you had been looking for a broadsword and you were always my favorite, but of course you knew that. So continue experimenting, for the sake of science and discovery. However, Naruto-kun, beware…" Orochimaru gained the grin again. "The world will know evolution, and I will make sure that happens. I have many more weapons, all of which are as dangerous, even more so than that sword. Try to stop me but, you will fail. Until then, my dear student…" and at that, the Orochimaru clone dissipated into mud.

Naruto coughed into his hand as smoke entered his lungs before he pocketed the scroll in a pouch. While he was thankful for the supposed sword in the scroll, he had bigger problems, such as getting out of this place.

Forming several shadow clones with a hand-sign, Naruto waited patiently in the fire-filled area as they searching for a way out and would dispel as soon as they found a way out.

A minute passed and Naruto could feel himself becoming light-headed from the smoke, though that was until a clone dissipated, signaling it had found a way out. Naruto turned to his left and jumped over a pillar and slid under another before jumping out a shattered window, a large explosion following after him as he ducked, signaling that the gas-filled tanks had exploded.

Dumb luck I suppose, the Witcher-in-training thought as he circled around the building to find Anko passed out on the ground, several civilians watching the blaze while several water specialized shinobi tried to extinguish the fire. Naruto shook his head as they seemed to ignore the downed girl. Naruto scooped her up, though that seemed slightly difficult due to his stature, but he withstood the weight and jumped from rooftop to rooftop to the hospital. Naruto looked down to her and shook his head in anger.

Damn you, Orochimaru, damn you…

Morning had come and Naruto was awake in a chair near Anko, of which was asleep in a hospital bed. She had suffered from shock, slight suffocation due to the smoke, and some burns, but other than that she was fine.

Naruto had only suffered from the wounds on his back and a couple burns. The slashes on his back would heal but the doctors had told him that they would scar, just as he thought. He didn't care though. Witchers bore scars on their bodies as testament to their skills at surviving.

News had spread of Orochimaru's betrayal and thus their statuses as a Sannin's students fell to students of a traitor.

Naruto leaned forward and clasped his hands together, thoughts running through his head.

'This world will know evolution,' Orochimaru's voice echoed through his mind.

Naruto knew the man wasn't bluffing. He was always determined in his pursuit of anything. Many, many innocents would die if Orochimaru's plan came to fruition. He couldn't allow that to happen as he was the only one who knew.

And Naruto knew that if Anko found out, she would want to help, but Naruto valued her too much for her to get caught in the crossfire. Steeling himself, he got up and exited the room, not turning back and head to his storage unit.

For the next few months, Naruto lived there, secluded from the world, never talking to anyone save contractors. He took the occasional job from a bounty board that wasn't too difficult as in the occasional Drowner pack that would infest a river or stream, or Nekkers that would take over a woodland area or basement.

The employers were very scornful and hateful to the student of the traitor so Naruto had to often do jobs for half-price. After a while, Naruto had acquired a place to live, an apartment in a decent area. After that, he would still take jobs to remain afloat financially. He had even made a name for himself. But just preferred to be called 'Witcher' when on a job or by his contractors. Jobs for him had even started to come from outside of Konoha. These jobs were often even well-paying.

They were also infinitely more difficult.

Naruto knew of the Trial of Grasses and other augmentations. Eventually, after a job for a werewolf, Naruto getting several new scars from that, he knew he needed an edge.

By no means was he slacking in his shinobi training. He disliked shinobi but he knew that would face them out in the field. Orochimaru was a shinobi no matter how much of a beast he was, and Naruto needed the necessary skills to defeat him. Naruto knew various techniques, water, lightning, and earth being the most prevalent. He was very fast, and had near-perfect chakra control and could manipulate chakra very, very well.

But he also knew of the three in chance survival. He did read that the chance of survival was upped the closer one was to the beginning of puberty.

It was sometime after becoming thirteen that he had gathered all of the necessary materials for the alchemic augmentation as well as others that he had begun to perform it on himself.

The lowest level of the warehouse was relatively untouched and the equipment was still useable.

"Heart-rate: normal, breathing rhythm: normal, body temperature: 98.6. We're ready, boss," a Naruto clone said to the original as he lay on an operating table. Each of the clones was reinforced with various seals and would remain operational for a week, even if the original expired.

Naruto nodded. He was currently garbed in a white gown and had several machines attached to him, but none that injected anything into him, such as painkillers or antibiotics. The ritual had clearly stated that he needed to be as pure as he could be.

Naruto sighed as he sat up before being handed a bowl full of steaming, orange liquid by a clone. The liquid was full of various mutagens from monsters, and had many herbs imbued into it.

Naruto gulped lightly before raising the bowl to his lips. He opened his mouth and let the liquid pour into it before he gulped…once…twice…three times before the fluid in the bowl was gone, every last drop.

Naruto lay down and waited for a moment and when a minute passed, he spoke.

"I think this will be counted as a failure, guys," Naruto said and not seconds after this his entire body became tense and his back arched. He opened his mouth to scream in unbearable agony but no sounds came out save for a strangled breath of air.

"Heartbeat, rising to three hundred beats per minute! Body temperature raising to one twenty!" the head clone called out to the ones gathered. One gathered an adrenaline shot before injecting it straight into the original's chest, flooding him with adrenal properties only for it to have no effect.

"We're losing him, we're losing him!"


"We're losing him, we're losing him!"

Naruto heard a voice. It sounded like…him. He shrugged as he looked around himself. He could see rolling hills, vast expanses of forest around him with a castle upon a mountain in the distance.

That was before he saw the darkness enclosing him.

The trees rotted, the grass died, the castle crumbled, each and every piece of land decayed into blackness.

It came closer and closer, nothing to stop it.

"It can't end like this…not like this…" he said to himself.

No, he wouldn't die like this.

"I won't die!" Naruto shouted to himself as a white pulse of energy exploded from his body, pushing the darkness back, only for it to come back at him, twice as fast.

"No, no, no…"

The darkness reached his feet and started to travel up his legs.

"No, I can't die…" he shook his head in fear as it reached his lower torso.

"Witchers defeat monsters, monsters represent the darkness of the world, this, this is no different…" Naruto said to himself as his hair covered his eyes.

The black, abysmal colored material had reached his neck.

"I…I will survive, I…will become a monster…to defeat the monsters…to kill the man, who wishes to destroy what it means to be human…no, I'm not a monster…I'm just diluted, I'm a diluted human…AND I WILL SURVIVE!"

"He's dead," a clone said, its eyes deadening as the heart-rate monitor reached zero. "Time of death, 1:34 A.M. Boss put up a good fight, if seven hours is a good fight by Witcher standards," the clone said as the other gathered clones nodded.

Another clone slowly reached for the covers at the end of the table to cover the original.

As it reached his mid-torso, an arm shot up from the covers pushing the cloth aside. The clones' eyes widened as the original's eyes opened wide, very wide to reveal a set of red-colored eyes with slit pupils.

"It worked, but I thought the eyes were supposed to be orange-colored?" A clone said in wonder, though it was mostly relieved that they would continue surviving.

"There is a minor chance for pupil irregularities, or so the book states," another stated as the original's arm fell back to its place beside him and his eyes closed.

"Heart-rate, one twenty, temperature, one hundred and seven degrees. It's as if he's fighting off an infection," the head clone stated. "But he should be fine," the clone added as the others nodded.

"It seems we're diluted in the human genome, now, hmm?" a clone stated as he hook the original up with some fluids so that he would not dehydrate.

Another clone nodded in agreement. "So it seems, we're very Diluted indeed…"



And that concludes the first chapter of Diluted. Sorry about Incarnate, I just recently started playing the Witcher and this popped up.

Now, I'm not putting this in the crossover section because I've seen it so many times with other fics, I might as well take my chances.

Anyways, drop a review and tell me how it was.

This was kinda rushed, but I saw no other importance other than him developing his skills and introducing the plot a little bit.

Anywho, REVIEW!