I am so so so sorry for this late update. The Wi-Fi router decided it didn't feel like staying intact, my data plan was finished so i couldn't post this on my phone and i had studying to do. Exams are right around the corner. no seriously, its in three days. so, it might take a while for me to update, but i promise it will be during October.

Percy stared at the Goblet of Fire.

"This is another survival situation. It's nothing new. You can do this, Jackson. You can do this." He muttered

"We get it. You love yourself." Nico said, looking emotionless.

"Tell us when you're done talking to yourself so we can go already." Jason said. The three boys of The Big Three stood behind the age line, looking at the Goblet, pieces of parchment with their names on in their hands.

"Hey, this is nerve wracking." Percy defended

"No its not." Nico grumbled.

"It is when there are a lot of wizards watching you."

It was very true. Behind them, there were about fifty wizards standing there in silence, watching them. There were a few Demi-god's in the crowd as well, Annabeth included.

Percy was about to step forward when he heard laughing. The three boys turned around to see two British Stoll versions and a guy named Lee Jordan hurrying down the staircase, all three of them looking extremely excited.

"We've done it!" one of the twins, Fred maybe, said in a low voice to three of the wizards. "Just taken it."

"What?" A Grover Junior, Ron, said

"The Aging Potion, dung brains." Fred – still not sure – said.

"One drop each," George said, rubbing his hands together in glee. "We only need to be a few months older."

They continued exchanging words and Jason sighed.

"I feel like their plan is gonna backfire." He said

"It is." Nico said with a roll of his eyes. "Children." Percy and Jason gave him a look. "Hey! I'm basically an eighty-four year old man."

They watched as Fred went forward and took a deep breath. He stepped over the line and let out a triumphant yell. George followed right after. Then there was a sizzling sound, and the boys were thrown out of the circle. They landed painfully, ten feet away on the cold stone floor, and to add insult to the injury, there was a loud popping noise and both of them sprouted identical white beards.

Percy, Jason and Nico immediately burst out laughing.

Everyone was laughing as well. Even the twins joined in the laughter.

"I did warn you," said a deep amused voice. Everyone turned to see professor Dumbledore coming out of the Great Hall with Chiron. They both surveyed the twins, both of their eyes twinkling.

"Is this a thing now? Having wise old people tell us stuff and teach us?' Nico asked and Percy shrugged

"Maybe." He said

"I suggest you go up to Madam Pomfrey. She's already tending to Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mr. Summers of Hufflepuff, both of whom decided to age themselves up a little too. Though I must say, neither of their beards is anything like as fine as yours."

The Twins, along with Lee Jordan went off to the hospital wing.

"This is quite like Camp Half-Blood except with less weapons and land mines." Chiron said to Dumbledore.

"Land mines?" Dumbledore asked curiously

"The Ares children do not like unwanted visitors." Chiron said simply.

Everyone was silent, yet again, watching the three boys. They stepped inside the circle in unison and everyone cheered. Several were surprised when Nico wasn't blasted out of the circle. They put their names in and walked out of the circle, towards the Great Hall.

The decorations have changed in the Great Hall. There was a cloud of bats fluttering around the enchanted ceiling, while hundred of carved pumpkins leered from every corner.

Percy was looking around in awe, listening on small conversations.

"All the Hufflepuff's are talking about Diggory. But I wouldn't have thought he'd have wanted to risk his good looks."

Percy turned around to see a black girl, Angelina Johnson coming into the Great Hall. It was followed by cheering. She probably put her name into the Goblet.

Then Percy heard screaming. Percy recognized those screams. They were from the Athena cabin. Percy switched his direction towards those of Athena, to see them all huddled up against each other, a tiny spider in front of them.

Percy sighed and walked over. He looked down at the spider and stomped on it.

"There, it's gone." He muttered. The Athenians stopped screaming and Percy noticed the hall had gone silent, everyone looking at the Athenians. "It's a normal thing! A story about a giant spider and Athena! You may go back to whatever it is you were doing!" Everyone went back to their business.

Well, they're fitting in quite well.

Most wizards were sat on the stands on the Quidditch Pitch, watching as the Demi-god's built walls or buildings. There were a couple who were handling weapons and taking them inside the fortress that was being built on the right side of the pitch. On the left side, the entire place seemed empty and disregarded.

The rights side had heavily armed demi-god's doing finishing touches on their fortress.

"Why are there so many demi-god's on one side?" Harry wondered out loud.

"I know. It's like three quarters of them. And the others are either on the stands or doing…that." Hermione said and pointed to the girls in the middle of the field wearing short skirts and tiny tops. How they did that in this cold, Harry didn't know.

They were the prettiest of the Demi-god's. They were cheering and dancing. Their outfit colours were black, blue and green. On the front of their tops it was written The Big Three. The Top Box was empty and it seemed to contain huge thrones designed differently. The biggest ones were the thrones made of platinum, bones and a fishing chair. Artemis was the only one sitting there and she was on the ninth throne. The one made of silver.

Soon, all the demi-god's on the rights side had a flag up right at the top of the fortress that was purple, orange and silver. Percy, Nico and Jason came onto the pitch, a big blue, green and black flag in Percy's hand.

Percy stuck the flag into the ground.

"It's three against three hundred. This is outrageous!" Ron exclaimed.

"It's unfair!" Hermione said

"It's stupid! We know! They're known for stupid!" Katie Gardner, a fellow demi-god said. She was sitting by the stands.

Harry noticed Reyna flying around… on a grey horse with wings, a black one following behind. The black one plummeted down to the Quidditch Pitch and stopped right in front of Percy.

Percy smiled and pet the top of the horse's head.

A pair of doors popped in the middle of the Quidditch pitch and every demi-god immediately stood and bowed.

The doors opened and nineteen beings stepped out of it.

They all glowed and let out an aura of power and pure destruction. They all flashed and reappeared on a throne. The beings in the biggest thrones looked like Nico, Percy and Jason.

Harry then caught on.

These were the gods.

On top of her horse, Reyna flew right in the middle.

"Today, we have the biggest battle of the month! It's everyone else against the sons of the Big Three, our most powerful campers! The rules are, no maiming or killing! Magical items are allowed as well as flooding, striking people with lighting and summoning a lot of dead people! This is war! There is no negotiating! Only knock people out! No stabbing like the last time! Several of you know what Octavian did! And you also know that he's not around right now!" Reyna yelled, then looked like she muttered, 'Good riddance.' "Heroes! Arm yourselves!"

Nico stepped forward as everyone on the other side raised their swords. Nico took his sword from his belt and shoved it in the ground, a crevice opening up. He lifted up his hand.

"Serve me." He said. Skeleton hands erupted out of the ground, followed by a whole army of skeletal warriors.

Harry gaped in surprise.

"He can resurrect an army?" Ron muttered.

The skeleton army stood armed behind Nico, who looked a little drowsy but still deadly. No pun intended.

Jason stepped forward as well and raised his hands to the sky. Lightning flashed and the rain fell down a little harder. The winds picked up and some shapes came down. There were about seventy or eighty of them. They stopped behind Jason, carrying weapons. Some looked human and others looked like horses.

Lighting flashed across the sky again.

Percy stepped forward last and closed his eyes. He stretched out his hands.

Harry gasped when he saw the water form human shapes and harden. There had to be one hundred of them. All of them had water weapons in hand.

"Okay, now its three hundred against three hundred." Ron said. "How do they do that?"

"See those men on the three biggest thrones?" Hermione said. "They are the big three and they must be Percy, Nico and Jason's godly parents. It makes sense. It must be Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. The three brothers and powerful gods."

The rain cleared up a little, just enough so you could see the fight clearly. The Three boys were standing there with their weapons out.

Nico put his finders between his lips and let out a whistle.

"WOOF!" a giant dog came from the shadows. It barked again, sending an echo around the Quidditch Pitch. Then the palominos flew into the field, followed by another army of golden eagles.

"This just got ugly." A blonde demi-god, Will Solace said. He then sighed. "I think I'm going to be in the infirmary for the entire day, tending to injured demi-god's."

"Don't they have adults to tend to wounds?" Hermione asked

"Nope. Besides, an adult can't bypass me. I'm better than any doctor who has gotten a degree and I'm not even done with High School." Will said. "My dad's Apollo. He's like the Olympian's doctor. He's the god of healing." He then grimaced. "Even the sexual kind."

"What do you-?" Ron began

"Don't. Ask." Will said. Reyna flew into view again.

"FIGHT!" she yelled and all chaos broke loose. The Big Three army charged, except for their 'generals' as well as the other team.

Harry couldn't see well because of how fast everyone was, but he did see that when one skeleton fell or one water person dissolved, five more took their place. It was three against three hundred. And three was winning.

Percy watched as the skeletal warriors, water warriors and venti attacked the others. As much as he wanted to be on Annabeth's side, he had to win this.

When half of their army was taken down, the three boys took out their respective weapons and charged.

Percy hacked, dodged and knocked out a lot of demi-god's. He eventually clashed with Annabeth and he smiled at that.

"Hey, Wise Girl." Percy said as he blocked a jab at his stomach from Annabeth's bone knife.

"Seaweed Brain. Ready to lose?" Annabeth said with a smirk as she jumped over Percy's sword, which would've swiped her feet from under her. Percy wanted to snort at that fact, but he didn't. Not because Annabeth would pulverize him. Because it was rude.

They kept fighting back and forth like this. Percy was already getting tired. He had to do this. He made a jab at Annabeth's arm, and just as she was about to block it, Percy grabbed her wrist and judo flipped her. She landed with a grunt.

"Sorry, Wise Girl." Percy said with a shrug before running towards the fort.

"Archers! Ready!" Austin yelled from his place at the top and all arrows pointed at Percy from one tower.

"Hunter's! Take aim!" Thalia yelled from the other.

"Uh oh…" Percy muttered. He quickly materialized a shield out of the rain water as they each yelled "FIRE!" he blocked every electric and stunning arrow. He hid behind a boulder the Romans put in to make it seem real.

"Man, they're taking this seriously." Percy muttered. He thought on what to do when he heard a yelp and Jason scampered next to him. "You got shot out of the sky?"

"They just came at me, man." Jason said.

"Someone has to get in there and get that flag without being spotted." Percy said. "And it's on top, which makes it harder." A skeleton fell in front of them and turned to dust.

"Think he can do it?" Jason asked

"He could het smothered by Will, yeah. But it's worth the bragging rights and the laurel wreaths." Percy said with a shrug. "But we'll need to distract the archer's so they don't realize Will is missing." Jason sighed.

"I'll die if you die with me." He said. Percy called down Blackjack and got on. He and Jason took off in the sky. The bows were aimed at them still and they dodged the arrows, narrowly missing them. Percy caught Nico's eyes and Nico nodded, getting the message. He jumped into the nearest shadow.

Percy watched Nico as he silently took the flag.

"Hey!" Nyssa yelled from her spot as the flag guard, obviously seeing Nico with her night vision goggles. A smart move. Unfortunately, Nico was seen. But the good news was, Nyssa wasn't good with a sword. So Nico just knocked her out, took the flag and was about to walk away when Thalia had her arrow pointed at Nico's forehead.

"Put the flag down, Death Breath." Thalia said in a warning tone. Nico blinked at her for a moment before smirking and throwing the flag to the ground.

"I put it down, Thals. You can leave me alone now." Nico said, holding his hands up. Thalia narrowed her eyes. Then they widened.

"Wai-," she was cut off by the winds picking up around them and the flag swooping towards Jason, who caught it.

"I got it!" Jason yelled triumphantly. Thalia growled and called down lighting, which hit Jason in the arm. He let go of the flag. "Ow!"

Percy swooped down to catch the flag and narrowly missed a strike of lighting. He sped towards where the borders met. He dodged around the strikes of lightning, trying to get to their side.

"Almost there… Almost there…" Percy muttered and there was cheering when he crossed the border. He jumped of Blackjack when they were on land and on the other side, Percy saw Annabeth giving a livid Thalia a disappointed look. Piper joined them.

The flag shimmered and changed, matching the flag on their side.

"We won!" Jason cheered. Nico walked out of his shadow and Jason helped, hugging himself.

"Dude! Didn't you think I'd get cold!?" Jason yelled

"Yes." Nico said simply.

"Then why'd you do that!?" Jason yelled again.

"Because you'd be cold." Nico said and smiled. Jason glared at him.

Harry, Ron and Hermione stared in shock at the field littered with bones, swords and bodies. Not that anyone was dead. Just knocked out.

Jason, Percy and Nico stood on their side of the Quidditch Pitch, the flag of the other team in their hands. They looked bruised and battered, but the other team was no better. The giant dog was standing beside Nico, the remaining wind people were standing with Jason and the Palominos were with Percy as well as the black winged horse.

All the demi-god's on the stands were chanting, "Big Three! Big Three! Big Three!"

The three gods on the biggest thrones looked immensely proud.

Reyna came onto the field.

"The winner is The Big Three!"

Insert intense cheering.

The three boys hi-fived each other and cheered. The gods were clapping. Well, the god with the green eyes and the one with the stormy blue-grey ones were arguing like little children about whose son was better and the one with the black eyes just rolled his eyes and put his chin into the palm of his hand, looking bored.

Everyone got off the stands after cheering for the three boys who beat an entire army by themselves. It was beginning to get dark and it was almost dinner time.

Everyone walked into the school and towards the entrance hall.

Percy, Nico and Jason were walking in front of the entire demi-god population of the school with golden leaf crowns on their heads. Percy had an arm around Annabeth while Jason had his arm around a beautiful girl from Ravenclaw named Piper and Nico was surrounded by Will and Draco.

Harry scowled at how Malfoy was obviously craving attention from the demi-god's and trying to make them his personal protectors. He saw how Malfoy was having a deep conversation with Will while glancing over to Nico from time to time, who was not paying attention.

The moment everyone was eating dinner, Harry was already bored. He was excited about who was going to be announced as a champion.

The demi-god's had sacrificed their dinner to the god's and Artemis wasn't in her seat, but at the table in Ravenclaw sitting with her Hunters, who were in Ravenclaw save for Thalia. Instead, a brown haired lady with blue eyes and a motherly smile was sitting there. The extra four chairs that were for the demi-god's were missing.

She as talking sweetly With Madame Maxime and Mr. Crouch, who seemed scandalized. Probably from the woman's niceness.

Percy was craning his neck to see the lady.

"Calm down, Percy! You'll see her!" Annabeth scolded her boyfriend.

"But-but I wanna talk to her and hug her and smell the scent on candy off her and-and have blue cookies!" Percy whined.

"Percy, don't we all?" Jason said. "I mean, your mom is like the mother hen of all campers. She might surpass any mother. Her food is amazing, she always makes the room warmer… She smells like candy." Jason smiled dreamily.

"Are you crushing on my mom?" Percy asked

"That would be quite the thing to see." Thalia said with a smile. Jason gave the two a dull look before rolling his eyes.

"There is something wrong with you two." Jason said

"Who is that lady?" Ron asked

"That's my mother. She's the demi-god's house mother. Mother hen. Momzilla. Momicane. Mo-,"

"We get it!" Annabeth said and Percy pouted. Annabeth sighed and waved for Percy to continue.

"The Momster! Momchidna! Momozine! Mo-,"

"We're done here." Thalia said, giving Percy a dead look.

The plates finally cleared up and all the noise in the hall immediately died out when Dumbledore stood up.

"The goblet is almost ready to make its decision," Dumbledore said. "I estimate that it requires one more minute. Now, when the champions names are called, I would like them to please come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table and got through into the next chamber," – he pointed at the door behind the staff table – "where they will be receiving their first instructions."

Everyone began waiting.

"Any second," Lee Jordan whispered, two seats away from Harry

The flames inside the Goblet of Fire turned red. Sparks began flying from it. The next thing, a tongue of flame shot out of it and into the air, letting out a charred piece of parchment. The entire room gasped.

Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment and read it.

"The champion for Durmstrang," he read in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum!"

"No surprises there!" Ron yelled as a storm of applause and cheering echoed around the Hall.

"Okay, now I'm sure I'm gonna be picked." Percy muttered. Viktor Krum stood up from the Slytherin table and walked up towards Dumbledore. He turned right, walked along the staff table and disappeared through the door into the next chamber.

When the chatting and clapping died down, everyone focused back on the goblet, which seconds later spit out another piece of parchment.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore said

"It's her Ron!" Harry shouted as the girl who resembled a Veela got up gracefully and swept up between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.

"Oh look, they're all disappointed." Annabeth said without any sympathy or care, nodding towards the Beauxbatons remainder.

"It's more like they think their lives are ruined. Kind of like when the Aphrodite girls break a nail." Thalia said with a shrug.

When Fleur had disappeared into the other chamber, the hall went silent again. The Hogwarts champion was next…

The goblet shot out flames once more and Dumbledore caught the piece of parchment.

"The Hogwarts champion," Dumbledore read, "is Cedric Diggory!"

"No!" Ron yelled.

"Boo hoo." Thalia muttered, until she saw the pretty boy. "Ugh. Did he have to look like that?"

"He doesn't look bad." Annabeth said and Percy scowled

"That's the problem." Thalia grumbled. As soon as Cedric had disappeared, everything was silent once more. The demi-god's were leaning forward in their chairs in anticipation. Or maybe it was the ADHD.

The flames turned red once more and a piece of parchment was spat out. Dumbledore caught it and he gave Chiron a knowing look, who smiled proudly.

"And the Demi-god champion is," Dumbledore said. "Percy Jackson!"

Every demi-god cheered, which sounded immensely loud. Harry was sure he was going deaf. Each and every demi-god chanted Percy's name. Percy sighed and stood.

"I get chosen for everything." He muttered and made his way to the chamber behind the staff table. He waved at the new lady first, who waved back and blew him a kiss. He disappeared into the threshold.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore called happily as at last the tumult died down. "Well, we now have our three champions. I am sure I can count upon all of you, including the remaining students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, to give your champions every ounce of support you can muster. By cheering your champion on, you will contribute in a very real -"

But Dumbledore suddenly stopped speaking, and it was apparent to everybody what had distracted him.

The fire in the goblet had just turned red again. Sparks were flying out of it. A long flame shot suddenly into the air, and borne upon it was another piece of parchment.

Automatically, it seemed, Dumbledore reached out a long hand and seized the parchment. He held it out and stared at the name written upon it. There was a long pause, during which Dumbledore stared at the slip in his hands, and everyone in the room stared at Dumbledore. And then Dumbledore cleared his throat and read out - "Harry Potter."