Chapter 6

Viserys eyes widen. He was pointing to Rube. The man roughly grabbed her arm and lifted her up with enough force to make her wince. She didn't resist when he dragged her away.

"Hey at least be gentle." The prince growled. He was ignored by the other as he pushed Rube into one of the tents.

Better her them him, he supposed.

The party seemed to continue after that. There were much dancing and singing done by laughing individuals who were determined to drink themselves into a coma. The prince was surprised that the harem girls were allowed to join in. They could dance and eat just like everyone else. They even got to walk around unsupervised.

Viserys walked around too but he quickly notices that he was being followed by two men. No doubt sent by Drogo to watch him. They weren't even trying to hide. They were literately right behind him, following his every move.

Excepting that he wasn't going to escape he sat down on the edge of the clearing. It was as far away from Khal Drogo that he could get. Gazing at the campfire helped sooth his nerves. The dancing flames flicking in the air was mesmerizing.

"Enjoying the party, your majesty?" His sister bodyguard Jorah showed up next to him. Giving a friendly smile the older man bent down so he was crouching next to him.

"What do you want?" The prince could see the look of pity in the blond man's eyes. He hated people looking at him like that.

The ex-soldier held out a small bag to him. "A gift from your sister."

Viserys grabbed the sack and opened it. Inside where a pair of his old clothes.

"She managed to track some of your stuff down. Unfortunately, your jars of fruit were quickly eaten by whoever got their hands on them. Daenerys knows how much you despise meat so she managed to get you some other things to eat."

Under his clothes, he found a ball of cheese, wild berries, and some grain in a little bag.

Where could his sister have found cheese? It must have been very hard to find since cheese was only obtained from trades with ships that cross the Narrow Sea.

"Tell her…. Tell her, thank you."

Jorah knobbed. "Why couldn't you listen to me? Why did you have to be so rash?"

Visery looked down. "I thought having the Targaryen's name would make me a dragon. But I see now that I am no dragon. Fire burns me, and a dragon cant burn." He said sadly.

They were both silent.

Viserys saw Rube walking around. He called out for her. Smiling she walked over, or more correctly limped over. The closer she came the more visible were the bruises covering her body. Her hair was a mess and one of her bra straps were broken.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She slowly sat next to him. "Just a few bumps, I've been through worse."

"How often does that happen?"

"They have a party every time they go with a battle or raid for too long. It helps keep the warriors happy and the slaves under control."

"I see." His eyes darted down, then quickly came up. "Is the prize is always the same?"

She knobbed. "A prized gir….. person from the great Khal Drogo's harem." She gladly zipped at the wine.

The party went on and Visery was starting to relax. It was hard to stay tense when everyone around you was having fun and relaxing.

The young prince braided a few leaves of long grass together and used them to repair Rube's bra. She gave him a grateful smile in return. Surrounded by bunches of long grass the prince began to collect them and start braiding them together. Every twist and twirl tighten the bonds he created.

Back in the happier years when he was a young lad growing up in his father's castle he would use dry corn leaves to make hats for the guard dogs. He had gotten quite good at them. He hoped to make a similar one now, just out of grass. It proved more difficult now since the long thin grass was a different texture than the corn leaves and were easily torn. He had to start from scratch several times. In the end, he gave up and threw the remains to the side.

Jorah had wandered off to do who knows what. Probably guarding Daenerys in the shadows like he always does. The man was like a fly hovering around her. Honestly, his less than appropriate affections for her were only oblivious to himself.

As the festivities ended Visery picked himself up and followed the girls back to their shared tent. Rube was still limping badly but she didn't let the pain show. He found that admirable.

He himself was still in a great deal of pain. The whole time he sat he had been leaning to the side trying not to put pressure on his rear.

Tonight, when he went to bed, he picked a fur bed on the opposite side of the room. If Drogo visited again he didn't want to make finding him easy. Even if his plan would only buy him a minute or two it was still precious time, he was grateful for.