Asna and Aladdin walked around in a market for a bit, looking at all the merchants and what they were selling. They had been traveling for quite some time now and their bond was quite tight. They learned so much about each other on their travels(one of the most notable things being that Aladdin loves boobs).

The market they happened to be in was in Qishan, a small desert city-state, ruled by a rumored tyrant. Asna made sure not to try and cause any trouble. She didn't need to start anything now. She was distracted by a merchant with a jewelry stand and she moved to inspect it a bit, leaving Aladdin to wander off alone. When she turned away from the shop with a small bag, Aladdin was nowhere to be seen. She freaks out and begins searching for Aladdin, calling his name out. When she found him, he was in a cart devouring some watermelon.

"Aladdin you can't just run off and take what you want! Did you even ask?" She chastises, crawling to him. "What if we get caught?" Aladdin whines and turns to face the girl. "But Asna! It's so good!" She shakes her head and opens her mouth to say more, but the unveiling of the cart cover forces her to stop. A blonde teen gasps when he sees the two, pointing an accusing finger at them. Asna sighs in dismay. "I told you Aladdin…" She hisses, but the boy pays no mind and introduces himself cheerfully, as if what he's doing isn't a crime. The blonde runs in and grabs Aladdin by the collar, growling. "Oi!" Asna narrows her eyes and pulls Aladdin back, annoyed. "Don't just manhandle him like that!"

"Is Alibaba here?" A gruff voice calls out, nearing the cart. The blonde, presumably Alibaba, pulls away to speak with whoever is outside. His voice grows panicked and the sound of him hitting the ground can be heard as some fat man pulls the sheet away from the opening to reveal the two kids clustered together. The man turns to yell at Alibaba, enraged at the scene displayed in front of him. He tries to stammer out apologies, and stops short when he sees Aladdin groping the fat man's manboobs, much to his horror and Asna's fear. "Aladdin!" She pulls him back and bows forward, pleading for forgiveness. Alibaba takes it as a sign to bow as well for forgiveness, only to get some physical abuse thrown at him from, presumably, his boss.

Asna and Aladdin quickly left the blonde, slightly glad his boss's rage was directed at them. They decided to rest near a shop and Asna took this as any good time to tell Aladdin about what she bought. "While you were off leeching off of other people's food," she begins, flashing him an annoyed glare. Aladdin blushes in embarrassment and looks down. "I decided to buy something for both of us." She pulls out matching silver bracelets, each with one gem(a sapphire and an emerald) and other small trinkets lining the ring. "They kind of match! I thought you'd like it...even if it's a little girly." She giggles, placing with bracelet with a sapphire on him. Aladdin starts tearing up, staring at the braclet. "It's so pretty!" He gushes, shedding some tears. "Thank you so much, Asna!" Asna laughs and pats his head, pulling him into a hug. "I love you too, Aladdin~" She yawns and stretches a bit, getting up. "I kinda wanna nap. You?" Aladdin nods his head and follows her as she walks away from their stop to find a safe place to crash.

The next day, Asna wakes up to find that Aladdin is nowhere to be found. Annoyed, once more, by her charge's actions, she grabs her stuff and walks off to find the boy. If he does this one more time I might just scream. It takes her quite a long time, seeing as most people shied away from her due to her appearance. Guess having a kid with me lessens how weird I look. She kind of thought on it and found it weird how that blonde(Alibaba was it?) and his boss didn't comment on her appearance either. Probably the rush of adrenaline in the situation.

When she finally found him, and Alibaba, they were hiding in the sewers underground. She was glad the rukh were on her side. "Aladdin, you can't just go running off like that! I was worried sick!" She complains, ignoring Alibaba's questions about how she found them. When she was done bugging the kid about why he left, Alibaba decides to properly introduce himself. "I-I'm Alibaba, miss! And you are?" He holds out his hand, offering a warm smile. She gives him an unimpressed look and decides to not take his hand.

"Asna. Why were you with Aladdin?"

"He found me! He came in the night and ate all my food!" Asna's eyes widen and she turns to the boy again to berate him. "What did I say about eating stuff that isn't yours Aladdin!" The boy whines more and tries to come up with more excuses. Deciding to try and manipulate the situation, Alibaba gets the boy's attention. "Hey Aladdin?" The two stop their bickering and turn to look at the blonde. "Do you like pretty women?" Asna internally groaned.

Later in the evening, she was waiting outside the brothel for the boys to stop the shenanigans. She had already been bothered by drunkards thinking she was a prostitute and her patience was wearing thin. Finally, Aladdin danced out the brothel to her, gushing about how much fun he had. Asna listens boredly, watching the door for Alibaba to come out. When he did, she burst out laughing because he looked like he just went through hell.

"If you have time to spend money on pleasure," the man from before drawls, grabbing the trio's attention. "Then you should be able to reimburse me, no?" Alibaba laughs nervously and cleans himself out. "I soon as I clear the dungeon!" The man and his goons laugh at the statement, for no one has ever come back from the dungeon. What makes them think that a boy like Alibaba could pull it off.

"Run and your name will be known by every city in the area," the man threatens. "Choose now- a death sentence, or your life!" Asna and Aladdin look to Alibaba, who looks back. What decision will he choose? Alibaba won't choose something stupid. I believe in him!

Aladdin and Asna sat in one of the carts, waiting for Alibaba and the man, whose name they learned is Budel, to arrive. There's tension as they ride out to the desert. Alibaba had mentioned that riding out with grape wine would be a risk, but that didn't stop them from riding out. Asna watched the scene pass, trying to wrap her head around how they got to this place.

Along the way, the monster Alibaba was talking about appears, destroying the road and causing damage to the carts. Everyone screams and runs to save themselves or the cargo. Asna and Aladdin stand back, watching the scene unfold. They watch as a girl and a pink haired slave fall into the hole caused by the hyacinth, and Alibaba freak out as Budel tries to make it seem less of a big deal. He pulls a stunt, grabbing the barrel and smashing it against the monster to get it to open so he can pull the slave and little girl out. Aladdin blows his flute on Asna's signal, summoning a huge black, headless muscular body to open the hyacinth flower, but the plant soon retaliates and tries to grab Alibaba and the blue body. Asna sighs and pulls out her staff that was strapped to her back("I forgot I even had it") and slams the butt of it into the ground, the rukh flying around getting agitated and excited. They move to the barrels of wine and carry it up, Asna and Aladdin flying after them on his magical turban.

"I knew you were lying mister!" Aladdin grins, crossing his arms. "You can tell the truth!" Asna looks at Budel who is pleading for them to not drop the barrels. Shrugging her shoulders, she points her staff down, signaling the rukh to let the barrels fall. They shatter and the wine spills, making the flower weaken and release its grip on Alibaba and the blue mass.

After getting the three out of the flower and reuniting the daughter with her mom, Asna and Aladdin help Alibaba onto the turban to talk. "Alibaba, I have a favor to ask of you." Aladdin suddenly says. Asna listens closely, curious. She smiles when she hears the request and quietly commands the turban to fly off.

"Be my friend."