Chapter one: Miia

Disclaimer: I do not own Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou

9:15 A.M, Kyoto, Japan...

He continued to snore as his alarm clock went off for what seemed like the thirtieth time in a row, the Saxon alarm going off again and and again again. He rolled over onto his stomach, his dark brown hair a messy web of short strands all pointing upwards and sideways which was an obvious sign that he liked to wear hats and that he slept in such a way for his heart to get even worse. He rolled over again, his eyelids opening to reveal his light brown eyes as he glanced at his digital alarm clock, the TARDIS from Doctor Who with the words 'MAN THE HELMS! DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!' going across the screen before making the sound of the TARDIS' engines when the Saxon alarm cut off. He yawned loudly and stretched, his spinal plates realigning before he reached for his leg and his other arm, both limbs prosthetic after an accident left the doctor unable to save the limbs and forced them to amputate. He smacked his lips and placed the remaining half of his left leg back in the socket and his arm followed, both pins clicking in place. He was just to lazy to take off the liner so he slept in it. That, and he can't sleep without it, since he was new to the whole prosthesis thing and he really missed his left arm.

'Seriously need some coffee.' He thought, 'Haven't had a decent nights sleep and a nice dinner but I guess I'll have make changes to my schedule since my new guest will be here later. But before that, I need to eat breakfast, finally drink some coffee, and take a shower. Don't want to smell when she arrives, now do we?' He yawned one last time before he stood up off of his small bed that barely fit him on it and went to his dresser, grabbing a pair of jeans, his prized Dead Space T-shirt with Isaac Clarke in gray, his purple jacket, his signature crimson beanie that was a size larger than his head and reached down to his neck, socks, and a pair of striped boxers. As he passed by his cheap particle board bookcase, he picked up his glasses and walked out of his room. He walked down a flight of stairs, passing by copies of Van Goghs, Van Gogh being his favorite artist, and opened the door to the lower floor and straight into his kitchen, a simple room with a carved dining table, a refrigerator, polished wooden pantries filled to the brim with food and ingredients, a radio, an oven, a microwave, a coffee maker, and a small television with a DVD player hooked up to it. He pushed the power button on his coffee maker, added water, coffee grinds and a filter and waited.

After spending fifteen seconds watching the "interesting" event of coffee being made, he began to tap his metal fingers against his counter top before deciding to grab breakfast from his pantry. He wrapped his metal fingers around the pantry's doorknob, once again his thumb failing to even move, opened the doors with some effort, the hinges getting stuck again, and browsed his food options. "Hmmmm," he hummed, "What to eat, what to eat?" He browsed his eyes over multiple suitable breakfast foods. Cereal? Nah, not too holding. Biscuits? Don't feel like it. He backed away and browsed everything at the same time. Then he caught sight of a box with bright orange lettering at the top shelf. Cookies? Well, there are more pros for eating cookies for breakfast than there were cons. Cookies it is then!

He stood on the tips of his toes reaching for his box of cookies but came up short. He huffed and flattened his soles back on the floor, searching for a possible solution to his cookie dilemma. Then it came to him. Literally. The plastic stepladder he had next to the door fell over onto it's side and landed on his left foot without a sound. He lifted it up and set it up, going up the fist two steps and reaching for his cookies. He grabbed the box and laughed in triumph, mocking gravity and saying how if he could beat a stepladder, he could beat an escalator. As he was about to climb down, he wobbled a bit and fell forward, hitting the tiled floor, the ladder tilting and hitting his torso and small cans of peas falling down and hitting his feet, cookies scattering across the floor. He huffed in annoyance and said, "Note to self: ladders, like stairs, are an enemy to this new prosthetic user. P.S. keep all items on the lower shelves; the top shelves are hazardous to my health and are just plain evil."

He heard someone knock on his door as he lay on the warming tiled floor, three short raps against the large metal turn wheel door he found in the basement, but even though someone was at his door, he couldn't help but think 'Who in their right mind goes to a warehouse that's supposed to be abandoned?' Looks like he was skipping breakfast. Nonetheless, he stood up by grabbing onto the edge of his countertop and lifted himself with some effort, making his way through the warehouse to his front door. He descended down another spiral staircase, walked through a doorway, and strolled through the large space that was the warehouse's storage floor which he now used as his livingroom, his diningroom, his library, his lower floor bathroom, his card room, and his gaming room, which he sectioned off with walls and doors.

He passed by his livingroom, a room with a flatscreen, a gaming console, and several posters that he was gifted with after the accident. He smiled as he read his Phoenix Wright poster with the Judge going 'Please let this be a normal court case.' and other characters appearing over his shoulder, saying, 'With the Wright? No way!' With a smile, he turned the wheel on his door and opened it, despite the fact that he was in his boxers and a white T-shirt, his smile greeted by a beautiful girl. She had long bright red hair and amber eyes, with yellow 'D' clips on each side of her head and wore a yellow long sleeved shirt. (Or was it a sweater? He couldn't tell.) He stretched out his left arm, iron hand held out and all four fingers apart except for the thumb.

"I'm Kazuma Kirihito. And you must be...?" He paused, removing his outstretched hand from her reach and began to rub his temples. "I knew your name at one point. It was in the letter." He stood in silence before he cackled. "Ha, the letter! I'll be right back!" A woman cleared her throat and he stopped midstride and turned around, scratching the side of his head in nervousness.

She was dressed as the typical government agent, attired in a white dress shirt with a black tie and black blazer with a professional skirt, nylon stockings and heels. She wore a pair of sunglasses to complete the look and had her long black hair that was loose and down to her stomach.

"I'm Miss Smith," she said as she handed him a folder with papers, "I am your Cultural Exchange Coordinator, Mister Kirihito." Smith gestured to the girl next to her. "And this is Miia." Kazuma gave a small wave.

"Hi." he said as awkwardly as possible.

"Hi, I'm Miia! Nice to meet you!" Miia replied.

"As you should know in the letter I sent you that you lost, Miia is a Lamia, a snake woman, and she will be staying with you since you signed up for the Cultural Exchange Between Species program." Smith said. "I'm assuming your home is large enough to hold two people." Kazuma had a sweatdrop on his forehead.

Oh no, it's not like I live in a huge warehouse by myself or anything!

Since from the waist up Miia looked human, Kazuma looked at her closer. Her ears were large, pointy and red, she had sharp fangs and also had small scales on her cheeks. Below her waist, was a long, red snake tail.

"Since she's a Lamia, Miia is reptilian which makes her a poikilotherm." Smith said as she started to gather her stuff and began to walk away from the warehouse. "If she isn't kept warm enough, her bodily functions will slow down so keep her warm. Oh, also don't forget to feed her." Smith made her way to the gate without Kazuma's notice before he looks duo from the papers and past Miia.

"Wait your just going to leave me here?!" Kazuma shouted to her. "What if I need help? I have no clue on dealing with a monster girl!"

"You'll be fine!" Smith shouted back. "You seem like you can handle yourself!" She left, just walked out the gate and left Kazuma with his new guest. He turned to Miia.

"So…" Kazuma said even more awkwardly. "What now?"