Drift the dad. Chapter 1 baby Jetstorm and Slipstream

Just for the record the day started out ordinary. Everyone was going about their own business. "Decepticon activity detected." Fixit said. "team let's run and go, go!" Bumblebee shouted. Everyone just stared with blank expressions. "Never mind lets just go!" Bumblebee said. And they headed out to take care of the decepticons.

"Alright let's get them!" Side swipe said getting eager. Then Steeljaw and his gang appeared. And the fight started. Then the new decepticon appeared it resembled an earth tiger. And apparently he was part of Steeljaw's gang of escaped convict decepticons. "Fixit the new decepticon resembles an earth tiger anything in the database?" Bumblebee asked. "Let me see." The computer searched through the files. "Here we are his name Sharp fang. He has a lot of strength and he has really sharp claws and teeth that can shred steel. So be careful, he should not be taken lightly." Fixit warned. "Understood. Team let's go for it!" Bumblebee shouted and the fight began. "Man Underbite your smell keeps on getting worse and worse did you take a garbage shower?" Grimlock laughed. "Why you no good Dinobot!" Underbite hollered and the two super strong bots brawled.

Then Saw tooth held up a weapon and pointed it at Drift. Drift saw it and got out of the way and he saw Jetstorm and Slipstream were in the line of fire of that machine. "Pupils look out!" Drift shouted. But before they could move they got hit with the beam and all they had time to do was gasp in shock. The light was very bright and everyone had to cover their eyes.

Then the flash died down and Drift uncovered his eyes and looked at the ground and his full grown minicon students had turned into minicon sparklings! Minicon sparklings are about the size of 2 1/2 to 3 year old human. Drift ran to the crater where the students were curled up into little balls. Unfortunately in the flash Steeljaw and his gang escaped. "Let's return to the scrapyard and fix this problem." Bumblebee said when he saw Slipstream and Jetstorm.

Back at the scrapyard Fixit looked over the two now sparkling minicons. Luckily he found no injuries but found out that their minds had change to the minds of sparklings their age. "Their fine." Fixit told everyone. The whole team was relieved. "But their minds are like a sparkling of their age so they will act around us the way they see us. But keep in mind they think like sparklings. But they do have some of their old memories." Fixit explained. "So they are basically infants." Side swipe said. "Right, it looks like it's reversible. But it might take me a while to figure it out." Fixit explained.

Then they headed for the area where the now sparkling Jetstorm and Slipstream were. Then they saw them. "They look kind of cute." Russell said. "Yep you were just as cute when you were a baby." Denny told his son. Then the two began to wake up. They looked around and saw everybody. "Hey do you remember who I am?" Fixit asked. They looked straight at him and thought. He is minicon like us and he is chatterbox. But he really knows how to fix things. And they said. "Fixy." Side swipe laughed. Then they looked at Strongarm and thought. She is pretty and is stickler for the rules. And they said "Strong,strong!" Side swipe laughed again. "Oh you think that's funny! Lets see what they think of you!" Strongarm shouted. "Hi" Side swipe said. They looked at Side swipe and thought. He is prankster and he likes to make Strong,strong mad. And they said. "Swipey." Strongarm laughed that time. "Hey remember me?" Bumblebee asked. They looked at Bumblebee and thought. He is the head of the team what was his name oh yeah! Then they said "Bee!" "Close enough." Bumblebee said. "Hey remember me?" Grimlock asked with smile. They looked at Grimlock and thought. He sure is big and cool and strong. Then they said. "Grim!" "Pretty good." Grimlock said. "Hey remember me?" Denny asked. They looked at him and thought. He collects a lot of things. Then they said. "Denny." "Well at least they got my name right." Denny said. "Hi." Russell said. Hey that is our friend Rusty. And they said "Rusty." Russell laughed and said. "That will have to do." Russell said. "Hey pupils." Drift said. They looked straight at him and thought. He pulled us out of the gutter and teaches us things does that make you our? Then they said. "Daddy." "What?!" Drift shouted. "Well they think you're their father." Fixit explained. "What, why?!" Drift was shocked. "Well you pulled them out of the gutter and you teach them things and protect them so in their young minds that makes them think you're their dad." Fixit explained. Drift accepted that and looked at them. Then the sparklings tanks gurgled. I'm hungry! They thought and began to cry. "What's wrong?" Russel asked. "They are probably hungry I'll go get a couple of energon bottles meant for minicon sparklings." Fixit said and left to get it. Then he came back with two bottles he handed one to Drift and who took Jetstorm and the other to Strongarm who took Slipstream. Drift brought the bottle to Jetstorm's mouth and Jetstorm latched one and began to drink it. And Strongarm began to feed Slipstream. Once Slipstream finished he burped. But when Jetstorm finished he managed to get the hiccups. Drift was unsure what to do at first. "Pat him the back." Fixit told him. So Drift put Jetstorm over his shoulder and began to pat Jetstorm on the back and the hiccuping stopped and there was a burp that followed. He placed Jetstorm in one arm and Slipstream in the other.

"I made a couple of cribs for them to sleep in." Fixit told Drift. "Thank you I'm sure they would be quite thankful for it." Drift said. "Where would you like me to put them?" Fixit asked. "Set them up where I sleep I don't want them sleeping by themselves and I'll be able to hear them if they need anything, okay?" Drift told him. "Okay." Fixit said and went straight to work. That night Drift settle Jetstorm and Slipstream in their cribs. "How you like it Fixit worked really hard on these for you guys." Drift told them. This does feel nice and very comfortable Fixy is good at his job. "He'll be glad that you two like it," Drift said with a smile. "Good night," Drift told them. "Night, night daddy we waove you." They said in their baby talk. Drift was shocked he never heard anyone say that to him. He never had a bond mate or sparkling or a girlfriend so it was a complete and total surprise to him. "See you in the morning." He told them and like that the two sparklings were out like a light.