20 reviews...I love you all so much. Have I ever told you guys that? I'm pretty sure I haven't. In only three chapters too! Thank you all so much. It really means a lot.

"It was so strange Padma. The mirror, it was so captivating. I couldn't stop wanting it. It scared me." Hermione watched Padma listen to her intently. It had been one week since Hermione's bedridden 'illness'.

"Miss Granger, would you like to tell me what is it you and Miss Patil are so engrossed in over there?" The overly stern voice of Professor McGonagall rose above the soft voices of the many whispering students. Hermione watched as Ron held his laughter behind his hands, however if he called that hiding, well he would always be the first to get caught. Hermione kept her temper in check as beneath the table Padma laid a comforting hand on Hermione's lower arm.

"I apologize Professor, we were talking about my strange illness and what it could have been." Hermione bowed her head in shame. She couldn't just not care about her academics simply because of a few strange things happening to her.

Professor McGonagall softened her eyes and stated calmly,"Don't let me catch you doing it again." It was a silent and possibly accidental permission that she gave the two girls. They just didn't have to get caught.

Hermione's eyes drifted over to Padma and watched as her friend silently tore off a piece of paper. She made small movements while writing, it looked as if she was not even using her quill, as if she were only rolling it around. They were small like scratches that Hermione could barely make out to be words, but they were there.

Padma was staring ahead as Professor McGonagall spoke as if she were not writing a whole paragraph right under her nose.

"Today class we'll start to move on from theory and learn the basics of Transfiguration, the proper way."Hermione immediately stopped paying attention to Padma but looked on in interest. She would become the best after all. How was she to do that without listening. Professor McGonagall brought out her wand a gave a small flick. The small toothpick that had just been laying on her desk had become a needle. Hermione watched the silver meet the tiny branches of wood in a battle to the death. The silver metal won without much of a fight.

It was absolutely fascinating. Or at least Hermione thought so. "Now students, I will be handing out the-"McGonagall paused as if trying to remember the word for the toothpicks."Aah, yes. The tootpiks." A few of the halfbloods and muggleborns snickered. Hermione didn't thought in fact she felt a little embarrassed. Professor McGonagall at least made an effort to know their culture, those not born into the magical should at least do the same. This was why the whole society was against them.

Professor McGonagall started to pass them out and she gave Hermione a look the said,"I expect to be pleased." Hermione gave her a nod and then proceeded to look at her toothpick. She stared at it. Hermione could feel the intense concentration going on in her head. She felt something-She felt something spark, like a match to rope.

A flicker of silver appeared within the toothpick. In an instant it was gone and Hermione couldn't help but feel a flicker of shock pass through her. What had just happened.

"Herman! You're supposed to use your wand. Or is your brain too small to properly fit in that head of yours." Ron spewed out from his unintelligent brain. Hermione saw the pale elbow of Harry Potter hit Ron in the arm. Ron yelped and started to rub his arm.

Hermione ignored him and tried to focus on her toothpick. She flicked her wand and felt the magic flow from her wand. His words were getting to her though. It must have shown because she felt Padma get up and go up to the very front of the classroom. Hermione looked as Professor McGonagall and Padma had a somewhat serious conversation. Padma soon came back to her spot next to Hermione and Hermione knew Padma's triumphant smirk when she saw it.

"All you have to do is tell someone, Hermione. It isn't that difficult." Padma whispered into their little bubble. Hermione finally realized what she meant.

"Mr. Weasley! It has come to my attention you have been bullying one of the students and as well as creating a disturbance in the classroom. Meet me here for detention for the next three Sundays." Hermione could feel the red-head sputter put nonsense about how he didn't know what she was talking about. She could feel his glare resting upon the bushiness she called her hair.

"You know Ron. If you were just a little bit nicer to her, you wouldn't have detention." Harry told Ron the moment the walked out of Transfiguration.

"Shut up Harry."Ron muttered as he slowed down. They had potions next and Professor Snape was not afraid to take points away from the silliest of things.

"Is the weasel upset because the mudblood bested him once more in the battle of wit." The mocking voice of Malfoy nearly shouted right behind him. They both turned around to see the arrogant prat smiling as if the day Ron got detention was the happiest day of his life.

"SHUT UP! I challenge you to a Wizard's Duel!"Ron did not have a calm temper, no his anger was as red as his hair. Maybe even brighter. Draco continued to smile as if he had been waiting for this moment.

"Good, now I can show who is superior. My second is Blaise. Who's yours?" Draco was much too calm, but of course neither of the Gryffindors noticed.

"Harry." Ron said confidently, the boy-who-lived knew everything about magic. It was why he defeated the Dark Lord! The Malfoy heir would go dow-"You do know he just successfully tricked you." The annoying voice of Hermione Granger entered Ron's vision.

She was leaning against the stone as if she were the coolest thing around. Harry groaned in realization and Ron frowned deeply. He was still in disbelief. Ron would prove that Hermione girl wrong. For once he would get a chance to shine.

"Well I'm right." He sneered at her with his best Malfoy face. It ended making him look constipated and both Harry and Hermione coughed out their laughter.

"I'll meet up with you guys to see you 'beat' up Malfoy." She didn't give them a chance to answer as Padma whats-her-face walked out of the transfiguration classroom. They walked quickly to the Great Hall for lunch.

I know. This story is slow. I am taking my time with everything.