Lucy came back from a solo mission with the entire reward and the silver key she was promised. She looked over at a group of five. They were laughing, drinking, and making merry. Lucy sighed. She missed the days when they were a team. But she was stronger now and she didn't need them. Now that Lucy had learned out to use a sword as well she was pretty strong, well really strong. Sometimes she made jokes to herself that she and that sword were 'destined.' She also learned requip magic so she could use other swords but her main sword was fabled to be 'unbreakable' and Lucy had named it Hollow Silence which was almost how she felt.
Lucy POV
I opened the door to y apartment, dropped off my stuff and went into my room. I have the messenger hawk fabled to take messages where ever you wanted. So I decided to do something interesting.
"Dear, well, whoever you are,
My name is Lucy, what is your name? I guess I was just bored so I decided to send you this letter for fun! I would be very happy if you told be about yourself. Like for example, I take all sorts of jobs like defeating monsters, taking out dark guilds and all kinds of things. Once I even went undercover in a gang of bandits. I have all kinds of weird friends. Like, Loke, he used to be a total womanizer but I saved his life and now he just hits on me, a lot. Then there's Gildarts, the whole town is scared of his so they built this mechanism so that whenever he walks into town(which isn't often) two wall raise the town up and he walks straight towards the guild. The town I live in is called Magnolia. It is in the country Fiore, maybe you've heard of it? Please write back, I love meeting new people!
Sincerely, Lucy Heartfilia."
I folded the letter and stuck it in an envelope. After I did this I summoned my new spirit,formed a contract with him and gave him the letter.
"I was wondering if you could take this letter to someone who is loyal, has green hair, and someone I would never ever meet without you." I asked. The hawk winked, it was very offsetting and creepy then disappeared with the letter.
On the Thousand Sunny it was night time, Zoro was sleeping on deck(being on the night watch), when all of a sudden a hawk appeared out of nowhere and dropped a letter on the swordsman's chest. Usually he wouldn't wake up because of something so simple, but he did. He eyed the letter, it probably wouldn't be for him but one of the other crew mate's.
In the morning each one of them tried to open it, except Zoro, but when Luffy was about to try to burn it open, Zoro stepped in. He opened it with ease and inside was a neatly written letter. Zoro and the others standing behind him read it. Sanji scoffed, "Zoro, writing a letter? All that Marimo is good at is swordsplay!" Sanji put his cigarette up to his lips.
Zoro grew irritated quickly, "I'll show you ero-cook!" they both glared at each other from a far.
Zoro then retreated to the boy's cabin with Luffy following behind him curiously. Zoro got out some pen and paper that the boys never used and started to write.
"Dear Lucy,
The only reason I'm writing this letter is so I can prove to Sanji, a cook on our ship that I'm not just good at swordsplay. My name is Roronoa Zoro. The jobs you take sound very interesting. The crew I' in has done some very interesting things as well. We defeated an army of half fish half men, Luffy our captain took out most of them. We saved a country from this villain made of sand, and we declared war on the government. I also have some very interesting friends. Like Franky, he's a cyborg. No, he wasn't experimented on by the government or anything, he built himself by himself. He's annoying but he's still my nakama. The wildest of our group is Luffy who I mentioned before, he is our captain. Luffy is made of rubber. You've probably heard of him before. He's sort of infamous. I live on a ship as you probably have guessed. I have not heard of Magnolia, is it in the South Blue?
From, Zoro."
"There I wrote it." I shoved the letter toward Sanji but he never held it becaue all of a sudden a hawk came out of nowhere and snatched it up out of my hand. We all watched the hawk fly away with confusion in our eyes.
"Super!" Frank shouted.
"It's a mystery bird!" Luffy, Usopp and Chopper all gushed together.
Nami hit them all on the head, "Bakas, that was an extremely rare bird, it is almost never seen in the world! A hawk."
AN: I say it is rare because how should we know if the land of One Piece has hawks? Leave it below in the answer if they said it and I just don't remember. I will promptly correct it.
Sorry if my writing is terrible. Honestly I just wrote this for fun. :p
~Jessica D.