Chapter Two-



Though he never showed it, or said it out load… he was madly in love with Sango. She was beautiful, smart, with an amazing personality. Sango was the best, yet the worst thing that had ever happened to Miroku. She taught him was real love was. Before he met her, love was an equivalent of sex, but Sango had changed everything. For the first time in his life, he realized that love wasn't at all like what you read in books or see on stupid soap operas. You had to sacrifice, suppress your feelings in order to protect your lover, even if it meant pushing her away.

Miroku had two drinks already. He wasn't drunk… not yet.

"Miroku, buddy," said Seshomaru, Mirkokus close friend.

"What is it Seshomaru?"

"I know this sounds weird, but… uh… Sango… she called me today," Seshomaru observed Miroku closely.

"What about her?" was it just Seshomaru, or was Miroku looking really mad?

"We talked on the phone for a while today, she's really unhappy about your relationship with her," said Seshomaru observing Mirokus expressions. "and… she wanted to talk to me today so I invited her here…." Seshomaru lifted his wrist to check the time.

"WHAT? She's under-aged! This is a bar for Gods sake!" said Miroku slamming his fist down on the bar counter.

That was when Miroku and Seshomaru heard whispers and whistles over the soft music. Sango was standing by the entrance looking extra radiant then ever. She looked around the bar a little nervous. Spotting Seshomaru and Miroku, a smile went through her worried face.

"Sorry I'm late," said Sango kissing Seshomaru on the cheek. "Thank You for inviting me today." She looked over to Miroku and leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. When Miroku pulled back, Sango couldn't help but get a bit hurt. She blinked and her eyes were quickly filled with tears.

"Sango! This is a bar! Your still 17 and its illegal for you to come in here and you'll get expelled if you are caught, not only in a bar but with your teacher!" shouted Miroku. He knew he wasn't making sense. All he knew was that he was shouting at her.

"Stop it Miroku, you've said enough!" placing a hand on Sangos solder.

Everything had gone wrong. Seshomaru had it all planed, he was going to leave and leave to two lovers together but look what mess he has to deal with now.

Sango couldn't help but cry. She had spent a long time curling her hair and putting on makeup. When she called Seshomaru, she was touched by his generosity in willing to cooperate in her little plan.

"I'm leaving," said Sango wiping her eyes with the back of her hands. She got up and ran for the door almost tripping from wearing her uncomfortable high heels.

Miroku and Seshomaru looked out the door where Sango had left from.

"So, Miroku, who's gonna go after her? Me? Or you?" said Seshomaru crossing his hands over his chest.

Without saying a word, Miroku got up and ran out of the bar.

You know when everything just goes wrong?

Sango had not only been humiliated in front of Seshomaru and everyone in the bar, one side of high heel had broken. She had missed the last train and she didn't have enough money to go home on a taxi.

'I shouldn't have come out tonight… I knew something bad was going to happen'. Though Sango to herself kicking an empty beer bottle down the street, not knowing what to do or where to go next.

She felt a hand on her solder, turning around she found Miroku staring back at her. She was unable to read his emotions. Was he mad, happy, sad…What was it?

Without saying a word, Miroku took Sangos hand and began walking towards his car. He was a little drunk, and he knew driving while drunk wasn't right…but he couldn't care much…not right now.

The ride back to her house was in silence. Neither one of them were willing to talk.

Miroku turned the car off and cupped his head in his hands.


"I'm not asking too much Sensei am I? All I want is…." She wasn't able to finish before tears began to pour down from her eyes.

Sango opened the car door and slammed it behind her, running up to her house.

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to review. I'm open to any suggestions by the way.