Hey guys! Sorry it took awhile to update this.. Anyway lets cut to the chase.

Oh and congrats to RobotRussian for finding a secret foreshadowing!

It had been about a day before they arrive to Florrum. Immediately they saw the Seperatist blockade and orders were shouted across the ship. The orders mainly consisted of 'get to your battle stations' or 'prepare for ground assault' though some of them were 'attempt to contact the forces on the planet'.

Anakin entered the bridge and approached the clones waiting around a holomap. The map showed the primary target of the attack, the pirate stronghold. The two clones seemed to be talking about the best routes to take squads of men although they fell silent as their general approached.

"I can take a few squads to the south," Anakin said, "We can lure most of the droids out. Rex, take a squad to the North-East a few clicks," He pointed to the location he had meant, "And move in to catch the droids by surprise. Waxer, well we lure the Seperatists out take a squad to get the locals out unharmed." He felt satisfaction as the clones nodded their agreements.

"Right away General!" They said before running in the direction of the main hanger. Before they took off running they both put their helmets on. Anakin quickly followed, but not as fast. Knowing he would have to trust the rest of the troops to take down the Seperatist Blockade before any ground assault could be made.

He felt a small bit of joy as he heard the words shouted, "We have made contact with the force on world!" Though he mainly felt relief that all the men hadn't been captured or killed.

He continued towards the main hanger, though there was the over looming thought that took away that slight bit of relief. They may be alive.. But for how long? The thought made him walk faster. Even still it seemed as if it had been forever before he reached the main hanger. He briefed the squads in no time, and then came the hard part. Waiting for the blockade to be broken. Normally he would have gone back up to the bridge but instead he took his time to clear his mind, some lingering feeling breaking his normal persona.

As he cleared his mind he thought about stuff of the different things he came across, a lot of different things but mainly Ahsoka. He thought about everything that had happened with her recently. Being accused of being a traitor, imprisoned, removed from the Jedi Order, her trial, finding out her best friend framed her, being captured and tortured by the same person. He sighed. Everything she must be going through... He thought. Then he realized something, something odd.

"The medics..." He said quietly to himself, "They didn't question me having harmed her even after saying she might be delusional..." He took a deep breath, "This all works out too perfectly... Obi-wan going on a mission and vanishing... Me being unable to see her..." His eyes widened, "I have to get back to Ahsoka!" Almost immediately he reached out through the force to find her force signature weak. Unconscious? He asked himself, worry flowing through him. The mission was a ploy... A chance to get a Jedi Master and a Jedi Padawan... He thought.

"General Skywalker! We've broken through the blockade!" A clone said, breaking him away from his thoughts.

"Get the clones aboard the transports and get them down to the surface!" He responded.

"Yes sir!" The clone said before running off. Anakin closed his eyes for a few brief seconds, a wave of anger flowing over him. I will save her. He thought before he reopened his eyes and headed in the direction of the transports.

Ahsoka approached the wall, very very painfully. Both her ankles cried out in disagreement, one of her legs sending out almost overwhelming waves of pain. She collapsed as she reached the wall. A small smile formed on her face as she looked at the air vent in front of her. They didn't have to make it this easy. She thought before getting the air vent cover off. It was a lot harder then she expected because she was battling with both pain and the handcuffs. She entered the air vent and started to crawl through it.

Suddenly a weird feeling overcame her and she closed her eyes, her breath becoming heavy. More pain started to fill her and she stopped moving forward, being very close to falling unconscious from the pain.

Sorry it's kind of short and also sorry if its boring. I'm saving most of the action for next chapter so be prepared! And now I'll have that song stuck in my head... Anyway, hope any confusing things are cleared up next chapter :D