Chapter 1

Hello again for the first time in... A month?! Ok I am so sorry I failed so badly with this... I've reached the end of what I had pre-written for And So It Begins and am finding it hard to write it. for Anger, Fear, Hate, Forbidden I can't find a way to work stuff in, also I'm changing it to just star wars for now at least... So until then enjoy this, its different than usual, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Hope you enjoy!

Anakin paced the room worriedly. Obi-wan looked at his former apprentice and noticed he was nearly in tears.

"I'm sure she'll be alright, Anakin, but we have orders to wait here," Obi-wan continued to watch Anakin as he stopped and looked at Obi-wan. Obi-wan could sense Anakin's mixed emotions through the force and was worried he was slipping to the dark side because of this.

"Wait?! You're just like the council! I can't just wait well she is out there with who knows who!" Anakin yelled with anger and fear mixed in his voice.

"It was an order from the council!"

"Well maybe they don't know what they are doing!" Anakin turned towards the door and walked towards it.

Anakin was almost at the door when Obi-wan replied, "And where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to find Ahsoka," As he finished Anakin was out the door.

Anakin finally let the tears he had been holding back fall down his face. She's gone… And it's all my fault… If I had just been at the temple, if I hadn't ordered her to stay here she could have been saved! His hand clenched into a fist and he hit the wall. He began to try and reach out to here through the force, Ahsoka, where ever you are, I swear I will find you!

Ahsoka woke up to find the pain much less, though still intense. Just from the two days she had been gone, her body swelled up in pain. She put her hand on her left leeku, the worst of the pain. It had a deep slash down it, they never let it close, besides they put different chemicals in the cut. Yet again she desperately cried out for her master, and yet again all that was in response was silence. Come on Skyguy, where are you? Ahsoka thought a bit more, and looked a little deeper into her thoughts. This isn't going to be an easy escape. The door buzzing open snapped Ahsoka out of her thoughts.

"Let's see if anyone hears you this time," The horrible voice taunted. Ahsoka was positive she saw a smirk from him as he pulled out a vile. He walked towards her and injected it in her arm. After a few minutes Ahsoka felt more pain then she had ever felt course through her. She couldn't hold back her scream and screamed louder than she ever had.

Anakin gasped as he heard her scream and as he heard someone yell for him. What are they doing to her! When I get my hands on them they will be dead! Anakin felt the anger course through him and tried again to reach out to her. He was answered with darkness. How could I have let them! How could anyone in the temple not have stopped them! Finally Anakin burst running down the hall. He neared the docking bay. He could hear rushed footsteps running after him and sensed who it was. He stopped.

"Come to stop me again old man?" Anakin asked, trying to lighten his own mood with his joke.

"No, actually I may not agree with you on disobeying the council but Ahsoka is my friend to. Besides you're going to need someone to stop you from using a ridiculous plan."

"Any ideas where to look?"

"Where ever Dooku is?" Obi-wan shrugged.

"That's a start," Anakin headed off towards his fighter and climbed into it. Obi-wan followed and got in his own fighter.

Anakin scrolled through the last known locations of Dooku and stopped at the most recent one.

"Master, I found him."

"Good, where is he?"

"Tatooine," Anakin's voice was half chocked, having hoped never to have to go back after his last incident there.

Ahsoka could tell the ship was headed someone not good. She was in custody of someone torturing her, how could it be good?

"You should have caused her more mental harm or just plain pain!" Someone yelled, "She'll be useless with a broken wrist!"

Ahsoka looked at her right wrist, bent weirdly, swelling, horrible pain. I should have known it was broken… The ship began to slow to a halt and more light came in through the tiny window. Ahsoka finally got a good look at her surroundings. She was in what seemed to be a cargo area, a few small stacks of creates around her. The room was large and, other than the boxes and her, empty. The large door opened and the same torturous figure came in.

"I see our little youngling is awake," He sounded like he was talking to someone else. He yanked her up, of course by her arm with the broken wrist. Ahsoka let out a yelp of pain. He pulled her forward and as she exited the ship she saw the surroundings was a small desert town, with sand and sandstone as the main things used. It was a town in the middle of a desert.

Ahsoka had herd of a place like this but didn't remember the name. The cloaked figure kept on pulling her forward and now Ahsoka noticed how miserable the people seemed. It wasn't long before even the blinding light was gone as she was pulled into a dark building.

"Yes?" A dark voice questioned.

Ahsoka got a slight look of the location around her before she was shoved forward, "Break her, through any means but death. I wish to give her to her master destroyed."

Ahsoka couldn't help but let fear flow off her in waves.

"With pleasure."

The cloaked figure chuckled as he left. When he was gone the door slid shut and all that was left was pure darkness.

"Welcome," The taunting voice began, "How would you like your stay to begin?" Through his voice it was obvious he enjoyed whatever was about to happen.

Ahsoka felt even more fear and yet again tried to cry out for her master. Though found she was unable to use the force.

Ok I'm giving a spoiler so if you don't want it stop reading now. Ahsoka isn't going to die. If she does in another fan fiction then it won't be detailed... I can not handle killing some of my favorite characters... And it just so happens that my favorite Star Wars character of all time is Ahsoka... Anyway hope you enjoyed and this time I have a question for you, Who is your favorite Star Wars character?