A/N: Alright! New story! So this one is something I've had in the works for a while but I'm still unsure about it. If you guys can, please let me know what you think or if it's something I should continue. Uh, I don't really know what else to say right now. It's obviously Sasu/Naru with a few side relationships but nothing too important. I guess that's it for now. Just enjoy and let me know what you all think.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters.


The alarm rang loudly, waking Naruto with a jolt. He sighed and turned, glaring at the evil, blaring alarm clock. It blinked 7 A.M. in bright red numbers. Slowly, he rolled over and hit the clock, the alarm quieting suddenly. The room was small, a few posters here and there on the dorm room wall.

"Kiba," he groaned, sitting up and stretching. No movement was heard on the other side of their makeshift dividing curtain. "Kiba," he said again, getting a bit aggravated, waiting to hear movement on the other side. Looking around, he grabbed his orange pillow and chucked it across the room, slipping smoothly through the curtains. "Kiba, wake the fuck up!" The pillow was suddenly thrown back across the room, hitting the wall with a thud. "You missed, retard."

"It's too damn early for classes. Why did we choose these so early?" Kiba complained, appearing from his side of the bedroom.

"I don't know. Something about wanting to get out of classes early so we can have tons of fun at these so called parties we were apparently invited to." Naruto groaned into his sheets as he laid his face back into the bed for a moment. The two of them shuffled around the bedroom gathering books and getting dressed quietly, grumbling to each other when they accidentally bumped into one another.

Outside, the weather was getting cooler and the leaves were changing beautifully. The college was large and had many trees, creating a beautiful autumn setting. There were tons of college students walking around already this early in the morning, some with friends or just walking with a cup of coffee from the coffee shop down the street. Kiba glared at the students and mumbled something under his breath about how it should be illegal to get up this early.

Naruto stared in the mirror as he brushed his blonde hair back, running some relaxer in it so that it would stay back out of his face. His hair has been getting longer, almost reaching past his ears at this point. Maybe I should get a haircut. I miss my short hair. Soon, he moved onto his face, placing some concealer on his cheeks to hide his scars that lined his cheeks. He glanced up to a small picture hanging in the corner of the mirror, remembering his short hair in the photo. Hesitantly, his hand raised and he pulled the picture from the corner and ran his thumb ran over the picture lightly, his face lighting up with joy at the memory. He was sitting somewhat awkwardly against a motorcycle, a red headed man's arm wrapped around his shoulders. "You just had to do it," he whispered as his expression turned to sadness, crumbling up the picture and tossing it into the trash can beside him.

"Took you long enough to throw that out," Kiba murmured as he turned the corner to use the mirror, smiling as he glanced into the trash can.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto shot back.

"Nothing, I just think that you're better off without him. Period. You've held on to that picture for months. He's probably not gunna be back for a while anyways."

"I know, I know.. Let's just not talk about this please," he sighed. The blond took another look in the mirror, pretty satisfied with his outfit. He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, his favorite sleeveless orange hoodie and a black t-shirt, topped with a pair of black and orange converses and chains hanging from his belt. Kiba on the other hand, wasn't dressed as warm. He was wearing baggy grey jeans and a white t-shirt. When Naruto looked at him with confusion since the dark hair teen usually wears loud clothing. Kiba just shrugged, "I feel like dressing down today." The two of them grabbed their bags and left their dorm room, heading out quickly to class before they were late.


The day dragged out slowly, the sun rising and warming the air; classes moving even slower. With his laptop in front of him, Naruto sat in the third row from the front, preparing to take his notes for his writing class. The teacher walked in and greeted the class warmly, his smile large and almost seeming a little tipsy? Well, that's what everyone thought but that was just the way he was. The gray haired man stood in front of the class and greeted everyone. "Good morning professor Jiraya," the class murmured. Naruto readied himself at his computer as did everybody else since the teacher speaks fast and notes are vital. Why did I bother taking this class? He thought to himself, sighing and opening up Word on his computer. I barely even like writing, I guess it's just easy? Who cares? Seconds before Naruto began to type, a small box appeared in his screen.

Poetic_Love666: Hey there.

Naruto glanced around without trying to be obvious. He ignored the message box and continued on with his notes. A few seconds later...

Poetic_Love666: That's rude.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Excuse me? What's rude?

Poetic_Love666: Ignoring my message like that.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: But I don't know you

Poetic_Love666: And? What, I can't meet someone new?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Who are you?

Poetic_Love666: No one special, just a person.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Is there a reason why you're messaging me in the middle of class?

Poetic_Love666: I just wanted to see if you were okay.

He froze for a second. Quickly, he looked around at the students in the class, and then looked back at the screen, not caring about being obvious or not.

Poetic_Love666: What are you looking for?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: ... You can see me?

Poetic_Love666: Yea, and there's something bothering you.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: You're right. YOU are.

Poetic_Love666: No. Before I started talking to you. Lately you've seemed... Down. Like, you're depressed. You don't look happy.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Lately? How long have you been watching me? And how does one seem happy to you?

Poetic_Love666: Not for long. I just... Notice you that's all. And with seeing if someone is happy... It's all in the eyes. You don't need to smile or laugh. All of the joy is reflected within and is visible when two people's eyes meet. And you have the most gorgeous blue eyes. I hate to see them so sad..

Naruto_In_Wonderland: ...

Poetic_Love666: What?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Idk. That sounded pretty, and deep I guess.. but SUPER creeper status.

Poetic_Love666: Yea, I know. That's how it is though. Well, at least how I see it.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Then tell me something. Are you happy?

Poetic_Love666: You tell me.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: I would but I don't know who you are, remember?

Poetic_Love666: Yes you do, or at least you should but I guess it'll take you a while to realize it.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: That's not fair!

Poetic_Love666: And neither is life. Can I ask you a quick question?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Okay...?

Poetic_Love666: Would it be alright if I I.M you tonight?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: If you want but I doubt I'll reply.

Poetic_Love666: You will.

The bell rang suddenly before Naruto could reply, causing him to jump, closing his laptop and glancing around the classroom once again. Did I really miss the whole fucking class messaging this asshole? There were many students in this class, he couldn't think of anybody that it could have been.

"Why me?" he grumbled to himself as he slipped his laptop into his bag and left the room in a rush. For a moment, he stood there, looking around at all of the people that were exiting the classroom. All he could think about was looking at everyone, staring into their eyes for a quick second. Once the classroom had emptied, he stood against the wall. He was getting curious to know who this person was. A friend? he thought to himself... Doubt it. A joke?... Maybe. A stalker?... Probably, he scoffed.

Suddenly, Naruto jumped as someone grabbed his shoulder lightly, breaking him from his thoughts. "Damn Naruto," Kiba blurted out, almost as if he was scared as well. "You alright?"

"Yea, I'm fine. Just... Thinking is all," he replied softly, trying to keep his voice down.

"Oh, watch out. The world is going to end!" Naruto gave him a glare and he just laughed in return. "Okay, okay. What was it you were thinking about?"

Naruto stopped Kiba in their tracks and stared into his eyes. "Are you happy?"

Kiba thought for a moment and shrugged. "I'd like to think I am. I guess it just depends."

"You're not happy right now though."

"I know," Kiba sighed. "Me and Shino just broke up before class. I was going to tell you whe we sat down for lunch." His breath was a little shaky and he seemed to be holding back his tears although he was trying to remain seemingly happy. "It was coming though, I knew it and so did he."

"Oh, you two broke up? I'm sorry, I thought things were going good.." Kiba patted the brunette's back as he nodded. "You know, it's best not to hold it in."

"Yea, but I would rather not do it here." He breathed deeply and straightened up. "Let's just go to lunch."



The two friends set off to a small restaurant across the street from the college. It was a cozy little diner that had an old school feel to it, with the bar to complete it. After they were seated and had ordered their food, they began chatting about Kiba's recent break up.

"I can't believe that he broke up with you for a girl," Naruto spat, shaking his head. "And Hinata of all people? I thought she did even want a relationship with anyone!"

"Yea yea, I'm not happy about it either. I mean, yea we were only dating for about five months but holy shit dude, I don't know what I'm going to do." Kiba held his head in his hands, earning a few glances at the two of them from various people in the diner. He sighed and shook his head, a sad smile gracing his lips. "The one thing I'm gunna miss is the sex."

"I can't believe you just said that." Naruto's eyes were almost bugging out of his head, rolling his eyes and covering his ears. "La, la lalalalalalalalala I don't want to hear about your sex life, I thought we agreed not to talk about each other's sex life!" Earning a few glares and shushes of protest, they both shut up and laughed into their food, faces turning red from embarrassment.

"So anyways Naruto, are you gunna tell me what was bothering you earlier? You seemed pretty spooked." Kiba looked at his blonde friend with concern, shoveling more food into his mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Naruto replied innocently.

"Something's up... Are you in trouble? Did something happen?"

"No... Well, nothing important anyways." He looked away, trying to distract himself from the thoughts that were now coming back.

"Obviously it is since you're trying to avoid the question. You looked so terrified when I saw you leave the class."

"Well..." he twirled his fork nervously.


"Today in class I was taking notes and..."

"And?" Kiba growled, getting frustrated with his beating around the bush.

"I received a message," Naruto stated, sighing and looking out of the diner window.

"Really," he said bluntly.

"Yea, it was an I.M. and I have no idea how the person even got my messenger address. You know I'm not technical or anything so I have no idea how to even find out who it is."

"You have no idea? Do you have your I.M name on your Facebook?"

"I have no clue! Maybe? They said that I know who they are but I honestly don't think I do. I think I'm being stalked," he shrugged, sipping is soda and belching loudly.

"Uh, nice one." Kiba eyed him carefully. "So, what did you two talk about?"

"Nothing really. The person wants to I.M. me tonight though."

"Oh man, you have to do it!"

"Do what?" Naruto asked, startled by this outburst from the brunette.

"The I.M. thing!"

"I... I don't know..." He shook his head and shrugged.

"I'll be right there with you."

"Alright," he agreed, shrugging his shoulders.

They finished up their food and headed back to class the campus for the remainder of their classes. Naruto sat quietly, his mind reflecting back on the messages from earlier. When he looked around, he was beginning to notice people's emotions more. A few people seemed genuinely interested or happy but the majority just looked dead, no matter how animated they were or chatty they seemed to be. By the end of the day, he begun to realize very few people were actually happy


"People these days have too many problems," Naruto announced as he opened his laptop on his desk. They had settled into their dorm room for the night, not bothering with anyone else or doing anything special since they had class early in the morning again.

"You got that right," Kiba said, coming over from his side of the curtain divider wearing his pajamas. He plugged his iPod into the speakers and they both laughed as the song 'Pajama Party by Super Junior,' began playing while Kiba started dancing along with it. Their laughter quieted down as he changed the song and sat beside Naruto at his desk. The laptop was on and ready, the I.M. screen waiting for any incoming messages.

"What if the person isn't really going to message me?" he cried doubtfully.

"He will, or maybe she will, whoever it is," Kiba shrugged. "Look, it's only 9:30. Maybe he has a night class?" he let out a yawn as he stretched his arms up, showing a bit of stomach. Naruto almost blushed at the sight, shaking his head and looking back at the screen. Totally not going there ever again. He chuckled to himself, earning a curious look from Kiba.

"What's so funny?" he asked, almost sounding offended.

"Nothing, I was just remembering something funny." Naruto shook his head again and looked at his friends' curious gaze. "I just couldn't help but remember our experiments in high school." He laughed again as Kiba shivered, remembering all too well their inexperience and awkwardness.

"We really were totally awkward about all of that. But you know Naruto, we both are all grown up now," Kiba replied, leaning on Naruto's shoulder. He gave a glance up to the blondes face and was met with a look of slight disgust. "Well shit then, that's fine with me." They both laughed, glad that even after their adventures exploring their sexuality, they were both able to stay friends.

"It might not hurt though," Naruto murmured to himself. He took another look at his friend and shook his head. "Nahh, not a chance you horny dog."

They both sat there for a few minutes waiting before Kiba began yawning some more, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He gave a look to Naruto, pleading to let him go to sleep.

"I know I said I'd be here for you but I'm fucking exhausted."

"What? Oh come onnnn~," Naruto pleaded.

"Technically I'm still here, just on the other side of the curtain."

"Whatever," he grumbled. Kiba stood up, stretched, and crawled into his bed.

"Wake me when he messages you!" he called over; the blonde not bothering to reply.

He waited a minute before deciding to occupy his time. Since he had homework due next week, he thought it wouldn't hurt to get a head start on it considering he didn't really have any other friends to bother. It was easy stuff anyways. He had promised his foster father Iruka that he would actually try and get good grades and to Naruto's surprise, it wasn't that hard as long as he paid attention. Once he was done, he turned his attention to some music videos he had saved for later on, some of his favorite artists coming out with some new stuff. After he settled in to watch some anime, he was startled when a small square appeared on the screen. It took him a moment to realize what it was but when he did, he smiled a little to himself.

Poetic_Love666: Hey.

He waited a moment, debating whether to reply or not. Kiba's snoring was heard from behind the curtain and he figured it would be best not to wake the loud brunette.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Uhm, Hi.

Poetic_Love666: 'Uhm'?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: What's wrong with 'uhm'?

Poetic_Love666: You just seem unsure about saying hi.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: That's because I am.

Poetic_Love666: And why is that?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: I'm still trying to figure out who you are.

Poetic_Love666: Oh really? Any theories?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: ... Not really.

Poetic_Love666: fail

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Hater!

Poetic_Love666: I thought you would know.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: You haven't given me any hints... Have I met you before?

Poetic_Love666: Nope.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Then wth! How do you know me then?

Poetic_Love666: I don't exactly know you... But I want to get to know you.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: ... And exactly what did you want to know?

Poetic_Love666: I wanted to know what was wrong.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Nothing.

Poetic_Love666: You lie!

Naruto_In_Wonderland: So? It's personal.

Poetic_Love666: Well I still wanna know. Or at least... How can I make you happy again?

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Tell me who you are then.

Poetic_Love666: Nope.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: what are you afraid of? Afraid the mystery will be gone and I won't like who you really are?

Poetic_Love666: Something like that. I'm afraid you'll just look at me like everyone else does and I hate that, it's really bothersome. I don't want to be liked for my looks, but for you who I am. Amongst a few other personal reasons.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: so you want me to like you?

Poetic_Love666: uh, honestly, I'm just really confused… I think I do but… uh, I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Naruto_In_Wonderland: Okay? Goodnight then?

Poetic_Love666: Sorry, night…