Epilogue part 2

Unable to resist, Chandler leaned forwards and captured her soft lips. His arms slid around her petite waist as he pulled her tighter against him. Lips caressed lips as they both melted into the kiss. As it deepened, he felt the now familiar desire course through his veins and he pulled her even harder to him. As the intensity increased he was desperate to get as close to her as possible.

He felt her fingers start to unbutton his shirt, her hands burning the skin she uncovered. He groaned at the sensations her touch was evoking within him. His own fingers were eager to return the favor, reaching for her top…

"Is that the phone?"

"Huh?" Chandler blinked, confused as Monica stepped away from him and out of his embrace.

"Our phone's ringing," she informed him amused.

"So?" he protested, anything but amused, "ignore it."

His protests fell on deaf ears. She was already heading back into the room and Chandler realized it was too late to try and convince her not to answer it.

"The only people with our number are the gang and my folks," she reminded him gently, still smiling at his frustration. "It could be an emergency."

"It better be a damn emergency," he muttered under his breath.

She threw him one last amused look before lifting the receiver. He stayed sulking in the doorway, partly outside to get some much needed fresh air, yet still able to comfortably listen in on this 'emergency'.

"Rachel! Hi," Monica greeted, no traces of frustration. "Is everything ok? Uh huh? Yeah? Really? That's so great that you've talked to him; so what happened?"

Chandler groaned and rolled his eyes, doubting very much that this was in anyway an emergency. To his dismay he watched as Monica settled onto their large bed, making herself comfortable. Sure, she hadn't gossiped with Rachel for almost a week...but they would be home tomorrow. What possibly could be so important that it couldn't wait until then?

"I'm really pleased for you both. Yeah, we're having the best time, Rach" he could hear the joy in her voice and couldn't help but smile despite his annoyance. They were having the best time. "We've been to lots of places. Yeah, it's got a great nightlife here. We've gone to a few bars…."

~/Flash-back– day five/~

"Is this seat taken?" Chandler grinned cheekily as he spotted her sitting alone at the bar.

Monica turned and smiled up at him, her sapphire eyes sparkling, "Actually it is."

He raised a questioning eyebrow, faltering, not taking the empty barstool or the obvious bait.

"I'm saving it for my 'husband'," she continued with a smirk.

"Ah," he grinned, sliding his hands into his pants pockets, rocking back on his heels slightly. "Anyone I know?"

"Maybe," she teased. "You may have seen him around...you can't miss him; he's the cutest guy in the place."

"Is that right?" He smiled somewhat proudly.

"Uh huh," she boasted, "and not only is he good-looking but he's witty, charming, funny, smart."

"Yeh?" He beamed, "he sounds like tough competition for us mere mortals."

"He is," she agreed, "most guys don't stand a chance against him…although," she ran her eyes slowly down his body, "you I might consider; you certainly look cute enough."

He laughed, bending down to offer her a peck on the lips, before settling onto the stool beside her. The bartender approached and he indicated he'd have whatever Monica was having.

"I thought you were becoming teetotal?" she reminded him.

"I'm on my 'honeymoon'," he pointed out in a teasing tone. "What are we drinking by the way?" he asked looking more carefully at the colorful cocktail that was in front of her; it came complete with not one, but two, bright pink umbrellas…huh, maybe he should have ordered a more manly drink.

"Sex on the beach," she grinned impishly.

"Yeah?" he grinned back, wiggling his eyebrows and lowering his voice, "Isn't that what we did yesterday?"

She laughed, remembering just how touchy-feely they had gotten yesterday. Damn that sun-lotion.

He grinned back, knowing exactly where her thoughts were heading. Moments later his own colorful drink arrived, thankfully minus the umbrellas. He nodded his thanks to the bartender as he tried it tentatively.

"Hmmm," he approved as the alcohol teased his taste buds, "this is nice. You have good taste, babe."

She blushed slightly at the 'babe' comment, a little thrill running through her. He hadn't called her that before, but she liked it; liked it a lot.

"That I know," she recovered, her hand patting his cheek playfully.

They stared at each other for a moment just smiling dopily. Both very glad that they were having this vacation without the rest of the gang. They could be as sappy and as OTT as they wanted without any witnesses.

"So," he ventured, taking another sip, "Any ideas about what you wanna do tomorrow?"

"I want to get a braid," she announced.

He blinked at her over his fancy cocktail.

"A braid in my hair," she clarified, swishing the said hair slightly.

His eyes flicked to her hair then back to her happy face.

"Oh," he shrugged. He still had no idea what she was talking about. "Ok...say, what's a braid?"

She rolled her eyes and he was pretty sure he heard a mumbled 'men' under her breath.

"Well," she said a little louder, "it's when they take a small piece of your hair and wrap different color cottons around it."

He frowned, not looking entirely convinced.

"Trust me, it looks really pretty," she insisted. "It's very European."

"Right," he tried to sound enthusiastic, "I'm sure it will look lovely."

He really didn't understand hair fashions but it sounded okish. At least it wasn't anything too weird or, god forbid, cornrows or something. He shuddered slightly at the thought. He loved running his fingers through her soft hair and planned on doing it often; he didn't want anything getting in the way of that.

"What about you?" she asked, causing him to pause and look questioningly at her.

"I don't think a braid would really suite me," he quipped and she rolled her eyes as her hand dropped down to casually rub his thigh. That casual touch got his full attention.

"Maybe blonde tips?" she suggested and he chuckled shaking his head.

No way in hell.

"I don't think so," he shrugged almost apologetically. "My hair doesn't really suite holiday souvenirs. It's happy staying American."

"Fair enough," she smiled, finishing her drink and ordering another for each of them.

"Trying to get me drunk, Geller?" he teased, he'd only taken a few sips of his first drink.

"Uh huh, you've gotta play catch up," she informed him with a smile. "We're on vacation and I wanna see you on that dance floor with me."

He groaned, "I'm gonna need a lot more than two cocktails if you wanna see me dance."

After many cocktails and alcoholic beverages later, she dragged a happily tipsy Chandler onto the quiet dancefloor. He swayed slightly, vaguely in time with the music as she danced around him, occasionally grabbing his hand and letting him twirl her.

He wasn't a natural born dancer; far from it. Anyone could see that, but he didn't care if he looked like an idiot...

At least he was a happy idiot.

~/End of flashback/~

"It's been going great with Chandler," Monica informed her roommate, looking up and meeting Chandler's gorgeous eyes. "Absolutely amazing."

He smiled at her, thinking the same thing as he slowly entered the room and approached the bed.

"Yeah he's been really romantic, Rach. I know! He's spoilt me rotten."

He grinned, she deserved to be spoilt rotten. He perched next to her on the bed, his hand grabbing her free one and absently playing with her fingers as she talked.

"He's got a really sweet romantic side," she smiled happily, causing his heart to skip a beat. "Well, we went out for dinner…"

~/Flash-back– day six/~

"I'll be right back with your drinks," the waitress smiled.

They offered matching smiles of thanks in return as she disappeared out the back.

"This place seems lovely," Monica commented, looking around the quiet restaurant once more.

Tonight's chosen dinner venue was just off the beaten track, so it wasn't full of noisy, over-excited tourists. It gave off a relaxed and friendly vibe…just what they'd been craving. Monica in particular was looking forward to sampling as much authentic Greek cuisine as possible.

"It's a little different to Alessandro's, huh?" Chandler teased.

"Worlds apart," she agreed. "It just seems so fresh and clean and open here…if that makes any sense."

"It does," he promised, reaching across the table to take her hand, his thumb gently caressing her smooth skin, "there's something about it being here…with the fresh air and beautiful scenery… it carries through into the restaurant. I don't think you could replicate this in the middle of New York City, no matter how hard someone tries."

Monica nodded thoughtfully in agreement as the waitress returned with their drinks.

"You are from New York?" she asked overhearing.

"Yeah," Monica nodded, "we're here on vacation."

"Are you enjoying your stay?"

"Very much," Chandler promised. "It's such a nice country. It's a shame tomorrow's our last night here."

"What do you do back home?" she enquired.

"Well, I'm a chef-"

"Really?" she seemed a tad too excited by this news. "Andreas will be delighted to meet another chef. He does love to meet all his customers when he is able but another Chef! Let me go fetch him."

With that she disappeared again and Monica raised her eyebrows in surprise at Chandler who just grinned. Everyone here seemed so friendly that it didn't really surprise him; they were worlds away from New York. He watched as a middle-aged man approached, a white apron tied around his waist and a large smile on his face.

"Kalos eerthate," the man greeted them in Greek before easily switching to English, "welcome to our little restaurant. We are delighted you have chosen to join us and try our fine food. You will not be disappointed, I promise. We are the best restaurant in the whole of Greece."

Chandler grinned; the man had a big personality but he liked him.

"Sophia tells me you are also a chef, yes?" he asked as Monica nodded enthusiastically, "and you, sir?"

The man looked hopefully at Chandler and he cringed, almost sorry to disappoint the man.

"I'm a statistical analyst," Chandler deadpanned, not surprised as Andreas' smile turned into a confused frown. "Don't worry; it's even more boring than it sounds."

Chandler pulled a face and Monica patted his hand reassuringly.

"Would you like to see the kitchen?" Andreas offered Monica. "See how we prepare the food here? Learn a few Grecian secrets?"

"Are you serious?" She almost gasped.

Chandler couldn't help but smile at the pure excitement that lit her face. She turned and looked at him in wonder, her blues eyes bright, "would you mind? I don't wanna leave you-"

"Go," he ordered with a crooked smile, "have fun."

In response he got the full force of her blinding smile directed at him and she reached over to kiss his cheek. He grinned goofily as he watched her walk away, hearing her excited chatter continue even after she'd disappeared from view. It was great that she was so passionate about her profession, but poor Andreas, he wouldn't know what hit him.

"You make a sweet couple," Sophia commented, causing his smile to widen further.

"Yeh?" he asked almost shyly. He liked that. No one else had really expressed their opinions on them…well, besides Rachel's vomit comment when she caught them making out in the hallway in London. God, that felt like a lifetime ago.

"You seem very happy together," she observed, "you know here in Greece we have many different words and expressions for what you Americans call 'love'," she smiled before excusing herself to greet an elderly couple who entered.

He blinked. Love? It was a little too early for that but they were very very happy together, he thought as he leant back in his chair. This was easiest the happiest he could remember being in his adult life, hell, probably in his entire life. He was still waiting to wake up and discover that this was all a dream. Discover that none of this was real and that in reality, he was actually passed out drunk as a skunk somewhere on a cold London street as people stepped over him.

This whole week had simply been perfect. Being in a relationship with Monica, getting to experience all the little coupley things she liked. Getting to kiss her and hold her hand and just be close to her whenever he wanted. It was beyond amazing.

And, to know that she was just as happy being with him, that she was enjoying this thing between them just as much, really was the icing on the cake. As clichéd as it sounded, he felt like he was on cloud nine and it turned out it was rather quite nice up here and he wanted to stay floating as long as possible.

"Hey," he blinked in surprise as Monica slid back into her seat. He hadn't realized how much time had passed whilst he was day-dreaming. God, he definitely had it bad. "Their kitchen is amazing, Chandler and he even showed me some of his recipes, one of which came from his Grandma, which I so need to try when we get back home. It was so fantastic and sorry, I'm babbling aren't I? I hope you weren't too bored?"

"Nope," he placed his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his hand as he gazed at her. Taking in her sun-kissed skin, her raven hair (complete with Grecian braid) and that ever-present smile that was constantly growing. If only Phoebe could see their auras now; she'd be so pleased. "I like your babbling, besides no need to apologize, I was entertaining myself thinking of you."

She chuckled, ducking her head slightly embarrassed before looking up and meeting his eyes, "good thoughts I hope?"

"Always," he promised, "I can't believe how amazing this week has been. Hands down, it has to be the best first date ever."

She laughed, her eyes shining, "mine too," she agreed. "I've been on some fun first dates before but I would never have wanted any of them to have lasted a week. In a way I can't believe it's only been a week. I mean, a week ago you were just my friend Chandler, my best friend Chandler," she corrected, "but still just a friend. I can't believe how much has changed in a week and how right it all feels."

He nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. It had been so natural going from friends to lovers. Like they had meant to take that next step in their relationship. He'd expected some element of weirdness to creep though but as of yet, it hadn't. It just worked.

"It's gonna be strange going back home," he admitted. "Having to face reality and nosey friends, who no doubt will want lots of vivid details."

"You mean the girls," she chuckled. "I can't see Joey wanting all the little details. Once you tell him you got to do it on a beach, he'll be happy. And, I don't think Ross is going to want any details of any kind."

"True," he mused, he hadn't really thought about it. "It's gonna be kinda weird not talking to Ross. I mean, don't get me wrong, we're guys so don't talk loads about this kinda stuff, but we've talked about girls since college; not that there's been many mind you. But he's always given advice and stuff."

"Like the hug and roll," Monica chuckled as Chandler pulled a face at her.

"You haven't tried that with me, right?" she suddenly asked.

"No," he promised with a soft smile. "I can't seem to get enough of you," he reached out again taking both of her hands in his. "At the risk of sounding extremely mushy and I'm probably risking losing my penis badge here, but I can't get close enough to you. I love falling asleep with you in my arms."

She was smiling brightly at him, his words causing her heart to flutter. Sure, it was early days, very early days and she knew that, but at the same time she knew that whatever this was, it was simply spectacular. Whilst she didn't want this magical week to be over, part of her was looking forward to going home and starting their new lives together.

In a way it almost felt like an actual honeymoon.

~/End of flashback/~

"We're looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow," Monica promised. "How big is Phoebe now? Wow, I can't say I'm missing her mood swings."

Chandler sighed, a little bored. As much as he loved their friends, he could wait until tomorrow to catch up with them. This was his and Monica's last night here after all. He didn't want to interrupt though if it was important...

"Of course we got you souvenirs," he heard Monica say and he frowned; souvenirs? Seriously? That definitely didn't sound worthy of the phone bill or cutting into their sex time for. "We got the last ones this morning…."

~/Flash-back– day seven/~

"Ok," so Monica glanced at her newly acquired bags which Chandler was obediently carrying, "we've got a couple of lovely necklaces for Rachel and Phoebe."

He nodded. If Monica thought they were pretty then he was sure the other girls would like them too. They just looked a little weird to him but what did he know?

"Ben's got the cuddly bear," she continued.

He nodded again.

"You found Joey that stupid hat."

"Joey will love it," he interjected.

He'd laughed when he'd seen the large fabric hat complete with the Greek flag. It reminded him of the London hat and figured Joey would get the reference.

"I'm sure he will," she soothed, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips. "So that just leaves Ross…"


They stood there in silence for a moment contemplating their dilemma. What did you buy the man whose honeymoon you went on? A wish you were here postcard? A Greetings from Sunny Greece fridge magnet?

Time seemed to stretch.

"We could always just pack up all the free stuff from the hotel," she suggested.

Chandler raised an eyebrow.

"Trust me," Monica assured, "he loves stealing things from hotels and as he kinda paid for it, he'll probably appreciate it."

He shook his head.

"We aren't stealing stuff from the hotel," Chandler protested.

"Fine," Monica shrugged, "you think of something then."

"He's your brother," he complained.

"And he's one of your best friends," she shot back.


"Ya know, the quicker you think of something," she innocently informed him, "the quicker we can go back to our hotelroom and pick up from where we were this morning…"

Memories of this morning, combined with her tone and the seductive smile that she shot his way, were almost enough to get him to agree with the stealing hotel toiletries idea. He couldn't quite bring himself to do it though.

"I've got it!" He snapped his fingers excitedly. "Dinosaurs. We'll get him some dinosaur crap."

"You're a genius," she smiled, landing another kiss on him. "Oh wait," she frowned, "that would mean having to go to a museum and whilst I know there's one not too far from here…do we really wanna spend time going around one on our last day?"

"We could just do the gift shop?" He suggested.

Her smile spread across her face, "pure genius," she corrected, planting another firm kiss on his lips, grabbing his hand and pulling him after her.

He was a genius.

~/End of flashback/~

Monica was still chattering away with Rachel and Chandler was beyond bored and was becoming more than a little impatient. This was their last night together, just the two of them and he shouldn't have to share her. An evil little plan popped into his head and he grinned slightly to himself.

He leant down, placing a kiss on her shoulder. She turned slightly towards him and smiled. He kissed her again, before moving to that spot of skin on her neck that he'd learnt quickly was a favorite of hers. He pressed his lips against it pleased when he felt her shiver and lean back against him, angling her neck so he had better access.

He smirked, kissing that spot again, lingering there and letting his teeth scrape gently. She sighed audibly and the hand that had been playing with her fingers, moved and started stroking up her arm.

"That's great, Rach, uh huh, hmmm."

He loved that he was distracting her. He continued kissing and teasing her neck and shoulders as he listened to her struggling to hold her end of the conversation.

Wondering how much he could get away with, his other hand joined in the action, landing on her thigh. He loved these short skirts. His fingers danced over the skin, as he kissed up her neck to her free ear.

"Hang up," he whispered quietly, as his hand moved slightly higher. His other hand left her arm to hover over a breast.

"Rach, I've gotta go," she said breathlessly, "C-chandler needs me."

He could hear Rachel's protests as she threw the phone down and turned fully in his arms. Attacking his mouth fiercely as her hands roamed over his body, none-too gently tugging at clothes and he welcomed it all. Returning her passion with just as much force.

They were going to enjoy their last night.

He knew things would be different back home. This time tomorrow Greece would just be a memory and they'd be back in New York. They'd be surrounded by their friends, who he'd missed, but he also knew would be watching them curiously. They'd be center of attention no doubt, although he held some hope that Ross and Rachel's situation plus Phoebe's pregnancy might take the spotlight off them somewhat.

He didn't know whose apartment they'd stay at tomorrow night or whose bed they'd be sleeping in. He didn't know what routine they'd settle into once they got back to work and caught up with their friends.

But despite all the uncertainties, he knew one thing. No matter where they were, London, Athens, New York, as long as he was with her and she was with him, then he was happy.

Very happy.

A/N – And that's it! I want to thank you everyone that has read and reviewed this fic along the way. It's been beyond amazing to have so much support. When I first wrote this and told my husband about it I remember saying that it started by making people think Joey and Monica were together and there was no Mondler interaction until about chapter 5! I didn't think anyone would read it.

So a huge thank you for proving me wrong. I hope the epilogue has been mushy enough to make up for the start.

Please drop a final review to let me know what you thought of the ending or of the whole thing. All feedback is really appreciated.

Thanks again :o)