Seiya: Time for chapter 2 folks!

Shiro: Folks? What are you Porky the Pig?

Seiya: *glares at Shiro* Shut it Shiro I am a country girl thank you very much

Shiro: *rolls his eyes* Ya… Ya… Ya…

Ichi: Shiro leave her alone she can kick you out ya know

Seiya: *smirks*

Grimm: How 'bout we stop fighting; as much as I enjoy the subject and get on with the chapter already, I wanna know why this chapter is supposed to be interesting…

Seiya: I agree with Grimm can we please get on with the chapter please

Shiro: …?

Ichi: Ignore him and start the chapter Seiya

Seiya: *nods* Alrighty then… Here we go…

The next morining Kiria woke up early and carefully got out of bed as to not disturb Yachiru. Grabbing her phone she quietly padded through the house to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Opening the fridge, Kiria searched around trying to find the eggs and some bacon. Letting out a sound of triumph at the sight of the hidden food Kiria pulled out the box of eggs and the package of bacon. Sitting them on the counter she searched around the kitchen for the rest of the stuff she need to make breakfast. Finding what she needed she sprayed two pans with non-stick spray, one for the eggs and another for the bacon. Placing one pan on the burner to heat up Kiria cracked some eggs into a bowl. While stirring the eggs with a fork to scramble them Kiria heard her texting ring start to play. Pouring the now scrambled eggs onto the frying pan she reached for her phone and slid it open. "Oh… Nel sent me a txt…" she read out loud to herself when she saw who it was from.

Kiria im soooo sorry my brother got sick last might and i cant leave him by himself so i cant come 2 the park 2day :'( – Nel

That's ok I hope ur brother gets better ^_^ - Ki-chan Kiria sent back as a reply.

Finishing up the eggs Kiria set three plates on the table along with the bowl of freshly made eggs. Putting some bacon strips in the other pan to cook Kiria went back to the room she shared with her little sister to wake her up. Walking into the room quietly Kiria knelt down by the bed and gently shook her shoulder, "Chiru time to get up… I made eggs and the bacon is cooking right now." She told the little girl. Sitting up Yachiru yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes with her little fist, "Is there pancakes?" she asked sleepily. Kiria picked up her little sister and carried her to the kitchen. Placing Yachiru in a chair Kiria went over and flipped the bacon, "No Chiru but I can make some if you want them." Yachiru was instantly awake, "Can you make me some pancakes? Please Ki-chan?" "Of course I can but only if you help me make some soup after breakfast for my friend's brother." Kiria told the pink haired girl her only condition for making pancakes. "I will! I will!" she said excitedly. "Then pancakes it is." Kiria told Yachiru who squealed happily waking up Orihime. The red head wandered into the kitchen yawning, "Chiru-chan sounds happy." "Ki-chan is making me pancakes!" the little girl told Orihime happily. "Morning Orihime." Kiria said happily as she sat the plate of bacon on the table, "Breakfast is ready so help yourself… unless you want pancakes that is." Kiria added with a chuckle. "Eggs and bacon is fine thanks, but you didn't have to do this." Orihime told her best friend feeling bad that Kiria was the one to make the meal when she was the guest. "I know Orihime but you're letting me and Yachiru stay in your home so I want to do something to make it a little easier on you… plus you know I'm only good at cooking breakfast foods and chicken noodle soup." The brunette told her best friend adding the last part sheepishly.

After breakfast Kiria and little Chi-chan walked down to the super market to pick up the rest of the ingredients needed so that Kiria could make some soup for Nel's brother. Finding everything she needed the two girls got into one of the check out lines. In the line beside them Kiria noticed a guy with shaggy brown hair and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye just to make sure it wasn't him… but she was wrong. It was him, Shusuke Amagai. The guy who kidnapped her because her so called "father" told him too. Subconsciously Kiria tightened her grip on her little sister's hand causing Yachiru to look up at her. Smiling down at her Kiria forced herself to relax and move up with the line she was in. "Thank you. Come again Sir." She heard the other cashier say. Letting out the breath she'd been holding you could visibly see Kiria relax when he left the store. Paying for her items and taking Yachiru's hand in hers they walked home to start making the soup.

Walking out of the store Amagai rounded the corner and waited for the girl in the line next to his to come out of the store making sure to stay out of sight. When she emerged he saw the piercing blue eyes of the girl he kidnapped a couple years ago and it was only thanks to his connections that he wasn't in jail for what he did to her. When he kidnapped her she was only fifteen, sure she looked good but its been three years and it'd be a crime not to admit that she grew into a fine young woman. When he imagined doing to her now what he did to her back then made his cock throb and by the time she was out of sight he already formulated a plan to capture her again.

Having just woken up and padding into the living room Nel was surprised to find her Brother Grimmjow already up and dressed. "Oh, you're up!" Nel said happily, smiling at her brother and as soon as she did she saw the look of a wounded predator on his face. Pouting she turned on her cute charms, hoping that he'd tell her what was wrong, "What's wrong?" she asked, hitting him with her best puppy face. "Oh, nothing's wrong... I just remembered that I had homework over break and forgot to bring it with me. That's all..." Grimmjow told his little sister while turning on the TV. Nell laughed and said, "Silly Grimmy! I told you to keep track of everything before we left!" with that Nel turned to walk back to her room, wondering why Grimm was lying to her. 'He's dressed to go somewhere, but where would her... the only place he would go is Aika-chan's place... so what was she doing today? Grimm also agreed to meek Kiria-chan today... unless...' She gasped when she remembered that Aika had a date today.. 'Poor Grimmjow..' she thought as she got herself dressed.

Having texted Kiria that she couldnt meet her at the park that day, Nel was surprised to hear a knock on their door a couple hours later. Opening the large piece of wood she about fell over backwards when she saw Kiria standing outside, snowflakes in her hair and holding a pot in her hands. "Kiria-chan! What in the world are you doing here?!" the green haired girl asked, about falling over backwards in shock at the sudden guest, not even bothering to question how she found out where they were staying as she rushed he freezing girl inside the house. "My god, you must e freezing..." closing the door behind them Nel took the pot from her hands and quickly placed it on the counter before yelling for her brother. "Grim! Get me a blanket, and start making some hot chocolate stat!"

Hearing his sister yelling nonsense about blankets and hot chocolate, he grabbed the blanket off of his bed just to shut her up and meandered out to the entrance to see what she was yelling about. Rounding the corner of the hallway the teal haired male nearly dropped the blanket her was holding at the site that laid before him. He could've sworn it was Aika standing in their apartment for a moment and his heart started doing back flips, thinking that she finally came to her senses and left Berry Boy to come back to him... that is until he realized that it wasn't Aika standing in front of him. Seeing her brother's reaction the taller female gave her brother a cheeky grin from behind Kiria and a look that seemed to say "I told you they looked a lot alike." Grimmjow tried playing off his shock by calmly walking over and wrapping the blanket around the girl's shoulders... and his heart was still trying to skip a beat in his chest. This isn't Aika, so why the fuck was his heart acting like that..? Ignoring his heart he gruffly introduced himself and sat down on the couch, turning on the tv. He kept his ears focused on the two women in the kitchen, curious to see if she even sounded like Aika as well, all the while his brain was going over her looks in his head. 'Kiria... I think that that is what my sister called her... She really does look like my kitten... but she is different. She's a little shorter than Aika, but she is also curvier than his kitten too... and her hair... Aika always wore her hair short, I've never seen it long. I thought my sister had long hair, but hers is nothing compared to this girl's.' The brunette girl standing in his apartment with his sister, who just walked through a snow storm and had snow all over her clothes and mixed into her hair, which he had to admit looked really cute on her, had he hair in a thick plate braid.. and the braid itself hung down past her butt and almost to the back of her knees. 'I wonder how long it would be out of the braid... and was that white in her hair?' the blunette posed the question to himself, referring to the streak of white in Kiria's hair that framed the left side of her face and was worked into the braid. Grimmjow also never thought that anyone would have eyes bluer than his... but he was mistaken when he saw her eyes. The Aika look a-like had blue eyes to the point where they looked like ice... ice orbs rimmed in a blue a few shades darker with flecks of blue strewn about them in almost the same color, the panther almost couldn't look away when his gaze met hers for the first time.

Nel huffed when she saw her brother go to sit down on the couch instead of making Kiria-chan hot chocolate, her attention shifting from him to Kiria when the smaller girl started to talk. "You said that your brother was sick... so... I.. I made him some soup and brought it over... but I guess with the snow it's going to need reheated..." Kiria's thought trailed off as she looked down at her snow soaked clothes, a drop of water falling from her hair and onto the floor from the snow melting into her hair. "... I really wasnt expecting that snow storm... now how am I going to get home..." Nel, who was busy inspecting the pot of soup and getting out bowls so that they could all eat heard the other girls last statement, guessing it was more of a thought spoken aloud, the green haired girl pounced on it none the less. "Kiria-chan, why don't you stay here for the night? Its too cold for you to walk home, and walking home this late by yourself is dangerous" Nel had a huge smile on her face when she proposed her idea, her hands reaching out to grasp both of the other female's, grey eyes sparkling with the thought of a prospective sleep over. "I.. I should probably get home... Orihime will be worried and Yachiru... not to mention my dad... my dad would throw a fit if I didnt get home.." "Just call them." Grimmjow said from his spot, unmoving from the couch. "Yeah.. just call them Kiria-chan... Im sure that they would rather you spend the night somewhere than get hurt on your way home because it was hard to see." the green haired girl echoed her brother, practically bouncing up and down with excitement. Kiria nibbled on her lower lip, unsure of whether to accept the offer or if she should try and go back home but she accepted their offer none the less, "Alright... let me call them..." With that Nel let out a squeal of excitement that even made her brother shrink down into the couch to try and protect his ears as she ran off in some other direction.

If Kiria was to take a guess, it would be to get her some fresh clothes because her coat was soaked and she was freezing. She watched the other girl run off before pulling her cell out of her pants pocket, her long winter coat protecting it from the snow. She tapped on the screen, selecting the icon of Kenny's face to quickly call his cell phone, holding the device to her ears when she saw the call start. The brunette decided to put quick access call icons on her phone after the kidnapping just in case... it was easier than trying to find the number in her contacts if something ever went wrong. She heard the click of the call being accepted and the rustle of the person moving the phone up to their ear, "Hey Kenny... I know you just got back... but I got stuck at a friend's because of the storm that just came in. To be honest the storm caught me as I was walking over there... but its late and over here it's still snowing. Can I stay here if I call you first thing when I wake up?" she asked her adopted father.


Kenpachi had flown down to Hueco Mundo, Texas the day school let out for break. He wanted to get the new house ready for when his girls were supposed to join him the last few days of the winter break. After what happened to Kiria the large man put in for a request to move to a different school, to get her as far away from Japan, and that man as humanly possible. The school he applied to, was in Texas. It was better than nothing, but while he was there, his old cop buddy found out some information about the guy who kidnapped his daughter when she was fifteen. As soon as he found out he called his daughter right way, not wanting to drudge up old memories, but wanting her to know so she could be cautious about where she went none the less and as promised he flew back to Japan from Texas on the earliest flight he could get. The huge male had just finished settling into his temporary apartment under Orihime's when his phone rang, pulling it out he saw Kiria's number and instantly started to worry. Accepting the call he heard her say that she was fine but got stuck somewhere in the snow... not entirely a fan of her being away from him in a snow storm, but secretly happy that she was willing to stay somewhere other than Orihime's place he agreed to it under the condition that she texted him before she went to bed, when she woke up, when she left, and called him when she got back to the apartment building. He also told her to not worry about calling Orihime, that he would go up and tell her in person so that he could see Yahiru. He told her that he loved her and to call him if anything didnt feel right, to which she agreed and said that she loved him as well before the phone call ended.


Hanging up her phone she placed it back in her pocket just in time for Nel to rush back into the entrance, grab her wrist and drag her through the apartment. "You have to be cold, let's get you a bath and some fresh clothes Kiria-chan" she chirped happily, and Kiria couldn't help but notice the extra set of clothes in her hand that was obviously meant for Nel as well. "N.. Nel, what are you doing?!" "Isn't it obvious? We are getting a bath together... you were out in the snow for so long and you have so much hair... plus you walked all the way over here after making my brother soup..." she said, still dragging the smaller girl away, "when he wasn't really sick in the first place... " muttering that last comment to herself before resuming what she was saying, "the least I can do is wash your hair and your back." "Al.. Alright, if you insist.." Kiria told the green haired girl, knowing full well that saying no would get her nowhere, it's the same as with her little sister. A small smile formed on her face as she was starting to relax in her new surroundings, Nel's personality giving her a sense of familiarity that she could latch on to so as to not be as nervous.

Seiya: Well... that was fun to write..

Grimm: Yeah, it took you long enough to finish it...

Ichi: Leave her alone Grimm, at least its finished now and she is going to start on the next chapter after work..

Grimm: -crosses his arms and huffs-

Shiro: Someone is a moody kitty today...

Seiya: Well... we'll just leave him alone for now... I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter of All's Fair in Love and War!

Ichi: Reviews are appreciated... see ya next time -waves to the readers-