I'm so happy with this story! Not only does it interest me to write it but I have others who actually take interest in it with me. It makes me feel good to know that you all like it so much. Over a hundred Favs and Follows. I hope that I can keep the chapters coming for you all to enjoy.
Disclaimer: The only things that I own are my OCs. Everything else belongs to either Nintendo or J.K. Rowling.
Trainer of Sorcery: New Beginnings and the Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 5: Traversing the Forest. Meeting the Enemy.
"I MET MY PARENTS!" The excited and happy shout cause three very different reactions for the other occupants of the room.
Winston startled awake, twisted in the sheets and fell to the floor like a mummy. Feline leaped up from her bed into a defensive stance. Ariadne shot back against the wall and her foot was raised defensively to strike at whoever was there. Then all three took notice of the words and who said it.
"Harry?" Winston said, a look of confusion on his face, "Did you say that you met your parents?"
A happy Harry nodded eagerly as he jumped around excitedly and got his bath items ready, "I'll tell you about it when I get back!" He then shot out of the room.
The other three looked at each other with mixed feelings mainly ranging from confusion to worry. A few minutes later, Harry came back and they gathered around on the floor with Winston unrolled from the sheets.
"So Harry. You said that you met your parents?" Feline said, a stern frown on her face.
Harry nodded excitedly, "Yeah. It seems that we had another listening to us last night in the forest and he wanted to give me a chance to know them."
"Who was it?" Winston asked with a frown, not remembering seeing anyone.
"Darkrai." Harry said and smirked at the looks on their faces, "He overheard what was said and wanted to give me a chance to know them so he went to Cresselia and Giratina to get some help in bringing their spirits over."
"What did they say?" Ariadne asked with a small smile.
At this, Harry's face went bright red and he mumbled something.
"I'm sorry. What was that?" Ariadne asked.
"…birds and the bees…They approve." Harry mumbled just loud enough to hear.
For a moment, they were all silent and then.
"Your dead parents…gave you the talk?" Winston said. It was obvious that he was trying not to laugh.
"Um…yes. Though that wasn't all that we talked about. Dad talked about being a prankster back in his school days. He said that he had a special item that he used though it went missing a few weeks before Voldemort came and attacked us. Mom told me about her childhood with aunt Petunia and…"
"Wait a second." Winston suddenly interrupted, "Did you say Darkrai, Cresselia and Giratina?"
"Um…Yes?" Harry said.
Winston was quiet for a moment before he suddenly appeared in the corner muttering with a dark cloud hanging over him.
"Uh Winston? You okay?" Ariadne asked.
"Why does he get all the luck?" Winston muttered while crying anime tears.
"Would this be a bad time to mention that Arceus gave me the ability to transform into the Legendaries when I return to the wizarding world?" Harry said innocently.
The lightning bolt that appeared out of nowhere hit the other three with Winston taking the hardest hit. He collapsed onto the floor as a gibbering mess while Feline just gaped at him and Ariadne sighed.
"It's never boring with you around, is it?" She asked with a smile.
"Nope!" Harry said with a smile, "Well, I don't know about all of you, but I feel like moving on today. Shall we head to the Viridian Forest?"
The others just shrugged and got up.
Route 2, Viridian Forest
9:30 A.M. November 1 – 5
The group of four friends took their first step with a feeling of wonder as they looked at the different sized trees around them. Some were old and ancient with a feeling of great strength. Others were young with a vitality that they could feel just on the edge of their senses. The light filtering through from above made for a soft scene that led to a relaxing walk.
Three days into the journey, Feline caught sight of a rather healthy looking Weedle. The little bug Pokémon was playing around happily on the side of the trail and Feline smiled. She motioned for the others to stop and walked quietly over to it and sat down a couple yards away.
After a moment, the little bug Pokémon caught sight of her and tensed slightly before relaxing at the sight of a non-threatening human. It looked at her curiously and cocked its' head slightly before letting out a, "Weedle?"
"Hello there little one." Feline said with a smile, "I'm Feline."
The Weedle gave a happy squeak before moving over to her side and began rubbing against her leg.
Feline giggled a little, "It's nice to meet you as well. You know, I'm a Pokémon trainer." Her words made the Weedle look up at her in confusion, wondering where she was going with this, "Perhaps you would like to join my team? All I have in the way of partners is my friend Spinarak." At her words the spider like Pokémon appeared from inside the Pokéball.
The Weedle jumped in surprise and slid back a bit, looking at the little spider from one of its' eyes. The Spinarak gave off a happy chittering and jumped over to it and gave it a rub on the side with its' head. Feline chuckled a bit as the two began to play and then she noticed a large object coming from above. She looked up with a frown and then cried out before moving forward barely fast enough to grab up the two Pokémon and run back to her friends, who had been watching from nearby, before the large rock hit the ground. Right where she had been sitting.
"Hey! Why did you move girl?! If you had stayed still then I could have had two more Pokémon for Doc to experiment on!"
The shout brought the four kids wide eyes to see a man around his mid twenties dressed in gray slacks and shirt with yellow accents on the sleeves of his shirt. He had stormy grey eyes and longish brown hair. Suddenly, his words sank in.
"The heck do you mean by that?!" Feline shouted, "If I hadn't moved away, I would have been flattened!"
"And I'm supposed to care?" The young man drawled as his eyes swept the four, "All I'm after are the Pokémon. If I can bring back a bunch of them, then maybe the Director will let Doc give me an ability!" The slightly deranged look in his eyes made the four slightly worried.
"You're insane." Harry said as he appeared behind the man, "I think you need a nap." He moved to hit a point on the man's neck that would paralyze him but the man was able to dodge him only to run nose first into Winston's fist. The man gave out a cry and staggered back only to receive a fierce kick to the side of his head courtesy of Ariadne which caused him to fall down to the ground unconscious with a pained groan.
"So this guy is after the Pokémon for experimental purposes?" Winston said, "This isn't good. There's no telling if there are more of them here or not. And we don't know how many have already been taken."
"Your right." Feline said as she looked down at the man laying sprawled out on the ground, "We need to get word to the Rangers. And the League."
Harry looked to the downed man and thought about what they had heard. They needed to find out more, but how? He was suddenly struck by the thought that maybe he did have something he could do. He just hoped that the guy wouldn't become braindead afterwards.
Harry sighed, "Guys. I'm going to try something. Hopefully there won't be much of a drawback from it."
The others realized that he was serious and drew back a bit. Harry took a deep breath as he settled on the ground with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. His hands gripped his knees and he focused like Mewtwo had shown him. He cast out with his mind, feeling for any and all sentient life around them.
He first connected with his friends' minds and they heard him whispering to himself the instructions that he was trying to remember. After he had done that, he cast out his mind towards the final flame that was the sign of a consciousness and latched onto it. Immediately, memories began to flow through the link. He had to fight to hold back the torrent that threatened to overwhelm him.
Suddenly, he felt Ariadne pushing back with him, followed by Winston and Feline. With all four of them working together, they managed to stop the flow and then start it again slower while finding the correct date. They found it and were disgusted. The moment the memories were done, Harry pulled back. It was a little rough and the man let out a grunt of pain before settling again.
"So, there are four more of them." Feline was the first to speak.
"What do you think we should do?" Winston asked.
"We have to stop them." Harry said, "It would take us another two days to get to Pewter and then get back here. By that time, there is no telling where they would have gone to."
"Harry is right." Ariadne said, "We need to take them out."
"But how?" Winston asked, "We only have three Pokémon between us. Four if you count Weedle here." Winston leaned down and petted the little worm who gratefully nuzzled into his hand, "How will we find them and how can we get help?"
Feline turned to Harry, "Do you think that Belle might be able to take care of that?"
Before he could answer, Belle popped out of her Pokéball with an excited yip. Her happy expression had the girls giggling and the boys chuckling.
"Well I guess that answers the first question, but we still need backup."
A couple of low growls came from nearby causing the group to look over and stare in shock at a rather vast assembly of pokemon that ranged from Beedrill and Butterfree to Litleos and Eevees with even a Riolu. The four humans looked at each other and suddenly grinned. Those Pokénappers wouldn't know what hit them.
Viridian Forest, That Night
Four grunts dressed in clothing similar to the first man's but differently colored were sitting around a campfire. One was wearing straight blue and was singing a campfire song in a slightly stupid voice while rocking side to side. The one next to him was dressed in cobalt blue with white accents with a bored look on his face that was steadily changing to annoyed. The third was dressed in all orange with yellow accents and was eating through a piled high plate. Next to him was a rather gruff looking man wearing straight red armor and glaring at the other three.
"Ah still say that I woulda made a better leader than Wash." He said, getting a groan from the two silent ones.
"We've been over this Sarge." The orange and yellow one said, "If you had been named leader, you would have us outed within moment of starting this because you would be firing off your shotgun everywhere."
"What are you talking about Grif?! I would never have gotten us caught. Well maybe you would have somehow ended up dead, but other than that, nothing would have happened!"
"That reminds me." Said the blue one, "Where is Wash. You would think that he would be back by now."
You have a point Church." Grif said, "Where is he?"
Suddenly a chilling laughter came from the forest. All around the edge of the clearing, fires sprang up and glints shone in the darkness. The three who had been speaking began looking around in fear while the fourth just kept singing.
"What is that?" Grif asked.
"You! Who would defile this forest and the inhabitants! How dare you come and disturb that which lives here!"
"What the?! Is this some god or something?" Church asked.
"Now you shall pay for what you have done here! Your friend has already experienced my displeasure. You shall join him." At those words, flames shot forth from the edge of the trees and stingers glinted as they pelted the four before being followed up with a strange powder that made them feel drowsy. They all went down immediately except for the fourth one who merely looked at the other three.
"Hey! Nobody said that it was naptime! Then I shall take a nap myself!" And he sat down and went to sleep while Church mumbled, "Goddamnit Caboose!" in his sleep.
Back in the forest, every Pokémon stared at the human who had taken all of those attacks and ignored it. Though after a moment, the four humans went over and tied them up and dragged them back with much grunting to where they were holding the fifth.
"Come on." Harry said, "Let's catch a nap ourselves and then get to Pewter City as soon as possible."
The others nodded and laid down to rest while the large contingent of Pokémon kept a silent watch. None of them felt the need to rebuke another if they happened to hit the tied up humans if they passed them.
And that is the end of another chapter. In case there are those who don't realize it. I took some inspiration from Red vs Blue. So no I don't own that either. Well, I had fun with this. Please leave a review after the beep. Goodbye!