Harley's 'Nearly' New Life

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my words and my mind. DC owns everything else.

Chapter 1

It had been exactly 9 months, 23 days, 14 hours and 38 minutes since he had thrown her out the window. Exactly 9 months, 23 days 14 hours and 23 minutes since she had realized her back was badly broken, and it had taken a good half an hour after that for anyone to come to her aid. It was in those moments after the fall, whilst drifting in and out of consciousness that she had finally decided enough was enough.

Following the events of that night, Harley's last stint in Arkham had been relatively short. All Doctors and Therapists were in agreement that this round of rehabilitation had finally worked, or she had improved dramatically at the very least. Although she had marginally avoided paralysis and was walking within days it was heavily advised by Leland that Harley should steer away from "any and all strenuous activities", Harley had rolled her eyes at Joan dramatically in response.

The proudest moment for her had simply been leaving with no goodbye, she hadn't even bothered to read that last note left at her hospital bedside, choosing instead to destroy it. She had given the rose to Ivy believing she would take more pleasure in it, so long as she remained unaware of it's original sender. On Harley's first day out of the Asylum she and Pam had blown the majority of her leftover cash on clothes, the last of it on a plane ticket. Harley had let her choose where to, believing that if she knew in advance there was a tiny chance she'd crack and leave a clue. And then he would find her.

Ivy stayed with her the whole time, shielding her eyes through passenger control and boarding. Harley had laughed at how seriously Ivy was taking the possibility of this small chance but also at the compassionate nature of her best friend, who after everything remembered how much she loved a good surprise. She had kissed her goodbye but neither of them cried, they both knew that in leaving her behind Harley was also escaping.

"We would like to welcome all passengers onboard this flight to California..."

HA! Ivy would send her the other side of the country! Her hysterical laughter was loud enough to reach the cockpit. It was the first time she had properly laughed since... since didn't bare thinking about. Harley had sat tightly wrapped in an airplane blanket, huddled up comfortably against the window. Although she took great pleasure in watching the city beneath her fade out of view she didn't fully relax until landing. She had nowhere to go and no idea of what to do next, but she was finally free. Her small red mouth brimmed into a glorious smile. Outside the airport the sun had seemed so bright it might hurt and sure enough her chalky skin tingled immediately, the light covering her like lukewarm battery acid. Closing her eyes, she smiled into the warmth. Nice touch Ivy. She couldn't remember the last time she had caught a tan. Jeeeez, that sun is truly amazin!' With her arms outstretched she began to sway proudly, happiness seemed almost possible somewhere this bright. After learning of Harley's recovery, Bruce Wayne had secretly set up a small account for her and deposited into it a modest $2000, as a parting gesture. There had been only a single term written on a letter she had received in Arkham from her 'anonymous' recovery sponsor.

"This should help you start again. Stay away from Joker."

Now It all sat waiting for her and needed only a signature in the name of her choosing. She had been surprised initially and refused, but Ivy had later convinced her that where the money came from wasn't an issue. The simple fact was that no matter what Harley had done, who she had killed, the people she had hurt -it had all been for him and practically everybody in Gotham knew that. She just needed to get away. Finally, here she was.

Now all she needed was a name...