This chapter holds a bit of Latin, so the translations will be after the chapter. Also, I'm really sorry for the long wait and I know I should be loyal to this story, but the story I write usually changes with my moods and I write stories on 3 different websites(4 if you count the 2 accounts I have on one of them) so I hope you enjoy this chapter. Again, sorry for the long wait.

As the girls got on the highway towards the beach, they crowded Alyssa with questions.

"Guys, calm down! I told you I'd tell you after we surfed and I will. But right now, I just want to enjoy our time together. Is that okay?" she asked. Everyone else groaned, but respected her wishes.

"Okay, can we talk about you guys now? So, Jojo. What's going on with you?" she asked. Jojo sighed.

"Well. Lauren is upset with me because I couldn't hang out with her. I told everybody beforehand that we were hanging out today, but I guess she forgot." she shrugged.

"Well, I think she'll get over it at some point." Reagan said. Clara opened her mouth to say something until someone passed the car. She looked back and saw an elderly woman on the road behind them.

"Hey guys, we packed lunches, right?" Clara asked. Everyone nodded.

"Well, we have enough to share with her, don't we?" she asked, thumbing back at the woman.

"Of course!" Cami said. Juliette stopped the car and backed it up. They arrived and parked right in front of the woman. They all got out and grabbed their lunches with them. The girls sat around the woman who looked suspiciously at them, then the bags.

"Don't worry, ma'am. We just wanted to share our lunch with you." Clara offered as she opened her bag and took out a bag of chips. She offered them to the woman who smiled at her before taking the chips.

"Thank you." she nodded in thanks as all the girls gave up a piece of their lunch. Cami looked over the woman and noticed a beautiful jewel across her neck.

"Oh my gosh, that necklace is beautiful! Where did you get it? Sorry for the creepy interest, my dad owns a surf shop with a selection of jewelry and it's just really pretty." she shrugged.

"Oh, dear. S'not a problem at all." she smiled.

"This was passed down from my mother. I've trained as a psychic since my younger days and this holds my powers." she explained. The girls all giggled at each other, knowing that psychics weren't real.

"Well, could you read our fortune?" Krysta asked.

"Sure. Doesn't sound so bad. All together or separate?" she asked.

"All together, please." Hazel said, knowing exactly what her friends were thinking.

"All right, hold each others' hands, and mine please." the psychic nodded as she stood with the help of Neveah. They obeyed as the psychic closed her eyes and spoke.

"(1)Hae puellae venerunt ad me de responsis. Si placet, dei et spiritus praeteritorum, praesentium, et futurorum, sinete mihi perficere optationes harum puellarum" the woman spoke in a language that Jenn, who had taken the class, recognized as Latin. The sky darkened and wind blew. When she opened her eyes, they were a silky white, shocking the girls. Jojo tried to pull away, causing the other girls to try, but they realized they had been stuck together.

"(2)Vos puellae invenietis vim quae vobis inexplicabiles potestates dabit, sed potestates vobis et in melioribus et in peioribus proderunt." the girls looked confused, not understanding what the woman had said. She turned first to the oldest, Jojo, who shivered at making contact with the silky white eyes. She could hear her heart pounding and her blood pumping in her ears.

"(3)Juliette, etiam vocata Jojo. Haec vis te valentem faciet et tibi proderit in viis quas numquam scivisti. Tua mater a te res celat, sed c** his potestatibus, omnia in tenebris in lucem ferentur." the girls all looked at Juliette who shivered in fear. Then the woman looked at Cat who widened her eyes.

"(4)Catrina, etiam vocata Cat, nunc times amare, sed hae potestates promittere possunt viros ad tuos pedes casuros esse. Noli timere te patefacere." Cat tried to breathe and her breath jerked around in her chest as it contracted in fear.

"(5)Reagan, nunc credis te vitam luxūs vivere, sed hae potestates tibi magnam tristitiam ferent. Tamen cum tuis amicis hanc tristitiam repelles." Reagan looked around at her fearing friends with panicking eyes as the woman moved to the next girl.

"(6)Jennette, etiam vocata Jenn, tui parentes absunt, ita familiam quae tibi remanet carē curas, sed scire tibi necesse est has potestates et res quas patieris tua prioria sacrificia malē excessuras esse." Jennette widened her eyes in anger as she heard family in one of the words. How dare this woman threaten her family? She thinks...

"(7)Nevaeh, oh, iuvenis Nevaeh. Possum videre te intus pati, sed sci hoc: tuus pater, avia, et soror sciunt accuratē quod tibi accides, et tuae amicae eos adiuvabunt quamvis te protegere. Modo adhaerescite.." Neveah let a lone tear slip down her face, feeling as if she was in one of those crazy shows her brother used to watch.

"(8)Alyssa, cara Alyssa, unus e consanguineis gravem scientiam , hac scientia est multum perniciosior quam secretum quod mater Juliettae celat. Dum has potestates accipies, consanguini habebunt nullum delectum praeter tibi narrandam. Et ubi cognoveris, nullam tristitiam ostende, quoniam eum potentiorem modo faciet.."Alyssa looked to Jennette, realizing that both of theirs held the word family in shocked her and scared her to her very core, causing her to remember her supposed 'dad'. Clara gasped in fear as the woman turned to her.

"(9)Cara Clara, tua amica te dilexerunt propter tuam hilarem personam et tuam excellentem facultatem iudicandam homines et res. Sed noli sinere huic adfectui facere te vanē superbam; beneficia eius non sunt tam pulchra quam credis.." Tears filled Clara's eyes, believing the woman would somehow hurt her. But as she looked away from her, her panicked eyes turned to the next: Coral.

"(10)Coral, etiam vocata Cami, amorem in tuā iuventate invenisti, quamquam fortasse nondum ita scis aut credis. Sed difficultates quas mox oppetes auferant eum. Adhaeresce eum quamdiu potes." Cami looked down, feeling an ocean of dread wash over her. She sighed in relief as the woman looked away from her.

"(11)Krysta, professionem in equitandas undas petebas, sed non iam potes adhaerescere appetentiam ipsam. Modo sci ad aptum tempus, alteram opportunitatem exsituram esse.." Krysta widened her eyes and looked away, hoping that whatever cruel curse this was would miss her.

"(12)Iuvenis Hazel, possum videre tuas amicas magni momenti esse tibi quoniam nonnumquam in praeterito modo eae tibi beneficae fuerunt. Sed necesse est tibi intellegere quemque e vobis difficultates toleraturam esse, et quamquam plurimas difficultes mitigatas iri, aliquas non posse mitigari.." she said, and all girls became relived that Hazel was the last one. The girls could finally pull their hands apart and looked at the woman with a look of fear.

"Have a nice day." the woman said politely before sitting back down on the edge of the road, her eyes turning back to a hazel brown. The girls all looked at each other, stunned with shock, before rushing back to the car, and speeding off. "Good luck!" she called, watching the (Put a car when she responds) drive away and whispered "They're going need it."


"Holy crap, that was freaky." Jennette said.

"Does anyone know what she said?" Hazel asked.

"No, but I think if we remember it enough, we can try to translate it." Cat said, digging her hands in her pockets. As she stuffed them in there, she suddenly felt a piece of paper. How did that get there? She pulled it out and audibly gasped.

"Or we could use this..." she said. Everyone, except Jojo who was driving, looked at the paper.

"Here, try to translate what I said." it said as Catrina said it out loud. There was list, and it had each of their names by each translation. She ripped it apart and gave each piece to it's rightful owner. They all stuffed the piece in a bag or their pocket, and they tried to forget what had just happens.


The girls arrived at the beach, getting their things out of the trunk. They all rushed toward the water at the same time.

"Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" Hazel called, her short, skinny legs going as fast as they could. They all ran into the water, the last one being Jojo. And that was only fair since she had been the driver and everyone had jumped out before her, They all lied down on their surfboards and swam over them until they saw a huge wave.

"Ready guys?" Alyssa asked. She got yells of excitement in response. They all stood as the wave came down on them and rode the wave. Hazel, being the first one in the water, and the first one in their line, was blinded by a light. She couldn't tell what it was and didn't see the waves end. But when she did, it was already too late. She crashed into the water. The others falling quickly behind her. They all crashed through the surface, but Reagan fell the farthest. She fell so far that she hit the bottom. They weren't very far out yet, so it wasn't like the pressure could kill her. She was about to turn around to swim back up until she looked down and saw ten gems. They all were exquisite, each with different chains. There was a light blue, sea green, pink, red, amethyst, aquamarine, black, bright yellow, dark blue, and light green. Reagan figured they were perfect for her and friends. She scooped them up and swam back up.

Here the Translations!

1:These girls have come to me for answers. Please, Gods and Spirits of past, present, and future, grant me these girls wishes.

2:You girls will meet a force that will give you unexplained powers, but they will benefit you in both better and worse.

3:Juliette, also called Jojo. This force will make you powerful and benefit you in ways you never knew. Your mother is keeping secrets from you, but with these powers, everything in darkness will be brought into the light.

4:Catrina, also known as Cat, now you are afraid to love, but these powers can determine that you will have men falling at your feet. Don't be afraid to open up.

5:Reagan, you may believe you live a life of luxury, but these powers will bring you great sadness. Yet with your friends will repel this such sadness.

6:Jennette, also known as Jenn, your parents are gone, so you care dearly for the family that is left to you, but you must know that these powers and what you go through will exceed your previous sacrifices.

7:Neveah, oh, young Neveah. I can see you're hurting inside, but know this: your father, grandmother, and sister know exactly what is to happen to you and your friends will help them protect you as much as they can. Just hold on.

8:Alyssa, dear Alyssa, one of your relatives is withholding serious information. However, this information is much deadlier than the secret Juliette's mother is hiding. As you gain these powers, your relatives will have no choice but to tell you. And when you find out, show no sorrow, because it will only make him more powerful.

9:Dear Clara, your friends have chosen you for your cheerful personality and your excellent ability to judge people and things. But don't let this affection go to your head; its benefits are not as beautiful as you believe.

10:Coral, also called Cami, you have found love in your youth, though perhaps you don't know or believe it yet. But the challenges you will soon encounter may take it away. Hold onto it as long as you can..

11:Krysta, you were searching for a career in riding the waves, but you can't hold on to that desire any longer. Just know that at the right time, another opportunity will arise.

12:Young Hazel, I can see that your friends are important to you because sometimes in the past only they have been kind to you. But you must understand that each of you will endure difficulties, and that although most will be fixed, some can't be.

Translations and Latin done by Calyn 3