A/N: A tribute to Lucy because I love her hair now. Just can't help it.

Spoiler alert!: If you aren't updated with the latest chapters in the manga, then spoiler up ahead.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All goes to Hiro Mashima, not me, or anyone else.

For most of his life, all Natsu thought of was how to get stronger and stronger. Being a Fairy Tail mage, he takes pride for enjoying a good fight, and never backing down from a challenge. Especially when it concerns someone he holds deep in his heart. That was one of the plenty wisdom Igneel had thought him; and one of the few he actually remembered.

That was one of the reason he left for a year.

Natsu didn't really thought that, after a year, the guild would be disbanded as well. But that was the least of his worries now. What was done was done. All in the past, right? Now that they were rebuilding the guild, with Erza as their new and seventh guild master (much to his chagrin and terror) all was well.

Except, maybe in terms of his former partner.

Lucy Heartfilia is just the same as she was when he left, yet at the same time, very much different. In terms of personality, she's still the same cheery and kind girl she is. She's still all smiles despite the one year of desperation and loneliness she went through for finding all of her guildmates. He knew that. They were her only family left. That was obvious. Natsu was the closest she could ever have. For that, he was honored. Their reunion made her brimming with tears of happiness, and truth to be told, Natsu felt warm just seeing her that happy.

Honestly, he did missed her while he was gone. All her nagging and weirdness combined. He really did.

She changed. She had gotten stronger, he noted. Of course, she still needs more practice. After all, a girl like Lucy has more room to improve. He was grinning his biggest when they reunited, despite his disheveled self and long shaggy hair. And perhaps, maybe it was because of that one year of not having Lucy Heartfilia by his side that he finally noticed her worth (and maybe, because of his stripped innocence when he and Gildarts accidentally exchanged their bags and causing him to read his many, many magazines of nothing but girls).

Don't get him wrong, he had always held Lucy dear to him ever since he first met and rescued her. But somewhere around the blurred line, their relationship changed from the 'best of friends', to bordering 'more than friends'. And it shocked him because, while all of these are big reasons, he got distracted by her hair.

As stated from before, Lucy did change. The most distinguished one was her hair.

It confused him greatly; Erza had long hair, Mira had long hair, Juvia had long hair (but she clings to Gray so, no), Bisca had long hair (and happily married, so no), Wendy had long hair. Heck, almost every girl he meets and saw in Fiore had long hair! So it shouldn't be so confusing. He shouldn't be confused. Lucy growing her hair long isn't so much of a big deal, no?

But, the thing is, it did confused him. Back when her hair isn't that long, it didn't reach him when he's beside her whenever the wind is blowing; caressing the rough, battled skin of his with its silk tendrils, practically enticing him. Back when her hair isn't long, it didn't sway ever so gently as she walked. Now he was staring at the golden locks as it swayed gently along her hips. Back when her hair isn't long, he wouldn't wonder every time she run her slender fingers through it, imagining his own fingers run through those soft locks. Back when her hair isn't long, she didn't use too much of that shampoo of hers. Yes, her scent still tickles his nose like before but, now that her hair is longer, she used even more shampoo. And now its vanilla sweetness is practically invading his senses.

"Hey, do you think I should cut my hair like before?"

Natsu turned to stare at her from her couch, done with her episode of lecturing him from randomly just barging into her house again. She was fingering a lock of blonde hair, a look of contemplation in her face. Lucy was always thinking, trivial matters or no, she's always thinking. One of her weirdness. But Natsu could see she didn't really want to cut it. Why would she bother asking him then? Was it for a reason? Was it for someone? Why cut it, if she loves her hair? Hair is important to women, right? Natsu knew little about that matter but, he knew Lucy. That's enough for him.

"Why?" he drawled from his place. Happy was raiding her fridge for fish, again. But he could definitely hear the way he would usually roll his tongue, donning that goofy, teasing face of his.

You liiiiiiikke her.

Lucy shrugged. "Just a thought..." Natsu missed the way those chocolate eyes of hers glanced his way, seeking. She composed herself when those eyes of his stared at her.

Natsu let his eyes scan her then. With her long hair, she looks pretty. He knew that a long time ago, Lucy is pretty. But the way it flow down her sweet curves brought out her appeal even more. With her long hair, it tickled his skin without even her knowing. With her long hair, it rendered him breathless whenever the wind blew; giving him the opportunity to appreciate the way those locks danced along with the wind, caressing that pale skin of hers. Maybe, someday, he'll find an excuse to run his fingers over it. Just to see for himself, how smooth and soft it would feel against his calloused fingertips.

Confused or not, Natsu knew his decision. Whether or not it sparked his affection for her even more, she's still his Lucy. And he'll let the wind take them where they'll go. For now, he'll cherish the deep bond they share that no one else has.

"Don't. I like it."

Natsu had never seen Lucy so red in his life before. But her smile was worth it.

A/N: Like it? Hate it? A little bit of both? Please tell me. This is a short story (kinda like a series of one-shots), concerning of just Natsu paying even more attention to Lucy now.

I - Hair

II - Skin

III - Eyes

IV - Lips

So, hair is done. Next, shall be 'Skin". NALU ALL THE WAY!

p.s: congrats for Erza! You earned that title!