Lucy stepped into the library to see Ariestedos watching out the window. "Hey, I figured I sensed you…" He gave her a passing glanced and returned him eyes back outside. Lucy looked down, "You know… You really made Juvia's night that night… she actually talked about more than just Gray!" She flashed a smile before furrowing her eyebrows. "Look, I don't know what rules the demonic keys have to follow… But, if it has anything to do with me, I don't care."

He shifted his eyes to her, "Each master writes the rules. You have given none."

She smiled a little, "So what's stopping you?"

"I have no permission." His voice was devoid of emotion.

Lucy smirked, "Well, I give you permission. Come on, I let Leviathan summon himself. To be honest, you guys could probably walk all over me, just like my celestials, you guys are my family, too." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave a reassuring smile. "My only rule! Don't hurt anyone. Never harm someone who doesn't deserve it… At least don't do it on purpose. Deal?"

She was wrapped into a tight hug, she blinked a couple of times before smiling, "Pinky swear promise?" She smiled brighter when her pinky was wrapped in his.

"I promise."

She chuckled, "Go get her, tiger." He gave her a toothy grin and ran out of the library.

Laughing to herself she walked out of the library to nearly be run over by Natsu chasing Gray yelling profanities. She rolled her eyes, she felt her keys and smiled at their warmth, "No one told you guys to eavesdrop!" Her ears perked when she heard the sounds of a violin accompanied by a haunting voice. She followed the sounds to be greeted at the sight of Caspian playing the violin and a woman with long jet black hair singing, glowing orbs floated around her.

Leviathan appeared behind her, "Sylvannis, the Banshee Queen." Lucy jumped slightly at his closeness. "She has the power to call forth the dead." She glanced back at his piercing eyes. "Her song is one of happiness… She is warmed by your kindness. She doesn't speak any other tongue, only that of the siren, Caspian uses the violin to speak with her."

Lucy smiled softly but widened her eyes at the feel of his hand on her back shoving her into the room. Both abruptly stop with their musical entanglement. Sylvannis ducked into the darkness, her snow white complexion gave her away. Her eyes shined a soft silver tone. "Please, come back, please don't be afraid of me!"

Caspian smiled and played the violin coaxing her from the shadows. After a moment of silence she began to sing. Lucy smiled happily and sat down to listen. "She says it's wonderful to finally meet the kindred spirit who holds her key." Caspian whispered to her as he played.

Lucy smiled brightly, "You have a wonderful voice! You shouldn't hide so much!" Caspian smiled and played the violin as if translating for her. "I feel awful for only just meeting you…"

Sylvannis smiled pleasantly listening to the tones of the violin, and began to sing again. "You are the second human she has ever met, the first could speak her language." Sylvannis' long flowing dress swayed as she reached out to touch Lucy. Her hand gently brushed her cheek before placing the other hand on the other cheek.

"She isn't going to kiss me is she?" She shifted a nervous glance to Caspian who shrugged.

Sylvannis leaned her forehead against Lucy's, her eyes widened as she received visions.

"Your child is cursed! She must be put down!" A male voice yelled sternly.

A frantic woman could be heard, "No! I can't let you! She's all I have!"

The voices faded, to show a woman with long blonde hair standing at a cliff, she sang a sorrowful song. "I'm sorry you're cursed, my beautiful daughter, I'm sorry they can't see what I see." The song seemed to carry on the wind that shifted unnaturally. "I pay for my sins, I pay for them in blood, keep my daughter safe. Never leave her side, Reaper of souls! Take me in her stead! Shield her from the world of hatred and show her love! Love that can be only found in peace. Peace that can only be found in your world!" She lifted a dagger, "Peace that can only be attainted by the immortals." She plunged the dagger into her heart. Sobbing of a young girl could be heard as the woman fell from the edges of the cliff.

Lucy felt a cold touch on her shoulder, as she watched in horror, the little girl looked up to see a tall man, with golden hair and scarlet eyes. He wore a long black coat, he took her hand and turned around, walking in the opposite direction. The wind shifted and they vanished.

Lucy was awoken by the concerned shaking of Zeref, she looked around and found herself near the fireplace with a blanket wrapped around her. "Where is…" She shivered and pulled the blanket tighter.

Mira handed her a warm cup of tea, "What happened, Lucy? We were all down here talking and all of the sudden we heard you scream, when we got up there you were holding yourself in tears on the ground."

Jellal studied her for a moment, "You saw one of their memories… It's common for a spirit to allow you to see into their lives, while they were living, if they wholeheartedly trust their Mage who wields their keys."

Lucy held all of her keys closely, "She was so sad. And scared, it felt like I was there." She hugged all of her keys, "You'll never be alone like that, ever again, I promise." A silent tear fell from Lucy's eye and landed on the Banshee's key.

A woman with pale skin began so fade into sight, her long onyx hair fell around her as she hugged Lucy tightly. Her whisper on a soft breeze, "I know. I trust you."

Lucy looked up with wide eyes, "You can speak? English?"

Her mouth never moved only held a warm smile, "Only you can hear and understand me. I learned it from you. I can speak to and understand you. But only through telepathy… Honing my language will take some time, before I can speak to the others."

Everyone shifted a glance around to each other, Natsu stared in confusion, "Uh…"

Zeref smiled and sat next to Lucy, "Spiritual Telepathy. If a spirit doesn't know the language their master speaks that can learn from them and communicate telepathically."

Natsu smiled, "I get it. So what are they saying?"

Zeref shrugged, "I'm no longer her master. Your guess is as good as mine." He looked up and smirked at Sylvannis who returned his smile and nodded.