Hello Everyone! Are you guys ready to read the next chapter? Well I enjoy writing this, read and review please. Also please note that I do not own Mermaid Melody, only my thoughts and Original Characters.
"... Lucia?" Kaito asked upon seeing her blue eyes and gold ponytails. She smiled kindly at him and looked around at the scene before her. Sakura gathered in her fathers arms with wide eyes. Gaito, Sara and Momo standing still, as if stopped in motion upon seeing her, and everyone else. frozen and shocked. Lucia only frowned when she didn't see Hanon and Mizu. "Where's Hanon and Mizu" see asked and realized tension and Kaito hold onto Sakura more until she whispered "Too tight" only to be shushed and held tighter. Thankfully Zak was able to come out of his shock and started to explain "Aunt Hanon had to take Mizu away from here because she attacked Sakura here" he sighed at the end of his basic summary of the night. She held the bridge of her nose at the nose and sighed herself "is it because of Sakura's Guardian? And him being 'ditched'?" she asked aloud which shocked everyone and Kaito nodded. Lucia then understood what was going on and realized everyone was being tough on Sakura. "Ah, I see... Well I'll inform you guys on this, he's coming. He will be here soon, and he isn't happy" at that Sakura froze more and hid more into Kaito who just petted her head in turn. Lucia than said "Sakura" causes her to look up while in her fathers arms at her mother. "Be careful. Do not be alone". As she said this she began to fade. "I am not ready to be in this form long yet, I must go, bye everyone". She disappeared and Sakura cried silently in the crook of Kaito's neck who just held her in his arms and thought over Lucia's warning. About a half hour later everyone was sitting up on the couch, Sakura half asleep on her father's shoulder who was more asleep than awake when there was a knock at the door. Kaito got up to answer it causing Sakura to whine at the lost of heat and lean against Zak who just glanced at her and continued to play on his phone. After two minutes everyone, with the exception of Sakura, heard a hushed conversation and then footsteps into the living room area. They were surprised to see Sakura's protector there in front of them who was looking around with a clenched jaw until his eyes laid on Sakura and he visibly relaxed and let out a sigh of relief. Zak smiled at him and shook his sister who let out a whined "Five more minutes" gaining a smile from everyone and some chuckles. "Come on Sakura, get up, you can go back to sleep in a bit" Zak gently shook her shoulder and she let out a yawn and stretched out and started to roll over. As this was happening Momo tried to warn Sakura "Sakura, you're going to-" but just as Momo said she was about to fall Sakura plummeted to the ground "Ouch... That hurt" she let out in a small whine and looked up at her father as he started to laugh "You fell asleep on the couch, first on me, then on Zak, but now I think you might want to see who's standing right in front of you". She slowly began to turn around and see the man standing in front of her. She looked him over to see his white hair with some crimson and onyx strokes, his golden eyes with purple sparkles, his pale skin and his typical clothing style. Upon seeing her he smiled and said "I'm back Sakura!" causing her to jump and hug him mumbling "I'm sorry" over and over again as tears of joy streamed down her face. "Zero! You're okay!" and he just hugged her. He then put her down and next to Zak, Gaito, Momo and Sara and looked at Kaito and said "May I speak with you?" to which Kaito nodded at and went into the kitchen. They then called in Gaito into the kitchen then they set up a barrier to keep people from interrupting or ease-dropping. Sakura then cuddled into Zak and decided to try falling asleep again only to hear loud music coming from Hikari's phone. "Sorry" she said to Sakura, rejected the call and put her phone on silent. "Why don't we play a board game?" Sara suggested and they all started to play 'Apples to Apples'.
"Zero, why did you go in alone! You could've asked for help" Kaito scolded Zero who was a like a son to the ruler of the seas. "Kaito calm down, he was doing his job" Gaito told his twin brother to try and calm his rage. "We've all been worried about you! And why did you tell Sakura to keep it a fucking secret? You're lucky you're alive right now! I am so happy you're back and alive but how could you be so... so stupid?" Kaito was in a wrath of anger and joy. He was proud that Zero could infiltrate the sea demon's lair and find some plans they had but was pissed at his attempt to due to the fact nobody knew where he went, except Sakura, to whom he had kept it a secret for him, and if he'd gotten into danger or got captured or hurt there, no one could've helped him. "As you know I think of you as my son, as I think of Serene as my daughter as you are adopted as well. I did not want you to join this occupation due to danger and yet I allowed you to so you could have a trial". Zero knew exactly where this was going and was quick to stand up and yell "You're not taking away my job as a Guardian!" After that outburst Kaito looked him in the eye and said "You're not a Guardian, you're a prince, I'll assign a new Guardian to Sakura and you're to get one as well. This conversation is over". Zero shook with anger and yelled "I AM NOT GOING TO BE TOLD WHAT TO DO BY YOU ANYMORE! I'LL STAY A GUARDIAN IF I WANT! YOU HAVE NO POWER OVER ME! YOU JUST-" before Zero could even finish his rampage Kaito slapped him hard against his cheek. "Do not be disrespectful to me, Zero" he addressed and looked him in his eyes and that's when Zero saw all of the heart ache and worry in his and sighed knowing this was a battle he would lose. "I'm sorry... father" Zero said and turned to go out of the kitchen when Kaito grabbed him and hugged him "This is not a punishment, please understand that" he then pulled out of the hug and said "This is because I care about you and do not want to see you hurt or worse" Then they just sat in silence and decided to make the barrier like a one way mirror and watched and heard their family play their game.
"Bashful, shy, timid, modest" Momo said reading the green card and putting it on the floor for everyone else to see and go through their red cards. Everyone expect for Zak and Sakura had thoughtful faces while they both had evil grins. "Kaito... what did you teach those two?" Gaito asked as he saw the smirks on his niece and nephews faces. "Alright let's see what we-" Momo laughed as she saw the different cards. "We have 'A funeral' 'A microwave Oven' 'A volcano' that one kinda makes sense in way... OH MY GOD WHO PUT THIS DOWN 'AIDS' " At that Gaito laughed and Kaito went wide- eyed and said "Oh god, Please do not be one of my kids who put that down". "That wasn't the worst one trust me, and it was either Zak or Sakura" Lilia said as she got milk out of the fridge. Everyone but Kaito were surprised she got in. "I dropped it so they could come in and get stuff they want" Kaito said as he exited and sat next to Zak and pulled Sakura onto his lap. "Hey dad are you going to play" Sakura asked looking up at him as he looked down at her. "Nah, I'll assist you" Sakura smiled and Kaito took her cards. "... ARE THESE CARDS YOU HAVE BEEN SAVING?" Kaito asked shocked and was hoping she'd tip her head at what he was saying but instead he got an evil smile. He had thought Sakura was innocent "... This worries me...". As the game progressed laughter and joy was sure to be heard. Zero teamed up with Zak and Gaito teamed up with Hikari, who was behind by far. Then the "Peaceful" green card was put down by Gaito (To whom was taking turns with Hikari being the judge this time). "Oh No..."
*A lot of dirty cards later* (Zak and Sakura tied)
Everyone except for the ones who lived with Kaito left, tired but happy. Zero and Zak were sharing a room deep in slumber, Kaito was in a light sleep but alert to certain noises. Sakura was up and just couldn't sleep. 'Why am I even here' She began to think to herself 'I'm so useless and horrible... I left my own brother for dead and all I do is pity myself. I made Mizu hate me... and everyone worry about me... they probably don't want me around... It's better if I just...' She started to cry and held her hair in fists. 'You're right, you're useless. Pathetic. Worthless.' A voice sounded out in her head. Suddenly her phone buzzed and someone sent her a YouTube video. She put her headphones in and clicked on it.
"She just wants to be,
beautiful she goes,
unnoticed, she knows,
no limits she craves,
attention, she praises
an image she prays to be,
sculpted by the sculptor
Oh, she don't see the light that's shining
Deeper than the eyes can find it,
maybe we have made her blind
So she tries to cover up her pain
and cut her woes away
Cause covergirls don't cry
after their face is made
There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark
You should know you're beautiful,
just the way you are
and you don't have to change a thing
The world could change its heart
No scars to your beautiful,
we're stars and we're beautiful"
Sakura was crying to herself a bit at the song and thought about stuff. She began to think about what would happen had she actually committed suicide, how much her family would miss her, how much she'd break their hearts and how much her father would be effected. He had basically lost his wife and then a daughter she cried harder and vowed then and there that she'd fight the urge as much as she could. She knew she couldn't win all the battles but she refused to loose the war. If she lost a battle there would be more scars but never again would she again retreat and give up. She'd fight hard and win as many battles as she could and eventually the war. Suddenly her pearl and crystal were glowing simultaneously and suddenly her there was a rainbow crystal in the shape of a heart made of rose petals with a white pearl in the center. She stared at it then screamed "DAD!"