Here was another idea for a story I had in mind. A combination of Naruto and my favorite DC animated show, Young Justice. I know there are a lot of Naruto/Young Justice Crossovers and I'm going to try and make it different by mixing up the Naruto and giving him attributes from my Arrow crossover Naruto and add in elements from other DC shows like Teen Titans, Justice League and even some of the movies like Flashpoint Paradox. Enjoy!

Young Justice: B01 Hokage

The 4th Shinobi War raged on as Madara's army fought against the Allied Shinobi Forces. Madara and Kabuto raised an army using dead ninja and forced the Allied Forces to face against people they once called friends and family. The war continued Madara was close to his goal of "Curing" the world until Naruto Uzumaki stopped him. In a final battle to be forever remembered, Naruto and the re-animated Hokages of the past fought against Madara and Obito and eventually the 10-tailed beast.

Eventually the fight came down to Naruto against Madara and neither one was going to give up.

"Just give up child, can't you see it, I will save this world." Madara told Naruto as he was holding his side in some pain from the last Rasengan.

"As so will I, but this world doesn't need your kind of help!" Naruto said as Madara prepared to launch one final attack and Naruto did too. Naruto's father, Minato was able to separate his half of Kurama's from himself and give it to Naruto.

Naruto in his fully powered nine-tails state readied the strongest Rasenshuriken-Bijuu Bomb to clash with Madara's Susanno. When the attacks clashed it caused an energy shockwave so strong that everyone in the elemental nations and beyond could feel it. Madara's Susanno couldn't stand against the power and he was killed by the sheer force of the blast and disintegrated. Naruto smiled as his handiwork but then felt something odd. He felt his heart beat erratically and blood began to drip from his mouth. Naruto tried to walk away but after a few steps he fell to the ground as his body began to shut down. Naruto's body was failing…he was going to die.

Naruto was trying to get up, trying to do more, make sure that everyone was ok, talk to Hinata, and take over as Hokage…I guess that was out of the question. Naruto felt his body go numb and was getting colder. His heartbeat began to slow down as he slowly closed his eyes. At least, he was able to one thing before he died…save the world. Naruto thought as he smiled and closed his eyes as his heart pulsed…one last time.

A light shined through the sky as it glowed on Naruto. His body began to levitate and fly in the air as it soon vanished from the world, leaving only a piece of his orange jumpsuit on the ground.

Naruto felt himself in limbo, he couldn't move or speak as he felt…strange. He felt at peace, like a great burden had been lifted off his shoulders. He then heard a voice.

"Well done, Child of Prophecy. You have saved your world." The voice said.

"I did? I saved everyone?" Naruto asked the voice.

"Yes…your world is safe now, but your body cannot sustain itself in your world. Your energy is fading and you will not survive if you remain there." The voice said.

"How do you know that? Who are you?" Naruto asked.

"I am Kami. I have been watching you for some time now. Your actions have proven to me that you can do much for all worlds." Kami said.

"Worlds?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Your world is not the only one. There are many, with numerous problems and heroes to combat them…but none of those heroes are like you." Kami said as Naruto smiled. "Which is why I am offering you the chance to continue your work…to help people and be a hero."

"A hero…like my dad and pervy sage. I like the sound of that." Naruto said as Kami chuckled.

"Very good Naruto. In order for this trip to be successful, I will need to take away some of your charka to make sure you don't interfere with the portal's energy. If I don't, your chakra will interfere with the portal and it could send you somewhere else, or kill you. I will only take half, but don't worry, you are still extremely strong." Kami said.

"It's all right. I just means I get to train more with my lowered charka reserves." Naruto said.

"Your parents are proud of what you have done, Naruto. With permission, they have left you some gifts…for when you start you new life…as a hero." Kami said as a portal opened and Naruto was sucked through.

Line Break xxxxx

Salem, Massachusetts (3 years before the building of the team)

In Salem, Massachusetts, there was an empty clearing in the park where to the normal people, nothing was there. But to a select few, this place was sacred because it was the location of the Tower of Fate, stronghold for Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Lord of Order and a member of the Justice Society of America: Doctor Fate. Doctor Fate, or Nabu, depending on how you understood the Lord of Order, was in retirement. The current holder of the Helmet of Fate, Kent Nelson was retired from the life of a hero and leaving a peaceful retirement until he would join his wife Inza when he passed.

Kent was in his study in the tower when he felt a strange shockwave coming from outside the tower. Kent grabbed his cane and walked out to see his normal empty clearing but then a portal appeared and a young man fell out, dressed in hideous orange jumpsuit that was tattered. Kent went up to the young man to see he was about 15 years old, had blond hair, 6 whisker marks on his face, a jade necklace and a headband that Kent recognized. Kent also saw a note on the boy and read it. Kent chuckled.

"Oh Kami, you jokester you. Bringing someone from the Elemental Nations here." Kent said as he chuckled. He then used his cane and levitated Naruto into the tower to look at his wounds.

A Month Later

Naruto's eyes began to open up but were still fairly weak. He felt his body was in a very comfortable bed, he had bandages on his chest and his shirt was gone. Naruto opened his eyes and adjusted his eyes to see the strange room he was in. He saw he wasn't in a medical room but a bedroom. With bookshelves, containing books with titles he had never heard of before saw various pictures and symbols on the walls. One picture was of a man in a golden helmet with a cape and armor. Naruto leaned up as he looked at the bandages on his chest. His wounds were pretty much healed, that wasn't the problem…the question at hand was…where was he?

Naruto then heard the door open and saw an old man with a cane walk in. He was wearing a nice suit and smiled as he saw Naruto wake up.

"Ah, glad to see you are awake, young man." Kent said.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Naruto asked.

"Ah, yes, forgive me. My name is Kent Nelson. I was the one who found you and tended to your wounds." Kent said.

"Thank you, Mr. Nelson." Naruto said.

"Oh please, call me Kent." Kent said.

"Kent, thank you." Naruto said as he moved the blanket and put his feet on the floor. He noticed that something's were missing. "Excuse me, Kent. But did you happen to see a jade necklace and a headband with a leaf symbol on it when you found me?" Naruto asked.

"Ah yes, they're on the table. I must say, I haven't seen someone from your world, ever come to our world before." Kent said.

"Huh?" Naruto asked, confused.

"I see you are confused. Come, we have much to discuss." Kent said as Naruto got up and followed Kent.

Naruto told Kent that he was in the Tower of Fate as Kent explained to Naruto where he was and probably why he was sent here. Kent explained to Naruto the differences between Naruto's world and the new one he was in now. This world was much more advanced and Shinobi and ninja's were things of mythology and fantasy, which made Naruto feel kind of sad that in his world, Shinobi's were the elites and now in this one, they were pretty much gone.

But this world had something his didn't…superheroes. Men and women who chose to fight for good and serve the people. To defend the innocent against people who would do harm, people called super villains. Naruto heard Kent talk about the superheroes Kent knew from his time in the Justice Society, like Wildcat, the first Flash, The first Green Lantern and the other legendary heroes…Naruto was excited, he thought they were cool. Now there was a new generation of heroes that was helping the world: Batman. Superman, Wonder woman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, Martian Manhunter…The aliens, that threw Naruto for a loop.

Much like Naruto's world had the legendary Shinobi like Madara and Minato, this world had colorful men and women in costumes with badass gadgets or awesome superpowers. That brought Kent to the note that was attached to Naruto's body when he arrived. Kent showed it to Naruto and he had a chuckled.

Naruto, in this world, you will have the chance to be a hero again, and make a big difference. I left you with Kent Nelson, he is a good man and will help you along the way…and introduce you to others who can help. I know you will become the hero you are destined to be.

Ps. Even though Kurama is your friend now, people in this world are not as approving of Giant Demons. Save for a few people, you should probably keep that to yourself.

Pss. I left the gifts your parents left you with Kent. He will show you where they are. Enjoy!

Naruto read as he saw a little smiley face with a thumbs up at the bottom: who knew that Kami had a sense of humor.

"Well, Kami brought you here to be a hero. And if he has faith in you, you must be something quite extraordinary." Kent said as Naruto chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"So, Kent will you help me?" Naruto asked.

"Of course. All though I am retired, I know some people who will help you." Kent said. "Now come, I'll show you the gifts your parents left you." Kent said as Naruto followed him.

Kent walked into his study and showed Naruto the gifts that Kami sent. Naruto walked up to them to see a katana, a bundle of clothes and a box with a note on top. Naruto took the note and saw it was another message from Kami.

"Naruto—Here are the gifts your parents left for you. The katana belong to your mother. It was hers when she was a Shinobi." The letter read as Naruto picked up the katana and marveled at the beauty. The sheath was crimson with designs of flames on it, with black gems embedded. Naruto unsheathed the sword to see the perfect shine of the steel. The steel was diamond hard and razor sharp, with kanji writing on the sword that spelled the Red Death. The hilt was black with crimson flames and a special treat, it had Kurama's face on the bottom. "The swords is called Fire Fang, because it could incinerate anything the blade cuts through…so be careful. Also, Kurama's head on there was my touch. Hope he likes it."

"I do. It makes me look badass." Kurama told Naruto as Naruto just shook his head.

Naruto put the sword down and looked at the bundle of clothes and opened it to see it was one of his father's haori or cloak he wore when he was Hokage. He also saw the Shinobi vest he wore when his father was active. "This is your father's cloak he wore when he became Hokage. He wanted you to have it…your dream was always to become Hokage, and even though you are no longer in your world, your dream can still come true." The letter read as Naruto looked at the white cloak with red flames on the bottom and the kanji on the back that spelled, Sixth Hokage. Naruto smiled as he saw this. He then saw the Shinobi vest and put it on…it was a perfect fit.

(Haori is actually a Kimono jacket but its similar to a cloak jacket so I'll just call it that)

Naruto looked that the last gift and saw it was box. Naruto opened it to saw it was filled with weapons. It had several of his father's three-pronged kunai and a scroll, two charka trench knives, a small staff, and a Kusarigama. Naruto read the rest of the note. "This last part is actually a parting gift from some friends who felt you could use some extra weapons. The three-pronged kunai and the scroll are your Father's Hirashin jutsu. He says good luck. The charka trench knives come from Asuma Sarutobi and the staff comes from Hiruzen Sarutobi. They wish you the best of luck. I collapsed the staff to make it easier to carrier but don't worry, it will do just as much damage as Hiruzen's staff. The last one is actually from Hanzo, surprisingly enough. He said it is thanks for defeating the Akatsuki and for defeating Pain. He says and I quote, don't hit yourself in the eye with it. Anyway good luck with your life as a hero. Enjoy your second chance, and help to save this world."

Naruto chuckled as he looked at all his gifts and was excited to begin his life as a hero. "So Kent, when do we start training?" Naruto asked.

"Actually, I can't really help you with that. But I called some people who could. They should be here by now. Come on." Kent said as he led Naruto outside of the tower and saw members of the Justice League arrive in the clearing, courtesy of Hal Jordan's Green Lantern power ring. There was Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman.

"Whoa." Naruto said, surprised to see the world's mightiest heroes in front of him for the first time.

"Ah, Batman, glad you got my message." Kent said as Batman looked at Naruto who was nervous, being under the glare of the Dark Knight.

"Is that him?" Batman asked.

"Yes, the new arrival to our world." Kent said. "Naruto Uzumaki, meet the Justice League." Kent said as the league members stared at Naruto.

"Hey." Naruto said nervous as many chuckled, seeing the boy nervous.

"Let's talk." Batman said.

Line Break xxxxx Start of Canon

Independence Day

Gotham City July 4th, 12:00 EDT

In Gotham City, the sun was up high as the park was filled with people enjoying their Independence day. Couples were having romantic dates while families were spending quality time together, participating in summer activities and enjoying the nice weather.

The fun was soon interrupted as everyone heard the sound of something very strange and soon people were running out of the park. A cold mist came from the ground as a beam of ice appeared and froze innocent bystanders. The man responsible was wearing a high-tech suit with a special liquid nitrogen coolant running through. He was wearing a clear dome on his head showing his pale skin and ice blue eyes and was carrying a very large ice ray. It was Gotham City's ice master, Mister Freeze.

"Enjoying family time?" Freeze asked as he froze a family using his freeze gun. "My family has other plans."

Freeze prepared to fire at the civilians running away but a batarang came out of nowhere and knocked his gun, canceling the shot.

"Batman. I was wondering when—" Freeze was cut off as he heard a boy laughing. Freeze looked around until he saw a shadow above him, when Robin, the boy wonder, jumped on Freeze's helmet, causing Freeze to the fall to the ground. Robin then flipped off and when he landed on the ground, he threw 2 throwing disks at Freeze's helmet. They bounced off but made some cracks.

"Oh. Boy Wonder. The Bat sent you to drag me off to prison?" Freeze asked as he stood up. "Frankly, I'm underwhelmed."

"Great, but I'm kind of in a hurry here." Robin said.

"Kids—always in such a rush." Freeze said as he charged his freeze gun.

"Not talking to you." Robin said as Freeze realized who he was talking to. He turned to see Batman jump in the air and was greeted with a fist to the face.

Star City July 4th, 09:01 PDT

On the large suspension bridge in Star City, people were driving as part of their commute but then a figure dropped down onto the road and created some ice shields which caused some unlucky cars to flip over or crash. The figure was Icicle Junior, the meta human son of Icicle Senior, with powers of his namesake: control over ice.

He laughed as he saw the cars crash into each other. But his laughter was cut short as he saw a barrage of arrows hit the ice shield next to him and one hit his shoulder. It then beeped and exploded as the other's exploded as well. Icicle shook his head as he tried to regain some composure. He saw his ice armor was mostly destroyed and found the origin of where the arrows were shot. He saw the Emerald Archer, Green Arrow with his sidekick, Speedy, standing on the top overlook of the bridge.

"Finally! I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here." Icicle said as his arms encased themselves in ice. He then used that ice to throw ice spikes at Green Arrow and Speedy.

"Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy asked as he and Green Arrow shot two arrows and destroyed two spikes but more were coming. They moved off the overlook and down the large suspension wire as the ice spikes flew pass them.

"I'm telling you now. This little distraction better not interfere." Speedy said as he and Green Arrow dodged some spikes and shot two more arrows at Icicle.

Icicle created a shield to block the explosive arrows but they took a chunk out of his shield. Icicle threw more spikes as Speedy jumped and flipped over the spikes, drew and impact arrow and fired it at Icicle, hitting him in the jaw so hard that it knocked him out.

Green Arrow and Speedy landed on the bridge as they tied up Icicle Junior. "Ha ha ha! Kid had a glass jaw." Arrow said.

"Hilarious. Can we go? Today's the day." Speedy said.

Pearl Harbor July 4th, 6:02 HST

In Pearl Harbor, two ships were covered with frost and ice and snow fell from the sky. Another ice meta human attacked today and was fighting another hero and sidekick. Killer Frost: the femme fatale with the power of ice was fighting the King of Atlantis, Aquaman and his sidekick, Aqualad. She shot ice blasts as Aquaman maneuvered through the ship and dodged blasts to get close. He was holding his trident as he ran forward and was hit with an ice blast, stopping him cold. Aqualad then jumped over him and ran towards Killer Frost as Aquaman broke free and followed his sidekick.

"Don't tell me you're not excited." Aquaman said.

"Right now, my king. I'm more focused on the matter at hand." Aqualad said as he dodged ice blasts, drew his water bearers which he used to make water spike maces. He swung down as Killer Frost froze his weapons and part of his arms. Aqualad used this and swung up, hitting Killer Frost in the jaw and knocking her off her feet and taking he out.

"Well?" Aquaman asked.

"Yes, I'm excited. Today's the day." Aqualad said.

Central City July 4th, 11:03 CDT

In Central City, Captain Cold, another ice themed villain had robbed a jewelry store and was trying to make his getaway as he was stopped by the Scarlet Speedster, The Flash and his sidekick, Kid Flash. Cold was shooting at the two speedsters as Flash and Kid Flash were running around Cold, waiting for a chance to attack and not get hit by Cold's ice gun.

"Stealing ice? Seriously. Isn't that a bit cliché even for Captain Cold?" Flash asked.

"Come on. We don't have time for this!" Kid Flash said as he put his goggles on and ran at Cold. Captain Cold turned and shot at Kid Flash but Kid was able to spin and dodge the beam with only a small part of his shoulder getting hit and was able to grabbed the gun. Flash then ran in and punched Cold in the face, knocking him out.

"Calm down, kid." Flash said.

"Oh, please! You'll chat it up with the cops, with bystanders, with Cold even. No. No way! Today is the Day!" Kid said excited.

Washington D.C. July 4th, 14:00 EDT

Batman, Robin, Green Arrow, Speedy, Aquaman and Aqualad were all in front of the Hall of Justice, headquarters of the Justice League and symbol of the worlds hero's. They had gathered for a special day, the day the protégés became full League members.

"Today is the day." Batman said as he patted Robin on the shoulder.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green Arrow said.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman said.

"Oh man!" Kid yelled as he and Flash arrived. "I'd knew we'd be the last ones here."

Tower of Fate July 4th, 14:15 EDT

Naruto, now at the age of 18, was training in the tower of fate. He was practicing his punches and kicks against a punching bag. He was wearing an orange muscle shirt and some black sweat pants as he continued his training for well over 6 hours without any signs of fatigue or even shortness of breath. His three years in his new home had changed Naruto in all aspects.

After the meeting with the Justice League and filling them in on some details of his arrival and why he was here, they welcomed him…but still had their suspicions, which was reasonable. A young boy, sent from another world with powers and abilities that they didn't understand and had never seen before. The more paranoid members of league needed to take precautions…i.e. mainly Batman.

Over the three years, Naruto learned a lot about his new world, the history and workings of his new home, the justice system and the current status of the worlds great powers. He also learned more about the league and the worlds heroes as well as the villains. Now that Naruto lived in the new world, he also needed a secret identity. Kent told him the heroes in this world wore masks and had secret identities so that the villains and bad guys couldn't attack their loved ones. Batman was able to set up Naruto with a new identity and fake background so he could blend in.

Along with the three years of adapting to his new world, Naruto got new training as well. He trained with some of the leagues best fighters such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Black Canary and Green Arrow and was becoming a master of martial arts. He had a very good mother-son relationship with Wonder Woman. Diana saw great promise in Naruto and a fierce warrior spirit much like an Amazon. He was kind, gentle and caring yet fierce and strong like a warrior. She even offered to use her Diana Prince secret identity to be his adoptive mother in this world. Naruto agreed and looked up to her for guidance, she was a great hero and she reminded him a little of his mother and Granny Tsunade, minus the alcoholism and gambling.

Naruto trained with Kent, who had some knowledge of Naruto's world and even some old jutsu scrolls, helped Naruto to expand his arsenal of jutsu's and with Kurama's help, mastered them and the Hirashin in a year and a half. The rest of the time was spent mastering the new weapons Naruto got and increasing his intelligence and detective like skills. That was Green Arrow's and Batman's responsibility and with their help Naruto was able to become well trained in the Katana, the charka blades, the bo staff and the kusarigama, and with another year, would be a master. Batman was impressed, Naruto was a natural and was shaping up to be one of the worlds master martial artists.

Kent and Diana in her Wonder Woman outfit walked in the training room to see Naruto punching a punching bag, changing from a boxing stance to the Amazon fighting stance that Diana showed him and then his traditional fighting stance as Naruto delivered one last punch that had enough strength that it sent the bag flying across the room and the bag split apart and the sand poured out of the bag to Kent's surprise and Diana's pride.

"Oh hey Kent, mom." Naruto joked. "Mom, do you mind putting up another sandbag, I'm not done with training or do you want to spar?" Naruto asked. (Naruto calls Diana mom sometimes since he does look up to her like a mother since he didn't really grow up with one and is using his new life to have the things he didn't before. Naruto still loves Kushina and will never forget her but he has a new life and won't let any of his new life moments get by.)

"Maybe later. We've got some big news." Kent said as Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Well…what is it?" Naruto asked as he drank some water.

"Well, in case you forgot, today is the day." Diana said as Naruto nearly spit up his water. He forgot today.

"Wait, Today is the day?! The day I get to join the Justice League?!" Naruto asked, excited.

"Yes, you've been invited by Batman to join the League with the fellow young partners to become full fledge members." Diana said proud. She was happy how far he had come in three years, a good hero who helped her and the League with other problems over the years.

"All right! Let me go get changed. I'll be quick." Naruto said as he ran to put his uniform on.

Diana and Kent smiled as Naruto ran to get changed and came back out in his outfit. Naruto was wearing his father's cloak and vest. He had his headband around his forehead and a facemask like Kakashi. He also had a hood attached but it was down for the moment. He also had his jade necklace around his neck. His katana was strapped to his back with his collapsible adamantine staff that Kami gave him. Not as wide and hefty as Hiruzen's but could do just as much damage when used properly. He had his own utility belt that Batman gave him which held his gadgets and weapons, with charka blade holders on the back. He also had his kusarigama attacked to his belt like a whip. He also had seals in his vest that held extra weapons. He had spiked metal vambraces on his arms, black pants with combat boots and metal studs.

"Hokage, ready to duty." Naruto said with a smile. "What do you think?"

"Impressive." Diana said.

Kent then bid farewell and used his magic to teleport Diana and Naruto to the hall of Justice.

Line Break xxxxx

Washington D.C.

The 8 heroes walked to the Hall of Justice as people gathered around and were taking pictures and talking in excitement as they saw the heroes.

"Is that Batman?" "I see Flash and Flash Jr." "His name is Speedy, duh." "No, Speedy, is Green Arrow's sidekick." "Well that makes no sense." The heroes heard the people say.

Green Arrow leaned over to his sidekick and smiled. "Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asked.

"Born that way." Speedy said confidently.

"I'm glad we're all here." Aqualad said.

"Have all 4 sidekicks even been in the same place at the same time?" Kid asked.

"Don't call us sidekicks, not after today." Speedy told Kid.

"Sorry. First time at the hall. I'm a little overwhelmed." Kid said.

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone just whelmed?" Robin asked as they walked into the Hall and saw the 7 giant statues of the original members of the league: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter. "Oh. Maybe that's why."

The door to the inner sanctum opened to reveal Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado waiting for them.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, welcome." Martian Manhunter greeted them as he led them inside. "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked gallery, and of course our library." Martin Manhunter explained as the sidekicks saw the library.

"Make yourselves at home." Flash said as Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad sat on the nice chairs while Speedy stood, waiting to go into the main sanctum.

"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of 4 ice villains attacking on the same day. We shouldn't be long." Batman told the kids as he faced the door and a biometric sensor opened and scanned the leaguers.

"Recognized: Batman, 02; Aquaman, 06; Flash, 04; Green Arrow, 08; Martian Manhunter, 07; Red Tornado, 16" The computer said as the door opened.

"That's it?! You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass." Speedy said in anger.

"It's a first step. You've been granted access few others get." Aquaman said.

"Oh, really?!" Speedy said as he pointed to the window where tourists of the Hall could see inside the library. "Who cares which side of the glass we're on?"

"Roy, you just need to be patient." Green Arrow said.

"What I need is…respect!" Roy said in frustration as he turned to face the others. "They're treating us like kids. Worse-like sidekicks. We deserve better than this." Roy said as the others didn't say anything.

"You're kidding me, right?! You're playing their game? Why? Today was suppose to be the day. Step one in becoming full-fledged members of the league." Roy said.

"Well, sure. But I thought step one was a tour of the HQ." Kid said.

"Except the Hall isn't the real League's HQ." Roy said as everyone was shocked to hear that Roy knew this. "I bet they never told you it's just a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching zeta beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower." Roy said as everyone looked at Green Arrow. Arrow turned to see Batman with his arms crossed and not happy.

"I know, I know, but I thought maybe we could make another exception." Green Arrow said but Batman was not pleased. "Or not."

Then the zeta beam teleporter activated and two figures walked out. "Recognized: Wonder Woman, 03; Hokage B01." The Computer said as Wonder Woman and Hokage walked out. Everyone knew who the boy was except for Kid Flash and Aqualad.

"Uh…is this a bad time?" Hokage asked.

"Oh great, you won't let the seasoned sidekicks in the Watchtower but the newbie gets a free pass." Roy said in anger.

"Hey, watch who you are calling a newbie, Roy. Last time I checked, I saved you and the Green Arrow when I stopped Deathstroke in Star City a year ago. And besides, I don't think whining like a brat because you didn't get exactly what you want is helping your case." Hokage told Roy who seethed in frustration.

"He's right. You're not helping your cause son." Aquaman said. "Stand down or—" "Or what?! You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son! I'm not even his. I thought I was his partner, but not anymore." Roy said as he threw his hat on the floor and walked away. "Guess they're right about you 3. You're not ready."

"Well some much for heroes being mature role models." Naruto said as Diana chuckled. Robin then went up to Hokage and smiled.

"Hokage! What's up man?!" Robin said as the two high-fived.

"Hey, Robin. Long time no see." Hokage said. During his training with Batman, he and the boy wonder became good friends. He even helped the dynamic duo save Gotham City from time to time.

"Robin, you know this guy?" Kid asked as he and Aqualad walked up to him.

"Yeah, Batman trained him to fight crime as well." Robin said.

"Hokage, at your service." Hokage said with a bow.

"Kid Flash, nice to meet you." Kid said as the two shook hands.

"Aqualad, it's a pleasure." Aqualad said as the two shook hands.

"So, how come you've got a computer entry?" Kid asked.

"I've helped the League from time to time on issues or battles. I've proven useful and so Wonder Woman had Batman give me a designation should they need me again." Hokage said as Batman looked at him.

"You're late." Batman said.

"Sorry, got sidetracked with training." Hokage said.

The main computer then went off as Superman came up on the screen. "Superman to Justice League. There's been an explosion at Project Cadmus. It's on fire." Superman said.

"I've had my suspicions about Cadmus. This may present he perfect opportunity to in—" Batman was cut off as another transmission came in. "Zatara to Justice League. The Sorcerer Wotan is using the amulet of Attan to block out the sun. Requesting full League response." Zatara said.

"Superman?" Batman asked.

"It's a small fire. Local authorities have it under control." Superman said.

"Then Cadmus can wait. All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates. Batman out." Batman said as he sent out a message to the League. He then turned to talk to the sidekicks. "Stay put."

"What?! Why?" Robin asked.

"This is a League mission." Aquaman said.

"You're not trained—" "Since when?" Kid interrupted Flash.

"I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team." Flash said.

"There will be other missions when you're ready." Aquaman said.

"But for now, stay put." Batman said as Naruto walked forward. "You too."

"What?! Come on, Batman. I've helped you guys on missions before. I can do this." Hokage said.

"Stay put." Batman said again as Naruto reluctantly agreed.

As they were leaving, Green Arrow turned to Martian Manhunter. "Glad you didn't bring you know who?" Arrow asked.

"Indeed." Martian Manhunter said as they left.

"Stay here, Hokage. We'll be back later and then we'll talk." Wonder Woman said as she left as well. Red Tornado gave them one more look before he left as well.

"When we're ready? How are we ever suppose to be ready when they treat us like—like sidekicks?" Kid said in anger.

"My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me." Aqualad said.

"Trust? They don't even trust us with the basics! They've got a secret HQ in space!" Kid said.

"What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad asked.

"I have a better question. Why didn't we leave with Speedy?" Robin asked.

"Because if you did, you'd be acting like him: like a spoiled brat." They heard Hokage said. They saw him at the computer trying to log in.

"Hokage, what are you doing?" Aqualad asked.

"Look, I know this is frustrating for you guys, but believe me, they probably have a good reason. Now we could argue like sidekicks or do some hero work." Hokage said as everyone was curious.

"What kind of hero work?" Kid asked.

"Well, Supes did say that there was a fire at Cadmus, so why don't we go stop it and investigate, like heroes." Hokage said as the others went up to him to see him trying to log into the information section but he got an access denied sign. "Damn, can't get in. Rob, want to give it a shot?" Hokage asked as Robin smirked.

"Leave it to me." Robin said as he typed away.

"Access denied." The computer said.

"Want to bet?" Robin asked as he kept typing and the message changed to access granted.

"Whoa. How are you doing that?" Kid asked.

"Same system as the Batcave." Robin said as he brought up the file on Project Cadmus. "All right. Project Cadmus. Genetics lab here in D.C. That's all there is, but if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate."

"Solve their case before they do. It would be poetic justice." Aqualad said.

"Hey, they're all about justice." Robin said.

"But, they said to stay put." Aqualad said.

"For the blocking out the sun mission, not this. I'm going, how about you guys?" Hokage asked as they smiled and the four heroes left.

Line Break xxxxx

At Project Cadmus, the fire was still ragging on as the fire department arrived and were trying to put it out. There were two researchers still inside but an explosion pushed them out and they were falling to the ground. Kid Flash then ran to the building, ran up the building, grabbed the researchers and put them on the roof, but lost his footing and grabbed the window before he fell down.

"Ohh, it's what his name, Flash Boy!" One of the fireman said.

"Kid Flash! Why is that so hard?" Kid asked.

Robin, Aqualad and Hokage arrived at the labs and saw Kid Flash save the scientists but lost his footing.

"So smooth." Robin said.

"Does he always run ahead? We need a plan." Aqualad said as he noticed Robin was gone. "Robin?" Aqualad called out as he and Hokage saw Robin run towards the building, jump off the fire truck, shoot a grapple line and entered the window and saved Kid Flash.

"Hate it when he does that. Come on." Hokage said as the two ran up to the building.

"I need to borrow that." Aqualad said as he used his water bearers to create a water platform to carry him and Hokage up to the scientists. Hokage then jumped on the roof, grabbed the scientists and put them on the water platform. Hokage and Aqualad then jumped into the window as Aqualad lowered the scientists to the ground.

"Appreciate the help." Hokage said.

"You handled it. Besides, we're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember?" Robin said.

Aqualad and Hokage checked the rest of the room as Hokage felt something off. He walked out in the hall and heard a beep. He turned to see something in the elevator as it closed.

"There was something in the-" "Elevators should be locked down." Kid said, interrupting Hokage as Robin and Aqualad walked out and joined them. Robin then walked in and noticed something strange.

"This is wrong." Robin said as he used his hologram computer on his wrist to analyze the elevator. "Thought so. This is a high-speed express elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building."

"Neither does what I saw." Hokage said as he charged up his charka, created a rasengan and blew the doors apart. He saw a large elevator shaft, much larger then what the building needed. "Huh, maybe that's why?"

"Whoa, dude what was that?" Kid asked.

"One of my moves, the rasengan. Packs a hell of a punch." Hokage said.

Robin fired a grapple line and grappled down as Aqualad and Kid grabbed the line and followed him. Naruto just used his charka and ran down the elevator shaft, sticking to the walls. They traveled dozens of floors until Robin's grapple line ended.

"I'm at the end of my rope." Robin said as he swung and grabbed the ledge of the elevator entrance to Sub-lever 26. Kid and Aqualad joined Robin and Naruto flipped down from the wall and landed next to Robin.

"You can walk on walls, too?" Kid asked.

"I'm not a one trick pony." Hokage said as Robin hacked the elevator door.

"Bypassing security. There, go!" Robin said as Aqualad and Hokage opened the door.

They saw a large floor with state of the art computers and security, much different than the building they were in a few minutes ago.

"Welcome to Project Cadmus." Robin said.

Kid Flash had enough room and took off running. "Kid, wait!" Hokage yelled but he just ran. He ran through the hall but then saw large terrifying creatures and skidded to a halt. Kid was able to moved out of the way as the creatures kept moving. Hokage, Robin and Aqualad slowly walked up to see the creatures walking by. They had grey skin, red eyes with large horns and spikes coming out. They looked like 20 ft giant mutated frogs.

"No. Nothing odd going on here." Aqualad said.

Line Break xxxxx

Deeper into the depths of Project Cadmus, one scientists was hard at work, mixing chemicals in a lab, looking at genetic sequences on his computers, testing with tissue samples, with small tubes where miniature versions of the mutants were being grown. The scientist was mixing some liquids into a vial that had a blue crystal inside and when the liquid touched the crystal, it dissolved turning the liquid blue. The scientist smiled but then heard a beep and his door opened to reveal Guardian with a genomorph on his shoulder.

"Dr. Desmond." Guardian said.

"Tell me, Guardian. What part of no interruptions did you not understand?" Desmond asked as he put the vial away in a cabinet marked Blockbuster.

"A G-gnome on sub-level 26 reports 4 intruders." Guardian said.

"Oh, did I miss a perimeter breach alert?" Desmond asked.

"No." Guardian replied.

"Then the G-gnome's confused. Whatever might occur in our faux lab above ground, the real Cadmus is the most secure facility in D.C." Desmond said.

"My job to keep it that way." Guardian said.

"Fine. Take a squad." Desmond said as another figure entered the room. He was skinny, had blue skin wearing a doctor like outfit. He had red eyes, pointy ears and tendrils drooping down like a mustache, with two large horns attached to his head. Dubbilex, the highest ranking genomorph of Cadmus.

"Might I recommend Guardian leave his G-gnome behind?" Dubbilex asked. "If violence should occur…"

"The little guy would be in my way." Guardian said.

"No. The advantage of instant telepathic communication outweighs other concerns." Desmond said as he scratched his genomorph on the chin. The genomorph gnome's horns then glowed red as the G-gnome on Guardian's shoulder received the telepathic message.

Guardians eyes then had an empty look as he spoke in an emotionless voice. "I need my G-gnome with me at all times." Guardian said as he left.

Back with the four heroes, Robin hacked into another door and opened it…what they saw, shocked them.

"Ok, I'm officially whelmed." Robin said as they saw a room filled with glass cases holding a different type of genomorph that produced electricity. The electricity was then channeled and redirected to a power station that distributed it across the entire facility.

"I've seen some weird things…but this is a first." Hokage said as he walked up to one of the glass cases. Naruto placed a hand on the case and closed his eyes and felt a surge of energy. "These things are putting out some impressive energy." Naruto said.

"So this is how they hid this massive underground facility from the world. The real Cadmus isn't on the grid. It generates its own power with these things. Must be what they're bred for." Kid said.

"Even the name is a clue. The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing Dragons' teeth into the Earth." Aqualad said.

"And this new Cadmus creates new life, too. Let's find out why." Robin said as he went to a computer and hacked in. The hologram computer then appeared from his wrist computer. "They call them genomorphs. Whoa! Look at the stats on these things—super strength, telepathy, razor claws. These are living weapons!"

"They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid asked.

"Wait. There's something else. Project Kr. Ugh! The file's triple-encrypted. I can't—" Don't move!" They heard a voice and saw Guardian walk into the room with some genomorphs.

"Wait. Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash?" Guardian asked.

"At least he got your name right." Robin joked.

"I know you. Guardian, a hero." Aqualad said.

"I do my best." Guardian commented.

"Then what are you doing here?" Kid asked.

"I'm chief of security. You're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League, figure this out." Guardian said.

"You think the League's going to approve of you breeding weapons?" Hokage asked.

"Weapons? What are you—what have I—ugh." Guardian was stuck as his genomorph's horns glowed red and Guardian regain composure but his demeanor changed. "Take them down hard! No mercy!" Guardian yelled as the genomorphs charged forward.

Robin then threw a smoke pellet down, shot a grapple line and swung to the door. Kid Flash dodged and ducked claw swipes, jumped off the wall and punched a genomorph. He then ran, punching and tackling the genomorphs. Aqualad threw a genomorph over his shoulder as Naruto drew his bo staff and smacked the genomorphs. He ducked and dodged, as he blocked strikes and hit the creatures with his staff. Naruto saw Guardian tackle Aqualad to the ground, so he used his staff to launch himself at Guardian and delivered a punch to the face, knocking him out. Naruto then grabbed Aqualad and they ran to the elevator door as Robin was trying to get it open. The alarms were going off as Robin tried to hack in.

Naruto saw more genomorphs charge at them, so he went through some hand signs and took a deep breath in. "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough Jutsu!" Naruto yelled as he blew a powerful gust of wind which sent the genomorphs flying back into the far wall.

"Way to be a team player, Rob!" Kid said.

"Weren't you right behind me?" Robin said as he got the elevator open and then ran in and the door closed behind them. They saw that they were going down further into Cadmus.

"We're heading down?" Aqualad asked.

"Dude! Out if up." Kid said.

"Excuse me? Project Kr, it's down on sub-level 52." Robin said.

"This is out of control. Perhaps—Perhaps we should contact the League." Aqualad said as the door pinged open and they arrived at sub-lever 52. Robin ran ahead as Kid followed.

"Come on, Aqualad. We need answers." Hokage said as the two ran after Robin and Kid Flash.

"Which way?" Hokage asked.

"Yeah, bizarre looking hallway 1 or bizarre looking hallway 2?" Robin asked.

"Halt!" They heard as Dubbilex walked out and saw the heroes. He then used his telekinesis to throw barrels at them but Hokage drew his sword and slice them up.

"1, let's go!" Hokage said as he and Robin threw shuriken and throwing disks at Dubbilex but they were stopped in mid-air. The heroes ran down the hall as Hokage threw a gas pellet to slow down Dubbilex. Guardian and the genomorphs arrived by the elevator.

"They are heading for Project Kr!" Dubbilex said as Guardian ran after them.

A female scientist walked out of Project Kr as Kid Flash ran past her and tripped her. Kid saw the door closing and put a barrel to slow it down. Hokage saw this and threw a three-pronged kunai and it went into the room. He then grabbed Robin and Aqualad, "Hold your breath!" He yelled as they disappeared in a flash and arrived in the room as Kid jumped in as the door closed.

The door locked behind them as Robin hacked the door controls. "I disabled the door. We're safe." Robin said.

"We're trapped." Aqualad said.

"Uh, guys. You'll want to see this." Kid said as Robin, Aqualad and Hokage turned to see Kid turn on the light and they saw Project Kr. It was a teenage looking version of Superman. He was wearing a white suit with Superman's shield on it.

"Big K, little R. The atomic symbol for Krypton. Clone?" Kid asked.

"Robin, hack." Hokage told him as Robin nodded. He hacked into the computer and pulled up the file.

"Weapon designation Superboy, a clone force grown in…16 weeks! From DNA acquired from Superman." Robin said.

"Stolen from Superman." Aqualad said.

"No way the big guy knows about this." Kid said.

"The solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7." Robin said.

"And these creatures?" Hokage asked.

"Genomorph gnomes, telepathic. Force-feeding him an education." Robin said.

"Not feeding him but controlling him. I saw the same thing on Guardians shoulder. Right before he attacked us, I saw the horns on it glow red. He's being controlled, they all are. They're trying to make an army and they won't let anyone stop them. It looks like this is their ace. They're making a slave out of…Superman's son." Hokage said.

"Now we contact the league." Aqualad said as they all tried to send a message but they couldn't get a signal.

"No signal. We're in too deep, literally." Kid said. "What do we do?"

"We can't leave him like this." Robin said.

"Set him free. Do it." Aqualad said but Naruto felt something off. He then looked at Superboy and saw the G-gnomes horns were glowing red. He went wide-eyed as that meant something bad.

"Robin, Wait!" Hokage yelled but it was too late. The pod opened as Superboy made a fist. "Oh crap. Get back!" Hokage yelled as Superboy charged at them. Hokage rolled away as Superboy tackled Aqualad and threw him against the wall, knocking him out.

"Subdue him!" Hokage yelled as he threw shuriken at Superboy but they were smashed as he charged at Hokage who dodged and the two fought. Superboy threw punch after punch as Naruto kept blocking and dodging but Superboy was strong and landed a punch to the chest which sent Hokage flying away.

Robin then jumped on Superboy's back and hit him with a gas pellet as Kid kicked him away. Robin then fired a tazer but it didn't affect Superboy and he grabbed the wire and threw Robin into Kid Flash and knocked them both out. Superboy was then hit hard across the head with Hokage's bo staff and then hit in the stomach as Hokage delivered a staff swing and knocked Superboy into the wall. Superboy got off the wall and growled in anger and Hokage spun his staff.

"Please! We're trying to help you. You've got to break free of their mind control." Hokage said as Superboy yelled and charged at Naruto. He swung at Hokage but he missed and hit the ground and Naruto spin kicked Superboy into the computers. Superboy then got back up and punched and kicked at Naruto as the two fought. Naruto hit Superboy in the stomach with a kick while Superboy managed to land a punch on Hokage's face. Naruto then spun around and used the staff to hold Superboy by the neck and restrain him.

"Please, you've got to calm down!" Naruto yelled as Superboy just jumped in the air and slammed Naruto against the ceiling, very hard. He did it again as Naruto lost his grip and while they were falling, Superboy punched Naruto in the face and sent him flying into the ground. Naruto fell to the ground and tried to get up as Superboy walked over to the door. He opened it as Dr. Desmond smiled. The last thing Naruto saw was Desmond's hand on Superboy's shoulder with a sinister smile before Naruto passed out.

Line Break xxxxx


After the four sidekicks were captured and put in pods, Desmond was in his office waiting for a meeting with the Light, the group that was funding Cadmus. The room went dark as video screens came down and showed Desmond the people he was talking to but their faces were distorted by white light, making identification impossible.

"Dr. Desmond. You require an audience with the light?" The Leader asked.

"Yes. Very sorry to disturb your at this late hour—" "Just give us your report." One of the members said.

"Of course. Well, we had a small fire here at Project Cadmus. The origin of the incident is still unknown but it seems to have attracted some…unwanted attention. Three sidekicks: Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad with Hokage, breached security. They found and released the weapon, Superboy. Of course, the clone is under our telepathic control and as ordered, turned against his would be liberators. The four are contained and we don't believe the League knows they're here. Uh, what should I do?" Desmond asked.

"Clone them." One of the voices said.

"The Substitutes will serve the light, and only the light." The leader said.

"And the originals?" Desmond asked.

"Dispose of them." The leader said. "Leave no trace."

Naruto and the other heroes were hooked up in pods, unconscious as Superboy was watching over them. Naruto then felt someone try to enter his mind using telepathy.

"Hey kit, you feel that?" Kurama asked.

"Yup, someone's trying to get in my mind. Did you block them out?" Naruto asked.

"Already done. With me here, no one will enter your mind without my or your say so. Even the Martian Manhunter couldn't pry, not that he would." Kurama said.

"Thank buddy." Naruto said.

"Don't mention it. It's the least I could do after you got your ass handed to you." Kurama joked.

"Hey, he got lucky. And I wasn't trying to hurt him or take him out." Naruto said.

"Whatever you say kit. You should probably wake up now. Your friends are waking up to." Kurama said.

"Got it." Naruto said as he opened his eyes to see he was restrained in a pod and so were the others. Superboy was looking at them with a glaring expression.

"What—What do you want?! Quit staring, you're creeping me out!" Kid said.

"Ah, KF, how about we not tick off the guy would could fry us with a look." Robin said.

"We sought only to help you." Aqualad told Superboy.

"Yeah, we free you and you turn on us. How's that for grat—" "Kid, shut it." Hokage said, shutting Kid up.

"Ignore him. It's not Superboy's fault. He wasn't in control of his actions." Hokage said as the others wondered if this was true and Robin was trying to get free of the restraints.

"Wha—What if I…What if I wasn't?" Superboy asked.

"He can talk?" Kid asked as Superboy clenched his fist.

"Yes, he can." Superboy said.

"Not like I said it." Kid said.

"Kid, please, stop talking." Hokage told KF. "You weren't in control of your actions, the genomorphs were. They were controlling you. They're used to teach you things, right?" Hokage asked.

"They taught me much. I can read, write, I know the names of things." Superboy said.

"But have you seen them? Have they ever actually let you see the sky, the sun?" Robin asked.

"Images are implanted in my mind…but no. I have not seen them." Superboy said.

"Do you know what you are? Who you are?" Aqualad asked.

"I am the Superboy. A genomorph. A clone made from the DNA of the Superman. Created to replace him should he perish, to destroy him should he turn from the light." Superboy said. The four were shocked to hear why he was created.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own, beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." Aqualad said.

"I live because of Cadmus. It is my home." Superboy said.

"Your home is a test tube. We can show you the sun." Robin said.

"You have a right to a life of your own. You're not just a copy of someone else…you are unique." Hokage said as Superboy looked at him. "I have the ability to interact with nature, and to see and analyze the energy signature of everything alive. And like everything in the world, no two things are the same. Even you." Hokage said as Superboy was shocked.

"You may be a clone but that doesn't mean you have to be the original. You can be your own person. And we can help you. Introduce you to the outside world, give you a home, introduce you to Superman." Hokage said as Superboy smiled at the thought of meeting his biological father.

"No, they can't." Desmond said as he, Guardian and some genomorphs entered. "They'll be otherwise occupied. Activate the cloning process."

"Pass. Batcave's crowded enough." Robin said.

"And get the weapon back in it's pod!" Desmond ordered as Naruto scowled underneath his mask.

Guardian walked up to Superboy to lead him out as Superboy looked up at Hokage. "Help us, please." Hokage said.

Superboy then shrugged Guardian off his shoulder as Desmond walked up and a G-gnome jumped on Superboy's shoulder. "Don't start thinking now." Desmond said as the G-gnome got Superboy under control. "See you're not a real boy. You're a weapon. And you belong to me…well to Cadmus, same thing. Now back to your pod!" Desmond ordered as Superboy left.

"Hey, you with the glasses and ego." Hokage said getting Desmond's attention.

"Yes, and who are you?" Desmond asked.

"The name is Hokage. But that's not important, what is important is that my friends and I are getting out of this. And we'll be taking Superboy with us. And when we do, I hope that Cadmus has some protection for you, because you are going to need it." Hokage warned him.

"Oh, and how do you plan to do that?" Desmond asked with a smirk.

"Like this." Hokage said as he disappeared in flash as everyone saw he was gone.

"Did he just ditch us?!" Kid asked.

"Sound the alarm. Find him! He knows to many of our secrets. Don't let him leave here alive." Desmond shouted.

"Whoa, Doc. Isn't that a bit extreme?" Guardian asked as the G-gnome on his shoulder glowed. "Find him, no mercy!" Guardian said as he and the genomorphs left and Desmond began the cloning procedure.

Superboy was walking down the hall to his pod when he felt his G-gnome leave his shoulder. He turned to see Hokage holding the G-gnome in his hand.

"Sorry little fella, no more mind control today." Hokage said as the G-gnome tried to get free.

"How—How did you escape?" Superboy asked as Hokage pointed to his shoulder and saw a kanji seal.

"I put a hirashin marker on you when we fought. It lets me teleport to the markers location." Hokage said. "Listen, Superboy. Believe it or not, we're not so different. Like you, some people saw me as a monster and even treated me like one. But I chose to be something else and with the help of friends, I forged my own path and so can you. Your life is now in your hands and your hands alone." Hokage told him as Superboy thought for a second.

Superboy then winced as he heard the others in pain. "I can hear your friends, Desmond is trying to clone them.

"So what are you going to do?" Hokage asked.

"What would Superman do?" Superboy asked.

"I think you already know the answer to that. So how about it, want to go save them…hero?" Hokage asked as he extended his hand.

Superboy then shook his hand with confidence. "Follow me. I know the way back."

"Give me a second." Hokage said as he crossed his fingers and made a dozen clones. "Spread out and see if they're anymore captives here. Cause as much chaos as possible and find any information that could be useful." Hokage said as the clones ran off.

Hokage then followed Superboy to the cloning chambers. Superboy ripped the door apart, which caused a short circuit and the cloning stopped.

"I told you to get to—offf" Desmond said as Superboy backhanded him into Guardian and Dubbilex into the wall.

"Don't give me orders." Superboy said.

"Sorry guys, I'm back. Needed to get a friend." Hokage said. "Get Aqualad, I'll get motor mouth." Hokage told Superboy.

"Don't give me orders either." Superboy said as he opened Aqualad's pod and Robin opened his.

"Man! Lucky Batman wasn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long." Robin said.

"Seriously? That's what you're worried about. The entire league will have our heads after tonight!" Kid said as Hokage cut him free.

Superboy helped Aqualad down. "Thank you." He said as Superboy nodded.

The five then left the labs as Desmond sneered in anger. "You'll never get out of here! I'll have you all back in pods by morning!"

"That guy is not whelmed. Not whelmed at all." Robin said as he threw explosive disks at the cloning tubes.

"What's with you and this whelmed thing?" Kid asked as they left.

"Activate every genomorph in Cadmus." Desmond told his G-gnome.

"How far until we reach the surface?" Hokage asked as they ran.

"We are still 42 levels below ground. But if we can reach the elevator then we'll be fine." Aqualad said as G-trolls walked into the hallway. The pods behind them opened as well as more genomorphs came out. They dodged one G-troll as it swung down. Superboy stayed and fought while the others headed for the elevator. They all saw Superboy fighting the G-trolls.

"Superboy! The Goal is to escape, not to bury ourselves here." Aqualad shouted.

"You want escape!" Superboy shouted as he threw one G-troll into the others. Aqualad then opened the elevator door but they couldn't wait for it to come so they started to climb.

Robin shot a grapple hook while Kid Flash ran up the walls. Hokage jumped and walked on the walls while Superboy grabbed Aqualad and jumped just before a G-troll grabbed them. He appeared to be flying but after about 11 floors he started to fall.

"I'm—I'm falling." Superboy said, shocked.

Seeing them fall, Hokage hirashined to Superboy and grabbed them and dropped them on a ledge.

"Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" Superboy asked.

"Don't know. But you can leap tall buildings in a single bound, still cool." Kid said.

"Thank you." Superboy said to Hokage who nodded.

"Guys! This will have to be our exit!" Robin shouted as the elevator was coming down. Superboy punched open the elevator doors as the five of them ran in to avoid the falling elevator. They saw Genomorphs ahead of them so they went to the hallway on the right.

"Turn left, brother." Superboy heard a voice say.

"Go left, left." Superboy said as they ran to the left hallway.

"Turn right." The voice said.

"Right." Superboy said as they turned to a dead end.

"Great direction, Supey. You trying to get us re-podded." Kid said.

"No, I don't understand." Superboy said.

"Don't apologize, this is perfect." Robin said as he saw the air conditioning vent.

They crawled through the air conditioning vents as Robin hacked the motion sensors so that Desmond couldn't track them. The four found an stair well as Kid zoomed up the stairs, knocking out a few genomorphs along the way. More genomorphs were catching up as Naruto used his sword to slice the stair well rail, causing the genomorphs that were climbing up to fall. Superboy then stomped on the ground and the force caused the stair case to collapse.

Desmond, Guardian and Dubbilex were in the elevator heading up. "We'll cut them off at sub-level 1." Guardian said.

"We'd better, or the board will have our heads." Desmond said as he touched his forehead. "My head."

He hit the emergency stop button on sub-level 2. "I need to get something from project Blockbuster. I'll meet you at sub-level 1." Desmond said.

The five heroes made up to sub-level 1 but they emergency system kicked in and two heavy reinforced doors blocked them off.

"We're cut off from the street." Aqualad said.

Superboy and Hokage tried to open the door but it was shut tight and Robin couldn't hack it open fast enough. They were then surrounded by Guardian and the genomorphs. Everyone readied themselves to fight as Hokage drew his sword and Aqualad made his water swords. The G-gnomes then sent out psychic blasts which knocked out Kid Flash, Robin and Aqualad and only brought Superboy to his knees. Kurama was able to keep them out of Naruto's mind so he was fine.

Dubbilex then walked forward and sent out his own telepathic message. "Perhaps for the sake of all genomorphs, our brother Superboy should make up his own mind." Dubbilex said.

"It was you." Superboy said.

"Yes, brother. I am the one who started the fire and lured your new friends to Cadmus. Woke them when they were in danger,-" "And guided me. Why?" Superboy asked.

"Because you are our hope. The Genomorph hero. You will blaze a trail for all our brothers. Showing us the way to freedom." Dubbilex said as he freed Guardian from telepathic control.

Naruto saw the others waking up and helped them. They looked around to see Superboy stand up as the genomorphs looked at him.

"What's going on?" Aqualad asked.

"I think Superboy is talking to them." Hokage said.

"What is your choice, brother?" Dubbilex asked.

Superboy looked at Naruto and nodded. "I…choose…freedom." Superboy said.

"Feels like…fog lifting." Guardian said as the five heroes stood up.

"Guardian?" Aqualad asked.

"Go, I'll deal with Desmond." Guardian said.

"I think not." Desmond said as he arrived. "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." Desmond said as he drank the blue liquid in the vial. His body began to have an immediate reaction to the serum as his muscle mass and body size expanded to more than twice it's original size. Desmond's skin began to peal away to reveal a dark blue scale-like skin and his eyes turned red. Desmond roared as he was fully transformed into Blockbuster.

"Everyone back!" Guardian yelled as he charged forward but Blockbuster just backhanded him into the wall, knocking him out.

Superboy then ran forward and landed a left cross but it didn't really faze Blockbuster who retaliated with a vicious right cross. Superboy then landed a three-punch combo but Blockbuster punched him to the far wall. Superboy then jumped in the air to deliver a double fist slam but Blockbuster jumped up and tackled Superboy up two floors to ground level.

"Ok, that's one way to bust through the ceiling." Robin said as he launched a grapple line and brought Kid with him.

"You think Lab coat planned that?" Kid asked.

"I doubt he is planning anything anymore." Aqualad said as he and Hokage jumped through the hole.

They saw Blockbuster grab Superboy by the legs and threw him at them as Hokage got in front and caught Superboy. Blockbuster yelled as the five heroes readied themselves for battle.

"Let's take him." Hokage said as they charged forward.

Kid zoomed past Blockbuster and slid in between his legs as Superboy and Aqualad punched him so hard that he fell over backwards, as Kid kneeled on the ground so Blockbuster fell on his back.

"Learned that one in Kindergarten." Kid said as Robin jumped over him and threw two throwing disks but Blockbuster knocked them away. Superboy moved to grab Blockbuster but was tackled into one of the support pillars. Superboy punched back as Blockbuster pounded him into the pillar. Then a chain flew through the air and caught Blockbuster's arm and Superboy saw it was Hokage with a Kusarigama. Hokage then pulled back hard, forcing Blockbuster to let Superboy go. Hokage ran forward and did a jumping spin kick, nailing Blockbuster right in the face and pushing him back. Superboy then kicked out Blockbusters legs, causing him to fall to the ground. Hokage then stomped on Blockbusters chest and punched him in the face as Blockbuster then threw him off.

Kid ran past and tried to sweep under Blockbuster but was caught and Blockbuster swung Kid into Hokage and both hit a pillar. Blockbuster then tackled Hokage through a pillar and into another one as Hokage quickly wrapped the chain around Blockbuster and threw the Kusarigama into the wall, stopping Blockbuster from hitting him. Aqualad then came by and made a mace using his water bearers and smacked Blockbuster away from Hokage. Hokage then jumped up and grabbed the Kusarigama chains, and threw Blockbuster into a pillar.

Robin saw that part of the ceiling was giving way as more pillars were destroyed. "Of course." Robin said as the brought up holographic floor plans. "KF get over here!"

Hokage threw explosive kunai at Blockbuster as they exploded and Aqualad jumped forward and hit Blockbuster with a water mace but Blockbuster grabbed Aqualad and threw him onto the ground. He raised his foot up to stomp him but Aqualad rolled out of the way. Hokage drew his bo staff and whistled at Superboy. " Give me a toss!" Hokage said as Superboy grabbed one end, spun around and threw Hokage at Blockbuster. Blockbuster turned to see a bo staff hitting his face and got knocked into the wall. But Blockbuster quickly recovered and started to bear hug Hokage. Hokage screamed in pain as Superboy charged and punched Blockbuster and put him in a grapple, causing Blockbuster to let go of Hokage but threw Superboy into another pillar, destroying it.

Robin's holographic map showed that the structural integrity of the building was coming down and nodded to Kid. "Got it?" Robin asked.

"Right!" Kid said as he zoomed past and punched Blockbuster in the face, taking part of what remained of Desmond's old skin. "Got your nose!" Kid said as Blockbuster charged at him as Kid was the decoy.

"Superboy, Aqualad, Hokage!" Robin shouted as he showed them the pillars that needed to go.

"Come and get me you incredible Bulk!" Kid yelled as he led Blockbuster to destroy another pillar.

Superboy smashed a pillar while Aqualad used a water construct to break another one and Hokage used a rasengan on another. Robin then drew a large X in the center as Aqualad laid out a water path that was part of the plan. Superboy and Hokage punched Blockbuster, forcing him onto the wet ground. Aqualad then send an electrical current through the water, shocking Blockbuster and keeping him in place. "Move!" Robin yelled as his explosive disks were armed and went off. Destroying the rest of the pillars and causing the ceiling and the entire Cadmus building to come down on them and Blockbuster.

Superboy's fist punched through the rubble as he and Hokage helped the others out. "We…did it." Aqualad said, tired from the fight.

"Was there…any ever doubt?" Robin said as he and Kid high-fived but grabbed their sides in pain.

Superboy walked up to see Blockbuster, unconscious, under a large pile of rubble and smirked.

"See, the moon." Kid said as Superboy saw the moon in person for the first time.

"Better than an implanted image." Hokage asked as he pat Superboy on the shoulder.

"Way better." Superboy said.

They then saw a figure flying towards them and it was Superman. "Oh, and Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?" Kid asked as Superboy saw Superman for the first time.

The rest of the league arrived: Red Tornado, Captain Marvel, Martian Manhunter, Zatara, Captain Atom, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern's Hal Jordan and John Stewart, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Flash and Batman.

Superboy then stepped forward as Superman was curious who the boy was, he did look a lot like him. Superboy the fixed his tattered solar suit to show the Kryptonian S on his chest and Superman went wide-eyed. Superboy smiled to see his biological father but saw that Superman was concerned, not happy.

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked.

"He, not it." Hokage said.

"I'm Superman's clone." Superboy said as the rest of the league was confused and shocked at the news.

"Start talking." Batman said.

After telling them what happened, the League had Blockbuster arrested and some members took him to Belle Reive prison for containment. The five sidekicks watched as the League discussed on what they learned. Superboy looked over to see Superman talking with Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Martian Manhunter then motioned to Superman that he needed to speak with Superboy. Superman then walked over in front of Superboy.

"We'll uh…we'll figure something out for you. The League will…I mean. For now…I'd better make sure that they got that Blockbuster creature squared away." Superman said as he flew away.

Superboy was angry as he saw Superman fly away as Hokage put a hand on his shoulder. The two nodded and Superboy was glad he at least had friends. Batman then walked over with the rest of the League.

"Cadmus will be investigated, all 52 levels. But let's make 1 thing clear—" "You should have called." Flash said, interrupting Batman.

"End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again." Batman told them.

"I am sorry, but we will." Aqualad said as they all stood together.

"Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman said.

"Apologies, my king…but no. We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together, on our own we forged something powerful, important." Aqualad said.

"If this is about your treatment at the hall, the four of you—" "The five of us. And it's not." Kid said.

"Batman, we're ready to use what you taught us. Or why teach us at all?" Robin said.

"Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple: get onboard or get out of the way." Superboy said.

"Hokage?" Wonder Woman asked.

"Sorry, Diana. But I don't abandon my friends. Not when we've just gotten started. So what's it's going to be Batman?" Hokage asked.

"Give me three days." Batman said.

Mount Justice July 8th, 08:04 EDT

In Happy Harbor, Kid, Robin, Aqualad, Superboy and Hokage were with the league at the original sanctum for the Justice League as it was being refurbished. The Five sidekicks stood dressed in civilian clothes with Superboy now wearing a black and Red Superman t-shirt and Hokage wearing an orange and black jacket with a hoodie, but still had his face mask on.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary for the Justice League. We're calling it into service again. Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight…you'll do it on League terms. Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor, Black Canary's in charge of training, I will deploy you on missions." Batman said.

"Real missions?" Robin asked.

"Yes, but covert." Batman said.

"The league will still handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason we have these big targets on our chests." Flash said.

"But Cadmus proves that the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman said.

"Perfect for me, stealth is a Shinobi's specialty." Hokage said. "And since we're a team, I guess I don't need this." Hokage said as he took off the face mask. "Naruto Uzumaki."

"Kaldur'ahm or Kaldur for short." Aqualad said.

"Wally West, Don't bother with boy wonder. He can't tell you his secret." Kid joked.

"The 6 of you will be this team." Batman said.

"Yes! Wait, 6?" Robin asked.

They saw Martian Manhunter enter with a young girl beside him, dressed in a female version of his costume, with red hair and green skin. The female Martian sidekick. "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian." Batman said.

"Hi." Miss Martian said.

"Liking this gig more every minute." Wally told Robin. "Welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash. That's Robin, Aqualad, Superboy, Hokage, it's cool if you forget their names." Wally said.

"I'm honored to be included." Miss Martian said.

Superboy was still a bit bummed that Superman wasn't here. "Give him time, Kryptonians are naturally hard headed." Naruto said as Superboy smiled.

"Superboy, Hokage, come meet Miss M." Robin said as they walked over.

Miss Martian then morphed her shirt into the same color as Superboy's. "I like your t-shirt." Miss Martian said as Superboy smiled.

Naruto jokingly punched his elbow as Robin elbowed him and Wally zoomed over to his side.

"So Aqualad, what do you say?" Naruto asked.

"Today is the day." Kaldur said as they smiled.

Back at Cadmus, reconstruction was already underway while Guardian was talking with Dubbilex and the new head scientist about the new Cadmus.

"The new Cadmus starts today. With Desmond out of the picture, the boards placed me in charge. Doctor Spence, you're acting chief scientist. No more G-gnomes suppressing our wills. No more secret breeding projects. This is a kinder, gentler Cadmus." Guardian said.

"Then I will of course help in any way I can." Dubbilex said.

The Light was watching the video feed of Guardian in Cadmus. "Can the light afford to leave Guardian in charge without G-gnomes." The Leader asked.

"We have subtler means of control. What concerns me is the children. We now know the League is going to employ them to do their dirty work. Ha, that's a dark twist." A member said.

"Yes, but one that can be plaid to our advantage. Even the temporary lost of the weapon may prove useful. And even the new hero, Hokage brings up intrigue." Another member said as they saw the video recording of Hokage fight.

"Quite extraordinary potential. We can use him…soon everyone will see the light." The leader said.

Line Break xxxxx

Welcome to Happy Harbor

July 17th, New York City

Naruto was in Diana's apartment gathering what remained of his clothes there and was packing them in suitcases. Naruto decided now that the team had a base, he would live there now. He would still visit Diana and Kent from time to time and he was welcome to stay but Naruto wanted to make his own way now and would stay at the base until he found an apartment.

"You're sure you want to do this?" Diana asked, dressed in her Diana Prince alias which was a standard businesswoman suit. Diana was a government agent for the department of Meta-human affairs. Her alter ego allowed her to keep watch on the new villains that began to sprang up recently.

"Yeah, it's no problem. Now that the team has a base, I'll hang out there until I get an apartment." Naruto said as he zipped up his suitcase.

"And how do you plan on paying for said apartment. I hope you don't plan on gambling. Despite your insane luck, it's not an honest living." Diana said.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way. Bruce took a copy of my first draft for a book I wrote. He said he had a publisher friend and would see if the book was good enough to publish." Naruto said as he was ready to leave.

"Well, stay safe and watch out for your new team." Diana said as they hugged goodbye.

Naruto found a zeta tube that took him to Mount Justice.

July 18th, Mount Justice.

"Recognized: Hokage, B01" The computer said as Naruto walked through the zeta tube.

"Hmm, not bad. Could be homey." Naruto said as he walked in and Miss Martian floated over.

"Hokage!" Miss Martian said as she floated over and hugged him.

"Hey, Miss Martian." Naruto said.

"You know you only have to call me that when we're on missions. Call me Megan. My real name is M'gann M'orzz but I'm trying out Megan, an earth name since I'm on earth." M'gann said.

"Got it. Then call me Naruto when we're not on missions." Naruto said as M'gann nodded. Naruto looked around and wondered Superboy was. "Where's Superboy?"

"Here." Superboy said as he and Aqualad walked out.

"Hey guys." Naruto said as they high fived.

"What's with the bags?" Superboy asked.

"I'm living here until I get a place of my own. Any place I get put my stuff?" Naruto asked.

"Sure, I'll show you." M'gann said as she showed him one of the spare rooms. They walked out to here the computer go off.

"Recognized: Robin, B02; Kid Flash, B04." The Computer said as the zeta tube activated and Robin and Kid in civilian clothes walked in.

"Did you ask him? What did he say?" Robin asked Aqualad.

"He's arriving now." Aqualad said.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kid asked as they ran to the hangar to the cave and saw Red Tornado arrive. "Red Tornado!" Kid yelled as Red Tornado landed on the ground.

"Greetings. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?" Red asked.

"We'd hoped you had a mission for us?" Aqualad asked.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." Red said.

"But it's been over a week, and nothing—" "You will be tested soon enough." Red said, interrupting Robin. "For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company."

"This team is not a social club." Aqualad said.

"No, but I'm told social interaction is an important team building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave." Red said as he walked in.

"Keep busy." Kid said.

"Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin asked.

"Oh, I'll find out." M'gann said as she tried to telepathically read Red's mind but got nothing. "I'm sorry. I forgot, he's a machine, inorganic. I cannot read his mind."

"Nice try, though." Kid said. "So, uh, you know what I'm thinking right now?" kid asked as Naruto slapped him on the back of his head. "Ow."

"We all know what you're thinking Wally. Maybe Red has a point. Maybe we should just get to know each other first." Naruto said.

"Why?" Superboy asked.

"Well, even though we did kick butt at Cadmus, we still don't know that much about each other. In my experience, a team that knows each other has the greater chance for success." Naruto said.

"Why don't we start with touring the cave first." Aqualad said as Naruto nodded.

"Well, Superboy and I live here. We can play tour guides." M'gann said.

"Don't look at me." Superboy said.

"We won't. A private tour sounds much more fun." Wally said.

"She never said private." Robin said.

"Team building. We'll all go." Aqualad said as they walked into the cave.

"This would be the front door, and this side would be the back door. The cave is actually the entire mountain." M'gann said as she showed them around.

"It was hollowed out by Superman and Green Lantern in the Early days of the League." Kid said.

"Then why abandon it for the Hall of Justice?" Superboy asked.

"The cave's secret location was compromised." Aqualad said.

"So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yeah. That makes sense." Superboy said.

"It villains, know the cave, we must be on constant alert." M'gann said.

"We're hiding in plain sight. They won't think to look for us here." Naruto said.

"Ah. That makes sense." M'gann said as Superboy smelled something.

"I smell smoke." Superboy said.

"My cookies!" M'gann yelled as she flew towards the kitchen. She used her telekinesis to open the oven and pull the burnt cookies out of the oven. "I was trying out Grammy Jones recipe from episode 17 of—heh, never mind." M'gann said.

"I bed they'd have tasted great. He doesn't seem to mind." Robin said as Kid ate a cookie.

"I have a serious metabolism." Kid said.

"I'll make more?" M'gann asked.

"It was sweet of you to make any." Aqualad said.

"Thanks, Aqualad." M'gann said.

"We're off duty. Call me Kaldur'ahm. Actually, my friends call me Kaldur." Aqualad said.

"I'm Wally." Kid said.

"Naruto, don't bother with Robin. Bat's keeps him from revealing his name." Naruto said.

"Megan." M'gann said as Superboy walked away.

"Don't worry, Superboy. We'll find you an earth name too." M'gann said, telepathically.

"Get out of my head!" Superboy yelled.

"What's wrong? I don't understand. Everyone on Mars communicated telepathically." M'gann said.

"M'gann stop. Things are different on Earth. Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy." Aqualad said.

"And Superboy has bad experience with telepathy." Naruto said.

"I didn't mean to—" "Just stay out." Superboy told her as he walked to the couch.

"She didn't breach you, did she?" Naruto asked Kurama.

"Nope, no one accesses your deep thoughts without my say so." Kurama said.

"Thanks buddy." Naruto replied.

"Hello, M'gann. I know what we can do." She said as she floated away and the others followed while Naruto went up to Superboy.

"Come on, Superboy." Naruto said as Superboy glared at him. Superboy reluctantly stood up and walked with him.

They took the elevator down to the hangar of the mountain. They saw a giant oval with red and blue colors. "It's my Martian Bioship." M'gann said.

"Cute. Not aerodynamic, but cute." Kid said.

"It's at rest, silly. I'll wake it." M'gann said as the ship morphed into a more aerodynamic and badass space ship. She opened the ramp to the ship. "Well, are you coming?"

They all walked in as the ship morphed. Seats appeared and the control panels came up from the ground. "Strap in for launch." M'gann said as they all sat down and seatbelts wrapped around them. "Red Tornado, please open bay doors." M'gann said as the hangar doors opened and Megan piloted the ship out of the Mountain.

They fly over the mountain and Happy Harbor as the ship flew smoothly. Kid tried to flirt but was acting like an idiot. Naruto and Aqualad saw that Superboy was still quiet after M'gann's telepathic message.

"I may not have psychic powers, but I can guess what you're thinking. You overreacted, and you don't know how to apologize." Aqualad said.

"Just say sorry." Naruto said.

"Hey, how about showing us some Martian Shape-shifting?" Robin asked.

M'gann stood up as everyone watched as she turn into a female version of Robin. She then morphed into a female version of Kid Flash.

"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Kid asked.

"Yes, yes it is." Naruto said as everyone chuckled.

"Impressive, but you know you're not exactly gonna fool anyone with those." Robin said.

"Mimicking boys is a lot harder." M'gann said.

"And your clothes?" Aqualad asked.

"They're organic like the ship. They respond to my mental commands." M'gann said.

"As long as they're the only ones." Superboy said.

"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?" Wally asked.

"Density shifting? No. I-It's a very advanced technique. Here's something I can do. Camouflage mode." M'gann said as she made the ship invisible.

"Red Tornado to Team. An emergency alert has been triggered as the Happy Harbor power plant. I suggest you investigate, covertly. I'm sending you the coordinates." Red said over the communicator.

"Hokage to Red Tornado. Coordinates received and investigating." Naruto responded.

"{Huff} Red Tornado's keeping us busy again." Robin said.

"Well, a fire led you to Superboy. We should find out what caused the alert." M'gann said.

"I think I know the cause." Superboy said as they saw a tornado by the power plant parking lot.

The ship was caught in the tornado as M'gann steadied it and landed it in the parking lot. The team got out to see people running for cover as the tornado hit the power plant.

"Robin, are tornadoes common in New England?" Aqualad asked as Robin disappeared. They heard him laugh as they looked around.

"He was just here." M'gann said.

"I hate it when he does that. Come on." Naruto said as he put up a face mask and his jacket hoodie and they ran to the building.

Line Break xxxxx

Inside the power plant, Robin was knocked into a pillar by the villain behind the tornadoes. It was a large robot, a red mech armor with black highlights, large blue cables attached to his body and a large ragged scarf around his neck.

"Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked as he landed near Robin.

"Didn't catch his name, but he plays kind of rough." Robin said.

"My apologies. You may address me as, Mr. Twister." The Robot said as it created two mini tornadoes that sent Superboy flying into the wall.

M'gann was a little frightened as she saw Wally put on his goggles and Naruto drew his trench blades. Aqualad looked at her and nodded, and she readied herself as they charged at Twister. Kid super sped forward and did a flying kick but Twister created a wind shield and tossed Kid outside the plant.

M'gann and Kaldur charged as they were hit with a tornado and sent flying. "I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero. I was not, however, expecting children." Twister said.

"We're not children!" Robin said as he threw explosive disks at Twister. One managed to hit but Twister flicked it away before it exploded.

"Objectively you are." Twister said.

Naruto climbed up to the ceiling and when he was above he dove down and managed to land on Twister and stab his blades in but they only sank an inch or two in. "Ok, this is high quality armor." Naruto said.

"You managed to get the drop on me before my sensors went off. Impressive." Twister said as he grabbed Naruto and threw him towards the others.

"How's this for impressive?!" Naruto said as the explosive seal he placed on Twisters back went off and Twister recoiled from the explosion.

M'gann then used her telekinesis and destroyed a large pipe causing smoke to surround Twister. Superboy jumped and charged to attack Twister blasted him with another gust of wind and knocked him into a M'gann. Aqualad, Robin and Hokage ran as Twister as the robot created a wind shield that sent them flying backwards. Hokage went through hand signs and inhaled. "Fire Style: Burning Ash Jutsu!" Naruto yelled as he blew out a large cloud of burning ash that turned into fire and charged at Twister.

"Don't you know that a twister can snuff a flame?!" Twister shouted as he sent a gust of wind that blew the fire back towards Naruto.

"Yeah, but gives me an opportunity. Superboy, fast ball!" Naruto yelled as Naruto held his hand out. Superboy grabbed Naruto and spun around and threw him at Twister. Twister saw this and sent a gust of wind at Naruto but Naruto channeled Charka into his trench blades and spun, and the wind spun him faster so he kept coming like a missile. "What?!" Twister yelled as Naruto managed to stab and tackle Twister out of the plant.

Twister skidded on the ground as Naruto landed on top of him, and with his chakra infused blade, stabbed Twisters armor, and managed to slice off a part of his side but Twister grabbed his arms before he could take more.

"You are different. You've challenge me more than that team of yours. They could learn a thing or two from you. To bad you won't get the chance." Twister said as he sent Naruto flying away in a gust of wind but Wally super sped by and caught him.

"Thanks." Naruto said.

"Don't mention it." Kid said as the others joined them.

"Man, whoever he is, he's good." Naruto said.

"What do you want?!" Aqualad said as Twister floated in the air.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm waiting for a real hero." Twister said.

"Read his mind. Find his weakness." Aqualad told M'gann.

"I thought I wasn't suppose to do that." M'gann said.

"It's ok with the bad guys." Robin said.

M'gann tried to read his mind but got nothing. "Nothing, I'm getting nothing. Hello, M'gann. Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise. He's inorganic, an android. And how many androids do you know that can generate tornadoes?" M'gann asked.

"Red Tornado sent us here." Aqualad said.

"After saying we'd be tested soon enough. This is his test, something to keep us busy." Robin said.

"Speedy called it, we're a joke. This game, is so over." Kid said as he, Robin and Aqualad walked forward.

"I don't think so." Naruto said as he left that Twister's Android energy signature was different from Tornadoes.

"We know who you are and what you want." Robin shouted.

"So lets end this." Aqualad said.

"Consider it ended." Twister said as he sent Twisters into the sky, turning it dark and the winds to pick up. Lightning then began to come down from the sky as Twister channeled more and more energy.

"Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Kid asked.

"He can't!" Naruto shouted.

"You think I'm Tornado? Ironic." Twister shouted as he sent down a bolt lightning. Naruto ran up and channeled charka into his trench knives and blocked it.

"Its not Tornado!" Naruto shouted as another bolt of lightning hit the ground, sending them all back.

Superboy got back up and jumped at Twister but was hit with Lightning and hit the ground hard. Naruto stood up as Twister floated towards them. M'gann saw Twister coming as had the camouflaged bioship come over them to hid them.

"Fine then. I won't deny you children have power, but playing hide and seek with you would not help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed. If you confront me again, I will show you no mercy." Twister said as he flew away.

"What happened?" Kid asked as the rest of the team regained consciousness.

"I placed the bioship between us." M'gann said as Superboy punched the ground in anger.

"And that's suppose to make it right? You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado." Superboy said.

"Easy, Superboy. She didn't do it on purpose." Naruto told him.

"It was a rookie mistake. We shouldn't have listened." Robin said.

"You are pretty inexperienced. Hit the showers. We'll take it from here." Kid said.

"Stay out of our way." Superboy said.

"And how is that going to bring Twister down. None of you got even close to making a scratch on him and you automatically blame M'gann?! We have to be smart about this and go in with a plan." Naruto said.

"I've got a plan. Tear him apart." Superboy said as he, Kid and Robin left.

"I was just trying to be apart of the team." M'gann said.

"I'm not sure we really have a team." Aqualad said as he ran to join the others.

"We do. It's just not ready." Naruto said as he helped M'gann up. "This is why we needed to spend more time together. We can't go in blindly and all charge in and expect to win every fight." Naruto said.

"Then what do we do?" M'gann asked.

"If we're going to bring Twister down, we need a team plan. Can you get Tornado on the bioship communicator?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah." M'gann said as they entered the ship and contacted the cave.

"Hello, Naruto. Can I help you?" Red asked.

"I think so. The disturbance at the power plant was an android calling itself Mr. Twister. He's got the same powers as you and is dead set on fighting you." Naruto said.

"Interesting, but I cannot intervene. I would not help in this situation. But it is interesting that this Mr. Twister shares my elemental abilities and my immunity to telepathy." Tornado said as M'gann thought for a second.

"Hello Megan." She said.

"Got a plan?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, let's go help the others." M'gann said as he piloted the ship to find Twister.

Line Break xxxxx

Twister was laying siege and destruction to Happy Harbor, sending twisters and destroying buildings. "Surely this will get the required attention." Twister said.

"You've got ours, Full and undivided!" Kid yelled as he ran at Twister and hit him with a flying kick.

"Immaterial and insufficient! You are a distraction I can no longer tolerate." Twister said as Superboy jumped and charged at Twister.

Twister moved out of the way and sent a wind tunnel that pushed Kid and Superboy back. Robin and Aqualad ran at Twister but Twister used a wind tunnel to send Aqualad flying towards a building. Kid ran at Twister but Twister created a wind shield that pushed Kid away. Twister then created a tornado that he used to block some of Robin's thermite bombs. He then backed away as Superboy tried to punch him so Twister then created a twister that sent Superboy flying away and hit a building.

Twister then created a twister in the bay and sent a boat in the harbor flying in the air and hit Superboy. Aqualad ran at Twister while Kid and Robin took cover behind some debris as Robin pulled out his utility belt from his jacket.

"You brought your utility belt?" Kid asked.

"Never leave home without it—first thing Batman taught me." Robin said as he hooked it around his shoulder.

"Yeah, right after never go to the bathroom without it." Kid joked.

"Listen to me…" M'gann said to them telepathically as they all groaned at the intrusion in their heads. "all of you!"

"What did we tell you?!" Superboy yelled.

"Listen to her!" Naruto said in the mental link.

"I know, and I know I messed up, but now I'm very clear on what we need to do. Please trust me." M'gann said.

Twister kept reeking havoc in the harbor as Superboy, Aqualad, Robin and Kid Flash grouped together to fight. Then they saw Red Tornado fly above and land in front of them.

"Hit the showers, boys. I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly you cannot." Red Tornado said.

"But we've got a plan now." Robin said.

"The subject is not up for debate." Red Tornado said as they walked away.

"I was beginning to believe you wouldn't show up." Twister said.

"I'm here now." Tornado said as he sent a tornado right at Twister who floated out of the way and sent a twister at Tornado who dispersed it. "We are evenly matched Twister!" Red Tornado said as he created a tornado behind him to launch debris at Twister.

"No, Tornado, we are not!" Twister said as he punched the ground and created a wind funnel that blocked the debris. He then shot out a bolt of lightning as Tornado moved out of the way to avoid it. Twister then hit a wrecked boat that was on the ground and caused it to explode and Tornado was caught in the explosion and fell to the ground and short-circuited.

"Remain still, android." Twister said, as its' hand changed into plugs that attached to Tornado's head. "The reprogramming won't take long."

But then Tornado grabbed the wires and turned his head, to reveal that it was Ms. Martian. "Longer than you might think." M'gann said.

"No." Twister said as M'gann pushed him back with a telekinetic blast and he got caught in a small twister and sent flying away. The twister then stopped to reveal it was Kid Flash.

Superboy then arm locked Twister and punched him in the gut. Then punched him again, smashing right through the armor and then punched in the face, sending him flying into the bay. Aqualad then smashed him back on land while Hokage ran up to him, and kicked him up in the air. Robin then threw explosive disks at Twister, destroying the android more. Hokage then charged up a Rasengan and jumped up and slammed it into Twisters chest.

"RASENGAN!" Hokage shouted as the rasengan hit and knocked Twister to the ground. The android sparked and fidgeted and then shut down. Then it's chest opened up as a lanky man crawled out.

"Foul—I call foul." The man said.

M'gann than used her powers to pick up a large boulder and smashed it on the man, killing him, leaving the others in shock that she just killed someone. "Don't know how things are done on Mars, but on Earth, we don't execute our captives!" Robin shouted.

"You said you trust me." M'gann said as Naruto kicked the boulder off the man to reveal a robot. "That's why I couldn't read his mind."

Kid then reach down and picked up the eyeball. "Cool, souvenir." Wally said.

"We should have had more faith in you. And have come up with a plan." Aqualad said as he looked at M'gann and Naruto.

"Yeah, you rocked this mission. Get it, rocked." Wally said.

"Ignore him. We're just turbed you're on the team." Robin said as Naruto walked up to the robot and saw it's eye was glowing so he slammed his foot on it's head and destroyed it.

"Naruto?" Wally asked.

"This thing was recording everything. Let's get this back to the cave and tell Tornado." Naruto said as they nodded and put it on the bio-ship and flew back to the cave.

"It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you." Aqualad said as Robin was looking over the specs of the robot and Tornado looked at the remains.

"Indeed." Tornado said.

"Is that why you didn't help us?" M'gann asked.

"No. This was your battle. I do not believe it was my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me." Tornado said as they all looked at him.

"But if you're in danger—" "Consider this matter closed." Tornado said as he walked away.

"Batman, Aquaman and Flash. They'd have jumped right in to fix things." Wally said.

"And what, treat us like babies?" Naruto asked. "Tornado is right. Now that we're on this team, it'll be up to us to try and solve our problems and not look to the heroes to fix everything for us."

"Indeed. You all should listen to him. Naruto is quite wise,…for a boy." Tornado said as Naruto looked at him as he walked away.

"Did…Tornado just make a joke?" Robin asked.

"I believe he did." Aqualad said.

"Weird." Wally said as they walked away and Superboy followed but then looked at M'gann.

"Sorry." Superboy said as M'gann smiled and Naruto walked up to her and pat her shoulder.

"This is a step in the right direction." Naruto said.

End of Chapter 1

Hoped you guys liked the first chapter of my Naruto/Young Justice Crossover. This is one I wrote a while ago, I just never got around to finishing it. So hoped you guys like it, Naruto will definitely be the wise one of the group. His time has helped him grow but will still be the Naruto we know and love. This is only the first chapter so please be patient, more to come. I'll also be adding in characters for other DC shows like Teen Titans and Justice League and use those stories.

The pairing will be Naruto/Jade (Cheshire) similar to a Batman/Catwoman relationship. I think it'll be fun.

Next chapter, the teams head to Santa Prisca and meeting a new friend. Looked forward to that.

If you liked it, please leave a review. If you didn't, sorry and don't hate me. No flamers.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Young Justice. Both belong to their respective owners, I'm just a huge fan.