Disclaimer: I do not own anything Kamisama Kiss..However, I have thoroughly enjoyed bringing this Fanfic to you, so I hope you enjoyed the Read.

Note: All things must come to an end, so I decided to make this my final chapter. (sobs) Don't cry I promise you it will definitely be one to remember and thanks to ..you can read it anytime! Plus..I think I might do another kamisama Fanfic on Akura/Kirihito. Now I know he was an evil demon BUT I liked his character, especially when he destroyed the portal back into the underworld because he didn't want kirihito's mother or family to die from the poison that started to seep out, I think being around Nanami and being in that human body may have softened his stone cold demon heart just a little..Maybe even enough to find Love? Hmmmm.. We shall see. But anyway here we go, I hope your mind and your taste buds are ready, because this lemon is a doozy! Enjoy.

Day Three: Let go

-More Than Familiar-

"Nanami?" She jumped slightly as she heard his voice on the other side of her door, though she trusted her familiar with her life she couldn't help but feel reluctant as she recalled his earlier state. Physically his transformation wasn't to startling..he actually looked more beautiful to her she thought, but mentally he was a whole different person, dominant and lustful…pushing himself on her as if he had no control, what was going on with him? The question still swimming through her mind as she ate dinner silently in her room, waiting for his explanation as promised, but he did not come.

Now hours into the night as the moon hung high in the sky he called to her, pulling her from sleep..would he force himself on her again? It worried her slightly that she couldn't say for sure. "are you awake?" she heard his voice again but before her mind could cause her to hesitate any further she replied in a whisper: "Hai." She wiped the sleep from her eyes and let the moonlight that shone through her vast window guide her feet to the door, She proceeded to slide it open to welcome him but it didn't move. "Don't open it" she heard his voice once more, a hint of sadness seeping through with his words, she didn't understand completely why but she knew she had to trust him..She silently agreed with a shake of her head and slid down to the floor pressing her back against the screen, Tomoe on the other side..giving a sigh of relief that she didn't rebel against him as he did the same. How do I tell her? He pondered in his head, Trying to push the thought of her body against his from his mind as the silence left between them only gave him time to dwell..The smell of her, the taste of her lips still lingering with him as if hours hadn't already passed, he knew if he saw those eyes again still in his state, so innocent yet fascinated, his inner demon wouldn't hesitate to claim her this time for sure..He had no choice but to keep distance.

He had fought with himself to even come this close..though the door separated them the affect she had did not change..his heart still pounded as if it would burst out his chest, his skin covered in beads of perspiration still glowed with lust and heat, and his eyes still a hypnotizing royal purple, were enough to throw any female into his arms from one mere gaze..He didn't want to come.. but, he owed her an explanation and he promised he would give it to her. "Nanami." He began.. swallowing down hard as he tried to hold onto control, "Gomen Nanami..for what happened earlier, I would never hurt you..I hope you trust that." "I do." She answered in a whisper the memories of their earlier event quickly flooding to her causing the blush to creep back into her cheeks, "But in the bathroom, I knew it was you but you were different Tomoe..why?" "As you know I am a kitsune demon, and every year around this time we go through a change for a few days that's all, it will be over soon." He gave a brief answer hoping that she would be satisfied with his words but he should have known the girl wouldn't settle for that. "what kind of change and why?" she spoke after a couple of moments her curiosity looming, Tomoe would rather not go into detail especially knowing how she felt about him..he didnt need her getting more curious, that was the last thing he wanted, but he knew she wouldn't let it go with the short explanation so against his better judgement he sighed and explained further, "The change is for mating season..to help me attract a mate Nanami, ive been going through it for a few weeks and now it's at its peak.. Im usually able to fight it off but this year it was more intense..when im around you I can't control it and that's what happened earlier and I'm sorry Nanami, but like I said it is almost over and I should be back to normal in a few hours so as long as we stay separate I will be fine." Now it all makes sense she thought.. thinking back to the few weeks he had begun to form a gap between them, The late nights he would stay by her side or hold her until she was able to sleep had come more and more further in between until they didn't come at all..that had to be why, she pondered, coming quickly to the conclusion..and then in her silence with thought, his words replayed in her mind..The change is for mating season..to help me attract a mate..when im around you I can't control it. The blush on her cheeks now beamed a bright red and she felt her heart begin to pound as she recalled the most important part of his confession. She was no expert in the ways of youkai but she knew what becoming a mate meant, But what she couldn't understand is why he hid this from her? He knew he could tell her anything just as she could and had always had, but why hide it? And why more importantly did he feel he couldn't control his transformation around her? She had to know.

"Tomoe." She called his name once more holding her hand over her wildly beating heart as the truth of the matter sunk in, "you said when your around me you can't control it, that your usually able to but this year it was harder..Why?" He knew the question was coming..as much as he wanted to avoid the real reason he felt so out of control, he knew she would ask, he huffed and closed his eyes as he felt the heat continue to rise within..It wasn't as simple as mating season, part of him wished it was..and part of him, "Because Nanami Momozono..Because I love you." Her eyes grew wide and her heart seemed to skip a beat as his words pierced down to her soul, she felt he did..especially after she was able to recall his proposal at three gates and how close they had gotten since then she felt in her heart that just maybe he did..but he had never said it out loud, and she was beginning to think he never would..She didn't know if it was the heat that compelled him to let his true feelings out or if it was just time too, either way she couldn't describe the way she felt on the inside to hear him finally say it..finally. "I love you Nanami.." he continued his temperature now rising to a fever pitch, it took everything he had to keep himself from losing control, clenching his fist and trying to breath as he got the sudden urge to break down the barrier between them, "I've loved you since your lips first touched mine Nanami, since then I decided I had to be by your side, that I could never leave you but I can't..I can't have you Nanami..to just lose you..a humans life is numbered..time for you is short its best for you to be with someone who you can truly enjoy the time that you both have together…" "No!" she interrupted tears now lining her hazel orbs, "that's not good enough!..I love you to Tomoe! Time is not good enough to keep us apart!" "Nanami!" he shot back a hint of anger at her stubbornness, "I will always be by your side as familiar..I can't be more than that!"

"But you already are!"

Her words echoed through him as she turned toward the screen to face his shadow on the other side, "I know that a human life is much shorter than a youkais..i know you are afraid to be without me Tomoe..But now, in this moment..and for as long as im able to live this life..you don't have to..my heart is yours Tomoe and.." she paused in her words slightly Embarassed of what she was going to say next but she felt it was necessary, He had given her what she needed, finally expressing his love, she wanted to give him what he needed. "and..if a mate is what you need..I want to be that for you Tomoe..I told you I want to be yours..for you to be more than familiar, I want you Tomoe." After a moment of utter silence she watched as his silhouette rose from the seated position and turned to face her, slowly pushing her screen open revealing himself.

She gasped, placing her hand over her slightly parted lips as she took her familiar in. She thought he was beautiful earlier but now he was completely breathtaking, His silver tresses hung like silk down the length of his body and cascaded across the floor, his chest revealed to her as his kimono hung loose around his waist was incredibly toned and shined in the moonlight like a million specs of glimmering stars, and his eyes, a brilliant purple seemed to pull her in like gravity, causing her head to feel light and the own heat of her body begin to peak. She slid slowly backward on her palms across the wooden floor as he inched closer, a grin spread across his gorgeous face, "You said you want to be mine Nanami.." he spoke, his voice flowing like liquid causing tingles to shoot up her spine.. "Ha..Hai"she stuttered in a whisper her eyes continuing to trace every inch of his perfect form, she felt so sheepish as she couldn't help but stare, caught up in the sheer beauty of him but she couldnt turn away. "Good." He remarked joining her on the floor crawling slowly up to her, he came to a halt only inches from her lips as he rested between her slightly shaking legs, "because im going to give you what you want." He guided her body slowly backward onto her futon as he began leaving feather light kisses on her lips, "Tomoe." Nanami whispered her cheeks a rose red as an unknown feeling began to comb through her back and around to her lower stomach. She had to admit she was scared of the moment to come but she was more than ready to be his..Ive loved you since the first time your lips touched mine. His words ran through her as their destination was reached and with one more kiss and a flick of his tongue to her bottom lip, he now lay above her, his body closely pressed to hers. He gasped slightly through parted lips as his now erect manhood rested against her core, The control he tried to hold onto was lost in the moment she told him he already was more than familiar and now as her eyes were half lidded with lust and the pure smell of her excitement began to hit his nose, there was no going back from here, he would make her his forever. He moved above her slightly..teasingly..causing his awaiting member to rub against her knot of nerves and laughed lightly at her reaction as her eyes fluttered closed and she gasped, the most sweetest sound he had ever heard. "Tomoe." She moaned losing all restraint, she bucked her hips upward, trying desperately to find the feeling he gave only moments ago, he laughed again, running his clawed hand over the smooth skin of her chin before leaving a kiss, "Not yet." He wanted to explore further, he thought..Moving down her body he used his sharp nails to effortlessly cut the fabric from her small frame, revealing her to him. He licked his lips as his eyes covered every inch of her milky skin, her breast small and smooth, nipples practically begging to be touched as they stood erect with passion and he would oblige, without hesitation he covered the right one with his lips, flicking his tongue out to taste as his finger played with the other, and after a moment he switched, giving the same attention..My God he thought as his mate moaned louder and locked her small hands in his hair, You taste so good. She didn't understand the feeling that rushed through her at his efforts but whatever it was Nanami knew she wanted more, No one had ever touched her this way, and though she was more than bashful at the fact that her body was bare to him, her shame was overcome with how it perceived his action, and before long she could feel an unknown wetness begin to accumulate between her legs. He closed his eyes and breathed deep as the scent of her filled his nose.. her smell intoxicating his senses, throwing him that much more over the edge, he stopped his current task and lifted his body from hers, tracing his eyes down he inhaled deeply again as the sight of her panties soaked with her juices pierced his vision, "Nanami." He whispered in lust as he cut away her last barrier, unveiling her clean shaven, untouched and wet womanhood to him in all its glory..without a second thought he dove in. The shrine God gripped the sheets below her as he closed his mouth around her core and began sucking and licking..lightly at first and then quicker and quicker causing waves of Euphoria to wash over her virgin body until she screamed his name.. "Tomoe!" She gripped his tresses once more as he dipped down to lick at her sweet nectar before continuing, meeting the motion of her hips with precision as she rocked them back and forth, persistently pleading for more of the warmth his tongue offered. "Tomoe..What is this?!" she asked in innocence as her body began to tremble with his unabating attempt, "This is what you wanted right?" he pulled away for a moment and spoke with a grin before parting her lips slowly with his tongue and attacking her clit once more, "Hai!" she screamed, throwing her head back as her legs began to shake uncontrollably.. "Hai!" she screamed again digging her nails deep into his shoulders as she bucked her hips upward faster this time to meet with his rhythm..and before she could grasp completely what was happening, she opened her mouth in a silent scream, tears rimming her eyes as her juices heavily left her, flowing like rain down into her familiars awaiting mouth. Nanami collapsed in sheer bliss, her breathing heavy now as Tomoe raised up to catch her eyes, a smile spread across his features as he licked the remnants of what was left of her from his lips, She watched through watery eyes as he tore away his kimono revealing himself to her once again. Bringing her eyes lower she caught sight of his throbbing member, longer and thicker than she could remember from their earlier episode. "Tomoe..is it going to hurt?" she asked a hint of fear in her words. The familiar quickly wiped the smile from his face and slowly lay his body onto hers once again, kissing her passionately before holding her orbs in his. "Do you trust me?" he asked, running his clawed hand through her chestnut hair as he stared into her eyes, gaining back little control at her words. "if you don't, you know you can command me to stop Master..But I will not lie Nanami, it will hurt at first." She gulped down heavily at the realization of his words, She wanted to be his more than anything but was she ready for the pain that would come? She averted her orbs from his in slight hesitation but he only brought her vision back, kissing her lips again, "I love you Nanami, this is the only way I can seal our hearts and souls together, I promise I will go slow…trust me." She breathed deep letting her doubt dissipate she shook her head in acknowledgement, and he wouldn't waste another moment, positioning himself at her small opening he thrusted into her, making them one. Her scream echoed through the shrine as he pushed deep, moaning lightly as he was swallowed in passion and warmth, He licked a lone tear from her eye and kissed her gently as he continued to push into her, deeper and deeper with every stroke, "Its okay Nanami.." he reassured her pressing his forehead against hers as he beckoned her to concentrate on his eyes, "I promise it will start to feel better." Nanami breathed slowly through the sharp pain watching his glowing purple eyes as he stroked her softly, "Tomoe." She whimpered trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill, "shhhh.." he silenced her with a claw to the lip as he reached down with his free hand and began lightly massaging her knot. "Tomoe" she cried out once more this time a hint of pleasure escaping as that now all too familiar sensation raked her again. It was painfully hard for him to keep at such a slow pace but he knew it was necessary for her, in a moment she would feel nothing but pleasure and then he could have her the way he really wanted. "Does it feel good Nanami?" he asked deepening his stroke as he continued to work her clit with his fingers, her womanhood growing wetter and wetter by the second. The pain that plagued her at first was slowly but surely disappearing as he promised and moments later she gave him his answer with a lust filled moan, his smile returned and he brought his hand up, lacing it with hers.."You are mine now..forever Nanami." He spoke before plunging his member deeper into her womb and his fangs into her neck. "Tomoe!" she screamed as she felt him pierce her skin but she couldn't help but to moan in ecstacey as her pain subsided and he moved in her quicker now causing that feeling of euphoria to return more intense than before. "Nanami." Her familiar moaned into her ear, continuing his deep strokes as he reached down and wrapped her long legs around him before re lacing his fingers in hers, "I love you!" she moaned out feeling her peak nearing again as her insides wrapped tightly around him only adding to the tingling sensation of his kisses and deep strokes, "I love you Nanami" he responded trying to hold onto his sanity as he felt his own end nearing. She feels so good, he thought trying to contain his moans but he couldn't help himself, the way her walls wrapped him in her wet hold like a perfect fit was better than any feeling he had ever felt, and could ever feel, the way her heart beat now matched his, thumping loudly in his ears..was the best sound he had heard in his life, and her smell, like fresh spring flowers now mixing with his in this moment was the pure scent of love..It was the closest thing to Heaven he had ever known..she was perfection..she was his God and he was her familiar, She was his Mate and he was hers..and though he had his doubts before, he had no doubt in his mind now that everything leading up to this was for this time..everything they had gone through was the path that lead to their very existence within eachother..Fate. The very thought of this realization was all he could take and with one more thrust into his beautiful God he released his seed deep into her womb, silently praying that maybe just maybe..the mixing of his essence with hers would be enough to sustain her human life forever.

Nanami rubbed the sleep from her eyes as the sun shone brightly through her room window, she looked over and smiled as her familiars face came into view, back to normal she thought with a slight sigh of relief, gently tracing the outline of his lips before silently rising, trying not to disturb him as she pulled on a long T shirt from her drawer and tip toed to the exit. She made her way down the long, quiet corridor to the kitchen, opening the fridge she began collecting supplies to make breakfast, but as she closed the door behind her she was startled to see a very naked Tomoe standing there, a smile on his face. "You scared me!" Nanami spoke playfully turning away as blush crept on her cheeks, His nakedness only bringing back memories of their late night/Early morning. Tomoe only grinned and joined his mate as she tried to busy herself at the counter top. "What are you doing?" he asked pushing his nude form up against her, causing her blush to deepen, "I..I thought I would let you sleep while I made breakfast." "How thoughtful" he spoke seductively, leaning in to kiss the red spot on the nape of her neck where he had left his mark, "But I will make breakfast after.." "after?" she asked curious to his last statement but as she turned to face him he picked her up in his arms, moving her items quickly to the side, he placed her down on the counter and quickly positioned himself between her legs. Nanami gasped as he stared into her hazel orbs, though he was back to his old self she could still see that same look of lust from last night in his eyes. "Yes..after." he answered before leaving a kiss to her forehead, "You don't know how hard it was for me to take my time with you when we made love Nanami..But this time I don't have to." She gasped once more as he firmly gripped the back of her neck and licked his lips, "You know you can command me to stop." She gazed into her familiars eyes, feeling her heart beat quicken..she felt the pleasure rise in her for what he must have in store, she wanted anything he was willing to give..anything and everything. "I know." She spoke a grin now spreading across her features as she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling her lover into her. "But why would I?"

"Na-Na-Mi!" The snake familiar sang cheerfully as he made his way back up the shrine steps, Kotetsu and onikiri trailing closely behind. Though it was nice to get away for a few days he was more than happy to see his master, and even more so.. he couldn't wait to see if his little plan had worked..but he doubted it, knowing the stubborn fox he thought, he would have found some way to avoid their Shrine God for these few days. "Nanami-chan!" he sung again as he reached the top, but he quickly paused in his haste, "huh?" he questioned as he scratched his head at the note hanging on the shrine gates..it read: Damn you snake for tricking us into being stuck alone! Baka! But thank you because now I have made her mine..NOW go away! I'm not done making her mine yet! Come back in a couple days.. signed, Tomoe. Blush spread across Mizuki's face at Tomoe's words and he smiled with a clap, finally he thought, Nanami-chan has more than a familiar…But wait..He paused eyeing the note once more, "A couple of days!" he cried out pulling at the shrine gates that wouldn't budge as the twins read the note intently, "Nanami-chan! Let us in!" he whined, receiving well deserved bops to the head from his tag alongs…



End Note: WOW! Wasn't that some awesome lemony goodness! I think that was the most descriptive lemon I've ever done! My all you need inuyashaxkagome one was very good too though so if you haven't read it yet please do check it out! Im satisfied with this Story for Nanami and Tomoe it was a beautiful thing. So I hope you guys agree, and the ending with mizuki was funny too lol. Reviews are welcomed and if you have any ideas on the next Fanfic I should do for this anime that would be awesome too! Arigato for now..Until we meet again. (Bows).