Hi, all!

So, four years ago, I started publishing this fan fiction. What so few know is that I actually started envisioning and writing this in 2008. It took me three years to psyche myself up and publish it, always wondering how it would be received. I'm not the most popular Albus Potter writer in the world, and definitely not the best next generation writer and I never had any delusions that I was. However, I am one of three main writers who either have finished their series, or are getting there. I am very grateful that all the work I put into this series was worth it, at least in my eyes. Every PM and review I receive make me all the more grateful that I pushed ahead, and make me happier that there are people reading what I had to write.

For me, personally, it raised my own confidence as a writer, even if by a little bit. I cannot thank you enough for the love people have for Alexis Ackerly or Seth Lean, or the sympathy Neil Nott has gotten, or the hate that is thrown at characters like Lycah Thrope or Rose Weasley. These characters remained in my mind, I don't think I'll be forgetting them anytime soon. I enjoyed writing them too much.

I remember greatly enjoying writing some scenes, feeling sad on others knowing where they'd lead up to, and looking forward to others just for the thrill of writing them. The most enjoyable climax to write had to be Enchanter's Princess, the most enjoyable book had to be Medieval Relics, the most enjoyable character to write had to be Mark Wallader, and the most enjoyable scenes had to be the ones between Albus and Soto/Seth/Mark/Hugo. So enjoyable and I will miss them.

Some events were changed drastically, like the very existence of Aries was not thought of until Book 4. Some events were never really going to happen until I decided they would fit well, such as the climax of Hogwarts Hurricane. Some of the climaxes have remained the same way for years, most notably the Hogsmeade battle of Book 5 (hardly needed editing) to the final battle in Book 7. And yet, an entire book needed rewriting. Book 6 was written and rewritten at least four times before I was satisfied with it, the plot of Book 6 itself was scrapped three times over and for all its scrapping, the climax remained (sort of.) If after all of this, the end result was worth your time to read, then…

Thank you. Really, thank you all. Thank you to the reviewers who have continued reviewing from the publishing of Forgotten Memory till now, thank you to the readers who took the time to review, whether they started from the beginning, or started around the updating of Goblin's Amulet or Enchanter's Princess, thank you to the readers who took the time to PM me questions and feedback, thank you to the reviewers and readers who only recently came, thank you to those who placed this series in their favorites, communities, or their alert lists, and thank you to the many silent readers who read, enjoyed and left. I have tried to remember each and every one of you, and greatly appreciate all the feedback you had to offer. Honestly? More often than not, the series got better because of you. From your feedback and criticisms, all your time you put into reading, made this climax possible.

So, honestly, thank you very much.


-Colin Creevey (Andy)