Hello! Well, years back, I got to work on the first story, intending to go through seven years of Albus' life. The story has seen a lot of changes and evolution as it was written, edited and published. Finally, we reach the conclusion of Albus Potter's seven years at Hogwarts. The question many will ask is whether Albus will be at Hogwarts this year. I say wait and see. He will and he will not. This will not be like Deathly Hallows where Hogwarts was absent until the end, it will be something different. This will not be like your typical book where Hogwarts is present throughout the entire series with only articles to give a picture of what the outside world is like, it will be different. Nonetheless, this book concludes it all.

Last story saw an unexpected turn of events after Albus learned the truth about Incommodo. Many died, but thanks to Albus' efforts involving time travel and subsequent leadership, those who died were mostly teachers and many students who otherwise died were spared. The seventh book continues where Book 6 left off and it will be called nothing else than Albus Potter and the Crossroads of Fate.

Without further ado, here is a short synopsis: Hope you enjoy (or, by all means, ignore the synopsis and read on to the first chapter. Either way, enjoy it!)

Albus Potter begins his seventh year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The seventh year proves to be more difficult than imagined and with a higher workload than he was warned about as he finally prepares to take the dreaded NEWT examinations set by the Ministry.

Even the exams proves easier said than done when the school governors are dead by an ambush, and the Ministry is taking over. In spite of the Reservation's constant massacres, the Ministry maintains its control by keeping its functions secret, its members tight-lipped and its control quickly spreading even through Hogwarts. Yet, even the Ministry cannot claim full control over Hogwarts.

Officially, Hogwarts is closed and no official Headmaster has been announced. However, rumors start flying around of the Minister himself being stuck in the school with no way out, very few students even left the school and it is commonly believed that the school is running without a Headmaster. The students are not without their families. The school's protections have been extended to Hogsmeade for the duration of the war, kids frequent Hogsmeade every day but they return to Hogwarts without fail as well.

Meanwhile, even with the Ministry and the villagers beside Hogwarts and with a healthy supply of food and water, Hogwarts and Hogsmeade are still entrapped. The ruins of Hogsnout are considered dangerous, the mountain pathways are dominated by trolls and the Reservation lies in wait at the end of the forest. The war is gearing up for its final phase as the Reservation has allied with non-human beings as well as new and unknown magic to eradicate Wizardkind. Massacres are being done and many are fleeing to the relative safety that is Hogsmeade and its surrounding areas, setting up encampments and stalls to support themselves.

All over, Muggle-borns are being captured and are not being heard from. Villages are receiving threats, Wizarding homes are being targeted, families are being torn, and in the middle of it, Albus Potter finds himself on the front lines as he actively seeks to undo Incommodo while trusting the extensive group behind him, the Hogwarts Guard, to undo the Arsenal and sometimes the Reservation threatening their existence. The more Albus learns about the battle ahead, the more he comes to learn and accept his eventual and ultimate fate.