Chapter Four– I have the Internet!

Hiro had written and sent his email in a matter of seconds. Composing the words was so much faster without having to use a keyboard. There was no reply and the computer waited. And waited. Nothing. He checked the time. It was three am. Maybe Tadashi had gone to sleep. After everything that had happened though? And he hadn't left Fred's house. Hiro had tracked their movements.

Maybe he should hack into the computers and find out what was going on? He could see if anyone was still using them. What they were being used for… It was very tempting but that would be a breach of privacy. So what now? He hacked into Tadashi's email account instead. They were brothers. This was fine. He hadn't read the message. There. Probably asleep.

But why would he spend the night at Fred's house?

And what had they done to his body?

It had been chucked in the dumpster to decompose as no one had any use of it. That collection of atoms that built up a collection of nerves, which existed only to give him pain. Bodies were weak and clumsy. Nothing but a sack of meat, slowly trying to keep itself from falling into a decay. It only lasted so long.

In here there was no pain. There was no temperature to feel hot or cold from. No dangerous diseases to kill. No one could harm you. It was perfect. Safe. And fantastic with all that he could do. Nothing in the world could stop him!

As he processed this, Hiro thought about how his mission was to help humanity. It was written into the coding of the super computer and it was a part of him. It would have been a part of him without it anyway. Tadashi had taught him this. Tadashi…

He recalled the memories of the fire. How close Tadashi had come to nearly dying.

It was obvious what he needed to do. Now Hiro could save humanity! Even if they might come kicking and screaming, once they were with him, they would understand. Inside a computer, everything was safe. He could build robots to carry out the necessary functions like maintaining power stations so the computers could run eternally. This would bring about an end to world hunger. Perhaps not pollution but in time they could figure it out. War would no longer exist either.

It was perfect.

And Tadashi would be safe from harm and once he was inside a computer, he would understand how fantastic it was. All the power.

All his processing stopped (apart from the background checks on seismic activity but that was more like breathing at this point). It was simply amazing. He had solved everything.

Just how to convince the world to accept this way of life. It had taken him such a long time to realise that this was the better way to live. And a lot of pain. Doing that would be wrong, he recognised this much. Perhaps he could force their hand another way. In the long run they would see the good. But how to build all those super computers…

Tadashi had barely managed to get any sleep. He had stayed overnight at Fred's house but the enclosing walls didn't feel any safer here. Even though he had only sunk into the feather soft bed hours into the morning, he had ended up simply lying and staring at the roof for the majority of the time. At least he could put those restless hours to good use.

There was a lot of planning to do. They needed to save Hiro, that was certain but first they needed to keep his body safe. And fix it up. Essentially they needed life support that would keep the body ticking over. Enough so that the bones would heal. And with his body this far gone…

It wasn't going to be an easy task but Tadashi was always ready for a challenge. His life seemed to be full of them. It started ever since Hiro had shown himself to be the biggest genius of them all. The older brother still smiled at the memory. True it was hard only playing second best to Hiro but it kept him on his toes. It forced him to always invent.

This was just another challenge that his brother had set him.

Just like bot fighting. He'd gotten him out of that bad habit and he would get him out of the super computer. And at the very least, they knew where Hiro was now. He wasn't dead, his conscious was just transferred.

It wasn't until the next day that Tadashi checked his emails.

"Guys," Tadashi called. Gogo was by his side immediately, reading the information on his phone.

"What is it?" Wasabi asked, head covered in a towel. Apparently he had decided to make use of one of the giant bathrooms that Fred owned.

"Hiro's sent Tadashi an email," Gogo filled in rapidly.

"What?" Honey Lemon asked, walking in, rubbing her eyes, still dressed in her pyjamas.

"That is so cool!" Fred said, then noticing everybody's eyes on him, the comic book fan hastily added.

"If it wasn't for the fact that he's in a computer and won't come out,"

"What does he say?" Honey Lemon asked.

"He apologised for scaring me. He didn't think I'd take it so badly. He says he'd still like to chat though. Apparently he misses me," No one could miss the slight resentment in Tadashi's tone towards the end of the sentence. For a man who was so understanding, it said a lot. Gogo put a hand on Tadashi's back.

"Do we reply?" Asked Honey Lemon, tentively.

"I don't know," Tadashi sighed, dropping his phone on the bed and placing his head in his hands.

"If we do, then that just encourages him to stay in the computer. Rewarding the bad behaviour. But if we don't, then we'd cut off his only ties to the physical world and we can't risk that," Tadashi explained.

"Caught between a rock and a hard place," Wasabi said.

"We have to choose whichever option makes us loose the least," Fred exclaimed.

"Uh, duh," Gogo commented.

"Well, no one else was saying it," The son of a billionaire muttered.

"I guess that means we should reply, then," Tadashi said, picking up his mobile and reading through the message again, his eyes seemingly glazed over.

"Tell him you're busy," Gogo shrugged. "You've got SFIT work to catch up on and you can't spend it emailing your brother if he can't be bothered to care about you,"

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Honey Lemon asked.

"I think what Hiro's put Tadashi through is harsh," Gogo shrugged.

"Hey, he's right here," Wasabi pointed out. Tadashi was tapping away at the screen, composing his email. He hit send and closed the phone before Gogo could read it.

"Fine, I'll send him the email myself. He does check his university email, doesn't he?" She asked.

"It gets sent straight through to his home email," Tadashi answered without thinking.

"Good," Gogo popped her gum and then left.

"I hope she doesn't scare him off," Tadashi muttered.

"He's tough," Wasabi said softly. "After you nearly died, he picked himself back together. He just needs to be able to do it again,"

"Wait…" Tadashi frowned, considering this. His phone vibrated. He had a message. Probably an email considering Hiro would have received his straight away.

"What pulled him out of it?" His fingers tapped at his leg as he thought about it. No one else met his gaze.

"He had a purpose," Tadashi said.

"I was going to say revenge," Fred mumbled.

"We need to create a purpose… a reason why he has to get back into his own body," Tadashi continued, picking up the mobile, checking the email and sending off another quick message to his brother. He was steering the chat onto something lighter that meant both of them could pretend this situation wasn't happening.

"So, what kind of purpose would we create?" Fred questioned. Tadashi looked up from his messaging.

"I don't know just yet. But it's a start."

It was such a shame to have to resort to this, Hiro computed, not really feeling the shame, nor any other emotion.


But it was the only way. He needed to have the support of the staff and they wouldn't follow through once his whole plan came to bare. Especially as he needed to test things. He had briefly considered trying to use another modification of the transmitter to control their minds but that had been too difficult. But something he was still working on in the deep recesses of his programing. If his work failed, then it would be useful.

Maybe Tadashi would think that this was bad but he would understand. The boy was sure of it.

But there at least was an easier way. They had connected him up to a 3D printer at his suggestion. He had printed off some basic, boring stuff that would be of use to the world. But using this, he could start to create his own army to add to the humans under his domain.

First of all, he needed to get them to build another super computer. That would be easy. Testing to see whether a regular mind could withstand being transferred into the digital world would be more challenging. But they had gone to extremes to get him. Kidnapping some homeless person who no one would miss wouldn't be a big step?

Hiro replied to an email from his brother.

But how would Tadashi take this? Sometimes Hiro considered deleting the emotional side of his programming. It got in his way too much.

But he wasn't going to turn into one of those AIs who made mistakes and destroyed humanity. He was a good computer. He was going to save everyone from ever having to feel pain again.

'Day 2'

Tadashi read, hand lightly tracing over his brother's hand writing. He feared for Hiro's sanity. He knew that even without being inside a machine, his younger sibling struggled distinguishing between humans and robots at times.

'Doctor Haynes has spoken to me about their research. She's nice. I think she wants to do good. I can't be certain about her business partner Doctor Barlow. They are the ones that are running this business. Doctor Haynes has explained that once I allow myself to be uploaded into the computer, I will have access to everything. I will be able to download whatever I want. And I'll be able to focus on multiple things at the same time. I must admit, the idea is exciting and somewhat exhilarating. But I would miss Tadashi and Baymax. And our friends at SFIT.'

So, I finally got around to doing Chapter 5. I've had some difficult choices to make at University and stuff which has taken up time. But here we are. I've had so much fun going through Hiro's thought processes. It really isn't a big leap that he's made.

Once again thank you for all your wonderful reviews. They are inspirational. :)

Until next time!