Hiro sat, staring up at the people who had managed to capture him. He had many questions but he didn't want to ask them. Specifically as the main question he had was whether he had been captured because he was Hiro Hamada, robotics genius and general amazing child prodigy or because he was one of the heroes of San Fransokyo. So for now he held his peace as he watched the general hustle and bustle that was going on around him. They seemed to preparing some computer. It was large – the size of the room, maybe more - but from what Hiro could see, it was seriously high tec. A super computer.

Moving his arms slightly, he felt constraints around his wrist. They weren't too tight but restricted his movements. He moved his legs and found that these too were tied up. Right. So that ruled out running away when they weren't paying attention to him. No one seemed to notice that he was awake. Brown eyes looked around for anything that would help him to escape. There was nothing within close range for him to grab. Looked like he was going to be staying here for a while.

As he sat, he had to wonder what his brother was thinking at this moment. Hiro had successfully managed to hide the fact that he was a hero from Tadashi for the simple reason that his brother had not been well enough to see the news. Tadashi had only just been discharged from hospital days after Big Hero 6 had made their debut opening. He had been confined to bed rest for a month and thankfully for Hiro, Tadashi had not wanted to face the news after everything he had been through.

Neither could Hiro. It just all seemed too surreal. Too abstract. Hiro still remembered with perfect clarity what had happened when all this had started. When Tadashi had run into that burning building. The explosion. And then Hiro running in after him, at full pelt. Finding his brother's body, burning, charring. The stench of it. Then he was dragging Tadashi out, rolling him along the floor until the flames went out. The sensation as he tried to search for his brother's pulse on his blackened wrist. Finding a weak pulse there. The horror as he saw that his fingers were now stained black with soot.

It wasn't until the ambulance had arrived that Hiro's mind and body finally caught up with the auto pilot he had been on. He was thankful that he had been too nervous to eat anything before the Show Case while he travelled in the ambulance. But the only injury he received where a few minor burns. Tadashi had not done so well. It was touch and go for too long. Then Hiro found the microbot in his smoke stained jumper. And Baymax had followed it. Well, one thing had led to another and soon he had nearly become a murderer.

Things had turned out alright, though. They had stopped Callaghan. They saved his daughter. For a bit they had lost Baymax but Hiro had been determined to rebuild him as Tadashi was on the mend. Skin grafting was being used to help heal the burns. Soon Tadashi would look as good as new. But at least they had a frame to work from. Hiro had to dig through all of Tadashi's notes (which thankfully, there was lots of) rebuild everything and finally as he was trying to figure out how Tadashi had made Baymax's personality – which was really sick! Hiro hadn't thought about it before but the level of genius needed to put this thing together was high. The voice alone was complicated enough. It wasn't a recorded voice. It was functioning like a human voice box and Hiro didn't have the medical expertise to even think up something like that. It was nice to know that Tadashi's two years studying medicine before going to SFIT had not been wasted. Hiro was just thankful he could work from Tadashi's notes. And even more thankful when he found Baymax's chip in his rocket fist. So by the time Tadashi was allowed to come home, Baymax was fully functional and understanding that he shouldn't tell Tadashi or Aunt Cass what Hiro had been doing.

But all that didn't matter now. It was in the past and Hiro had finally settled on a question.

"What do you want from me?" He demanded, sounding more calm than any fourteen year old would in such a situation. He attributed it to his genius.

A woman walked towards him. She wore a lab coat and her black hair was tied back in a tight pony tail.

"Oh nothing much," She said with a smile on her face. She tapped his forehead lightly with a pen.

"Just what's in here,"

Hope you have enjoyed this prologue. The first chapter should be up soon so I hope you enjoy what you've read so far. Leave a comment if you liked it or have constructive criticism. Hope to see you all soon.