Welcome to the start of my new story! I would just like to warn you, there is a decent amount of profanity in this story (It is rated M for a reason). If you came here hoping for a cutesy and fluffy story then please proceed to the next one down 'cause this isn't one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its character. They are the creation of Tite Kubo

Chapter 1: Bad Luck

Boring. That was the only word that came to Grimmjow's mind. Now that the war with the Quincies was over and Hueco Mundo had been returned to its previous state under Tier Harribel rule Grimmjow was left to spend his days mindlessly killing the small-fry hollows he comes across in the endless desert just to give him something to do. These effortless kills were leaving more than just some to be desired. The only ones around that could provide him with a proper fight were the Nelliel and Harribel but neither of them were ever willing to properly fight him. What the fuck? Why is it the female Arrancar lose their sense of fun and hate fighting? Then he remembered the current hollow King's fraccion and changed his mind about that last thought. Though even when those three fought to their fullest they wouldn't give him much more fun than the random hollows he comes across.

Just then a wicked smile spread across his face. Seeing as there's nothing to keep me entertained here I think it's time I go pay Kurosaki a visit. He's bound to be able to give me an entertaining fight.

With his mind made up, Grimmjow didn't waste a second opening his Descorrer and beginning his trip through the darkness of the in between dimension to the World of the Living.

Can't wait! Finally time to rip that asshole to pieces! I'll hack him up. Just the thought of hearing him scream out in pain… His psychotic smile widen even more Just you wait! I'm coming for you, Kurosaki!

He sensed to the familiar feeling of Karakura Town and opened his exit. Unfortunately for him, Grimmjow was never one for the phrase "look before you leap" Just as his gateway opened and he shot out, Grimmjow was engulfed in a bright light. The fuck?!

When the light faded, the Arrancar found himself on the ground and he felt… different. Strange. When he opened his eyes they were still blurry and he couldn't stop them from blinking rapidly, trying to make them adjust them faster.

"Oh. It looks like the experiment was a success!" Weird. He knew that voice. But from where?

"Was it just my imagination, or did a Garganta open just now?" This voice was a females, and he knew it to.

"I didn't notice anything. Probable just your mind play tricks on you." The first voice said.

That freaky shop owner Shinigami and the tan skinned woman! Now that he knew where he knew the voices from. If they were running experiments than it'll be best if Grimmjow made a quick exit before they pulled him into it. Pushing himself up off the ground, the Arrancar sprinted away from the area giving no mind as to where he was running so long as it was away. Just to be safe he stayed on the ground as he ran down a few streets and mindlessly turning a few corners. Something feels weird. He couldn't pinpoint what was out of the ordinary, but the buildings around him were definitely way too big. Now that he was a decent distance from where the Garganta opened he decided to go up and search for Kurosaki from above. Only problem was, when he jumped into the air and land on a Reiatsu platform he simply fell back down to the ground hands first.

What the fu- when Grimmjow looked down at his hands he couldn't find them. Instead a pair of furry black paws. WHAT?! He thought bending his back legs to sit down and further examine what was supposed to be his front hands. Wait! Why did I have to sit?! His panic was growing as he looked down at the rest of his body and was horrified to see a small, slender furry black stomach and paws. His panic increased 100 times over and he bolted down the street looking for any type of reflective surface. Rounding a corner her found himself at a larger street with a lot of people walking, many of whom were carrying various bags, and all of the buildings had large glass windows showing clothing and various thing that were unfamiliar to Grimmjow. Some kind of shopping area? What this place was didn't matter, so long as he could look at his reflection and prove that he was seeing things wrong.

Finding a particularly clean window Grimmjow, to his horror, jumped up to the small ledge in front of it and looked at the glass to his reflection and what looked back at him was brought a level of horror he never felt. A sleek, solid black cat with his same blue eyes. NO! What the fuck happened to me?!

As he stared in a shock that practically brought a sense of physical pain he heard a blood curdling sound "Mommy, what a cute kitty!"

He turned to see a little human girl holding a woman's hand, dragging her, towards Grimmjow with a large smile and a filthy hand reaching out to him. This little human wanted to pet him. There's no way in HELL! Before the little girl could get any closer, Grimmjow began hissing and swatting violently towards them. Naturally the adult human panicked and swiftly lifted her daughter up and, shrieking in fear, backed away from the vicious cat which drew the attention of many passer-byers. With a path cleared up, he leaped down and ran a quickly as his horribly diminutive and weak body would allow.

The former Arrancar didn't stop running until he found an empty ally and turned into it to catch his breath and think. Why the fuck am I a CAT!? HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN!? Grimmjow was perfectly normal when he traveled through his Garganta. He came out of it perfectly intact, though a little disoriented because of that weird Shinigami shopkeeper's experim- THAT FUCKIN' SHINIGAMI DID THIS TO ME! How could Grimmjow not realize it before?

I'm going to find him and make that bastard take back whatever he did to me! He resolved as he stepped out of the ally, only to realize he has no clue where he was or how to find his way back, he had been running aimlessly after all. Sitting down to try and somewhat center himself, Grimmjow decided to open his Pesquia to locate the two Shinigami that were at the center of his dilemma. Pesquia isn't working either. He thought unhappily. Growling, and then growling deeper in anger when he heard and felt the actual feline noise rubble through his throat, Grimmjow stood and started pacing as he tried to think of a solution.

His deep thoughts were interrupted by the sound of some humans approaching him. Not wanting to deal with another human trying to touch him, Grimmjow decided to go on the offensive before they even thought about getting close to him. When three teenaged looking human boys rounded a corner, he was immediately letting a loud and deep yowling growl escape him, throwing a hiss for good measure when they took notice of him.

"What the fuck is going on with this stupid cat?" one asked.

"Who cares? Just walk around it." Another told him. Smart human. Grimmjow thought to himself.

Just then the third had a smile on his face that actually reminded the Arrancar of one of his own. "How about we teach the stupid thing its' place?"

"Heh. Why the hell not?" "Sounds like fun." The other two mindlessly agreed, the first one obviously excited at the idea while who originally said to walk around the car simply sounded like he didn't care one way or the other.

As they quickly closed in on the angry Grimmjow he could feel his pupils open up as much as his irises would allow and his already pulled ears going even flatter against his head. With every step too close they took to him Grimmjow hissed, but the stupid humans just laughed at him until the one who suggested they harass the pissed off Arrancar-cat, the ringleader of the group most likely, reach down to grab him. The moment his hand was close enough, Grimmjow launched himself up at him with, ignoring the irritation towards the entirely angry cat scream he couldn't suppress brought on, and latched himself to the pathetic human's arm and began tearing into his arm and hand with claws and teeth. Naturally the human screamed. "Fucking hell!"

One of his friend boldly took hold of the pissed off cat by the skin and fur on his back and yanked him off of the ringleader human's arm, adding in the shredding of his arm by doing so, then threw Grimmjow down with as much force as he could. He had to admit, when he hit the solid concrete ground it hurt decently. This body is ridiculously fragile. He realized. Just then the third kicked out at Grimmjow, who was pushing himself up. The foot hit him solidly and he felt himself hit the wall of one of the building that the ally separated, Grimmjow's vision started swimming on impact. "Fucking cat!" it was the first boy that said that, who now bore a shredded hand and forearm, and was now above him lifting his foot to stomp on the dazed cat. Grimmjow tried to get up and move out of the way, but this cat body was so weak and he couldn't see right anymore, everything was beginning to blur. What he just barely saw was the form of the angry human about to throw his foot down on him with all of his pathetic human strength but then get pulled out of his now practically nonexistent field of vision before everything around him was black.


She just wanted to enjoy a walk outside, but apparently even that can't go right for her because as she walked she came across the scene of three high school punks, who looked like they fancied themselves delinquents with greasy combed back hair and poorly maintained school uniforms, beating up a small cat. Just as one, who had clearly received the brunt of the cat's anger or fear, was about to stomp on it after it had been kicked into a wall she grabbed him by the arm and swung him away and into his friends.

He recovered quickly and glared at the woman who interrupted him, "What the fuck little bitch?"

She had long brown hair with a reddish shade to it that fell in soft curls, eyes the same color to match, and pale skin. She was wearing a loosely fitted pink spaghetti strap dress that went to her knees despite having a white shirt and jean pants underneath and strappy sandals with just barely a heel. She was pretty despite obviously not putting effort into her appearance, but they weren't going to let her off the hook. She may be pretty but she seemed arrogant as she said nothing.

"If you were smart you'd get on your knees and beg for forgiveness." Another said, as the third started walking to her and reached to grab her arm.

Before he could touch her though she sidestepped to the left and forward and with seemingly no effort at all she grabbed his wrist and arm then flipped him onto the ground. He may not have landed on his head but the shock of the hard impact with concrete was enough to make him too painful to even try and get back up apparently. "Little cunt!" the one who wasn't hurt lunged forward at her to try and punch her in the face. She used her left hand to swat his fist in a new direction and then returned to intentions by punching him dead center in his face, definitely breaking his nose, and causing him to stumble back. With two of the punks down she stood and waited for the little group's apparent leader to make his move. He however ran away screaming, abandoning his friends. The boy she had punched collected the boy on the ground and ran away. Once all three boys were gone the girl collected the unconscious cat, carrying it back to her home.

I hope you enjoyed our first chapter together! Stay tuned for more!