Hi this is miss-crazy-chick. I have had this idea for a long time. I hope you like it.

Sabine's P.O.V.

I never meant for this to happen. I never meant to hurt the kid.

I slowly made my way out my room looking for Hera she was the only one not mad at me after the incident. I made my way to the ''common room'' hoping she was there. But apparently luck was not on my side because instead of Hera's nice and compassionate face I was met with Kanan's death glare.

But before he could tell at me Hera started, "Love it wasn't her fault you"-

"No Hera it was, she knew exactly what she was doing she knows the kid likes her heck, everyone knows that," Kanan interrupted

"Sabine I think it would be best if you went to your room I'll talk with you later," Hera said

I nodded knowing that it would be best to leave before Kanan got any angrier

I sadly walked back to my room and kicked a paint can. I let myself fall on my bed. I could hear Hera and Kanan arguing from here. All this was happening because of me if only they knew.

I did like the kid in fact I loved him. But I couldn't say that. I hated ignoring the kid's attempts to flirt with me it made me feel like a big jerk.

Whenever he tried to flirt with me I would usually just have ignored him but I didn't this time. I knew I had taken it to far.

Hell even Zeb was mad at me. To say Kanan was pissed was an underestimate he was mad as hell. Chopper was we'll I honestly didn't know if Chopper was mad at me he probably was. Hera was the only one that wasn't mad at me.

I was a big jerk to Ezra and I don't know how I could have been so stupid.

Oooh Sabine's in trouble what could she have done to Ezra. Please read and review. I know it was a bit short.

keep in mind this is my first fanfic.