A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so sorry this took so long (again…)! I don't have any finished chapters and I've got some really bad writer's block. So it'll probably take a while before I upload the next chapter, but it'll definitely be here sooner or later. And thank you so much for reviewing, following and favouriting, it means a lot to me! (Friendly reminder btw; English isn't my native language so if my English sucks, I apologise.)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Doctor Who.

She was so tired. No matter how hard she tried to keep her eyes open, she just couldn't. Her eyelids were, for some reason, so much heavier than usual. In fact, her whole body was heavy. She couldn't even keep her mouth shut; her lips where always parted. She didn't think she'd be able to move a muscle even if she wanted to - for now, she just wanted to go to sleep. But in some way she was too tired to do even that.

When did she get this tired? She didn't know.

"Is she conscious?"

"Slightly, but don't worry about it. She won't remember any of this anyway."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Well, that was what Cosima told me. And as you know, she's good at this kind of things."

"That is true. Well, let's not waste any more time, then. The Doctor and his other companion will be back soon. Take her to the ship."

"Yes, ma'am."

She could feel the surface underneath her moving, as if she was being carried somewhere. She wanted to ask someone where they were taking her, but she was so tired. She was carried somewhere she couldn't see - her eyes were still closed - but from what little she saw, she could tell it was bright. Strong, white light everywhere. Someone started messing about with her. She still wanted to ask someone what was happening, but she finally felt like she could fall asleep, and right now she wanted that more. I'll ask them when I wake up, she decided. The last thing she heard before everything faded away completely was one last conversation between the people surrounding her:

"Both she and the baby seem to be healthy. Cosima said the drug wouldn't affect the baby, so they'll be fine in the future too."

"That's good. We need our little time lord to feel as good as possible."

Rose sat up almost immediately when she woke up. Not quickly, as if she'd had a nightmare, but slowly. She was unable to make any quick movements, anyway; her stomach was way too heavy. There was only one month left of her weird time lord-human pregnancy by now.

Did she just dream something? It felt like she'd just had a really weird dream. But she couldn't remember what it had been about.

She was completely awake almost immediately, but something felt wrong. The longer she sat there, staring into the air in front of her, the stronger grew that feeling. Something was horribly wrong, she just knew it.

She was almost panicking, but took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Everything was probably fine. She didn't even know what could possibly be wrong; her entire pregnancy so far had gone perfectly fine; no unexpected events at all. She had spent most of it inside the TARDIS; she'd hardly been outside at all the last few months. The Doctor thought it was safer, and she agreed, even though it had been really boring to be stuck inside the TARDIS all alone. She wasn't even able to walk around that much; her stomach was too heavy for that. The Doctor and Jack had stayed with her most of the time, of course, but they still had to go outside sometimes. When they were out of milk, for example.

She looked over at the other side of the bed and saw the Doctor's messy brown hair among the covers. He wasn't moving, which was rare. He didn't sleep half as often as Rose did, even if he often accompanied her when she was going to sleep anyway. Now that he, for once, was asleep, she decided she'd better let him. But she knew that she wouldn't get any more sleep this morning, so she might as well get up. Carefully, so that she wouldn't wake the time lord, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. Then she slowly walked out of the room and shut the door silently behind her.

As Rose stood by the kitchen counter preparing her tea, it struck her at last what was wrong. The baby wasn't moving. It hadn't been moving for at least a week now.

She froze the moment she remembered, with one hand on the teacup and the other on the kettle. Why didn't I notice sooner?

She had no idea of whether it was normal or not. It was her first baby, for god's sake, how was she supposed to know? Maybe it just happened sometimes, maybe the baby was just really calm? It had been kicking a lot during the last months, but maybe it had just decided to calm down a little?

On the other hand, what if something was wrong? What if something had happened to the baby? What if…


She turned her head and saw the Doctor standing in the doorway, with a concerned look on his face. "Is everything alright?" he asked.

"Yeah." Rose nodded. "Yeah, it's fine." Wait, shouldn't I tell him? It's his baby too, after all, and he's a doctor, after all, he could help…

"It doesn't really look like you're fine" he said, even more worried, as he started walking towards her.

"Well…" Rose bit her lip, trying to figure out what to say. "Um… Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can."

"Um… Is it normal for the baby to… Stop moving?"

"Has it stopped moving?" The Doctor looked a little panicked.

"Yeah, but… I don't know if it's really anything to worry about. It's just… I haven't felt it move in like, a week. Does that mean something's wrong?"

"Well… I don't know. I don't know if it's normal for a time lord-human pregnancy, there's never been one before. But we should probably check, just to be safe."


A couple of minutes later, Rose was standing in the med bay with her hand on one of the machines in the room. They had used this machine to check on the baby once a month since they found out that Rose was pregnant, but they hadn't been planning on doing this month's scan* so soon.

When she heard the beep that confirmed that the scan was done, Rose looked at the Doctor, waiting for him to say something*. But he just frowned at the screen, looking extremely worried.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, almost panicking.

The Doctor looked up at her and smiled. "No, nothing's wrong. It's just a really calm baby, that's all."

"Are you sure?" There was no way everything was absolutely fine, considering how worried he'd looked.

"Completely." The time lord leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss. "There's nothing to worry about, Rose. I promise."

Rose decided there was no point in asking him anything else at the moment, so she nodded and smiled. "Okay." She leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

That was when the weird thing happened.

For just a second, she could have sworn that she saw a hatch opening in the wall, revealing a face; a middle aged woman with her dark hair up and a silver patch covering her right eye. That was all Rose was able to see before the hatch closed again, and afterwards she wasn't sure if she'd seen anything at all.

"So, how is our little patient doing today?"

"She's doing just fine, ma'am. I did a scan on her this morning, and they're both perfectly healthy."

"That's good. She's ready to pop soon, isn't she?"

"Indeed. Only one month left, and I think we can expect the baby to be ready for transportation to her foster home a couple of weeks after birth."

"Brilliant. And she's still unaware of her surroundings?"

"She thinks she's still with the Doctor, yes. Reality might be coming through to her every now and then, but not enough to make her suspicious. Not that she'd be able to do anything if she actually figured it out. And not the Doctor, either. As you know, ma'am, we have a great advantage."

"You know, Cosima, there's a reason that you're here. I trust you, remember that."

"Thank you, ma'am. I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, I don't want to bother you, Cosima. But before I leave, I'd like to take a look at the lucky mother."

"Of course. Go ahead."

The woman was just an ordinary, middle aged woman, but in some way she was terrifying. It wasn't just her dark eye shadow, or dark red lipstick, or even the silver eye patch that covered her right eye, but something else. Something that would make anyone feel small and helpless. Somehow she became even more terrifying as her blank expression turned into a smirk.

"You should be proud, Rose Tyler. That child of yours is going to change the universe itself."

When Rose woke up the next morning, she shrugged it all off as a weird dream. But she couldn't help but feel like she'd had this dream before - and it felt way too real.