A/N: I'm not completely sure how the universe's timelines would match up, so when Wally is 13, Peter and his friends will be 15, because that's when Peter got his powers. The team hasn't been formed yet when the story begins.

Chapter 1

"Uncle Barry can I please go and hang out with Robin? You said that I could this weekend and I know that there's nothing keeping you busy-"

"Wally," Barry sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. He didn't want to scare his nephew and newfound sidekick, but the Flash family is at a major risk right now. With Zoom on the loose, Barry felt that if he ever let the little red-headed ball of energy out of his sight then he would regret it. He couldn't take that risk.

"I'm sorry, but I don't really want you to go anywhere without me. You just got your powers, and if you lose control..," Barry trailed off.

That was an awful attempt at lying, he thought.

Wally jumped up, putting his hands together and pleading, "But you promised! It's not like going alone anywhere would be horrible. I mean, I have Rob so I won't be alone and Bats will be around and-"

Barry furrowed his brows and sighed once more. He wanted Wally to have fun, he really did, but Zoom would jump at the chance of Wally being unguarded. He didn't even know what could happen to his nephew.

After a few seconds of contemplating what he should do, (more like a few minutes for him) he eventually stated, "Fine, but I'm coming with you."

A huge grin grew on Wally's face as he jumped up and down, "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!"

Barry showed a significantly smaller grin, happy to see his nephew so excited. However, something just wasn't setting right in his stomach.

"So you're absolutely positive that this will work?" Zoom growled.

"Y-yes, while it is just a prototype everything has been tested with organic subjects such as plants and fruit," a Cadmus worker said.

"Good.." Zoom gave a wicked grin, and then sped off.

"Rob!" Wally yelled, and ran at his friend, bringing him into a huge hug.

"W-walls, can't breathe," Robin choked out.

"Hehe, sorry," Wally said, and backed off a little bit.

Robin just smiled, and then exclaimed, "To the ice cream parlor!"

Barry chuckled a bit and then realized what they were going to do. Wally had already sped off with Robin, both in costume, of course.

Which ice cream parlor are they going to? Barry thought just as he started running.

Barry sped around every street corner in Gotham, yet he couldn't find Kid Flash or Robin anywhere. He was rounding another turn when he saw a glimpse of a yellow uniform. He ran towards it and realized that it was way faster than Wally, faster than Barry himself. With a quick intake of breathe and a glare, he sped off after the blur.

He couldn't keep up with it though, and it had disappeared from Flash's sight.

Flash couldn't see that Zoom was carrying a small metal device, that worked somewhat like a parasite. It would latch onto a victim, and shock them until they were moving at a fast enough pace, along with some other, more interesting, effects. Zoom wasn't connected to this device, as it was deactivated. However, he planned on using it on a certain baby speedster, to get rid of him once and for all and to break Flash.

Zoom ran back to where he had stashed an unconsious Kid Flash and Robin. He grabbed his friend too, because, well, Kid Flash might need some motivation.

He walked over to their tied up, and slumped over forms, and started to attach the device to Kid Flash. After it was set up, he pressed a button on his remote, causing Kid Flash's eyes to snap open. Electricity coursed through him, and a scream ripped out of his throat.

Robin woke up with a start, and twisted his head around towards Kid Flash. Under the mask, his eyes showed worry for his best friend. Kid Flash tried to stop screaming, gritting his teeth instead, but a scream still got out every few seconds.

Still crackling with electricity, Kid Flash opened one eye and looked up at Zoom. "W-what do you want?" he asked, gasping and gritting his teeth between words.

Zoom let out a cold laugh and responded, "It's simple, kid. I want to break the Flash, and to do that, I'm sending his favorite little nephew into the speedforce. I suggest you start running or the shocks will get worse."

Wally grunted, "L-like I'll let you do that," he took another strained breath, "All I have to do is endure a few more shocks until Flash gets here."

Zoom chuckled darkly, "A few problems, kid. One: Flash has no idea where you are. I made sure of that. Two: Unless you want your little friend here to die, I'd start running. Three: If you refuse to run even after Robin is dead and gone, I'll go after your family next. I know everything about you, Wally."

Wally gasped, and reluctantly stood up, glancing at Robin as if to say, I'm sorry. He allowed Zoom to untie him, and then started to walk out of the abandoned warehouse.

"Start running, Kid Flash. Or else it's the bird's life, then your parents, maybe even Iris," Zoom chuckled.

So Wally ran. He ran faster than he ever had before, and decided to run north, wrapping around the world once, then twice. He was pretty sure he was running faster than Flash ever had, and wondered if the shocks from the machine were helping to build his kinetic energy, causing him to be able to run faster. He barely felt them now.

Wally didn't want to go into the speedforce, he really didn't. Barry had warned him about it before, to never run too fast. But when he thought about it, it is possible to get out of the speedforce, you just need a lightning rod. Something that you live for. He was running for the lives of his lightning rods: his family, and best friend, Robin.

He just needed to keep thinking about them, and everything would be fine.

With that in his mind, he pushed himself to run faster, and felt the energy of the speedforce surround him, making him literally a bolt of energy. He tore through the terrain, and felt himself growing lighter and lighter. He passed through Gotham city for the tenth time, where Barry had noticed him and was trying to get him to slow down. Right as Wally turned his head to look at his Uncle, his lightning rod, he felt a huge burst of energy.

Barry screamed, and Wally was gone.

A/N: Okay so that was the first chapter! As I continue, I will make the chapters longer, but I just wanted to aim for 1,000 words to begin the story. Please read and review! Chapter 2 should be up in a couple days!
