Yugi: Warning, this story contains genderbending, cursing, puzzle puppy bronze and tendershipping, and maybe some bloody scenes in future chapters.

Joey: So if ya have anything against boys with boobs or cursing get yer asses out of here.


Joey: Oh, Come on! We already warned them about cursing anyways!

AnimeGirlAnn: I don't own Yugioh or any other series/brands you might come across while reading. Though I wish I did.


Fuzzballs, Monsters, and Hot Dream Men


How I got there or why I was there I didn't know. Hot sands caressed my feet as I watched the disaster in the distance. It looked like a picture of an ancient Egyptian Castle I see in my textbooks. Except a colossal beast was busy destroying the entire castle. Obsidian flames and smoke prevented me from getting a better look at it. Despite the distance I could still hear the monsters sadistic laughter along with the screams of innocence. I wanted to save them, I wanted to stop whatever nightmarish reality this was, I wanted to run towards that beast and stop it! I knew it was a death wish to even try and stop that thing but I couldn't just stand there and watch. Unfortunately, my body didn't seem to be able to move, as if invisible chains were holding me down. Forcing me to watch helplessly as people died.

"Are you willing to risk everything that you have?"

It was then I noticed the man who stood in front of me, staring intently at the scene in front of me.

"Sacrifice your freedom, your peace, and your own soul for one purpose alone?" the man continued, still turned away from me. "What purpose?" I asked him, momentarily distracted from the devastation in front of me. For a moment, he froze, as if shocked to hear a reply. I decided to get a closer look at him while he was busy thinking. He was shorter than most boys I knew though still a few inches taller than me. Then again, I wasn't really one to call anyone short, I'm probably the shortest person in my entire school. Not that I like that fact at all. His hair was gravity defying and stuck up like crimson spiked above his pale neck. Before I could study him more, he turned to me. Two crimson eye stared back into my own own, like two rubies on a golden face, it made my cheeks blush red. They were the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen.

"The purpose for all the sacrifice is….WAKE UP!"

"The purpose of sacrifice is to wake up…. Wait, WHAT!?" I gasped, before feeling myself being violently shook by invisible hands.

"JOEY! I'M UP! I'M UP! STOP SHAKING ME!" I cried out, shoving away her taller friend's hands as I woke up. "Finally! It took ya long enough, Yugi," Joey replied. "Joey? What are you doing in my bedroom?" I questioned, slowly waking up from her sleepy state.

"Yugi? What are you talking about we're in school, the bell just rung, your suppose to go home."

I raised an eyebrow before the memories of just being in class came back to me. I must have fallen asleep in the middle of class without even realizing it. "That's weird, I wasn't even feeling that sleepy a while ago," I yawned, rubbing my droopy eyes. "You sure? You slept through the bell AND me yelling at you for the last two minutes," Joey said, raising an eyebrow. Yugi shrugged and got up off her desk, by now the rest of their classmates had long since left. "We have to go home now, right?" I asked, still getting over my nap.

"Yep, that was our last class, speaking of home, don't you have to watch the game shop today?"

"Yeah, I told Grandpa I would this morning, I gotta get home!" I realized, running towards the door to my lockers. "Wait Joey, shouldn't you be getting home too?" Joey shook her head, "Nope, I got detention right now, but I'll see ya tomorrow."

"You've had detentions this whole week!" I complained, I know Joey wasn't exactly a model student, but she wasn't all THAT bad…. Most of the time, at least. "I know, but that teacher in math class is always giving me detentions for my uniform," Joey explained, pointing a thumb at her blue school uniform. Despite being 100% female, Joey insisted on wearing a boys uniform. If it hadn't been for the opening in Joey's jacket revealing silhouette of two small breasts hidden by a white shirt, you couldn't tell she was a female. Except maybe her longer than an average boys hair. "You probably should wear a girls uniform anyways Joey, besides are the detentions really worth it," I pointed out. "Hell No! You can barely do anything in them without worrying about unintentionally giving the world a peek of your panties!" Joey argued. "Plus they were created by perverts to get a better opportunity to see a girl's skirt." "Whatever you think, Joey" I sighed, convincing Joey of something she was against was like asking a dog to make out with a cat. "I gotta go, I promised Grandpa I would watch the shop when I got home."

"See ya tomorrow, Yugi."

"Bye Joey!"

Walking towards my locker, my mind drifted back towards my earlier dream. I don't think I've ever had a such a real like dream, I think they call it lucid dreaming? What was that beast? Why was I in ancient Egypt (At least I thought it was Egypt)? Who was that mysterious, sexy man? Why-Wait, wait, go back, go back! Did I just call an unreal figment of my imagination sexy? For pete's sake! Am I really that lonely that subconscious made up a hot man for me in my dreams? Seriously!? I mean, I know I'm not exactly popular with the boys or even that cute compared to most girls. Heck, I've already accepted the fact that I'm probably not going to get a boyfriend this year and maybe not the next either. But I never actually cared! Most boys in my school aren't exactly my type anyways. No offense to them but most of them only seem to either care about sports, girls panties (My school has a serious pervert problem!), or bullying the weak (Cough*Ushio*Cough). Still though, I actually created a ruby eyed, flawless, passionate….. Oh no, what the heck am I doing!?

It was then I realized my cheeks were blushing cherry pink. Seriously!? No Yugi! You are not allowed to be flustered over a figment of your imagination it's-


I was so distracted by my thoughts, I didn't notice my own locker until I walked into it. "Come on, Yugi, you can do better than this," I grumbled to myself, opening my locker to get my stuff.

Well, maybe I am a bit lonely. It does feel a bit depressing watching all the couples in our school hang out when you're single. Though I doubt that's gonna change anytime soon. As I said, I'm not popular among the boys in my school. I'm in high schooler and yet I'm still the height of an elementary schooler. Not exactly a sexy trait. Plus my hair is kinda weird too. I was born Waardenburg syndrome, which basically means I have two hair colors, it's nothing too bad. Though doctors have warned me I might get bad hearing in the future, but it's more of a fifty fifty thing, and so far my hearings been fine. While my bangs are blond, the rest of my hair is a dark violet color ending an inch below my shoulders. Most people think it looks odd and think I'm lying when I say I was born with it. Grabbing the last of my things I sighed and headed home. Oh well, looks don't matter anyways.


The entire realm was the creation of morbid nightmares, sin, and the darkness of all humanity. There was no serene blue sky in this realm. Only a bloody red abyss sky occupied by floating, bloodshot eyes that stared down at the damned souls that lived in this realm. Those who lived there were cursed souls and the bloodthirsty abominations that seeked to destroy all. No matter what or who it was. Most people called it Hell, though the real name was the 'Shadow Realm.'

In the very center of the Shadow Realms, was a castle of crimson blood and midnight stone, known as the Dark Sanctuary. Inside lived the Satan to this Hell and the strongest devils in the entire Shadow Realm, nicknamed the Yamis. At the moment, the Yamis were gathered in one of the castle's rooms. In the middle of the room was a glass coffin made of metal black spikes and skulls. A boy no older than eighteen lied inside, unfortunately the glass was tinted black, revealing only the silhouette of the boy inside. Five people surrounded him, the closest was drinking a glass of wine while staring intently at him. He was the tallest and oldest in the room, wearing a rose red suit. Long silver hair covered his right eye along with half of his half. On the other side of the coffin was the oddest looking man in the room. His body was covered in white robes lined light blue like the color of his surprisingly long hair. Both of his eyes were a different color, one amber and one blue. When first seen he reminded many of what an ancient priest would look like if he tried to look funny. Whenever anyone spoke up on their thoughts of this, they would never be seen again. Farther away from the two oldest men was an albino teenager and the most normal looking one. He wore a black trenchcoat and a striped shirt. Sharp, red eyes stared at the coffin, though it looked like he was glaring at it. Anyone who actually knew him though knew that it was just how he always looked. The last man, with bleach hair that was spiked up wildly with a purple cape was wrapped around his shoulders, wasn't even looking at the coffin. Instead humoring himself by watching the scene going on below them through the room's window. Where two monsters were trying to kill each other. So far, the only thing the two monsters had managed was mutilating each other gruesomely. "Ahhh, isn't it nice to see two monsters viciously mutilated each other in the morning!" the spiky haired one sighed. The albino raised an eyebrow at his accomplice, "Mariku, I drink human blood and once even burned an orphanage, and even I think you're seriously messed up!" The one called Mariku turned away from the window and gave the albino a grin. "Aw Bakura-Fluffy! Don't hate me just because I'm more powerful than you..."

"More powerful my ass!"

"Wanna prove it, Bakura-Fluffy?"

"That's it! I'm gonna rip out your intestines! And for the love of Zorc stop calling me Fluffy!"

"Will you two stop acting like children," the blue haired man scolded, glaring at the two younger ones. "We're trying to discuss business here! This is no time for a useless fight! Besides, we already know Mariku would win."


"What, it's true, you've already fought each other before, Thanksgiving Massacre remember?" Dartz pointed out, reminding them of the two's last battle. "Ooooh! That one was a doozy! We had to rebuild the entire castle!" the one eyed one remembered. "But remembering Mariku totally annihilating Bakura isn't why we're here!" Dartz said. "We're here to discuss the reawakening of Zorc." After hearing this, everyone's face changed to a serious expression. Even Mariku stopped grinning (which made babies cry worldwide) and became serious. "It is due time for Zorc to be reawakened, exactly one millennium from the day he was sealed away in the first place," Pegasus stated. "The time is coming, we need to wake up the Pharaoh soon and find the god cards if we want to be successful though," Dartz explained. "So far we only have one of the five needed cards to break the Pharaoh's seal so we can find Zorc, Obelisk the Tormentor, it's too bad our last partner who holds it couldn't make it today." "Hmph, he's always been so rude!" Pegasus pouted, taking a sip from his glass of wine. "That doesn't matter, we should start the search for the other God Cards immediately," Bakura said. "I actually have a plan for doing exactly that," Pegasus announced. "Right as we speak, my toons are chasing after Kuriboh, Yami's Kuriboh to be exact." Three pair of eyes turned to Pegasus. "Yami's Kuriboh!? That fuzzballs bound to know where to find Yami and Slifer the Sky Dragon!" Bakura choked, unsure of whether to believe Pegasus or not. "Exactly. The kuriboh has proved to be a bit hard to catch, little thing managed to escape to Earth, though my toons are still on his tail," Pegasus answered, a wicked grin forming on his lips. "And soon, Yami will be dead and the Slifer Card will be ours!"


I'm pretty sure I took a wrong turn somewhere. Cause last time I checked I live nowhere near a forest.

Stretches of more cement road surrounded by tall trees were all I could see. Sometime during my day dreaming I had managed to take a wrong turn and not even notice walking into a forest.

"Maybe I'll get back to a real road soon," I grumbled hopefully.



Before I knew it, something jumped out of the bush next to me and landed right into my arms. On instinct, I wrapped my arms around it. "Kuri?" it (he, she, maybe both?) said curiously. I looked down at the creature in my arms. The only way to describe it, was fuzzy. It looked like one big fuzzball of brown hair with two big eyes glued onto it. Small green skinned limbs poked out at it's sides with small claws I doubted could do much damage. Honestly, it looked really cute.

"Hehehehe! Where are you, little Kuriboh!"

The voice came from back were the Kuriboh flew out of. In my arms the small fluffball quietly whimpered 'kuri' and tugged at my arms like it was trying to warn me. I decided to take it's warning and left the cement road to hide behind a nearby tree.

"Hehe…. Not here! Not here!"

The voice sounded demented, like how you would imagine a mental patient to sound like. Despite this, clutching the fuzzball a little tighter, I turned to peek at whatever was behind me. Needless to say, I REALLY did not see it coming. The first one I saw looked like a black furred cartoon rabbit wearing some sort of gold and blue armor. He looked as if he had been taken from some other reality and put into ours, and he didn't fit in at all. There was another creature next to him, that looked more realistic, but was also terrifying at the same time. It was a headless, giant human body covered in blue skin. Where the head should've been was green hair above a wide, red eye. I had to repress shivering in case they might notice the movement and find me. Which was the LAST thing I wanted. "Errrrrgh," the headless one moaned (I wasn't sure how he was able to make any noise without a mouth), raising a finger towards the left side of the road where I had come from. "Heehee! That way you say!? That way we go!" the cartoon rabbit giggled hysterically, skipping in that generally direction with it's head swinging back and forth. Soon the headless monster followed it, stomping all the way. I waited till I couldn't hear anymore stomping or insane cartoon laughter before running the opposite way I had came which all my strength.




By the time I had stopped mind panicking I found myself back in town. Luckily it was a familiar road I had stopped at. I could go back home now. Maybe what I saw was just a weird hallucination? A concoction of my tiredness from sleeping earlier and my imagination gone wild. Yeah, that probably is what happened. I should get home, watch the game shop, and then take a long, long, LONG nap, and everything's all right and perfectly norma-


Oh no….

In my arms was a brown fuzzball, looking up at me with large eyes filled with curiosity and also gratefulness.

I wasn't imagining it, I actually saw a real life cartoon and a headless blue monster and also saved a cute fuzzball. I never thought I'd ever say that.

"Well…." I said, staring down at the fuzzball. "Those… monster things were looking for something called a 'Kuriboh' right? That's you I'm guess?" "Kuri, Kuri!" the fuzzball (Kuriboh) answered, nodding it's head.

"Do you have a home? Or at least somewhere to get back too?"

"Kuri…" Kuriboh looked down sadly. "Look I'm not sure what is going on at all, but if that's the case, you can stay at my house if you want, we even have some food too!" I offered, feeling pity for the cute little creature. "Kuri!? KURI!" Kuriboh cried joyfully, hugging me with it's tiny arms.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Smiling to myself, I walked in the direction of my house.

Ignoring the small voice in my head telling me this is a bad idea and the feeling I had just started something REALLY big that was going to be hard to understand later on. I smiled while hugging Kuriboh and walked towards my house.


Unbeknownst to Yugi and the fuzzball named Kuriboh. Two figures watched them walk away from afar. One was a teenager with red eyes and gravity defying hair. The other was a taller adult man in purple robes. "Do you think we should retrieve Kuriboh?" the taller one asked. "No, he'll probably be safer with her, Pegasus wouldn't suspect him to be hiding with a teenage girl," the teen said. "Besides, that girl… Isn't as normal as she seems, Kuriboh might just be of more use to her than he is to me." The taller one nodded, before shadows enveloped the two. Disappearing from sight.

AnimeGirlAnn: Wow! First Chapter up! This is actually my first ever fanfic so sorry if it's not that good. Though keep in mind that any Flamers will be tortured by Mariku. Constructive criticism is welcomed though! I'm planning on making this kind of like a magical series just with Yugioh (Which was mostly the reason I genderbended the characters, that and I honestly just wanted too). Also Waardenburg syndrome isn't something I made up. I found it on the internet, so it may or may not be real, you never be sure with the internet these days. BTW, the monster that were chasing Kuriboh before were Toon Dark Rabbit and Hiro's Shadow Scout from Pegasus deck. Well I'm actually not sure if Hiro's Shadow Scout is in there but I wanted to add him because it would be SERIOUSLY freaky to see him in the real world.

NEXT TIME: Why Does Yugi's Mother Have A Duel Card? Does Kuriboh Actually Have A Gender and Is Any Of Our Characters Willing To Check? And When Did Attack On Titan Have Anything To Do With Yugioh!?

Please Review For Faster Chapters and Answers To These Questions!

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