Hello again readers. I know I have been gone for a while and I am sincerely sorry. I have no excuse other than that I will update this on my own time and try to do better about it. In other news, I am doing a few other stories unrelated to this one and I hope you will check them out.

Now, on to the reviews.

God of Vortexes

Mind Blown

Glad to know I could explode your brain.


Welp that was cool

Wonder if anyone will die

Not this chapter. Possibly later though. I mean, it is war.


Hello :)
First off I'm just gonna say that your fanfic is amassing!
Second, was it only me that when Percy (sorry Omega) is in Tartarus and he takes off his hood and everyones just like uhmagurd, that started fangirling so bad that they just sat their with a stupid smile on their faces in the middle of English class while everyone else stares at you weirdly? Also I love your ideas. You are really inspiring :) Also sorry for the really long comment but I had a lot to say

From TheUnicornNarwhal
PS I do realise that by the time of me posting this the fanfic is probably done but there you go :)

Thank you. And I'm glad I could make someone fangirl using my story. It is amazing to hear things like that. And I'm glad my story is so inspiring. Don't worry though, this story is far from over.


Hey Wade! I haven't commented in forever, so I thought I would this time. You're story is awesome and really unique, I love it! I wasn't happy about the whole Perlia thing at first but you really made it work, it's actually really cute. But there had better be some Domarty in the next chapter or I WILL rage at you.
Bai fam xP

Hey Hestia! Sad thing is, I haven't uploaded in forever. Literally. But after my long absence, I am back with a vengeance and I have several other stories as well. I hope you enjoy this chapter and check out my other stories. (And there is some Domarty in here, no worries. ;))


Another cliffhanger?! Please, please, PLEASE update soon.

Yeah, sorry I didn't. But I really didn't think that was much of a cliffhanger.


Starting to wrap things up huh?

Not really. I'd say we have at least ten chapters, if not more to go. Unless you're just talking about the Tartarus part, in which yes, that is done with now.

Daughter of the Lion

EEP! I haven't read a really good PJO fic in a long while. This was fantastic! Please update as soon as you are able!

Thank you and I'm sincerely sorry to have kept things off for this long. I hope this chapter makes up for it.


This story is incredible I really like perlia and so far this is one of the only ones I have found that is good so thanks can't wait for the next update

Thank you and as I have said already, I apologize for the long delay.


Good Prophecy

Thank you. To be honest, rhyming is my bane.


I like your way of writing, people are always to serious with these things your way is more relaxed it's nice for a change.

Thank you. It's great to hear that.


It's an amazing story and I'm loving it (I just realized that was McDonald's) but The Hunters of Betrayal sounds a bit emo doesn't it or have I got the word wrong, I'm actually from Sweden and not very good at words that goes over the basics.

You're right, Hunter's of Betrayal does sound very emo. But sadly I couldn't think of another name without making it something like Hunters of Phanes.


n3xt chapt3r pl3as3 it is a gr8 st0ry

Thank you. Here it is after forever.


OMGs best back story ever I never saw that coming

Thank you.


Amazing way to end the chapter i really love your work might i ask if you could add more Leo POVs because i find him rather relatable also could you fit festus into the next chapter i would gladly appreciate that

In future chapters I will try to fit Leo in. And I will most definitely have Festus in this story. Just not sure where yet.

Random name

Update plz i love this

Here it is. Enjoy.


I think the relationships were jumped into way too fast, and weren't really built up to, at all. Well, at least for Percy and Thalia. I can understand Dominic and Artemis, as one's been in love with the other for 3000 years while the other has had all of those 3000 years to think about what she would do. But Percy and Thalia? This is the first chapter that even a possibility of Percy or Thalia liking the other is mentioned, and then a few paragraphs later, in the same chapter, they kiss and tell each other they love each other. Anyways, I love the story so far, just wish the relationships had more of a build up.

I agree with you, I really do. I wish I could go back and rewrite things. But I'm afraid to do that I would have to rewrite a lot more. The only excuse I have is compare it to the time during the real life wars where young couples got married because they didn't want to miss out. I mean, during a time where anyone can die, you could get confidence from nowhere. But even that is a weak argument I have to admit. So, unless I cut all the chapters I've written since then, which I don't plan to do, I am going to keep it that way and try to smooth things over as we go along. Hopefully, I won't make the same mistake in the future. Thank you for the help though. I am always open to some friendly criticism.

Hero of Olympus in Disguise

I actually feel like Zoë and Percy should end up together. But, I'm too late. The start, has been written. This story is really good!

Whoa! Over 5,000 words! Only great writers like you can get me to lose myself in a story. Keep up the good work! And really? Another cliffhanger? Change your username to CliffhangerMaster while you're at it why don't ya? Just kidding. ;). This is a really great story, but I'm now regretting staying up soooo late to read it. Tomorrow's Monday, and continuing to read this story is going to be the only highlight of my day!

Told you reading this great story of yours was going to be the highlight of my day. Any second I had to myself, I read your story. I hope next chapter isn't a cliffhanger. It seems like it's been a while since you've last updated. Great story, but again, sadly, tomorrow is a week day, and if I want energy, I must start heading to bed. See you next chapter )

Thank you so much for adoring this story like you have. I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile and I hope this chapter makes up for it.

And that's it. Now, enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 14

Nobody's POV

The gods of Olympus sat in their thrones, waiting semi-patiently. From what they saw in the message only so many hours ago they expected the questers to arrive back soon. The only one not there was Poseidon who chose to stay in his kingdom for reasons he didn't explain. Many of the immortals were restless, fiddling with things in their hands to pass the time, like Hephaestus with his gears and tools or Apollo seeming to be tuning his ukulele. Hermes was tossing his phone between his hands anxiously, disregarding the sounds of George and Martha going 'ow,ow,ow'.

All of a sudden, a bright flash above them called their attention. The Argo 3.0 was once again floating above the throne room. Many of the gods' faces lit up in happiness whilst others simply sagged in relief. Then, interrupting the graceful return of the ship, there was a loud sound like an eighteen wheeler horn. This made several of the gods jump in surprise while Hephaestus chuckled. He knew for sure his son was okay.

A loud voice started talking, coming from the ship. "Hola Olympus! I have a delivery of a group of half-bloods, a few titans, one giant, and a primordial. Who wants to sign for it?" The voice of Leo said in a joking tone.

While a few gods found this amusing, others rolled their eyes. Before Apollo or Hermes could continue the bit, there was another flash and the ship members were in front of the council. Hermes, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite were already off their thrones and going to hug their children while Artemis went to welcome back Zoe and greeted Dominic discreetly.

When they were done, Zeus called the council back to their thrones. "Well, now that you are back, someone should go get Poseidon and tell him Perseus is-" He then noticed something. "Er, where is Perseus?"

The rest of the council also noticed the problem as they looked around for him. "He did make it out, didn't he?" Hermes asked, concern taking up his face, as well as a couple others.

Dominic stepped forward. "Yes, he did. But Poseidon asked me to send Percy to him right away. He wanted to be the first to know his son was alright." He explained. A few gods nod in understanding of this.

Zeus seemed a bit disgruntled, believing he was being undermined, but he shrugged it off. "Fine. Then Hermes, could you bring the two here and get the leaders of the camps as well?" Hermes nodded and flashed away. After a few minutes of awkward silence Hermes returned with the campers. Zeus looked confused. "Son, where is Poseidon and-"

Suddenly, the doors to the room slammed open, water flowing in and spinning around in a whirlpool it got bigger and bigger until it was as big as the gods. Finally, it evaporated into golden dust, flowing up into the air. In its place were the sea god and his son, grinning like the fools they are.

Silence reigned in the throne room until Dominic spoke up. "Okay, I'll bite. What's with the fancy dramatics?"

Their smiles got bigger at the question. "Well someone has to give Zeus a run for his money." Percy explains. A lot of people snickered at that, knowing Zeus' need for dramatics.

Zeus got gold in the face as he cleared his throat. "Moving on. Poseidon, are you going to sit down?" Poseidon rolled his eyes and walked over to his throne and sat down. "Good. Now, why don't you all recount exactly what happened down there."


So over the next hour or so the group each went over what happened, from Joel and his personal quest, to searching through the castle of Tartarus, to the battle for their lives and the escape.

A lot of their listeners were shocked at all the news. The news was definitely overwhelming since they not only had several titans on their side now, but a giant and the king of werewolves. A few of the counselors looked at them with nervousness still in their eyes.

However, nobody had time to say anything about it because almost immediately after the story was told, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon got up and went to their mother to hug her, the last three shrinking down. She gladly took each of them into her arms, happy to hug each of them. When they were done, Rhea raised an eyebrow at Zeus. "Well? Are you going to come give your mother a hug? Or have you outgrown hugs?" She asked.

He blushed in embarrassment. He slowly got up and went over to his mother and hugged her tensely. Soon after though, he relaxed, also happy to see his mother.

They released each other as Rhea looked to a dark shadow a column was making. "And you Hades? Are you too old to do so as well?"

Everyone was confused until Hades rushed out of the shadow, taking off his helm as he embraced his mother. Everyone was shocked, not just at the lady knowing he was there, but at the affection the lord of the dead was showing.

As they finished, Rhea looked around at all of the astounded faces. "Well? Shall we continue?" She said, an eyebrow raised. Everyone shook off their shock. One thing was for sure running through their minds. Mothers were scarily skilled.

Zeus cleared his throat, getting attention back on him as the gods were now back in there thrones as Hades and Hestia stood with Rhea. "Now, to the matter of the titans and the giant." He started. "I understand that Oceanus has sworn to not go against Olympus, but you two-"

"Helped keep Annabeth and me safe when we were escaping Tartarus." Percy interjected.

Zeus frowned. "That may be-"

"And for doing so, they should be rewarded." Poseidon declared, also interrupting Zeus.

Zeus was getting frustrated now. "But-"

"I think that is a wonderful idea." Rhea said, smiling.

Zeus opened and closed mouth, no sound coming out. He seemed to concede defeat, sighing since he knew he wouldn't be able to argue with his mother. "What did you have in mind?" He asked, feeling as if he was regretting it already.

"Well, I have an idea." Phanes said. "Perhaps if we gathered the titans that were forgiven and released after the Second Titan war, they could form a new council at Mount Othrys, this one allied with Olympus." He explained, adding on the last part quickly so Zeus didn't throw a fit.

Zeus was still about to say something when Athena, who was surprisingly quiet, spoke up. "Maybe we should put it to a vote?"

Zeus grumbled but went along with it anyway. "All in favor of allowing this?" He asked. The only ones to not raise the hand were Ares, Dionysus, and Zeus. Zeus sighed at this. "Very well then. Athena, I will trust you to go with Iapetus-"


Everyone looked to see Percy standing there, a minor look of defiance on his face. "What was that Percy?" Poseidon asked.

"His name is Bob. Not Iapetus." Percy explained.

Zeus rolled his eyes, exasperated. "Fine. Athena, I will trust you to go with Bob to speak with the titans that are on peaceful terms with Olympus and offer the possibility of a new council." She nodded as Zeus looked to the giant once more. "Now, what about you Damasen?" He said, glancing to Perseus in case he wished to correct him again. But he stood there, an 'innocent' look on his face.

Damasen thought for a moment before speaking. "I'm honestly not sure. All I've ever wanted was to be freed from my curse and leave Tartarus. Now, I'm not sure what to do next."

This is when Percy intervened again. "Maybe he could help the camps."

Many gave confused looks at this. "How exactly could a wimpy, peace-loving giant-" Ares began, getting glares from the questers and a couple gods even. "-help either of the camps punk?"

"Plenty of ways." Phanes piped in. "I mean he has survived in Tartarus longer than any other being alive. He could teach classes on survival or maybe provide a few new healing remedies from what he has learned. And though he may be peaceful, he can help fend off the monsters if needed when new demigods are coming into camp. And it isn't as if he would harm any of the campers. He is Ares' polar opposite."

Almost all of the Olympians nodded to this, seeing the logic in his statement. Ares still didn't look pleased. But he was outnumbered in this decision.

"So be it." Zeus rumbled. "Damasen, if you wish for it, you shall be allowed into the camps as a mentor of sorts like Chiron. Should either of the camps require your assistance, whether it is needing to be taught, trained, or defended, you will be there." Damasen didn't take very long to agree to this reward. "Good. Now on to other matters. Our next course of action from here."

"I propose we begin training everyone harder. Tartarus will most likely hold off for awhile now and try to form a plan. His first two attacks were simply attempts to overwhelm us, as well as do recon." Phanes said, going into a version of battle mode. "With those failing, he went for the kidnapping of the generals, which turned into just Percy. Now, since we've retrieved him and the rest of the prisoners, he doesn't have anything to hold against us and will need a new approach to this war." Athena nodded in agreement, only half-listening to the conversation as she was focused on how to get Percy to help her daughter.

Zeus frowned (again). "We've had the camps training almost nonstop since the 'event' two years ago. They should be skilled enough, shouldn't they?" He asked. Many of the Olympians thought the same.

Phanes raised an eyebrow. "Yes, in your training program. But I'm saying they should go through the hunt's training program."

"Are you saying your sissy hunters are trained better than our campers?" Ares barked, getting more glares. Deep down, he knew that the training for the campers of both camps had gotten weaker instead of stronger over the years. But he doubted that they were any better.

Phanes smiled slyly. "No, I am just suggesting it. But if you are skeptical of which are better trained, we could hold a competition. Three of your best fighters from each camp and Artemis' hunters against any of my hunters of their choosing. At the end, if you've defeated more of my warriors, you win and we'll continue training your way. If we win, your children will train our way. Deal?" He asked.

While a few seemed unsure, most of the council seemed confident in their children's skill. Ares was especially eager to make it happen. "Yeah! I'll enjoy watching your hunters get crushed." He growled out.

Zeus seemed to be tired, but he liked the idea of a practice fight, perhaps showing up the Hunters of Betrayal in combat. "Very well. The competition will happen tomorrow at noon. We will see just who the better trained warriors are. Is there anything else to discuss?"

Aphrodite raised her hand. "Are we going to talk about Dominic's new relationship?" She asked, knowing the trouble she was causing.

Almost everyone turned their eyes to Dominic, except a few who knew and took a side-glance at Artemis. Artemis showed no emotions but she looked unnaturally pale as she feared for her boyfriend.

Dominic on the other hand was at ease, smiling. "I don't see how my love life is any of the Olympians business. It's not all that interesting either. I mean, it's not like I'm dating a goddess." He joked/lied with amusement.

This got a few laughs out of some people, though some had different reasons for doing so. "I have to agree. I see no reason to pry into our allies lives for your entertainment Aphrodite." Hera said, glaring at the woman who causes so many infidelities in marriages. Especially her own with Hephaestus.

Aphrodite smirked back. "Oh come now Hera. I believe all of us on the council know who he is dating. And-"

"And it is their right to keep it to themselves as it is their choice to be together, not ours." Apollo interjected, not liking where this was going.

An argument began between the gods, Aphrodite, and Ares who hopes this will begin a fight between the flying shrimp and the thunder god, were pushing for talking about this, while a few of the other gods were arguing against it, not wanting to cause their doom over a single relationship.

It was getting out of control until Zeus slammed his bolt down. "Enough!" He roars, silencing everyone. He pinches the bridge of his nose and took deep breaths. You could almost see him counting to ten in his head. He lays his hand down and looks around at the expectant faces. His sight comes to stop on Dominic as he contemplates. Dominic stands at the ready, fearless as he is studied by the king of the gods.

Everyone's eyes dart between the two as they prepare for the worst. Artemis and Phanes looked ready to jump in and intercept Zeus if he made a shot for Dominic. Others were ready to restrain him in case that happened. Meanwhile, Aphrodite was smirking once again, believing she had won. But then Zeus spoke calmly.

"As it was stated before, this is not our business. These are our allies and will be treated as such. Therefore, Aphrodite, I forbid you from causing problems in any of the hunter's lives, especially Dominicus' and whoever his new girlfriend may be." Everyone looked in shock at him. "Anything anyone else feels needs discussing can wait until the next meeting. Council dismissed." He announced. He took one last glance at Dominic before taking Hera's hand in his own, surprising her further, and flashing away.

Dominic's POV

I stood there for awhile, still in my shock as to what just happened. I vaguely noticed the gods flashing away (Hermes taking the campers home), a few staying behind. But I still had my eyes glued to where Zeus once was.

Did that really just happen? I thought in disbelief. I couldn't believe he had given in so easily. I was beginning to think I was dreaming when I felt a playful punch in my shoulder and the minor pain brought with it. I look to see Percy smiling like his usual self.

"Congrats dude. I think you actually broke Zeus." He said jokingly.

I shake my head, grinning. "Well, it was bound to happen eventually. I'm just surprised it happened so soon after our return." I replied.

He nodded then got an evil glint in his eye. "So your real name is Dominicus?"

I glared at him as I was ready to curse Zeus for mentioning it. "No jokes, Perseus." I threaten him with his own name.

This just caused the evil glint to spread to a few others. "Aw, but Dominicus, don't you just love your name?" Leo joked.

"Repair Monkey, I am warning you." I tell him, not liking how this was going.

"Forget it, Mr. Dominicus. You're not living this down." Luke said smirking with the others.

I sigh in defeat. "Whatever. Do your worst then." I say exasperated.

"Oh we plan to. But later. Don't you have someone you should go see?" Percy said, taking the slightest of glances at Artemis who was of the few gods who stayed behind.

I smile once more nodding. "Right. Thanks Perce." I say. Before I left, I gave him a quick bro hug. "Good to have you back here bro." He returns the hug.

I walk off then, and as soon as I exit the others line of sight in the throne room I get flashed away. As I open my eyes I see I am in a wooded clearing in a forest. But not just any forest. I could recognize it, even after all these years. From the smell of the flowers to the taste of the air. This was the island of Delos.

I saw light from someone else flashing in behind me. As the light faded behind me, I turned just in time to have my world jerked to the side. As I regained my bearings, I noticed two things. 1. An arrow locking my shirt in the tree, and by extension, me. And 2. My hot girlfriend advancing on me.

She shoved me against the tree, her forearm pressed against me and glaring directly into my eyes. Before, this would have scared the every bit of manhood I have out of me. Now, this glare that made many cower just made me grin.

"Yes?" I say in an oblivious manner.

Her glare intensifies. "Don't play innocent. You scared the hell out of me with that trick on the quest."

"Ah, but it seems you forgot what I said after that." I say, mock hurt blanketing my face.

A golden blush comes to her cheeks. "No, I didn't. But that doesn't change the fact that-" I cut her off with a slow kiss. Her posture relaxes as the pressure removes from my chest.

As we separate I look her in the eyes once more. "Would it help if I told you every word said about you was true?"

She smiles happily. "Perhaps." She said vaguely. She then kissed me this time, this one lasting longer. When the kiss broke, she pulled the arrow out of the tree. "Alright, well you best start running now."

I raise an eyebrow at that in minor confusion, but I could guess what she was doing. "Why?"

She smiled evilly. "Because otherwise your head start is meaningless." She said, placing the arrow back in her quiver. "And you wouldn't want that, would you?"

"How long before I am safe to come out again?"

"Twelve hours."

"I don't suppose you will have mercy if you get me?"

"I really do love you Dominic."

I grin. "I love you too Arty." I run off as fast as I possibly can. Not long after I feel an arrow whizz by my ear.

Ah, the good ole days.


Percy's POV

I chuckle as I can sense Artemis flash away. I turn to the others as we start to leave, but almost immediately we're stopped by someone I feared would approach me.


She stepped forward with determination covering her face. "Perseus, I have a request to ask of you." She said unwavering.

I pushed the ever growing dread that was creeping into my mind down and looked her in the eye. "And what would it be?"

She seemed to study me for awhile, not saying anything yet. Then she took a deep breath and spoke. "I need you to go see my daughter and I ask…I beg that you consider forgiving her for her past aggressions against you." She looked down for a minute before looking at me once more. "I need my daughter back Perseus. Please."

I looked at her, half of me surprised at what she was doing. Athena, the goddess best known for pride and hubris, was pleading to me, a son of Poseidon. I was starting to believe I was dreaming when reality seemed to catch back up to me and I frowned, knowing what I would have to do. Who I would have to face.

I felt a hand wrap around my own. I glance to see none other than Thalia smiling at me, an encouraging smile on her face. I see the rest of my friends standing there with smiles as well, sending the silent message that they were there for me. Slowly a smile comes to me as well as I turn back to Athena. "Alright…I will see her. Would you mind bringing us to the camp?" Hope flashes across the goddess' face as she nods. We all close our eyes as she flashed us there.

I open my eyes to see we are right in front of the Big House. "She is in the basement room." The woman of wisdom says. I nod and go inside with Thalia, her hand still wrapped tightly around mine. As I approach the door, I hear muffled muttering coming from the other side.

I slowly open the door. As I do, I begin to see just how bad it was.

At first glance you would see simple parts of the room in disorder. The torn apart nightstand, the crooked lamp, and the flipped bed to name a few things. But looking closer at the room, you would see writing scrawled across the walls. There were hundreds of didn't things written in different size and style. They would change between English and Greek right in the middle of words. The most I could make out with my dyslexia(which was killing me right now.) were things such as 'idiot', 'why', and 'liar'. But right on the back wall in big slanted writing was three words.

I'm sorry Percy.

As I finished scanning the room, my sight zeroed in on the person we came for.

There, crouched in the back corner of the room, was a figure with blonde hair. The day I first saw her again, I didn't get a good enough look, but now I could study her further. From the back of her head, I could see multiple pencils sticking out of the rats nest her once golden locks had become. On the sides of her orange camp shirt going forward I could see the edges of similar writings that were on the walls on it. I could hear mild murmuring as she seemed to be fiddling with something, possibly writing more things.

I stepped into the room, letting go of Thalia's hand as I did, taking careful steps so as not to scare her with any sudden sounds. I make it to the middle of the room before I finally stop. I take a deep breath before speaking. "Annabeth."

She stopped what she was doing at that. Slowly she stood up and turned around. I got a better look at her as I saw the scribbles up and down her front clearer, the most prominent word being 'betrayer'. As I brought my eyes up to her face, I began to see her red, feverish cheeks stained from crying it seemed. Her eyes however were the worst. Her once stormy grey eyes that showed she was a daughter of wisdom and analyzed your every move had become bloodshot and distressed. The red veins that ran over her eyes seemed to show some mocking irony as if they were the cracks in her fragile mind.

For the life of me, I wouldn't be able to tell you how long we stood there, studying each other, neither of us seeming to believe the other was real. And honestly, I almost couldn't believe this was Annabeth. That this was the strong girl that used to be my girlfriend.

Finally, she responded, doing her best to croak out her words with a sore voice. "P-Percy?" She then began to step towards me, almost tripping on the remains of what used to be a notebook. She made her way over slowly, whether she was afraid she'd scare me off or she was simply afraid.

When she was in front of me, she stopped. She stood with a slight hunch as if she didn't get up much anymore. She began to reach out, as if to touch me and make sure I was there but stopped, changing her mind mid-reach. But before she could retract her hand I grabbed it, startling her. She lurched back, trying to get away as if being burned by my touch. But it didn't work as she didn't have the strength to do so.

I waited for her to stop struggling, as she continued to study me, much different than she used to. Like I was a problem she couldn't solve and it sincerely scared her. The fear showed in her cracked eyes as she looked at me, dreading whatever I would do to her.

I spoke again. "Annabeth, it's me. I'm here and I'm not going to hurt you."

My assurances seemed to calm her as her eyes showed disbelief. I relaxed my grip on her hand and grasped her shoulders. She became frigid, her eye darting everywhere at once, not believing what was happening and trying to absorb everything at once. Her gaze finally came to rest on me again.

Seeing everything I had so far, between the room, her appearance, and the absolute constant fear in her mind, all the hurt I felt for the past two years just dissipated. After everything I had seen, I felt so stupid for feeling so sorry for myself. If anyone in camp felt half as bad as Annabeth did right now, then they more than deserve forgiveness.

I pulled Annabeth into a hug then. She gasped at the sudden motion but didn't resist. I then said what needed to be said for the last few years.

"I forgive you Wise Girl."

With that she seemed to melt, sobbing into my shoulder. Even with her already aching eyes, she still seemed to still produce tears. She kept muttering apologies into my shoulder through her crying. I simply rubbed her back comfortingly. I motioned for the others to come in. Thalia, Jason, and Piper helped comfort her as they joined the hug. The rest stood there, a mixture of happiness and sadness covering their faces.

After who knows how long of sitting there, letting Annabeth cry herself out and start calming down, we let go of her as she was reduced to just sniffles. Then, Athena approached them, looking at her daughter with absolute hope.

"Annabeth? My daughter, are you okay now?" She asked.

Annabeth, after rubbing her eyes fiercely, finally seemed to really absorb everyone and everything around her. She then said. "I'm not entirely sure as I am pretty sure I am surrounded almost completely by dead people and my mother. What in the name of Hades have I missed?"

That made me chuckle, as well as a few others. "A lot Wise Girl. And we will get you a few books so you can catch up later. But first, and no offense, you should probably get cleaned up." I said, gesturing to her appearance. She then looked herself over before nodding in agreement.

She began to let herself get lead out by Piper and Thalia but stopped at the door. She turned to look at me, that fear in her eyes returning for a moment. "Percy?"

"Don't worry. I will see you at the Dining Hall for dinner. I promise." I told her, my old smile on my face. That calmed her down as she continued her way out of the basement.

I sigh as I rub my face irritatedly. I feel like I hadn't slept in two years and it was catching up to me. I felt a hand clap me on the shoulder. I looked to see Luke with a smile, the same kind of smile he had when I had first met him almost a decade ago. Before all Hades seemed to start raining down around all of us.

"You good man?" He asked.

I smiled tiredly at him and the rest of our not so little quest group. "You know, I think I am. I feel like a weight that has been on my shoulder for the past couple years has been lifted."

Leo leaped forward and threw an arm around me. "Well don't get too comfy Aqua boy. You still have an entire camp to reintroduce yourself to. And I do believe a party is in order for tonight."

"I second that." Luke said.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. I crack my neck before shaking my head free of nerves.

"Well, let's go then. I have a lot of catching up to do as a camper."

End Chapter

And so ends another chapter.

See you later and I'll try to update soon.
