To My Dearest

Chapter 023

:: Fear ::

Lucy woke up to the sudden movement under her arm. Her head felt heavy and her vision was blurry. She figured she might have dozed off while keeping a watch on him.

As she sat straight and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, she recollected the events of yesterday. She received Wendy's call and she had to rush out to Acalypha. Of course, her best friend drove her here with reluctance. The last thing she could recall was hearing Natsu hurt himself and that he was laying on the bed. She was aware of her friend's concern for her and she was thankful for it. She wouldn't have made it in one piece.

When she realised the seriousness of the situation, she snapped her eyes open. They met with his emotionless onyxes. He was sitting on the bed- a bandage obstructing the flow of his pink hair. She panicked and managed to calm herself.

Asking him if he was alright was futile- He was sitting and had a sound breathing. He was watching her and she only didn't know how long it has been since he started watching her. Silence hung in the air. She would eventually open her mouth and close it before any words escape. Her feelings were stuck in her throat and the water rose to her eyes. Before they could overflow, he answered her silent questions.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. Nothing happened"

"Nothing happened? You call this nothing, Natsu?!" she snapped at him- that was definitely not the way you treat a patient. Well, you could say she cared less at the moment.

"Lucy…" His tone changed to a whiny one. She managed a chuckle at that.

She came closer to him. She pressed his forehead with care.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little. Were you worried?"

"A little, I guess" she laughed. She knew it was an understatement. She was more than worried and she knew he was aware of what might have transpired while he was in his slumber.

"I'm sorry," he said, averting her gaze, "I wanted to end your troubles but I only seem to make them worse"

"You spoke the truth" He looked up at her in surprise. Her emotions were unreadable. Whatever she might have been feeling, she hid it under her smile.

"That's why" She caressed his cheek and pressed her lips to his "Don't hurt yourself anymore"

He sat up to the side of the bed and pulled her close into a hug, nuzzling his head into the nape of her neck. He held her ever so close and tight. She squirmed and cried about his injuries. He would listen to none.

When she saw resistance was in vain, she gave in to him- gently stroking his pink locks. Her body trembled at his contact and soon her sobs engulfed the prevailing silence.

She pressed her lips on his head. Tears dripped from her cheeks onto his shirt, coloured by blood.

Quivering with fear, she said, "I was scared, Natsu..."

"I understand" he replied, "I was scared too"

And then she felt her dress soaking wet- the cause she realised was not her tears but his…

:: Fear ::

Finished: 10th February 2016, 18:43

A/n: I know I bailed out again and did not update the story for weeks. My wrist pain hadn't subsided for weeks and then my work got piled up. I just squeezed in the time to write this filler if I may say so. I hope you liked it and let us see what happens next…