"See you tomorrow, guys!"

Makoto had just gotten done with today's swim meet and was getting dressed for his dismissal from Iwatobi Highschool. He threw his wet, black and green jammers into a spare plastic bag from a nearby convenient store.

Makoto was the only one in the changing room right now, for everyone had gotten ready quicker and left. Haru had to go over to Rei's house. They were studying for a big exam coming up soon so Makoto was planning on walking home alone today. Not that he had a choice anyways.

He shut and locked the rooms' door with the spare key the school had given him. He threw the keys up in the air and attempted to catch them with his hand. Makoto missed and the key fell to the floor. I imagined that to be much cooler... He thought as he had a grim expression plastered on his face.

He bent down and grabbed the keys, shoving them into an empty pocket in his lime green back pack. Finally ready to go home, he walked to the entrance of the school building.

"Yo" Sousuke leaned over the side of his bunk to stare into the red eyes of his room mate Rin.

"What is it?"

"When do the swim dicks end their practice?"

Rin gave his full attention at the question just asked.

"Wait what?... Why would you want to know?"

"I wanna meet up with someone." Sousuke had no emotion on his face nor in his tone of voice.

Rin looked at his watch.

"It's 3:26 now so in about 4 minutes."

"Okay, thanks."

Sousuke climbed down the ladder of the bunk bed and went over to the door of his and Rins' dorm. He slipped on his orange tennis shoes and headed out the door.

Iwatobi High wasn't that far and he could probably get there on time, as long as they were long changers.

Sousuke arrived at the entrance of the big Highschool and leaned against a column, waiting for his destined guest.

Makoto quietly walked out of the glass double doors and continued down the steps. Once he was about to make a turn to continue his journey, he became face to face with a familiar face.


Makoto shrieked and fell backwards. He landed on his butt and dropped his backpack that was lightly draped over his left shoulder.

"Rin was right... You really are a woos. Hey Makoto"
