Disclaimer: I don't own anything pertaining to the Star Wars franchise, all rights are acquired to Disney. The only things I own are my OC's Ralem Solstice.
Ralem's Collective:
Ashoka Tano
Asajj Ventress
Padme Amidala
Riyo Chuchi
Sabren Wren
Satele Shan
Shae Vizla
Zule Xiss
T'ra Saa
Kass Tod
Shaak Ti
Aayla Secura
Barris Offee
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
13 billion BBY (Before Battle of Yavin)
Long before the Galatic Republic, the Big Bang had already taken place, creating the universe. Many believed that it was approximately the year in which a cloud of dust and gas within the universe that was one-hundred thousand lightyears across experienced a gravitic collapse; the cloud coalesced to form a disk of the same dimension that revolved around an extremely massive blackhole, the galaxy.
Amongst the first lifeforms to exceed the mortal comprhension of the word were the Celestials, mysterious beings who were thought to be capable of restructuring space on a massive scale, lived in the galaxy. Also known as the Architects, they were considered one of the earliest and most potent cultures of their time that were identified by the colossal objects that they had left behind. Despite their achievements, little evidence remained of where the Architects came from and what was their eventual fate. Many of their extraordinary works and machines were known to have survived the ages with some races claiming the engineering marvel that was the Centerpoint Station, an ancient space station capable of moving entire planets with its tractor beams, was the product of their civilization.
Billions of years went by before the Celestials dwindled away to the point of being thought as legends and myths, however three remaining Celestials remained behind. They would be known as the Father, the Son, and the Daughter.
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
1,000,000 BBY
The Ones coalescted out of a gyser on an unnamed tropical planet; the Ones intially lived in peace and harmony in the home they made for themselves near the site of the gyser. The Father warned his children to never drink from the Font of Power, or bathe in the Pool of Knowledge; however, they eventually disobeyed his orders, with the Son drinking from the Font, giving him the power of the Dark Side, while the Daughter bathed in the Pool, bestowing her the power of the Light Side. The sibilings then claimed areas of the jungle for themselves and started to fight each other, while the Father tried to keep the peace between them with no such luck.
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
100,000 BBY
One day, a young woman somehow came to their world. She intitially became the Servant, serving and catering to the One's needs. But it was not long before the Servant became part of the One's family, filling in the role of the Mother. The Mother kept the peace between the warring siblings and doted on the Father, ensuring the family's happiness for many years. Under her guidance, the Son began to use his destructive powers for something useful- he carved out caves and passages in the walls of the valley they lived- and the siblings restored their home to its former glory, repairing the damage and negelct caused by the conflict of their rivalry.
But as the years went by, the Mother began to age while her family remained ageless. In her old age, she could no longer control the Son and Daughter's rivalry, and she began to fear that her family would abandon her. So in order to hold onto the life she'd had, the Mother decided to commit the Forbidden. While the Father was distracted by his warring children, she snuck a drink from the Font of Power just as the Son had done long ago. She then completed her transgression by bathing in the Pool of Knowledge like the Daughter, but the Father discovered her. But unlike the Ones, she was mortal, and so the Font and the Pool corrupted her. They granted her power, but twisted her mind and body, creating the dark side entity known as Abeloth.
Abeloth used her new powers to dominate her adopted children, subduing them and forcing them to bow to her before the Font of Power. But at this point the Father, horrified and disappointed in Abeloth, stepped in. He departed the planet with his children, leaving Abeloth stranded alone and fulfilling her deepest fear- her family abandoned her. This drove her to madness, fueling her desire to be loved and adored. Knowing that Abeloth would be a danger to others, the Son and the Daughter took control of the Killik hives from Alderaan and used them as workers. By joining the hivemind, the Ones shared their immense power in the Force with the Killiks. After their creations were completed, the Son and the Daughter removed their power from the hives, and retreated with the Father to Mortis so that he might control them and keep the Force in balance.
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
36,453 BBY on Mortis
The Father stood upon the edge of a cliff watching his children once again fighting, the landscape rising and tearing itself apart from the sheer power that the Son and the Daughter held. He figured that after the events with Abeloth that they would put an end to their senseless and meaningless squabble but it seemed to be a forlorn dream from a senile old man. Much as he didn't want to admit it, he missed Abeloth; she was the key to everything. She was the only one who could maintain peace and control between the warring siblings which is something the Father didn't really have the heart to do. Plus the fact that he did enjoy her company when the children were actually working together on their projects, he was a damned fool; if he was more observant on her condition and aging then all this could have been avoided. But he was so caught up in his own work that he didn't see the problem right in front of him.
The Father rubbed his face in agitiation and let out a deep sigh. When he reopened them the ecosystem was all but barren, in total inahiliation. Fire and smoke rose from the ashes as trees toppled over with thunderous echoes resounding in the Father's ears. The sound of animals crying or roaring quickly rise and fell in the manner of waves, afraid of attracting the person or persons responsible.
"That is enough," the Father said sternly. "I've let this continue on for far too long now. I can't watch my children try to murder themselves for this ongoing balancement of peace any longer, there has to be another way to achieve balance in the Force without tipping the other overboard." He stroked his beard in ponderment racking his brain with thousands upon thousands of different answers but none of them came to the desired effect he wished for.
'Abeloth.' The Father's sudden realization dawned on him finally realizing the answer.
"Of course, she has been the only one to absorb both the Font of Power and the Pool of Knowledge although that resulted in her becoming that monstrousity. But perhaps there is a way to combine both the Light and Dark side without any major side effects, the result of such a creation would achieve the powers of both my children plus enlightment which would prevent the creation from becoming a corrupt creature. Thus it will be able to end the whole predicament of balancing the Force since it will already be balanced."
The Father quickly went down the cliffside of where he once stood and quickly went into his sancturary to begin his experiments. He used the Force to pull a plethora of ancient scrolls and books from the multitude of shelves that occupied his domain. The books and scrolls hovered around him as he agumented the Force to pull forth a table and a case of glassware in varying sizes. As he made himself comfortable in his study, the Father Force-pulled the closest book to him and opened it to a random page. He glanced at a few pages before pushing the book away for a scroll to appear. He mumbled incoherently as he used the Force Scribe techinque to inscribe words on a piece of parchment that layed in front of him. Once he was satisfied with what he wanted, he pushed the scroll away. Hours upon hours the Father worked endlessly until the wee hours of sunrise.
"I think I may have done it," exasperated the Father standing tiredly from his chair. "Now I have to use a bit of Force alchemy and my own will and blood to make the child doesn't become corrupt."
The Father took a piece of chalk and used the Force to a create a ritual circle on the floor with different symbols and patterns within it. Then the Father used a dagger that he kept hidden in his sleeve and made a slice on his left forearm taking a dap of blood on it. He flicked the blood onto the center of the ritual circle as the blood suddenly stretched itself across the chalk outline; once completed the ritual circle started to rise with smoke that smelled of the mountains.
"Solstitium surgere puer. Miles nocte et die operantes, quos diligimus, et cogitabat tarda praeteritt. Verum statera huiusmodi rebus illis advorsas invenient luci." chanted the Father. The mixture of the blood and smoke morphed into a faint golden white ball of energy as it hovered calmly up and down. The Father reached out carefully with his hand to touch the orb when it suddenly floated away upwards towards the ceiling. The orb bumped into the ceiling and tried again with the same result; it gave a soft warbling sound in confusion as it desceneded towards ground level. The Father observed the orb with mild amusement as it continuned to inspect the floating scrolls, books, and other utensils nearby.
"The little fellow is inquistive isn't he?" chuckled the Father to himself as the orb made its way back to its creator. It circled around the Father and gently bumped itself into him, the Father laughed softly after feeling the soft warmth graze his cheek before fading away. "It definitely has the compassion and qualities of the Light side, now its time to see how much darkness it has inside of it."
The Father took the dagger still in his hand and threw it towards the golden-white orb but it didn't get pass a few inches when the dagger halted in mid-air. The orb then turned a reddish-bronze color signifying that it wasn't too pleased with the old man's actions.
Father made no move to defend himself as he pondered the latent powers of his newest creation. The orb garbled angrily as the dagger turned around so that the pointed edge was towards the Father.
"Most interesting, it appears that even though with no physical body you managed to be as powerful as I hoped you'd be," stated Father. "I sincerely apologize for my actions, I meant you no harm."
The orb didn't make any noise as its color changed to a blackish-blue color like that of a thunder storm, shooting a powerful blast of electricity at the dagger destroying it completely. Father shielded his face from the blast and once the light died down, he glanced up to see the orb back to its original coloring. The orb turned around and proceeded to levitate away when Father gently grasped the orb into his palm.
The orb growled at first but then it felt the benveloant presence of the Father and gently laid itself against his palm. Father smiled endearingly at his creation as he took the tip of his hand and petted it. The orb purred at the touch and nestled itself deeper into the palm.
"I must say you have turned out as splendid and wonderful as I hoped," complimented Father. "If things go according to my calculations you should be able to be at my strength when you are right of age and shall take over my place for bringing the peace between your siblings. If either of them don't take you for themselves that is, I can't simply let you stay here since I'm sure they've felt your presence at this point and they'll come looking for you. I have to send you off planet-"
"So my dear Father has decided to betray us has he?" A malicious voice made itself present. Father tightened his grip on the orb hiding its presence as he turned around to view his Son and Daughter standing by the doorway. "How do you feel about this dear Sister?"
The Daughter tried to not look hurt but with little suuccess, she cleared her throat before speaking. "Father what is that you have that you are trying to from us?"
Father sighed before releasing the orb from his grip causing the orb to levitate upwards. Once the orb noticed the two beings standing by the doorway it floated closely to Father for protection. The Son chuckled darkly at the golden-whitish orb's reaction to them.
"It seems this little orb of yours is a weak pathetic creation from a deranged old man," the Son insulted. "Tell me, what was the point of this thing?"
"Well my child if you must know, this little orb is supposed to keep the balance between you two. Throughout the milennias I have tried to keep that balance with you but I have failed, hopefully my new creation, my new son, will fix that problem."
The Son snarled at the insult that was directed at him and was about to respond when his sister spoke.
"Father I don't understand, is this suppose to replace us as the balancement of the Force?" asked the Daughter. "Have we become that much of a disgrace that you would rather replace us?"
"No of course not but I can't keep my own children from trying to kill each other. I've been a failure to the both of you and Abeloth, so I figured that the best solution would be to a create a third child that embodies both the Light and Dark side of the Force so that way you two won't have to carry such a burden anymore." Father explained. The Daughter pondered with a thoughtful look on her face towards the orb thinking while the Son had a glare etched on his face.
"I'm sorry Father but this is unacceptable," Daughter said. "Even though you meant well, this orb just means that there is another imbalancement and that we are going to continue fighting each other for the rights to it since my brother will use the orb as a destructive weapon-"
"While my sister will use it for her own self-righteous pretenious reasons," the Son interuppted. "It seems that no matter what you do, you will always hurt us in some way."
"I know and I'm sorry. I'm only doing this because I love you." replied Father with a downtrodden expression when he suddenly fired a blast of silver-blue energy at his own children sending them flying across the landscape and slapped his hands against the orb causing it to break down into golden-white dust. Taking a deep breath he blew the dust away and watched as it disappeared from his sight and the orbit of the planet.
"Go on my chlid. I'm sorry that I couldn't be here to raise you to your full potential but I'll try to be by your side whenever I can," Father said with a heavy sigh. "Goodbye Solstice, my son."
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
Trillions upon trillions of miles the golden-whie dust travelled across the far reaches of the cosmos, flying pass asteroids, stars, cosmic gas clouds, and various objects flying through the vast emptiness. Until the cloud of dust came across a planet known as Illarian, home planet to the Yashans. Yashans were considered a race of superhuman warriors whose physiology are quite identical to humans. They were breed to be remarkably agile, five to ten times stronger and thrice as intelligent to humans, their blood contains platelets capable of regenerating an immunity to a wide variety of dieases and toxins, possess heart muscles twice as strong and lung efficiency 175% better which allows them to survive underwater for roughly an hour, and they have the ability to see in complete darkness and have internal thermal vision.
As the dust cloud fell through the upper atmosphere of the planet it came across a large city. It garbled in curiousity flying towards this unknown location and viewed its surrondings; a bustle of unknown species that looked vaguely similar to its creator in terms of physical design, a large amount of flying metal creatures across the sky, and small amounts of food sitting in circular objects. The dust cloud reverted back to its natural orb shape and hovered over the small plate of food trying to eat it but to no avail. The orb grumbled angrily as it tried a few more times before it noticed the sentient beings staring at it with an uncomforting looks on their faces. The orb ignored their expressions as it hovered away towards the upper limits where those mechanical beings were flying past it at incredible speed. It flew alongside one of those metal beings until it accidently bumped into it causing the orb to be knocked down until it gained it bearing. The orb changed to its bronze-red coloring showing that it had just about enough when he spotted from his altitude a woman leaning against a rail on a large building.
Curiousity took over the orb as it descended towards the woman, landing beside her watching her look over the rail. A few moments passed when the woman turned her head to witness the orb staring at her, she quickly pulled a blaster from her side holster and pointed it towards the glowing orb.
"What are-" She started to say only to have the blaster yanked from her person and levitated away. The blaster started to crumple and bend when it dropped to the ground, the woman backing away slowly eyeing for a possible exit.
"What do you want from me?" The woman demanded as the orb floated towards her. It stopped short in front of her face, inspecting her. The female had brown hair with blonde highlights, dark emerald eyes, and wore a white shirt, black vest, blue pants, and boots. The orb changed colors to a soft reddish-pink color as it evaporated to a dust cloud and entered into the woman's womb. The woman stiffened when the cloud entered her and she spasmed for a few moments before she hung over the rail and vomited onto the street below. Suddenly the sick feeling in her stomach vanished, replaced by a warming sensation. The woman held her stomach for a moment before she slowly fell into unconsiousness, seeing images of three people and a giant ship.
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
36,443 BBY on Illarian
A enormous pyramid-like ship towered above the city and blocked out the sun causing panic to ensue across its people. Ten years had pass since that eventful day with the golden-white orb entered her womb and Revanna Solstice stood behind her son Ralem, both staring up into the sky. Revanna never fully understood what those images meant all those years ago nor did she really question them but a thought did pop up every now and then, she never considered herself a philosophical person but she had a feeling that her son was meant for something grand. She looked down to see her son staring in amazement at the pyramid ship above. She ruffled his blondish-brown hair and stared at the mark on his arm; a tribal sun with a crescant moon on his right arm. What was fascinating was that Ralem was born with mark, never faded or anything.
"Mommy, what is that ship doing here?" asked Ralem backing slowly towards his mother. Revanna smiled comfotingly laying her hand against his shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze.
"It's here for you baby." said Revanna. Ralem turned to face his mother with a small amount of fear on his face.
Revanna sighed in fatigue. She honestly couldn't give a solid answer, hell she couldn't even convince herself entirely about what happened a decade ago, but she had a feeling that wouldn't matter. Like everything would resolve itself.
"I'm not sure baby but there comes a time in someone's life where they belong to someting or someone and sometimes you don't question it and just do it. Understand?" Revanna tried to explain to her son. Ralem nodded slowly, not fully understanding but something inside told him to follow that ship.
A loud whiring sound boomed from the ship as it opened and a blinding white light shone through onto Ralem and his mother. Ralem felt himself being lifted off the ground and floating towards the white light emitting from the ship. Looking back he noticed that his mother was still on the ground and not joining him, upon this realization he flared his arms and legs trying to return to his mom.
"Mom! Put me down now!"
"It's ok sweetie, just go. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" Revanna shouted as she wiped her tears from her eyes. She continued to watch until her child disappeared from her sight, her fist trembling with a wave of emotions pulsating through her but kept her composure. She was a Yashan assassin and mercenary, she shared some of those same qualities to her son: honor and respect for those fallen in battle even for the enemy, never fight dirty unless the enemy starts it first, and forbid the telling of contracts/kills. Granted Ralem wasn't old enough to kill but it was her duty to tell him nonetheless.
Even though her job prevented her from expressing her feelings, some of those disappeared when Ralem was born. Actually she had twins but her youngest son died within 5 minutes of birth; Revanna remembered that moment all too well. She had planned on calling him Kyo after her grandfather, a famous Yashan bounty hunter. But when the news about her youngest son was given she was devastated, she demanded to hold her sons. She cradled both her children until the nurse came in and tried to remove them from her, try being the keyword.
Revanna shook her head from that harrowing memory. She promised herself that she would protect her only son even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.
-Rise of the Je'daii Empire-
Inside the ship
Ralem surveyed the enviroment around him; white pristine walls surronded his view with a multitude of different colored buttons on them and the coal black floor that was waxed so throuoghly that he could see his reflection. He took small steps forward, not quite sure of what he should do. Looking behind him, he saw there was a long hallway; same with in front of him. Ralem sat down and curled into a small ball as tears fell down his face wishin that his mom could be here to be with him. He didn't want to be on this ship with no one here.
He continued to cry until a soft humming brought him out of his stupor. He glanced to view a bluish-purple naked human female with electrical currents running up and down her body along with dark opaque hair. She smiled gently to the scared Yashan child causing Ralem to visibly relax in comfort. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he stood up and inspected this new being in front of him.
"You must be Ralem Kyo Solstice," replied the bluish-purple hologram. "You're a bit younger than I imagine. Where are my manners? My name is Cortana, I'm this ships A.I and your new guardian."
"I don't want a new guardian I want my mom!" Ralem shouted. He turned around to start running but quickly realzied that he was once again floating above the floor. "Put me down now!"
"Will you try to run away again?" Cortana asked. "If you say yes then you won't be going anywhere and I'll know if you're lying."
Ralem grumbled under his breath and looked away from the holographic A.I. "Fine."
Cortana put the child down on his feet. "Good now that you have agreed we can get right onto business, this ship will bring you to Tython where you will lead other Force users to enlightenment-"
"Wait what?" interrupted Ralem. "What are you talking about? What is the Force?"
"Didn't you know? You are suppose to lead a group of special individuals that have a unique connection to the Force, a metephysical, spiritual, binding, omnipotent, and ubiquitous power that all origanic lifeforms seem to have an affliation to. Or so I have gathered from my creator."
"So why me specifically?" inquired Ralem, his curiousity beginning to gnaw at him. "Am I the first Force user or something?"
"Actually according to my files and creator, you were specifically designed for that purpose and another directive that I'm not allowed to tell you." stated Cortana. "And it's my duty to watch over you and see that you advance in your studies."
Ralem slowly absorbed this new information given to him by Cortana but something lingered in his mind. "So if what you're saying is true then how can I be the first Force user if I'm not the first being in existence? Doesn't that contradict what you said? And what do you mean by 'specifically designed'?"
"Not quite. While it's true that the Force resides in all lifeforms, you are the first mortal lifeform with access to the Force which given your ancestral background makes logical sense that you would be the first." Cortanan explained. "And the second part I'm not allowed to say until you reach a ceratin age as to not overwhelm you."
Ralem rubbed his temple as his head started to slightly hurt from the barrage of new information. "So how do I access the Force?"
"We'll work on that once we arrive to our destination on Tython and when the other ships arrive there with its passengers." said Cortana.
"How many ships are there? And what kind of ship is this?" Ralem asked.
"This ship are known amongst 7 others as Tho Yor and these ships will pilgrims to Tython so that you will learn how to harness the Force and bring balance to it." Cortana explained. "Now if you will follow me I will lead to your sleeping quarters to let you rest until we arrive at our destination."
Ralem nodded and followed the A.I until they arrived at the door to the room. Ralem walked in and noted the sparsely filled room, granted it was a little less barren than his old room but it reminded him of home. And his mother.
The Yashan walked over to the bed and lied down staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep but the image of his mother disrupted his sleep. He rolled onto his side then rolled over again to no avail and comfort. He eventually sat and placed his head into hands sighing agitably, his nerves making him unable to rest. And considering everything he went through today it would make sense.
'Why do I have to do any of this? I'm only 10 years old,' thought Ralem. 'And I don't know anything about this Force thing or how to lead these people. Not to mention I don't think they will follow someone as young as me who also doesn't know what he's talking about. I wish you were here with me Mom.'
The young Yashan sighed before the drowsiness started to overtake before falling completely asleep, his back falling onto the matress with the last image in his head was him and his mother out on the countryside and she was teaching him how to use one of her blasters and them taking a break to have lunch.
He smiled softly not noticing a certain A.I. standing in the doorway as she watched the young Yashan sleep with a peaceful look on his face, the first time he looked calm since he came aboard. She smiled before turning off the light and returning to the ship's bridge to analyze how much further their destination is.
A/N: So that's it for the first chapter, may not be a strong start but once Ralem and Cortana arrive on Tyhon that's where the real action starts. There they will discover the vass abilities of the Force and the combat styles for Lightsabers, both Light and Dark. And considering at this point in time this is where everything starts in the Star Wars universe including the Jedi and Sith.
I will borrow elements from the 2003-2005 Clone Wars series (mainly for the superhuman Jedi abilities and powers), 2008 Clone Wars series, Naruto, Assassin's Creed, and possibly God of War.
As I mentioned the Jedi and Sith will have more superpowered abilities and powers, kind of like how some Naruto characters are (which is funny since the Shinobi are similar to the Jedi and Sith in some regards) in terms of power. Should be fun to write since in a weird way Ralem will be similar to Hashirama (God of Shinobi- God of Je'daii).
Something interesting to note is that both Ralem's and Anakin's birth are nearly identical except that Ralem was created from a pure being (Father) while Anakin was created from Plagius and Sidious, two Sith Lords. Which in perspective would make sense of why Anakin became so dark and full of anger.
The next few chapters will follow Ralem discovering virtually everything there is to know about the Force plus given his origin, it makes sense.
Translation for the Father's incantation: Rise child of the Solstice. Warrior of the night and day, reunite those we love and those thought long gone. True balance shall arise when those gone awry shall find their inner light.