Beauty and the Fool: Prologue

My village was small and secluded outside the boarder of Vale, and was also known to be a safe haven for huntsmen and huntresses to prepare to fight the Grimm. But now the village was a burning wasteland. The hissing and crackling of the inferno devouring numerous houses couldn't block out the screaming of those who were barely alive. Many of the men and women in the village were presumed dead: my friends, the children, and the babies-now orphans.

One thought came to me as I looked beyond the front gate of the burning village. Oh no. I was struck with dread internally as I felt a bad omen beyond the hills. So I ran from the village as fast as my underdeveloped legs would carry me.

I couldn't see anything, not really. As I ran deeper into the Forever Fall Forest, the smell of burnt flesh and thick smoke became too much. I dropped to my knees and vomited onto the thick undergrowth until I had nothing left to retch. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and continued running with my stomach still heaving.

On top of the hill was a clearing, which signaled that I had reached my destination. I reached the top, and what was before me was unbearable to watch. My home was engulfed by the roaring blaze. I walked up slowly, and lying in front of what was left of my home were nine motionless bodies. There had been a struggle. The bodies were scattered, like they were running away from someone or something. I recognized them immediately. They'd been broken and their throats had been slit. Mom, Dad, and my sisters. Dead.

I stood in the dry gravel in front of my home, pressed my hands to my ears, and screamed in agony. My jaw clenched, but I couldn't stop the tears from welling up and slipping down my cheeks. As the wind turned, the smoke made my nostrils burn, but my vision began to adjust to see a miniature silhouette. My eyes fixated a few feet beyond the nine still bodies; a beautiful young girl with short black hair, amber eyes, and cat ears was cowering on the ground. She was crouching motionless, holding a knife stained with blood.

What did she do? The panic in my internal voice matched the desperate pounding in my chest. I stared into her petrified and confused amber-colored eyes. She started to weep. I began to fret over a girl I had never met before.

Before I could speak, my vision blurred and a white light enveloped me. I perceived the flames, my family, and my home's destruction were linked to this terrified young girl. I felt the pain endured and reached out to the young girl in front of me.

"Ack!" my voice cracked. I wanted to reach her. For some odd reason, I couldn't speak. There was a sense of relief in my chest. One emotion drove me on when I reached out: desperation. The white light devoured my hands and legs; the light slowly crept up to my chest. I was immobilized. About to be consumed, the young girl arose, and wiped her tears with a piece of white cloth around her left arm. She gazed into my eyes, pleading for forgiveness. Her mouth started to move, yet I couldn't make out what she was saying. The light swallowed me whole. Is this a dream?

My thoughts suddenly stopped when reality pulled me out of my slumber. My eyes shot open; I was gasping for air, sweat beads ran down my face and my hands started shaking. I looked around the room. My friends Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren were fast asleep. I closed my eyes in order to remember the horrible events that happened. I couldn't think straight.

That night. I muttered to myself. I slowly got out of bed and quietly made my way to the roof. When I got outside, the cool gentle breeze brushed against my face freshly. I looked up at the dark, clear skies and the shattered moon.