A/N: I'm such a bad person, ignoring my own Update Plan and everything (Runs hand through hair in frustration). I got halfway through the next chapter for Kiss of Iron which, like a good girl, I'd been working on as my 100 List on my Profile dictated and then I got smacked in the face with a whole bunch of Nope so I started on this next, after that second chapter for Dearly Beloved.
I'm sorry
Warnings: AU, Rebirth, SI OC, Hufflepuff!OC, Is-it-overpowered-if-its-actually-logic-and-not-magic?, OOC, Lots and lots of cursing, multi-chaptered-fic-with-sporadic-updates, Eventual-Dark Lord!Harry, Character Bashing (Many and few), Debatable Morals, Experimentation, Emotional Manipulation & Outright Manipulation of a Minor (Both Knowing and Not)
Chapter One
Lonny and Cobber are the ones to see me off at Platform 9¾ when it's finally time for me to go to Hogwarts. My trunk is a simple thing that's been charmed dark purple with brass edges that only had two "Inner Dimensions". One is for my everyday things like clothes and school supplies, while the other holds my library which, in the last four years, has expanded dramatically. Sitting in a basket hooked over my elbow is my new kitten, a ratty little thing I picked up out of a Muggle Alley while visiting a bookstore. It was a boy, a scraggly little gray classic-tabby with green eyes that meowed like an old man, and I'd named him Oscar without thought.
"Dids yous bes forgetting anythings, Little Annis?" Cobber asked fretfully while he fluttered around me, Lonny bouncing on her toes anxiously while cuddling little three-year-old Buttons.
"No, Cobber," I told him affectionately, smiling as Oscar Mrraw'd in his basket. "Lonny made sure I had everything packed a week ago, and we've gone over it every day since."
"If yous is being sure, Little Annis," the Nott Shoe-Elf muttered uncertainly, tugging on one of his ears. Chuckling, I knelt and wrapped my father-figure in a one-armed hug, ignoring Oscars irritated Mrrawing.
"I will miss you, all of you," I told him quietly, glancing over at Lonny and little Buttons (Who had gotten purple eyes and was currently chewing on his entire hand, he was so cute! Like one of those hairless sphinx cats only with hands! …Okay, that sounds creepier than it actually is…)
"We is being missing our Annis too," Lonny tearfully told me; I smiled sweetly, and released Cobber to pull her into a hug too, kissing little Buttons on his bald head softly when he crooned up at me sweetly. I glanced at the large clock over the Barrier, and shook my head.
"I better go find a compartment before anyone claims all of them," I told my small family, smiling sweetly at them as they all tearfully hugged me, though Buttons just babbled and cooed. "I'll be sure to write, okay?" They nodded, blubbering too hard to actually say anything and, shaking my head fondly, I carried my charmed-light trunk to the train and onto it. I actually found a compartment rather easily, and quickly shoved my Trunk up onto the rack above the seats before moving to claim a window seat, peering through and spotting the three little House Elves, who were getting all sorts of stares as they tearfully waved at me. I smiled and waved back, and watched as Lonny wailed into Cobber's shoulder and they popped away before they could embarrass anyone.
I shook my head as I settled properly into the seat, setting Oscars basket on my lap and opening it up to smile at the ugly little guy, his bulging eyes staring in different directions yet managing to look up at me (mostly).
"You ready for Hogwarts, sweetheart?" I asked him softly; he blinked, one eye then the other, and tilted his head.
"Mrraw," he told me, before sneezing and, wobbling side to side, clumsily crawling out of his basket and up onto my shoulder, where, after sneezing again, he curled up against my neck and started a ragged, stuttering purr that had me leaning my head against him fondly. He was an ugly little shit, but surprisingly affectionate and cute. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the book Lonny had shrunken for me, as well as my wand (It was twelve inches of pure awesome, made with ivy wood and with a core of unicorn mane hair. It was good for charms and symbolizes friendship, connection, strength, and opportunity. Basically, my life).
Tapping the quarter-sized book in my hand, I resized it, so that I now had a two-inch thick textbook in my lap. A Compiled History of Spellcrafting by Caius Lapaine was a dry read, and, in my very first life (Man, that was a long time ago, even if the current year was before I was born… Weird) I never would have been able to remember a single thing except for the brighter, more interesting facts and anecdotes. Now, however, my brain was trained to memorize and summarize and categorize information, so, instead of just skimming the information on the witch Ingrid Halstrom who created the Tan Evening Spell in 1957, I remembered it and had it settled in the part of my mind that was used for 'maybe-helpful-cosmetics-know-how' and continued to read.
The sound of more and more students boarding the train disturbed my reading, and I glanced up, startled, when my compartment door all but slammed open.
It was a couple of older students, Gryffindors by the look of the school robes they were already wearing. They were laughing with one another, and I silently slipped a bookmark between the pages of my book, not taking my eyes off them, and a purposefully curious, sweet smile on my face.
All those shady past lives come in handy when manipulating your facial expressions.
"Oh!" one of the three boys blurted, blinking at me, startled. This gained his companions attention and the three of them stood there, staring blankly for several moments, so I just continued to smile and waved a little at them.
"Hi, there!" I chirped; the three of them shared a look.
"Er, hi," the leader said, uncertainly eying me. They couldn't be more than thirteen, putting them in Marcus's year. "We didn't know anyone was in this compartment," he continued; I shrugged and lifted my large book, flashing them a sheepish grin.
"I got bored and was just reading," I told them honestly. "My parents dropped me off early." No one needed to know that I hadn't actually seen my human parents in two years. Lonny, Cobber, and Buttons were all I needed. One of the boys snorted.
"You a First Year?" He asked as he stepped past his friends to plop himself down on the seat across from me; I beamed and nodded, purposefully bouncing a little in my seat. "If that is what you do when bored, you're a shoe-in for Ravenclaw," he chuckled, his friends shrugging and sitting as well; I pointedly set my book off to the side and leaned forward, making my eyes as wide and eager as possible, as if this boy had the secrets of the world hidden in his mind.
"Please, could you tell me about Hogwarts?" I asked him hopefully, and, as I watched him preen, I mentally smirked.
Time to do some networking…
~(Line Break)~
The train ride was nine hours long.
What the ever loving fuck were wizards doing with themselves?! They could travel via Port-Key and Floo and Broom and fucking House Elf but they couldn't make a shorter fucking train ride?! I'd read the books on Time-Magic! They could have easily placed one such spell on the Express so that the passengers only felt a short amount of time had passed when, in actuality, the full nine hours had gone by.
Ugh, I got so bored at one point that I had hunted down Marcus in the Slytherin Compartments to ask him if he'd finished all his Summer Homework (Which, of course he hadn't. I swear, for such a mischievously deceitful boy he was a damn airhead when it came to homework). I had promptly cuffed him upside the head and made him pull it out, his friends smirking and snickering…
Up until the point I had started explaining the differences in using Billy-Wig Stings and Billy-Wig Sting Slime and their caustic, explosive affects when mixed up in the Wideye Potion. Then Marcus's friends started pulling out their own Potions Essays and going over their information. I spent a good hour lecturing on various subjects. I even got into a debate with a Seventh Year who had stopped by, about whether or not the law making crossbreeding magical animals illegal was morally ambiguous or not (It wasn't. Outside of dedicated research and carefully controlled situations, it was horrendously dangerous to crossbreed magical animals. The only exceptions were Kneazles and Crups, both of which could safely, and regularly did, breed with their mundane cousins. I point out the Skrewts, which Hagrid made illegally, which were horrible and dangerous enough to be put in a life or death tournament.).
After that, however, I'd left to wander the train, buying a couple of bags of Cherry Boomers off the trolley (They're these cherry flavored candies that exploded in your mouth, like super-strong Pop Rocks, and made red-colored smoke poof out of your nose, mouth, and ears. They're totally awesome.). Now, however, the Express was finally pulling into the Hogsmeade station. House Elves would be by to take our luggage to the Castle, so, tucking my book into my Trunk, I left it, and Oscar (safely tucked into his basket and fast asleep) behind as I stepped off the Express and out into the fresh air…
And heavy, frigid rain.
You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
"Firs' Years!" A loud, thick brogue called; automatically, I turned, squinting through the rain to see the massive form of what must be Hagrid. Feeling, and no doubt looking, like a half-drowned rat, I shuffled after my fellow First Years as we were lead down to the Lake Shore, Hogwarts a rain-grayed image in the distance as our teeth began to chatter.
"No more'n four ta a boat!" Hagrid bellowed over an ominous rumble of thunder. Shuffling awkwardly into the nearest boat, I huddled down as three others reluctantly joined me. "FORWARD," Hagrid bellowed moments after all the Firsties were in boats; in a jerk of motion, the boats obeyed, and began to glide across the Black Lake.
"Is this safe?" one of my Boat-Buddies asked, his high voice nervous as he huddled next to another girl. His rain-soaked hair was currently dark brown, his squinting eyes brown, his teeth relatively white and straight as they bit his lip.
"According to a couple of books I've read, the boats are Warded against lightning and fire," I informed them all absently as I squinted into the black depths. "And, if you happen to fall in, the Giant Squid has usually been known to put you back in your boat, or hand you off to a teacher…"
"Usually?" The girl beside him demanded; she had tightly braided black hair and brown eyes with a very small Asian cast to her cute, rounded face set in pretty cocoa colored skin. Her teeth were chattering, and I nodded at her.
"There was a single case in nineteen-eighty-three when the Giant Squid reportedly tipped over a good number of the boats, but it was later determined that it was an accident due to an abnormally large number of Grindylows which were attempting to attack the boats and that the Squid was actually attempting to protect the students," I rattled off easily. I had to blink water out of my eyes as I peered over my shoulder at my three Boat-Buddies and, taking in their stares (even the dark blond boy in the back who looked torn between sneering and gaping), I realized, belatedly, that I'd pulled a bit of a Hermione. I managed a smile at them, and the girl shook her head.
"Lets just hope there aren't any of those things here now then," she decided; I shrugged, and leaned over the boat to stick my hand in the water, which was currently a few degrees warmed than the wind that was chilling the rain.
"Wouldn't make much difference, with all this bloody rain," I informed her cheerfully, ad we said no more as the boats continued across the lake.
Once the boats hit the shore again, there was a mad scramble as all the shivering, soaked eleven-year-olds and soon-to-be-eleven-year-olds ran for the doors, Hagrid herding us forward cheerfully until we were all safely indoors. I sighed happily at the warm, dry air that greeted us and, ignoring everything around me temporarily, I began to attempt to squeeze water from my hair and clothing.
"The Firs' Years, Pr'fesser McGonagall," Hagrid announced; I looked up in time to spot the stern witch dressed in crushed green velvet and gold robes, eying our little drowned-rat group with sharp eyes over the rims of her square glasses.
"Thank you, Hagrid," she informed the Half-Giant regally, and Hagrid saluted before cheerfully lumbering out of the room and into the Great Hall. Looking over our group, McGonagall's sharp gaze landed on each one of us, until she'd given all fifteen of us a steely glare. Finally, she spoke, and I straightened tall and listened attentively.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," she told us all. "In a few moments, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates. But, before you can take your seats, you must be Sorted into your Houses. They are: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw." Here, she paused to once more cast her sharp gaze on all of us, and I noticed it lingered pointedly on the bright red heads of what had to be eleven-year-olds Fred and George Weasley, who grinned back at her with nervous mischief. "While you are here," she continued dubiously, "your House will be like your Family. Your Triumphs will earn you points, and any rule breaking," another sharp glance at the Twins, "will lose you points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House Cup. Now, you will remain here for a few moments. I will retrieve you when we are ready," she informed us primly, before turning and leaving us behind.
"…Well, then!" I declared easily, clapping my hands together and gaining nearly everyone's attention. I smiled brightly at them all, and decided to do as much networking and ground-setting as possible. I was going to be the most Slytherinly-Ravenclaw Hufflepuff to ever Puff in this school, or so help me I will burn that fucking hat. "My names Annis Blagden! I'm a Pureblood. It's nice to meet you all, and I look forward to our classes together!" Everyone just sort of… Stared for several seconds, but I didn't let it bother me. I'd been in some very scary situations throughout my lives, and being stared at by a bunch of kids that looked half-drowned was far from intimidating.
"…Angelina Johnson," my female Boat-Buddy finally said, breaking the silence. "Half-Blood." The boy from my boat spoke up next, sniffling a little.
"Roger Davies, Pureblood," he announced; the floodgates opened.
"Cedric Diggory, Pureblood," a slightly-pudgy blond boy called; I blinked slowly at him, the image of Robert Pattinson overlaying this pink-cheeked, cheerful looking pudge-ball as he tentatively waved.
"Lee Jordan, Half-Blood," a brown-skinned boy with short dreadlocks piped up, shaking his head like a dog and grinning at the Twins as they squawked before laughing at him.
"Fred and—"
"George Weasley," the Twins cheerfully announced.
"Pureblood Mischief—"
"Makers, at your—"
"Service," they finished together, and I mentally went over what I remembered about the differences I could make out. From what I could tell, the left one had a slightly deeper voice than the right twin, while the right twin had slightly darker blue eyes.
"Alicia Spinnet, Half-Blood," a pretty girl of Indian decent announced, uncertainly smiling.
"Patricia Stimpson," another girl introduced, voice meek and nervous. "M-Muggleborn." She had reddish hair and large freckles splattered across her nose, with green-hazel eyes that darted about uncertainly, squinting as she attempted to dry off her rectangular glasses. The blond-boy from my boat was standing near her, and sniffed with a derisive sneer as he pointedly stepped away.
"Valentine Brew," he announced in a slightly nasally voice, nose lifting into the air. "Pureblood, of course." I mentally went over the list of lines and connections Lonny had me memorize for years, and remembered, vaguely, that the Brew Family was a Noble line that had been instrumental in the making of alcohol like Firewhiskey and Butterbeer, and were competitors against several other brands, such as Ogden's. If his attitude was anything to go by, he was, thus far, a slightly more in-control Draco Malfoy. Interesting.
"Nicole Moore, Muggleborn," a quite blond girl with large gray eyes and a slightly-too-big set of front teeth announced softly.
"Aidan O'Connally, Half-Blood," a brunet boy with a thick Irish accent followed, hazel eyes cheerfully watching those around him.
"Kenneth Towler, Muggleborn," a gangly black-haired boy muttered awkwardly, shuffling in his place, blue eyes wary as he eyed the sneering girl next to him. His own accent was Scottish, and not nearly as thick as Professor McGonagall's had been, let alone Hagrid's.
"Hmph," the girl next to him sniffed, stepping firmly away with a cold look. "Vesta Yallowsworth, Pureblood and not to be messed with," she declared importantly, casting her narrowed green eyes on the Weasley Twins especially, tossing her ash-blond hair over one shoulder. I vaguely remembered that the Yallowsworth Family was relatively new to the Pureblood Lines, barely a hundred-and-fifty years old, and were minor experts in the Apothecary field.
The last to go shrugged with a small smile, his Asian features setting him apart from even Alicia, black hair and dark eyes watching all those around him with mild interest.
"Isao Okada, Pureblood," he informed the room, his thick Irish accent clashing in a surprisingly awesome way with his Japanese name (I realized that he must be related to the Ancient and Noble Okada Family that was the current leader in Spell Creation and Ward Masters in Japan as of last year, and mentally put an emphasis on gaining his 'friendship'), and his grin was sharp at the looks the two cantankerous Purebloods in the room gave him. "Th' pleasure is mine, yeah?" I beamed brightly at everyone, mentally cataloguing their personalities and attitudes in a neat list beside their names, appearances, and accents in my head.
"I hope we'll all get along relatively well, everyone," I declared cheerfully. "After all, in just a few moments, we'll be Sorted into our Houses by the Sorting Hat, and then we may not see much of each other at all." They others were quiet for a moment, eying me and one another, with uncertainty and curiosity.
"What's the Sorting Hat?" Roger Davies asked carefully; I blinked, tilting my head.
"The Sorting Hat is a sentient Wizards Hat enchanted by the Four Founders of Hogwarts about fifty years after the creation of the School when the Founders-who were Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, and Rowena Ravenclaw-had realized that they couldn't properly Sort all the incoming students themselves due to time management issues and classes. When our names are called, we'll sit on a stool and the Hat will be placed on our heads, and it will then go through our mind to see which House will fit us best. It is spelled with so many confidentiality clauses that it's unable to tell anyone what it sees, unless that student, at that time, is in immediate danger or is an immediate threat to someone's welfare, and, even then, it will only be able to tell either the Headmaster or said students new Head of House." I glanced over the group. They were all listening avidly, even rude Vesta and Valentine.
"Mostly, the Hat focuses on our Personalities to Sort us," I continued cheerfully, rocking slightly on my feet as I gave them the information I'd found in a history book called Founding of the Founders Four by Evandar Flume. "The bold, brave, rash, courageous, determined, and overly protective tend to go to Gryffindor, within reason, along with those who have a cats curiosity and propensity for chaos and trouble. The intelligent, curious, fact-driven, aloof, innovative, intense, and often introverted tend to end up in Ravenclaw, with those who are obsessive-compulsive and absent-minded. Slytherin tends to get the ambitious, self-preserving, witty, skeptical, devious, and cunning, as well as the goal-driven and wary. A lot of people think that all of this means that Hufflepuff get's the idiots and leftovers, but that's just ridiculous and rather biased. Instead, Hufflepuff gets the loyal, hard-working, kind, friendly, gullible, and honest, as well as those who prefer to follow a Pack mentality and those who are willing to do what must be done." I shrugged and scratched my head, irritated with the feeling of water slowly trailing across my scalp.
"Of course, you get mixes in all the Houses," I told them absently, tilting my head to the side and swatting at it when water got into my ear. "You'll get your clever Gryffindors, your ambitious Hufflepuffs, your brave Slytherins, and your gullible Ravenclaws. It's really just circumstantial, considering what you're like now isn't necessarily what you're like when you're, say, fifteen. Ridiculous program, really," I huffed, rolling my eyes and ignoring their continued stared.
"…You read a lot, don't you?" Alicia asked me, amused; I blinked at the girl, and smiled.
"Yep!" I cheerfully declared; she shook her head.
At this moment, of course, the Ghosts decided to show up by flying through me what the fuck.
"Cold!" I shrieked, startled as the Fat Friar rose up through the floor and through me. Hopping away, I shuddered and shook myself firmly, teeth starting to chatter again from the shock of frigid cobwebs against my still-wet body.
"Oh!" He said, blinking guilelessly at me. "I'm sorry, dear, I didn't see you there!" Nearly Headless Nick chortled from where his head was poking through the floor before he floated upward to glide easily next to his friend.
"Hello, First Years!" He greeted cheerfully as I watched the Grey Lady and the Bloody Baron ignore us all and slip through the doors into the Great Hall. "I hope to see you in Gryffindor! It's my House, you know!" Still chortling, he floated through the door, leaving only the gently smiling Friar behind.
"I do hope none of you fall ill from this horrid rain," he told the room at large kindly, smiling at me. "Hopefully a few of you will find yourselves in Hufflepuff, hmm? Good night, and happy Sorting!" He urged warmly, before floating after his fellow House Ghosts and disappearing.
"…What was that about?" Angelina demanded, and the room looked to me. Before I could answer, however, Professor McGonagall opened the door.
"Fall into line and follow me," she ordered us sternly; under her sharp, unflinching gaze, we obeyed, and I felt my heart begin to beat faster in excitement as we started through the doors.
This was it!
I couldn't wait!
A/N: This was actually meant to be a bit different, but I got distracted and wasn't paying attention to the word count, so I'll cut it off here.
Fred, George, Lee, Alicia, Angelina, Roger, Kenneth, Cedric, and Patricia are all Canon Characters (Though there is no House Affiliation or Physical Description of Patricia or Kenneth).
My OC's are there because most of the Canon Characters who went to Hogwarts in 1989 were Gryffindors Harry knew. He didn't know anyone, really, in that Year from any of the other Houses and this and the previous Year would be smaller due to the War being in full-swing. Though, the year AFTER this one would be slightly bigger, because that's the Year Voldemort finds out about the Prophesy and proceeds to say Fuck All to nearly everything in order to hunt down the Potters So, I added 5 OC's along with my Main Character, giving this Year 15 students.
(Harry's Year, 1991, has 41 students so don't complain about my measly 5 OC's.)
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