We were in a cave again. It seemed we always found our way to a cave. A good thing, I guess. I mean, I'm not complaining... Not about the cave part at least. Just the fact that we're alone together. Yuras is a nice kid and all, but he's a caveman. An unpredictable, sneaky caveman.

Yuras passed a portion of jaguar meat to me.


I bit into the bloody flesh in my hands and swallowed it quickly, not savoring the thick, chewy chunks. He eyed me for a second, judging my chewing pace, then went back to hacking and slicing apart the parts we would eat now. I sunk my teeth into a rather bloody section of my meal and had a spurt of blood splatter on my face. Squeaking at the still warm stream that dribbled it's way down my cheek, chin, and neck, I sat in a disgusted daze until Yuras' glare filled my vision.


"...You're wasting your food."

I scoffed and began to wipe up the blood tracking on my skin.

"It's not being wasted if it was waste in the first place. The meat is the food, not the blood."

"No part of the meal should be wasted, including the blood."

Narrowing my eyes, I slowly told him, "I'm not drinking the blood. The meat is bloodly enough for me, I don't need more."

He in turn deepened his glare and did his best to intimidate me, like usual, into doing what he wanted. When I didn't falter, he sighed out of his nose and came closer to me. Automatically, as a reflex, I swept my hand out quickly to hit him in the face, but he caught my petite wrist easily in his grasp.


"If you won't finish it, then I will. Keeping the blood on you will attract more predators," he said, bringing his face to my neck.

I stiffened when he took a long lick upwards from my collar bone to my chin. I sat stock still, mouth agape as Yuras continued his cleaning of me. When he focused on a particular spot right under my chin, I gasped and clenched my fist that was still being held. He paused for a moment, but went right back to work, now alternating between licking long and slow to short and quick. Moving to my cheek is when I began to tremble at this unfamiliar feeling that had begun to arise within me. He slowed his progression to a snails pace and didn't stop until the last remnants of jaguar blood were off my face. He hesitated before pulling away, but when he did, I saw the confliction in his deep silver eyes.

"...Try not to be messy next time," he chided softly.

I nodded dumbly and felt like a stranger in my own body as he released my wrist and went back to the hacked corpse. Watching him return to work, I studied his face, searching for something I wasn't even sure of. When his eyes flicked to mine and our gazes met, we both stiffened and quickly turned away.

I looked down to the cutlet of flesh in my hand. I felt strangely ravenous, but wasn't hungry. Listening to the pulling and squelching sounds that filled the cave, I realized that this was going to be a very, very long night.