A/N: This popped into my head and thought I would give it a shot. Not sure how long it will be, but I hope you will enjoy the journey with me. Would like to know your thoughts on this. Please review.


Chapter 1

Jody Mills looked up from her paperwork when her cell phone began to ring. She glanced at the caller id and smiled hitting answer.

"Hey! What's going on?"

"Hi Jody, just lettin' ya know we're home and goin' to head over to the thrift store." Krissy told her as she dropped her bag by the door.

"Be careful, any ideas for dinner?"

"We'll figure something out, will you be home?"

"I'm going to try my best. I still have some paperwork to do, so hopefully I can get out of here on time. You guys know I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, no chick flick ok." Krissy grimaced. "See ya at home."

Jody disconnected the call and sat back in her chair shaking her head. She sounded so much like Dean it was scary. The bad thing was, she also acted like him too. Jody knew the girls still trained for hunting, but she couldn't blame them knowing each of their stories. She was just glad they got alone and took care of each other. A few years ago she had no idea she would be mothering three motherless young women. Two sent to her from Sam and Dean Winchester and one she rescued from a family of vampires with their help


The brothers first met Krissy Chambers when her father was taken by two Vetala and she called Bobby Singer for help only to get Sam. Not knowing him, she hung up, but Sam decided to find her and see if she needed help. He goes looking for her missing father only to be captured too. Dean tracked her down and she tricked him into taking her with him to find Sam and her father. They were captured, but she killed one of the Vetala, got Sam free and he killed the other. The brothers talked her father out of hunting anymore for Krissy's sake and he agreed with them. He would stop hunting for his daughter and give her a normal life.

A couple years later they run into Krissy again during a vampire hunt. They learn her father was killed by a vampire and she was taken in along with two other teens. Sam and Dean find that they are being trained by a hunter they knew to be the next generation of hunters. Thinking it too good to be true, Dean tracked down a girl that was just turned by a vamp, but the teens thought she is the one who killed Krissy's father. Dean convinced them otherwise and they learn the hunter training them is working with a vampire, he was the one who killed all their families. The vampire is killed and the hunter kills himself instead of being alone. Krissy and the two others teens decide to stay in the house and continue in school. They promised not to hunt, but they would be ready if a hunt came to them.

Dean and Sam saved Krissy who was hunting on her own. Her friends moved in different directions, so she decided to hunt like her father. They convinced her to go and stay with Jody. She finally agreed and now goes to college.

Next addition to her growing family was Claire Novak, Jimmy Novak's daughter. Jimmy Novak was the vessel for Castiel, an angel and close friends with the Winchesters. When a fight breaks out between Castiel and his angel family, Castiel is expelled and the brothers find Jimmy Novak in the aftermath. Jimmy makes the mistake of going home only to be attacked by demons. Jimmy is hurt and dying and Castiel takes over Claire's body. He begs Castiel to take his body instead to save her. Even when he leaves Claire's body, a small amount of grace is left behind giving Claire some special abilities. Her mother disappeared and left her with her grandmother. Unfortunately, when her grandmother died, she was tossed into the foster care system and had a hard time dealing with all the loss and pain. Castiel finds her and tries to help, but she blames him for the loss of both her parents. After nearly being killed, she finally agreed to go to Jody's to stay.

And the final addition to her extended family was Alex Ann. Jody arrested her for shop lifting and a member of her vampire family tried to kill her. Jody finds out she was taken in by a vampire family, but was never turned, instead, she was being used by the vampire family to lure victims to their death. She called in Sam and Dean for help and they kill the family. They saved Alex by giving her the cure and Jody lets her decide if she would like to stay with her. Alex agreed to stay and Jody now has a ready made family.

The three girls in their own right have been through more than someone their ages should have. They have all been touched by the supernatural in some way, changing their lives forever. The girls were wary of each other at first, but after learning the other's story, a strong bond was formed and now they were inseparable. Claire was getting her GED and going to start her first year in college, Alex was in her first year of college and Krissy was in her second year of college.

All the girls were trying to be as normal as they could, but once learning about the supernatural it was hard to not stay involved in someway. They had gone on small hunts, much to Jodie's dismay. She knew they were good girls who were dealt lousy hands in life, but she hoped she could give them a little normal.


"Come on guys, I wanna get to the thrift store 'fore it closes." Krissy urged the other girls as she headed for the car.

"Comin', I needed to get some money." Claire told her as she followed her out the door.

"Alex! Get a move on."

"I'm here." she answered running from her bedroom.

"Ok, we hit the thrift store and I need to run into the bookstore, then dig something up for dinner."

"Is Jody going to make it home?"

"She said she was goin' to try, but being the sheriff, you never know." Krissy replied backing the car out of the driveway.


The girls wandered through the store picking up some jeans and a couple of shirts. It was good they were all pretty much the same size and could swap clothes. It gave them more choices and saved money. They all babysat and did odd jobs to bring money in. Jody had put an end to Krissy hustling pool when she caught her at the bar playing since she was underage. The three together were a handful, but Jody took it all in stride, knowing none of the girls had no where else to go. Their presence also lessened the hurt of her losing her own family. They filled in a void for Jody and kept her on her toes and she gave each of them her love.

"You guys done?"

"Yeah, I am, Alex?"

"Me too."

They paid for their purchases and headed back to the car to drop off their bags before walking down the street to the bookstore. Claire slowed slightly and frowned as she looked around at the people passing them. Krissy noticed her frown and questioned it.

"C what's wrong?"

"Don't know, just a funny feeling." she said looking around again.

"Your spidery thing going off?" Alex asked as she came abreast with them.

"Don't know, but something's definitely off."

"Let's get in the bookstore, everyone carrying?" Krissy mumbled opening the bookstore door.

"Always." Claire answered.

"Me too." Alex nodded.

The girls headed into the stacks keeping a close eye on the door. They watched the people coming and going for several minutes before speaking.

"Still feel anything?"

"No, it's gone now."

"Come on, let's check out the internet, see if anything strange has been reported around here?"

"Wouldn't Jody have said something?"

"You know she tries to keep us out of the loop, afraid we'll get hurt."

"Yeah, we're probably better trained than her deputies to handle these things."

"Look there's three stations free; we'll each take one and see what we can find."

The girls each took a computer station and began to surf through web sites looking for anything that might be supernatural related; missing people, unusual deaths, or anything our of the ordinary that might be a case. Each girl was a good researcher and tough beyond their years.


Jody was getting ready to leave when a call came in about a dead body being found at the dump. She signed knowing this was going to be another meal she missed with her girls. She knew they were use to it and didn't complain, but she felt bad none the less. Jody headed to her squad car to make the drive to the crime scene.

Jody dialed Krissy's cell to let them know not to wait dinner for her.


"Krissy, it's Jody. I'm sorry but I got a call, looks like I won't be home after all." she sighed into the phone.

"It's ok Jody, we'll grab something while we're out." she assured her. "What's the call?"

"You know I can't tell you that. You girls be home early ok?"

"We will, be careful."

"I will." Jody said hanging up and turning onto the road for the dump and heading for the flashing lights.


"That was Jody, she's on a call, we're on our own for dinner." Krissy said hanging up.


"Yeah, but she wouldn't tell me what."

"I can hack into the police data base find out." Alex suggested from her station as she began to tap the keys quickly hacking into the police data base. "Here it is, body was found out at the dump."

"No other details?"

"Not yet, what should we do?"

"Guys, I found deaths of several homeless people in the past few weeks. Doesn't give cause of death, maybe that's something to check out." Claire offered.

"I'd say we need to make a trip to the morgue."

"Road trip, I got shotgun!"

"Gee, it's only three miles."

"Spoil sport."

"C'mon, let's do this I got homework to do."

The girls waited for Krissy to get what she needed and headed back to their car for a trip to the morgue.