Last time on A New Player: Dealing with the side effects of Uryu's Hollow bait, Kyle unknowingly creates his own enemy, and the end of the day signals the end to peace.

A New Player

Chapter 16

Attention! Software Update available!

…What the hell?

Mornings in the Urahara shop had never been normal, what with all the…well everything, but generally either I got woken up by the kids, or one of the adults dropped a delivery box on my stomach and told me to deliver it before I missed breakfast. Even when I got a window it was always to tell me about a buff or debuff I got while sleeping. Like the time Jinta put a spider in my bed and didn't realize it was poisonous until I woke up with the status effect 'Poisoned'. So, I tossed a bucket of cockroaches on him while he was doing chores.

We're still searching for that damn spider.

Software Update Includes: Revamped Status Window, Access to future DLC Arcs [1]

DLC Arcs? Like the Bount arc?

No, these are all original

I blinked a few times before shrugging and calling up my Status.

Kyle Wilson

The Gamer

Title: Ghost Buster

Level: 23 Exp: 283100/1000000

HP: 925/925

MP: 600/600

RP: 1880/1880

STR: 31

VIT: 37

DEX: 48

INT: 24

WIS: 25

LUK: 21

Points: 18

Perks: Intermediate Martial Artist (+1 STR, +1 VIT, +1 DEX every second level, Learn Hakudo/Martial Arts based techniques +25% faster) / Yoruichi's Apprentice (Gain +2 additional points to all stats per level gained while under Yoruichi's Apprenticeship, Hakudo Exp gain +50%, Shunko Exp gain +50%, Shunpo Exp gain +75%)

Buffs: Steel Shin Guards (Defense: 10. Increase kicking damage by 10%. Damage taken reduced by 10 points)

De-buffs: N/A

Not bad. The words were a bit crisper and had a nice shadow effect, and now I could clearly see my buffs and de-buffs. I felt a smile pull at the corner of my lips. It was always the little things that people appreciated most.

Pushing away my covers, I grabbed some fresh clothes out of my inventory and opened the door of my little bedroom/borderline closet in time to see Jinta reaching out to grab where the door handle used to be.

"Huh, you're already up?" Jinta blinked in surprise as he retracted his hand. I would be hurt if it weren't for the fact that I had only once before not needed the aid of another to wake me up. Then I saw that Jinta had started smirking. "What, did you have a nightmare?"

"Yeah, I dreamed I was you. Scared me right awake." As Jinta sputtered out a response, I lightly rapped my knuckles on top of his head as was tradition before the two of us moved to the table, the humans eating assorted rice and vegetables and the cat having milk in a saucer. "So, what's on the schedule today?"

Urahara swallowed whatever it was he was chewing and turned to me. "How capable are you with spying on someone?"

That…was not what I was expecting. I mean, I expected something similar with me being the target of said spying, but not this. "I have a Stealth skill and have gotten better at hiding my spiritual energy, so I as long as whoever I'm spying on isn't expecting me I should be okay."

"Hmm, it will have to do. Do you remember Rukia Kuchiki?" I nodded. "I'd like you to follow her around for the day. And don't interact with her unless you absolutely have to."

I quirked my eyebrow for multiple reasons. I knew what was gonna happen, but I couldn't let him know that. And once again the way he phrased it showed he either had no idea how creepy he sounded, or he just didn't care "Okay, but why?"

Urahara shifted again, his eyes now hidden in the shadow of his hat as I felt distinctly like a bug under a lens. "Call it a precaution."

Translation: I'm not telling you. Got it. I swayed my head from side to side in a false display of thinking over the subject before nodding my head. Without a warning, the feeling of being under a microscope was gone, replaced by Urahara's wider-than-should-be-physically-possible open mouth smile. "Wonderful! She should be heading to school right about now. Need anything before you go?"

"Just one question."

Urahara nodded, his smile still in place, but that microscope feeling was starting to creep up my back again. "Ask away."

"Why is Yoruichi in cat form?" I pointed towards where the disguised cat was lapping up milk from a bowl before looking up towards me with a cat-smirk.

"Why? Did you prefer my other form?" The contrast between the deep masculine voice and my knowledge of what she actually was conjured up some really weird images in my head, but I managed to push them away.

"Yes. Infinitely more so." The cat giggled at me which, again, really screwed with my head thanks to her voice.

"Too bad for you. I happen to find this form very enjoyable, so I'm going to be staying in it for a while."

I clicked my tongue in faux-annoyance before a box appeared before me.

The Perk 'Yoruichi's Apprentice' has been lost.

This time I clicked my tongue in legitimate annoyance. Things just got a good deal harder for me.

"Alright, I'm heading out." I finished up my rice and opened the door, reaching down and scratching behind Kuroashi's ear as he passed through before heading out of the shop, a part of me wondering where the Quest pop up was.

A new Quest has been created.



Spy on Rukia Kuchiki for the day without getting caught

Success: 10000 Exp

Failure: 1000 Exp

Bonus Objectives:


2000 Exp added per bonus completed

Screw you Gaia.


3rd person POV

Several minutes later


Her lessons received at the hands of her tutors was all that kept Rukia from looking down at her feet as Orihime continued to talk about summer vacation. Adopted and soon to be on the run she may have been, but it wouldn't do for a member of the noble house of Kuchiki to have anything less the perfect posture.

She would have laughed at her fate if it wouldn't have drawn attention to herself. Even after all these years she sometimes found it hard to believe. Her, a Rukongai born orphan, was a member of the Kuchiki family. Personal tutors, a prestigious name, and privileges that not even some of the captains had were laid before her when she was adopted.

And yet…she had thrown it away. She knew what would happen if she gave Ichigo her powers, that the Soul Society would eventually find out even if she got her powers back before anyone could notice.

She had kept pushing it out of her mind, focusing on hollows and the people she had met in a desperate attempt to forget her eventual fate, and it had worked for a while, but now her borrowed time was reaching its end.

Watching the school coming ever closer, Rukia was one of many who never noticed the sight of a lone young man standing atop a nearby bridge before vanishing in the blink of an eye.


Kyle's POV

Karakura High



I stifled a yawn as I crouched in the tree overlooking the group of girls that surrounded Rukia and Orihime, the branches hiding me from view. Honestly, the only noticeable thing that had happened was watching Kon getting batted into the stratosphere.

Sure, my Stealth skill had gone up five levels, allowing me to finally stand while in Stealth, and would likely go up a few more times before the day was up. But it was so boring. Unlike the anime and manga, where there was ominous music and a sense of tension to make me seem mysterious and threatening, there was nothing but the giggling of teenage girls and the occasional bird either pecking at my head for being near its nest or trying to make a nest out of my head.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I heard Girl-that-showed-up-once ask Rukia as the raven-haired girl took a sip from…whatever she was drinking. "Do you have a crush on Ichigo?"

Ooh, that's pretty rainbow for being made out of spit and what I think was chocolate milk.

Rukia just stared slack jawed at the girl as chocolate milk dripped from her mouth. "I'll take that as a maybe, but exactly is your relationship with him?"

While the girls started into what-if romance talk, I finally gave up and let one of the birds, a little grey one, start building a nest on top of my head. I'd been shoo-ing him/her away for over half an hour and yet they kept coming back, so at this point I realized it was futile.

On the subject of romance though, I'd always been an Ichihime fan. True, their relationship was a little underdeveloped in the manga, and I have no idea how the story ends, but maybe the last arc would give a little more character to their relationship. Of course, if he ended up with Rukia I have no problems with them; they have good development and have some real nice moments. I just always saw them as more familial then romantic.

Honestly, I just hope Shonen Jump doesn't screw Kubo over and make him rush the ending.

Stifling another yawn, I sat there staving off a nap for a few more minutes before my eyes closed shut.

Only for the damn bell to ring, signalling the end of lunch. It took all of my willpower not to scream, fall out of the tree, and let go of my Suppression as my eyes snapped open at the noise. I'm beginning to remember why I hated school.

As I watched Rukia and her friends leave for class, the sound of static reached my ears. Reaching into my pocket, I turned the frequency knob until I heard Urahara's voice clear enough to understand and held it to the side of my head, careful not to disturb the small nest that now sat atop my head.

"Kyle, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here. You need me to come back?"

"After the school day ends. Has anything happened that I need to know about?"

I scoffed "Not unless you count having to sit in a tree for a half-hour listening to girls talk about hypothetical and maybe romances."

"Ah. You have my sympathies." Then why do I hear you laughing, you blond bastard. "If nothing happens, come back for dinner; Stalking is a hungry task after all."

I raised eyebrow "Speaking from experience?"

"Not in the way you're no doubt thinking of." I would have called bullshit, but considering Urahara used to be part of the Onmitsukidō, he probably has stalked people for missions.

"Whatever you say boss. I'll radio if anything happens."



Urahara Shop




Spy on Rukia Kuchiki for the day without getting caught

Success: 10000 Exp

Failure: 1000 Exp

Bonus Objectives:


2000 Exp added per bonus completed

Quest Complete!

"That was one of the most boring things I've ever done." I complained as I opened the door to the shop. "Hey, I'm home."

"Oh, welcome ba-" Urahara stopped in the middle of his sentence as his eyes, as well as the eyes of Tessai and Yoruichi looked towards the top of my head. "Kyle, are you aware that there is a nest on top of your head?"

"What, you don't like it? I thought it would bring out the color in my eyes." Sarcasm dripped out of my voice as I motioned to said part of my face.

"Bah, you youngsters these days don't know the first thing about fashion. Back in my day a man looked his best when he was clean and properly dressed." Urahara shook his hand at me half-heartedly, not even bothering to hide his amusement. Of course, I couldn't let his challenge go unanswered.

"Guess that means you weren't very popular." I gave him my best faux-innocent smile. Point to me.

The blond shopkeeper was silent for a moment before he gave his own smile. "Oh, I'm sorry, where are your friends again?"

Ouch, that one hurt. Match point to him. "Touché boss, it's your victory. Now can you help me get this thing off of me?"

A few minutes of careful struggling, awkward maneuvering, and a fair few peck marks and scratches on the hands and faces of all those who had been present were rewarded with the bird finally flying away and leaving me free to rid my head of its partially constructed nest. As I brushed the last few twigs out of my head, Urahara decided to voice the question that was on everybody's mind. "All joking aside, why did you let a bird start building its nest in your hair?"

"I had to hide in a tree while I was spying on Rukia during her lunch period. It was either let it build its nest, or let it alert my quarry. Speaking of food, what's for dinner?"

"Rice, miso soup, and a few beef strips. It should be ready in about ten minutes." Tessai answered me as he headed to the back. "By the way, would you mind informing Jinta and Ururu? They haven't come down in a while."

"Sure thing. Just curious though, are you gonna be using the good beef?" I asked as I followed him towards the back before turning and heading up the stairs.


"Oh goody! What's the occasion?" He didn't answer me for a moment, almost causing me to ask again in case he didn't hear me.

"Just felt like splurging for once."

I halted on the steps as I heard the faintest hints of…melancholy? "Everything okay?"

No answer for a while. "Yes, just…reminiscing."

I doubt that's really it, but if Tessai didn't want to talk, there wasn't anything I could do to get him talking. "Alright, if you say so."

Reaching the top of the stairs, I opened the door across from me to find Ururu and Jinta tugging on Kon's arms and legs. "Mind if I ask why you're playing tug-of-war with a mod-soul stuck in a cat plushie?"

"I'M A LION! SEE THE SEXY MANE AND HEART-THROB BODY? Oh, I get it; It's the stupid flower hairpin stuck to my ear! Listen, I didn't-" It was at this point I stomped him into the floor, taking care to place my foot on top of his mouth.

"So? What's with the kitten plushie?" I felt Kon start acting up again, so I just kept putting more weight on him until he stopped twitching. I'm sure he's fine.

"We were gonna rip him open to see how a he lived in a stuffed animal." I felt him start panicking at Jinta's answer. I knew he was okay. "…We were gonna put him back together after."

"Ah, well then." I lifted my foot for a moment so the kids could grab hold of him before reaching into my inventory and pulling out an assortment of different knives, hammers, and other instruments of torture I had collected before placing them in front of two, err, three of them. "Have fun. Dinner's in ten minutes."


"Why do you think I gave them those tools?"

"GAAAAAAAHHH-" I shut the door and headed back down stairs, uncaring of the perverted mod-souls fate.


10 minutes later


"And then, to finish them off, I used the Jinta Homerun and WHAM! WOOSH! You should've seen the ball fly!" Jinta's arms moved like whirlwinds as he bragged about his day playing ball with his friends, all the members of Urahara Shop sitting around the dinner table in a near perfect circle, with Urahara at the front, then Tessai on his right, followed by Jinta, Me, Ururu, and finally the cats occupy the spot to his left.

"You don't think it's kind of cheating to use a technique?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course not! It's only cheating if you get caught, until then it's skill." Jinta crossed his arms as short burst of steam came out of his nose.

Tessai adjusted his glasses before looking towards the red-head. "Is this why you weren't doing your chores today?"

A round of halfhearted chuckles chorused around the table as Jinta broke out in sweat as his eyes shifted between Ururu and I. "W-well what about them? What were they doing all day?"

"I did all my chores and then played with Kuroashi all day." Ururu smiled, the tiniest hint of mischief in her eyes. I felt myself get a little teary-eyed at the sight of it. They grow up so fast. Sweating even more heavily than before, he pointed to me this time.

Urahara decided to answer for me. "He was too busy stalking a girl."

I snorted indignantly and pointed my chopsticks at him when the kids looked at me with wide-eyed horror and surprise. "On your orders!"

When the blond opened his mouth to counter me, probably with a denial, Yoruichi intercepted him with a near perfect fake hurt in his/her/its voice. "Kisuke! How could you! Am I not enough for you?"

"B-b-but you were there when I told him to do it!" Urahara sputtered in surprise at the sudden betrayal of the woman-turned-feline.

"I believe that makes it even worse."

Urahara gasped in shock as he turned to his right. "Et tu, Tessai? Is there no one here to call my friend?"

"I think that question kind of answers itself." Jinta told him, a smirk that looked like an odd blend of Urahara's and my own gracing his face.

"Does this mean Mr. Urahara is a lonely pervert?" Ururu's question, delivered with one hundred percent near-genuine honesty, was the final nail in the coffin as Urahara pulled out a handkerchief and began crying into it. "Don't worry Mr. Urahara, Kuroashi still likes you."

As if on cue, the small kitten turned to the shopkeeper, whose face nearly beamed with hope as Kuroashi looked up to him.

Right before turning away with his nose up.

The sight of Urahara's face at being snubbed by a cat couldn't be described in mere mortal words, only howling laughter and thinly veiled chuckling.

After a few minutes of laughing and eating, Tessai stood up and began collecting our dishes so he could wash them. I was about to leave the table when I heard Urahara's voice. "Kyle, a moment."

I looked over to him to find he had a pair of shovels, one in each of his hands. "I'd like you and Ururu to use these."

Accepting the tool, I raised my eyebrow in faux-confusion. I knew what he wanted, I just didn't have any reasonable explanation for knowing. "What do you expect me to do with this?"

"Dig a hole. Why else would I give you a shovel?" Urahara looked at me like I was an idiot. And honestly, I kind of felt like it for giving him such an obvious one. "As deep as you can before you two have to go to bed; you're going to be accompanying Yoruichi for the next few days and you need your sleep."

I nodded my head, before I starting for the door to the backyard. "Where are you going?"

This time I looked at him like he was an idiot. After all, I had no way of knowing he meant dig a hole in the training room. "To dig a hole, like you asked me too?"

"Is Ururu going outside?"

I leaned back and looked down the hallway to see that Ururu was opening the hatch to the training room, before looking at Urahara with a glare. "You did that on purpose."

"My apologizes, I thought my instructions were simple enough as is." The shopkeeper didn't even bother trying to hide his smirk behind his fan. Ouch. If one were to listen really carefully, they would hear the sound of my pride getting the shit kicked out of it. The things I do to keep my cover.

Wait, shouldn't I be getting a quest?

Dig, dig, dig dig a ho-ole


Dig a hole within the time limit (0:00:00)

Success: 8000 Exp

Failure: 800 Exp

Bonus Objectives:


1000 Exp added per bonus completed

Ah. There it is. Even has parody of a Lion King ½ song. Nice touch.


3rd Person POV


Tessai felt Kyle's energy follow Ururu into the lower level of the shop before the hatch closed and blocked his senses, absent mindedly scrubbing one of the plates as he stood alone in front of the sink before looking up towards the roof, a feeling of melancholy blooming in him, which had become increasingly common recently, as he spotted one of the few photos they kept in the shop, and the only one that had Kyle in it, taken by an amateur photographer in order to test his new camera. It hadn't taken much to 'convince' the boy to give the photo up.

It had been taken the day that they had all gone out for ice cream; Yoruichi flirting with the vendor so she could get their cones for free, Kyle pushing Jinta and Ururu on a saucer swing, and him standing next to Urahara as the two of them supervised the young ones. Tessai sighed as he returned to his task.

"I truly am going to miss these days."


Kyle's POV


After following Ururu down into the training room, we looked for a good place to start digging. I was half tempted to dig a hole right underneath the ladder as revenge for my broken pride. Would have done it too, had I not been sure Urahara would find a way to break my everything else while disguising it as training.

We didn't have to look far though. Apparently Urahara needed to take one last shot at me, because right there, in the middle of the room, was giant neon sign with the words 'DIG HERE' pointing down.

The ladder hole is looking more and more worth it.

After marking out where to dig, I promptly…disposed of the sign, and the two of us began digging. It was at times like this that I really enjoyed both my Gamer's Body and my increased stats. Rather than taking half an hour to get a few feet, Ururu and I had managed to carve out a two-meter-deep pit that spanned a at least four meters across in less than ten. It was like being in the center of an old Disney cartoon, dirt and dust flying out of the hole in veritable chunks. The best part though was after I had discovered that the activity increased both my STR and VIT. A quick party invite and Ururu was enjoying the same benefit, the two of us digging faster with each increase. The faster we dug, the easier it was to increase our STR and VIT. It was a cheap, broken, totally unfair cycle.

And it. Was. Beautiful.

Dig, dig, dig dig a ho-ole


Dig a hole within the time limit (3:00:00)

Success: 8000 Exp

Failure: 800 Exp

Bonus Objectives:


1000 Exp added per bonus completed

Quest Complete!

Three hours, and four STR and three VIT later (six and seven for Ururu, respectively), I felt tired and on top of the world as the two of us opened up the hatch and climbed out. Offering my hand to Ururu out of courtesy to help her up, I heard the shop door open and let my senses out, feeling Urahara walk in with a barely alive Ichigo on his back. Walking out to meet him, I found my senses had been only partially correct; Ichigo's badly wounded spirit form was slung on Urahara's back while his physical body was…being dragged along the ground by its ankle. "You know, it really says something that you dragging in what would normally be seen as a pair of corpses doesn't register even a hint of worry or surprise in me."

"Yes, it means you have become an Igor worthy of the great Dr. Frankenstein. Now would you mind setting up a bed in the back room?"

"Yeth, Mathter. Right away." Pulling out my best Igor face, I limped to the closet and pulled out an extra futon before heading to one of the backrooms. After setting up the futon, I watched Urahara lay down Ichigo's now shirtless physical body before placing his soul on top. The moment the two fused though, Ichigo's chest and shoulder almost exploded with as the wounds from his soul appeared on his body. I was so damn taken back that I almost missed Urahara signaling me.

"Don't look so shocked; wounds on the soul are mirrored by the body. Do you have any potions?" Shaking out of my shock I reached into my inventory and pulled a few out, handing them to the blonde before he uncorked one and shoved it into Ichigo's mouth. As the red liquid drained down Ichigo's throat, I watched as his wounds slowly closed up. So that's what it looked like on someone else. "These things sure are convenient. Would you mind if I kept a few for study?"

"Go ahead, but that was my last one. You'll have to wait until I can farm some more in my IDs."

"Hmm, you can do that tomorrow. It looks like this one will be all that's needed for tonight." On a whim, I used Observe on the downed teen. And what I saw was not pretty.

Ichigo Kurosaki

Lv: 26 Exp: 5.30%

HP: 200/200

MP: 175/175

RP: 100/440

STR: 8

VIT: 8

DEX: 8

INT: 7

WIS: 7

LUK: 6

Perks: N/A

Buffs: N/A

De-buffs: N/A

Yikes. A far cry from what he used to be. At least this way it he only needed one potion. Ichigo groaning as he started to wake up drew my attention from his meagre stats.

"Nice to see you up, Ichigo." Urahara greeted the teen as he blinked his eyes awake.

"…Mr. Hat and Clogs?" Ichigo sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking around the room. "Is this your house?"

"Correct. You are currently in one of the backrooms of the Urahara Shop. As to why you are here, the boss is the one that can answer that." I told him as I leaned against the walls with my arms crossed. Ichigo turned to Urahara, the suspicion in his eyes shining like a pair of beacons.

"Are you the one who rescued me?" Wow, could he sound anymore ungrateful?

"Judging by the tone of your voice, it almost seems like you didn't want me to save you." Ichigo looked away and gripped his shoulder in what I assumed to be in embarrassment before his eyes went wide and his head swung to stare at the aforementioned part of his body.

"What the- I'm not hurt?" Ichigo switched his gaze to Urahara. "Did you heal me?"

"As much as I would like to take credit for it, my delivery boy here is responsible for your miraculous recovery." The blonde snapped his fan towards me as I waved at Ichigo before moving and picking up my now empty potion bottle.

"More specifically, one of my potions healed you." At Ichigo's questioning gaze, I decided to elaborate. "When your job is running around the city, you tend to pick up some really interesting items."

"So that potion is the reason the inside of my mouth tastes like strawberries." Despite being phrased like a question, his tone and glare made it apparent it was a statement. I still laughed at him though. Urahara did to, but he covered his mouth with his fan. Ichigo looked like he was probably going to call me out had something not obviously clicked in his mind. "Wait, what about Uryu? I remember that he helped. Is he here too?"

"No sir. He's already gone. He lost a lot of blood, but his wound wasn't vital. Even if I had just left him there, he wouldn't have died for at least a few days, so I just treated his injury on the spot. He was worried about you when he left."

"Uryu was worried about me? Yeah, right."

"It's true. When I told him to stay and rest, he just told me to heal you. He said that the only one who could save Rukia was you."

Ichigo actually looked shocked at what Urahara told him, before his mouth curved into a self-deprecating smile. "Only me? Heh, what the hell can I do? Rukia's already gone back to the Soul Society! How can I follow her there? How the hell am I supposed to rescue her? There's no way!"

By the end of it, Ichigo had started shouting, the despair and loss evident in his voice.

"Do really you think there's no other way into the Soul Society?" The hope that blossomed on Ichigo's face was almost blinding when he heard what Urahara had said.

"You mean, there is away? How?! How can I get there? Tell me!" Ichigo practically shot to his feet. I was half afraid he was going to hit the roof.

"Of course I'll tell you. On one condition." Urahara held up his finger as he spoke. "For the next ten days, you will learn how to fight properly with me."

It almost comical, no pun intended, at how quickly Ichigo's eyes widen from shock before they squinted in rage. "What the hell? So you're telling me to train? I don't have time for that! Rukia could be executed at any time! We have to get to the Soul Society as fast as possible!"

"How exasperating." Ichigo didn't have to blink before Urahara had used his cane to shove to the floor before holding the end right in front of Ichigo's face. "The point I want to make is: you will die if you go there in your current condition."

I had to hold back my surprise as an actual sword made out of focused Reiatsu appeared around Urahara's cane. I don't know if it was because his Zanpakuto was hidden in it, but either way it freaked me out a little despite being a good few feet away. No wonder Ichigo had been, and I guess currently was being, intimidated. "Do you honestly think you can win? I let you fight those two on purpose to show you just how far out of your depth you are. You're a weakling. A weakling barging into enemy territory is suicide. Rescuing Rukia? Don't be so childish."

Urahara moved his cane a little, staring right into Ichigo's eyes as he continued speaking. "Don't use others as an excuse to go kill yourself."

I glanced to the side as Yoruichi entered my range. Or more specifically, she allowed me to know she was in my range. If she wanted to, she could have walked right next to my feet and I wouldn't have noticed until she let me.

"The Soul Society has a grace period of about a month for a maximum penalty convicts' execution. It will be the same for Rukia; so I have about ten days to torture you, then seven days to open the Senkaimon, so after you get to the Soul Society you'll have thirteen days. Plenty of time." Urahara stood up and began pacing around the room as he spoke before he glanced back to Ichigo.

Ichigo was silent for a few moments before he looked at Urahara. "In ten days, can I become stronger?"

"Of course. That is, if you truly desire to save Rukia." The blond ex-captain turned to face Ichigo. "A strong will is stronger than steel. If your determination is anything less than whole hearted, you should give up now."

Urahara locked eyes with the teen as he spoke. "For ten days, can you be seriously determined to fight?"

"If I don't do it, nobody will." Ichigo's eyes practically burned with the desired determination. "Let's do this!"




"…well, what are you waiting for? Let start training!"

"Now? Do you have any idea what time it is? Besides, your body might be healed, but your spirit is still weak. You need rest. Go home and come back after school tomorrow." Urahara started making a shoo-ing motion with his fan as I stared at him like he was an idiot. Ichigo just glared us.

As the orange-haired teen fumed and stomped out of the front door, I turned to Urahara. "Okay, what's the real reason for sending him home? He's weak; not useless."

Tapping his fan to his chin, Urahara surprised me by actually giving me a straight answer, no jokes or pride-breaking jabs at all. I briefly wondered the world was coming to an end. "Three reasons actually. Care to guess what they are?"

A new Quest has been created.

Three Reasons


Figure out what Urahara's reasons for sending Ichigo home are

Success: 1000 Exp

Failure: 100 Exp

Bonus Objectives:


I shrugged in agreement and accepted the quest before closing my eyes in thought as I mulled over the possibilities, my tongue clicking against the roof of my mouth.

If it had been like canon, it would be so Ichigo could fully heal. But thanks to me, he's already fully healed, so that's out. The obvious one is to inform his friends and family that he's going to be away for a while. What else? I suppose that Urahara might be testing if Ichigo actually meant what he said and wasn't just riding an adrenaline or excitement high. But what's the last reason? After about ten minutes of silent mulling, I grit my teeth and told Urahara the two I had managed to think up, accepting my first quest failure and telling myself that at least it was for something unimportant. Still didn't stop me from wanting to bash my head into the ground until it cracked like an egg in desperation.

"Hmm, not bad. I honestly didn't think you'd get more than one."

My eye twitched a little. "Your confidence in me is astounding, it truly is. So, what's the third reason?"

Urahara removed his fan from his chin and looked to the roof of the shop for a moment before turning away from me and answering as he headed to the door. "I thought that he should have one last day of normality before he crosses into a place he can't step back from."

I felt my gaze soften as I watched Urahara leave.

I had forgotten; underneath all that scheming and eccentricity, this was a man who had lost almost everything, who knew that he was pulling several innocent, unknowing people into a world they should never have known about and potentially sacrificing them like pawns in a century long game of shadows between him and Aizen. And like a game between a pair of masters, there was no way of knowing who won until it was already over. I felt myself starting to smile in spite of my less then joyful thoughts.

Well, let's see if I can't tip the scales a little.

AN: It's funny how often I say that I hate my own writing, but nonetheless, I do. I really do. I wonder if it's because I might have a mild case of depression, or I set my expectations too high? Maybe it's both. Anyway, on to the markers.

[1] Whether or not I do these things as actual arcs, put them in as a single 'movie chapter', have them as separate stories, or don't do them at all will likely be decided by you guys.

Sorry, no Omake this week. A friend of mine asked why I hadn't done another Smash Bros. game sheet for one of the other characters. I told him it's because I only planned to do two or three characters from the get go.

And not because I hadn't shown enough of the other characters to actually make one. Definitely not that.